this image contains text
written by Tiny tiny@cafeet.pp.se
Chapter One - The Meeting
With a big KRAK the immense stone club hit the table, splitting it in half.
Spineripper was really enjoying himself, the humans had stood up with quite
a fight. Especially the men around the cart, they had fought really hard,
some of the clan had even suffered some slight wounds from the combat. Now
he was chasing the round man who had been hiding under the table in the cart.
He had looked eminent, but now he was just a crawling figure on the ground
in his colorful clothes begging them to let him go. But he would make a great
snack before the feast.
The engagement was over and the ground in the clearing was crimson red of
remains from the battle. Here and there a troll sat chewing on a bone.
Spineripper was really happy with the loot, it was full of gems and quite a
lot of the yellow metal crap that the humans seemed to value so much. He
couldnt understand why, couldnt be eaten and wasnt good for anything, but
they usually kept it just to annoy the humans. But the gems were really good,
nothing is tastier than a fine diamond or jewel. Yes the troll have teeth
that excel even diamonds in strength. There was also about 10 tasty horses.
Yes it would be fine feast tonight. There was also a few of them fragile
things that his brother Akrug liked so much. Akrug never wanted to come with
them on their plunders. He just sat in his cave looking into one of the
fragile things or boks as he called them, or walking about in the forest
without bashing any of the animals. That is the most strange thing about
Akrug, he never bashes anything not even wild boars.
Meanwhile back in the cave Akrug sat reading one of his many books. He had
never cared much about going around bashing things and then eating them. It
seemed so pointless. And for eating live things, he couldnt even bring
himself to eat flowers so he was on a constant diet of stone. He had a codex
that he would never kill anything. So there he sat chewing on a piece of
granite shrugging to the thought of what his clan probably was doing to
some innocent people who had been unfortunate enough to be in their way.
But that was just the way things are.
He couldnt help feeling superior. He had an insight into things in a way
the others of clan could only dream of. And his brother Spineripper who was
head of the clan often asked him for advice on what to do. Spineripper is a
natural leader, looking very ferocious and grim. Around his neck he wears a
necklace made of Vertebrae from his victims, it went around his neck 3 times
as it was now and he was still going strong. He also has the biggest club
in the whole clan. A three arms long branch with a big sharp stone through
Trolls lurching In the forest waiting for,
the humans perched upon great white horses,
the unaware coming food for the day
the upcoming bashing feast!
Da Hunt - Akrug BoneSpitter
Akrug put the book down when he heard the first sounds of the coming trolls,
they sounded really cheerful and satisfied. The looting must have been good.
He replaced the book in the shelf. His little cave stacked with books in
bookshelves and in piles on the floor, in a corner there was some hay for
sleeping on. He had also a table in the middle of the room, with a candle
and a chair. It all smelled of stone. Unlike the others caves he had neither
unfinished bones lying in corners nor raw meat stacked somewhere in a corner
and was lacking the general stench of rotting meat and shit.
He carefully stuck his head out of the cave opening. They were all back, some
of them limping but otherwise they seemed to be okay. Spineripper was up
front carrying a big chest that looked very heavy.
- Hey Spineripper, whats in the chest? ,he called out as they came within
- In mah box? Juz da loot. ,Spineripper answered. An sum of dem boks you
like so much.
- Oh good, well Im going to take a walk in forest now, you can drop the
books outside my cave.
- Uh shure I make dat latah. Now we FEAST! Are ye sure ye dont want enny
food? We got sum horshes.
- No I dont think so, but thanks all the same.
He always tried not to be near the trolls when they started feasting. It
made him feel sick and he didnt enjoy being bashed by drunken trolls.
Because a drunken troll is just about the most dangerous thing there is.
Especially if he has drunken some of old Maltbashers spirits.
Oh feast oh feast
oh feast of carcass
oh feast of bashed remains
oh feast of crimson soup
oh feast of crunchy bones
Da troll feast - Akrug BoneSpitter
Akrugs favorite place was a tarn that resided deep in the forest. He could
sit for hours looking into the dark waters. It was as dark as night, like if
light couldnt even touch it, it only bounced off. Akrug has a lot of
friends, most animals loved him because he helped them, and so they helped
him, by telling him tales of things outside the forest, that he couldnt see
from his mountain. They told him of fair maidens and great kings, grim
dragons and great battles against the green goblins and their kin. And of
magick and great sorcerers that traveled through the kingdom seeking
knowledge and power.
Akrug really wanted to talk to a sorcerer, and often told his friends to
tell him if a sorcerer was near. So that he could go and have a chat with
him. But there never seemed to be any around, they were always elsewhere.
Sometimes when sitting up on the mountain top at night he could see great
sparks of magick crashing down somewhere followed by a big bang. Once the
magick struck outside his cave, but before he got out the sorcerer had
What is magick?
