this image contains text
r a d i a t i o n b o o m
- sites and meMbers listing -
february 1998
artpack 6
a r t division
YBERPUNCh Ph?! group founder / ansi
Klutch k1 ascii
Darkgod tdg ascii
Deflector dFR ascii
Dr. Oxy dRO ascii
X-Rocker x-R ascii
diAMONd dMd ansi
new madhog mh ascii
ERASER ESR hi - rez
WZ Artworx WZ hi - rez
Hacker John hJ hi - rez
new SlidER - hi - rez
SkV - bbs courier
Curator ctR bbs courier
o t a k u
j a p a n e z e
h a c k e r s
v g a s u b -
d i v i s i o n
o f R i B
new Deathloader hi - rez
new THX-1138 hi - rez
new OSSi hi - rez
new ANDY CAZAN hi - rez
new SuPERViSoR hi - rez / web design
new Dr.PAUL coding
new SPoT hi - rez / video
NukedBro bRO music divizion master
new Psycho dJP music
ascent.coding divizion of rib
Hacker John hJ code divizion master
Jungle Lord jL ppe coding
Romirozzz Rz coding
new Shadowminder sM coding
b o a r d s
23-08 cyberpunks Ph?! WHQ +7-095-9061259
24 burning desire cockroach SHQ +41-628274118
23-08 x-temple ESR MBR +7-095-3912624
00-06 encounter dFR MBR +7-095-3522683
23-08 doomsday SkV MBR +7-095-7113597
23-07 dream land TRiCe DST +7-095-4725855
23-07 poj SR DST +7-095-2881882
00-06 gangsta house chIller DST +7-095-2802007
s t u f f
How to contact with us .
Try using our e-mail : cybpunk@aha.ru
or netmail : 2:5020/877.17@fidonet.org
Or try to find someone on the channel RiB on EFnet ...
Greeetz :
Radiation boom group info file. Drawed by Ph?!
Last updated 17.02.98
- sites and meMbers listing -
february 1998
artpack 6
a r t division
YBERPUNCh Ph?! group founder / ansi
Klutch k1 ascii
Darkgod tdg ascii
Deflector dFR ascii
Dr. Oxy dRO ascii
X-Rocker x-R ascii
diAMONd dMd ansi
new madhog mh ascii
ERASER ESR hi - rez
WZ Artworx WZ hi - rez
Hacker John hJ hi - rez
new SlidER - hi - rez
SkV - bbs courier
Curator ctR bbs courier
o t a k u
j a p a n e z e
h a c k e r s
v g a s u b -
d i v i s i o n
o f R i B
new Deathloader hi - rez
new THX-1138 hi - rez
new OSSi hi - rez
new ANDY CAZAN hi - rez
new SuPERViSoR hi - rez / web design
new Dr.PAUL coding
new SPoT hi - rez / video
NukedBro bRO music divizion master
new Psycho dJP music
ascent.coding divizion of rib
Hacker John hJ code divizion master
Jungle Lord jL ppe coding
Romirozzz Rz coding
new Shadowminder sM coding
b o a r d s
23-08 cyberpunks Ph?! WHQ +7-095-9061259
24 burning desire cockroach SHQ +41-628274118
23-08 x-temple ESR MBR +7-095-3912624
00-06 encounter dFR MBR +7-095-3522683
23-08 doomsday SkV MBR +7-095-7113597
23-07 dream land TRiCe DST +7-095-4725855
23-07 poj SR DST +7-095-2881882
00-06 gangsta house chIller DST +7-095-2802007
s t u f f
How to contact with us .
Try using our e-mail : cybpunk@aha.ru
or netmail : 2:5020/877.17@fidonet.org
Or try to find someone on the channel RiB on EFnet ...
Greeetz :
Radiation boom group info file. Drawed by Ph?!
Last updated 17.02.98
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