this image contains text
feb 96 news
rile is hERE... rile. some of you are probably wondering what the hell does rile
mean?, or uh.. what does rile stand for? .. well, the word rile
itself means 1. to vex anger.. 2. to stir up unsettle roil ..
thats exactly why it was formed. a little while ago, me and enzyme
yeah, my personal bitz on irc were thinking umm .. im sick of
all these groups coming and going, like leaves in the wind .. ..
so that basically led us to starting a couple previous groups sliver
and sip that basically never got going due to lack of blah etc what
ever.. after that, we were kinda disappointed, so we said to ourselves
damnit .. lets get a *real* group going.. and keep it alive.. so
here we are now, forming rile. this is the farthest weve gone in
forming a group so far, and people say were doing a good job.. many
thanks to all of those who inspired.. the second meaning, being stir
up, etc etc.. is exactly what we will try to do. we want to make our
selves known in the art scene. we want to make our mark. that also
leads us to the acronym of rile... regiment in a lasting empire. we
hopefully: will try to keep rile going for as long as possible. basic-
ally all were in this is to have fun, and see what we can do with a
group of our own. so, i hope you enjoyed the meaning of rile :
yea right. grin
s o me m o r e..
with the first pack, we have to introduce some people, eh? just so you
sorta know who these people are. first is one of our talented vgaists
and also cofounder enzyme. he helped form this group, and is a powerful
asset to the group. he has sorta his own style, so look for more from
him in the future. next off, we have darkseed. he is the one who helped
deceit a group that contained old shock members, a 513 based group merge
into rile to bring us some very talented members. muh man darkseed also
helps out by doing some ansi and ass-keys. fatslayer is our head coder.
he codes. he codes wreeely wreely good. he made us some nice toys to
play with. : h0h0hooo.. ookaayy... demize is one guy who just plain
rEWLs at ass-key .. hehe .. he helped out with a couple peices of work,
thanks a lot demize ... dark soul is our head vga guy doin some kick ass
shit for the group. keep it up brotha! psycho is coding and doing some
coolio ansi for us. he resides with us here in 606 : this could go on
forever you know. point is, we have quality here. we try our best to
bring you people in art-land some neeto leeto work! so everyone in rile,
keep up the good work.. we know you can. i will mention all sometime :
umm .. policy?!
ok.. this goes to all members. some of you have asked me questions like
when should i turn everything for the pack in? or how many peices do i
have to submit a month?. well, im here to answer those important ques-
tions : .. the policy is that if you dont submit something within a 2
month period, well just simply boot ya out. simple, eh? ok. remeber,
dont tell me i didnt say so. because.. well. i just did. : next...
final notes?!
well ... its been fun .. and i can smell a good future with rile ... if
you feel like you want to join, then join! we always need some new young
blood. : talent is what were looking for, and i know you all out there
have it.. so dont be shy, sign up, and take the plunge! yeah! yeah! ok..
also, attention all ansi artist: we currently have the ansi head division
UNASSIGNED/UNFILLED/EMPTY/etc.. in other words, if you are reeeally good
at ansi, sign up, and you may have a spot in a high possition. fill out
the application generator, and like.. if you see me flame or enzyme or
darkseed on irc, dcc the sucka on up! either that, or email the app with
a submission of some work to: fl901@iglou.com : OR, if you want to, call
the xfiles rile co-whq at 1.606.277.8324, and send the app and some work
through matrix feedback. no acct is necessary for this option. welp, that
about wraps this newsletter up... just remember .. keep drawing, vgaing,
coding, and never give up! .. rile96 - flame
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------greets: enzyme, darkseed, pixel pusher, sb, sinister x, hal, noot, and every
one in rile, ansi, and ice. acid sucks now, but used to be leet:
feb 96 news
rile is hERE... rile. some of you are probably wondering what the hell does rile
mean?, or uh.. what does rile stand for? .. well, the word rile
itself means 1. to vex anger.. 2. to stir up unsettle roil ..
thats exactly why it was formed. a little while ago, me and enzyme
yeah, my personal bitz on irc were thinking umm .. im sick of
all these groups coming and going, like leaves in the wind .. ..
so that basically led us to starting a couple previous groups sliver
and sip that basically never got going due to lack of blah etc what
ever.. after that, we were kinda disappointed, so we said to ourselves
damnit .. lets get a *real* group going.. and keep it alive.. so
here we are now, forming rile. this is the farthest weve gone in
forming a group so far, and people say were doing a good job.. many
thanks to all of those who inspired.. the second meaning, being stir
up, etc etc.. is exactly what we will try to do. we want to make our
selves known in the art scene. we want to make our mark. that also
leads us to the acronym of rile... regiment in a lasting empire. we
hopefully: will try to keep rile going for as long as possible. basic-
ally all were in this is to have fun, and see what we can do with a
group of our own. so, i hope you enjoyed the meaning of rile :
yea right. grin
s o me m o r e..
with the first pack, we have to introduce some people, eh? just so you
sorta know who these people are. first is one of our talented vgaists
and also cofounder enzyme. he helped form this group, and is a powerful
asset to the group. he has sorta his own style, so look for more from
him in the future. next off, we have darkseed. he is the one who helped
deceit a group that contained old shock members, a 513 based group merge
into rile to bring us some very talented members. muh man darkseed also
helps out by doing some ansi and ass-keys. fatslayer is our head coder.
he codes. he codes wreeely wreely good. he made us some nice toys to
play with. : h0h0hooo.. ookaayy... demize is one guy who just plain
rEWLs at ass-key .. hehe .. he helped out with a couple peices of work,
thanks a lot demize ... dark soul is our head vga guy doin some kick ass
shit for the group. keep it up brotha! psycho is coding and doing some
coolio ansi for us. he resides with us here in 606 : this could go on
forever you know. point is, we have quality here. we try our best to
bring you people in art-land some neeto leeto work! so everyone in rile,
keep up the good work.. we know you can. i will mention all sometime :
umm .. policy?!
ok.. this goes to all members. some of you have asked me questions like
when should i turn everything for the pack in? or how many peices do i
have to submit a month?. well, im here to answer those important ques-
tions : .. the policy is that if you dont submit something within a 2
month period, well just simply boot ya out. simple, eh? ok. remeber,
dont tell me i didnt say so. because.. well. i just did. : next...
final notes?!
well ... its been fun .. and i can smell a good future with rile ... if
you feel like you want to join, then join! we always need some new young
blood. : talent is what were looking for, and i know you all out there
have it.. so dont be shy, sign up, and take the plunge! yeah! yeah! ok..
also, attention all ansi artist: we currently have the ansi head division
UNASSIGNED/UNFILLED/EMPTY/etc.. in other words, if you are reeeally good
at ansi, sign up, and you may have a spot in a high possition. fill out
the application generator, and like.. if you see me flame or enzyme or
darkseed on irc, dcc the sucka on up! either that, or email the app with
a submission of some work to: fl901@iglou.com : OR, if you want to, call
the xfiles rile co-whq at 1.606.277.8324, and send the app and some work
through matrix feedback. no acct is necessary for this option. welp, that
about wraps this newsletter up... just remember .. keep drawing, vgaing,
coding, and never give up! .. rile96 - flame
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------greets: enzyme, darkseed, pixel pusher, sb, sinister x, hal, noot, and every
one in rile, ansi, and ice. acid sucks now, but used to be leet:
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