A great blast from heaven?
The hatching of a bird?
A fish swimming upstream in a river?
Day being conquered by night?
Or perhaps the gift of speech.
Magick - Akrug BoneSpitter
Today he sat all alone looking into the tarn, when suddenly there was a loud SNAP somewhere behind him. A faint Oh buggers! could be heard from the same direction. Akrug sat all still by the tarn, after a few minutes a man stepped out into the clearing. He wore a very colorful robe and on his head he wore a pointy hat. In his hands he held a very embellished and very broken staff. It had been broken in half. The man didnt notice Akrug in his rage and kept on mumbling a lot of phrases that shouldnt be mentioned here.
- Excuse me, are you perhaps a wizard? ,Akrug asked cautiously.
- Who said that? Come out so that I can see you!
- I am here, and you dont have to be afraid I am not like the others. ,Akrug
said Standing up. He was almost twice as wide as the man and a lot taller.
-Uh oh please dont, cant you just let me go away?
- I just said you shouldnt be afraid of me. I dont bash things and I
certainly dont eat anything thats been alive. But are you?
- So youre not one of them who I saw bashing my lord. Am I what?
- Yes I am. But not one of them. I mean we are in the same clan but I dont
plunder and loot. Are you a wizard?
- Aha and Yes, and if you do anything that makes me feel threatened I am
gonna turn you into a frog!
- Oh I would enjoy that. But even better would be a bird, so that I could
fly away and see other kingdoms and perhaps even a king or a maiden
- Oh, well actually I cant do any magick because my staff is broken, and I
lost my scrolls when the trolls attacked us.
- Well my brother brought me back some books from their plunder today, your
books might very well be there. If youd like you could come with me to
my cave and hear some of my poems. And we could get your books.
- Wait a minute, your home. Isnt that their home? And if I come wont they
bash my head in and eat me?
- Well of course they would, they are trolls, but they cant bash you if
they cannot see you. So just stay with me and nothing will happen.
- Oh well ok then. But remember if you do anything strange Ill turn you
into stone! Oh, well ah, Buggers well just please dont.
- Ok I wont. Now lets go, its a long way home.
A drafty cave,
A swaying treetop,
A damp hole in the ground,
A hollow oak,
A great castle,
What is home exactly?
Home - Akrug BoneSpitter
End Of Chapter One
written by Tiny tiny@cafeet.pp.se
Chapter One - The Meeting
With a big KRAK the immense stone club hit the table, splitting it in half.
Spineripper was really enjoying himself, the humans had stood up with quite
a fight. Especially the men around the cart, they had fought really hard,
some of the clan had even suffered some slight wounds from the combat. Now
he was chasing the round man who had been hiding under the table in the cart.
He had looked eminent, but now he was just a crawling figure on the ground
in his colorful clothes begging them to let him go. But he would make a great
snack before the feast.
The engagement was over and the ground in the clearing was crimson red of
remains from the battle. Here and there a troll sat chewing on a bone.
Spineripper was really happy with the loot, it was full of gems and quite a
lot of the yellow metal crap that the humans seemed to value so much. He
couldnt understand why, couldnt be eaten and wasnt good for anything, but
they usually kept it just to annoy the humans. But the gems were really good,
nothing is tastier than a fine diamond or jewel. Yes the troll have teeth
that excel even diamonds in strength. There was also about 10 tasty horses.
Yes it would be fine feast tonight. There was also a few of them fragile
things that his brother Akrug liked so much. Akrug never wanted to come with
them on their plunders. He just sat in his cave looking into one of the
fragile things or boks as he called them, or walking about in the forest
without bashing any of the animals. That is the most strange thing about
Akrug, he never bashes anything not even wild boars.
Meanwhile back in the cave Akrug sat reading one of his many books. He had
never cared much about going around bashing things and then eating them. It
seemed so pointless. And for eating live things, he couldnt even bring
himself to eat flowers so he was on a constant diet of stone. He had a codex
that he would never kill anything. So there he sat chewing on a piece of
granite shrugging to the thought of what his clan probably was doing to
some innocent people who had been unfortunate enough to be in their way.
But that was just the way things are.
He couldnt help feeling superior. He had an insight into things in a way
the others of clan could only dream of. And his brother Spineripper who was
head of the clan often asked him for advice on what to do. Spineripper is a
natural leader, looking very ferocious and grim. Around his neck he wears a
necklace made of Vertebrae from his victims, it went around his neck 3 times
as it was now and he was still going strong. He also has the biggest club
in the whole clan. A three arms long branch with a big sharp stone through
Trolls lurching In the forest waiting for,
the humans perched upon great white horses,
the unaware coming food for the day
the upcoming bashing feast!
Da Hunt - Akrug BoneSpitter
Akrug put the book down when he heard the first sounds of the coming trolls,
they sounded really cheerful and satisfied. The looting must have been good.
He replaced the book in the shelf. His little cave stacked with books in
bookshelves and in piles on the floor, in a corner there was some hay for
sleeping on. He had also a table in the middle of the room, with a candle
and a chair. It all smelled of stone. Unlike the others caves he had neither
unfinished bones lying in corners nor raw meat stacked somewhere in a corner
and was lacking the general stench of rotting meat and shit.
He carefully stuck his head out of the cave opening. They were all back, some
of them limping but otherwise they seemed to be okay. Spineripper was up
front carrying a big chest that looked very heavy.
- Hey Spineripper, whats in the chest? ,he called out as they came within
- In mah box? Juz da loot. ,Spineripper answered. An sum of dem boks you
like so much.
- Oh good, well Im going to take a walk in forest now, you can drop the
books outside my cave.
- Uh shure I make dat latah. Now we FEAST! Are ye sure ye dont want enny
food? We got sum horshes.
- No I dont think so, but thanks all the same.
He always tried not to be near the trolls when they started feasting. It
made him feel sick and he didnt enjoy being bashed by drunken trolls.
Because a drunken troll is just about the most dangerous thing there is.
Especially if he has drunken some of old Maltbashers spirits.
Oh feast oh feast
oh feast of carcass
oh feast of bashed remains
oh feast of crimson soup
oh feast of crunchy bones
Da troll feast - Akrug BoneSpitter
Akrugs favorite place was a tarn that resided deep in the forest. He could
sit for hours looking into the dark waters. It was as dark as night, like if
light couldnt even touch it, it only bounced off. Akrug has a lot of
friends, most animals loved him because he helped them, and so they helped
him, by telling him tales of things outside the forest, that he couldnt see
from his mountain. They told him of fair maidens and great kings, grim
dragons and great battles against the green goblins and their kin. And of
magick and great sorcerers that traveled through the kingdom seeking
knowledge and power.
Akrug really wanted to talk to a sorcerer, and often told his friends to
tell him if a sorcerer was near. So that he could go and have a chat with
him. But there never seemed to be any around, they were always elsewhere.
Sometimes when sitting up on the mountain top at night he could see great
sparks of magick crashing down somewhere followed by a big bang. Once the
magick struck outside his cave, but before he got out the sorcerer had
What is magick?
A great blast from heaven?
The hatching of a bird?
A fish swimming upstream in a river?
Day being conquered by night?
Or perhaps the gift of speech.
Magick - Akrug BoneSpitter
Today he sat all alone looking into the tarn, when suddenly there was a loud SNAP somewhere behind him. A faint Oh buggers! could be heard from the same direction. Akrug sat all still by the tarn, after a few minutes a man stepped out into the clearing. He wore a very colorful robe and on his head he wore a pointy hat. In his hands he held a very embellished and very broken staff. It had been broken in half. The man didnt notice Akrug in his rage and kept on mumbling a lot of phrases that shouldnt be mentioned here.
- Excuse me, are you perhaps a wizard? ,Akrug asked cautiously.
- Who said that? Come out so that I can see you!
- I am here, and you dont have to be afraid I am not like the others. ,Akrug
said Standing up. He was almost twice as wide as the man and a lot taller.
-Uh oh please dont, cant you just let me go away?
- I just said you shouldnt be afraid of me. I dont bash things and I
certainly dont eat anything thats been alive. But are you?
- So youre not one of them who I saw bashing my lord. Am I what?
- Yes I am. But not one of them. I mean we are in the same clan but I dont
plunder and loot. Are you a wizard?
- Aha and Yes, and if you do anything that makes me feel threatened I am
gonna turn you into a frog!
- Oh I would enjoy that. But even better would be a bird, so that I could
fly away and see other kingdoms and perhaps even a king or a maiden
- Oh, well actually I cant do any magick because my staff is broken, and I
lost my scrolls when the trolls attacked us.
- Well my brother brought me back some books from their plunder today, your
books might very well be there. If youd like you could come with me to
my cave and hear some of my poems. And we could get your books.
- Wait a minute, your home. Isnt that their home? And if I come wont they
bash my head in and eat me?
- Well of course they would, they are trolls, but they cant bash you if
they cannot see you. So just stay with me and nothing will happen.
- Oh well ok then. But remember if you do anything strange Ill turn you
into stone! Oh, well ah, Buggers well just please dont.
- Ok I wont. Now lets go, its a long way home.
A drafty cave,
A swaying treetop,
A damp hole in the ground,
A hollow oak,
A great castle,
What is home exactly?
Home - Akrug BoneSpitter
End Of Chapter One
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