this image contains text
rexia issue numbah 1
P d,g8 ,gp**qg, ,g8PTb.g 8g.88g, ,g8P dggn
i,, i, Tb dP : T:.T
b , b d i b b:
!, g ,! ,nL i b T
b S ,P kal8 dP Ta !
S ng@ d Tb P
g, , ! dL db , ! ,d
b, 8bndb db Tb Snnn,
wELcome tO tHe wONderFUl wOrLd oF rEXia!
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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Ok, well I am gonna start this introduction out by saying, this
zine is done out of pure fun and if you think its lame, boring, stupid
or anything else, go fuck yourself cause we enjoy doing this for the
enjoyment alone and for your lame ass bITCHs to sit there and ridicule
what we do. Ok nOW dAT i got dat shit off my mind, i can get into the
important shit about dis zine! Dis zine is gonna be a fUCkIN tOKED
oUT gANGStAh bITCH informational zine about the scene, irc, gr00ps, and
some oTHAh sHIET! For those of you people that nevah heard of me, the
almighty irOnman, i am a aSKEe pimp who WAS in cia!i recentle left
For this first issue we have some quality writers thanks to some help
from puppet mastah and mUH sKILZ. Well enough of muh senseless pUNK
ass babbaling! I am passin da mic to the co-founder of rexia........
puppet mastah.
yO,yO,yO! Whaz up yall - Puppet Mastah in da mofo house!
Between lightin upda chronic and gettin yelled at for bad grades it is
a wonder I had time to write this stupid shit at all! Well I had an
idea bout 6 months back to start a mag but I said fuck it cuz its too
much work. A zine, on the other hand, is the easiest fucking thing to
do! And being the lover of Dogma that I am, I decided to take part in
rEXIa which irOnman first had ideas about! This zine is for fun and
enjoyment so we dont wanna hear any negative shit about the zine! If
you dont like it than keep it to yourself and dont download it any-
more. No one is forcing you niggaz to read this shiznitz so dont
unless you want to. Now that I am past that just kick-back, light-up,
and soak in dis sheeiat! Now to KHZ......
AaAaAaAhhhhh.. my turn... All this is killa hertz speakin to you from
the raddest damn zine in the scene.. FiRst off, a little introduction
for you allll.. In case you have no clue who the hell i am,its killa
hertz as was said before... i am in ACiD ascii and do some ansi for
the crew of UnIoN!..... I am relatively new to the scene its been about
2 years now since i was first accepted into The bad assed group call
LAPSE.. damn, can you even remember that group? : i have been moving
around quite a damn bit and one time i was actually a part of 11 groups at
once.. ahaha.. well anyway enough about my ass, lets get on to the zine..
ironman foundah
puppet mastah s-editor
killa hertz s-editor
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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,c@S- tABle oF cOnteNTs -S@c,
1 ThE dEatH oF lIT -puppet mastah!-
2 mTv anD mUSic! -sigmATa!-
3 DaH sCenE -irOnman!-
4 MoDdIng gRooPs?! -lUpint!-
5 IrC sCryPTs -irOnman!-
6 pUnc!! -puppet mastah!-
7 mUh lIFe! -puppet mastah!-
8 hACker on AOL -mcp!-
9 TgUArd LIt -puppet mastah!-
1o Da AscIi scEne -killa hertz!-
11 muH vi3w!! -jestor-
12 IntERview w/ sw -ironman-
13 gReetz fRom staff -dA sTAFF fOO!-
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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,c@S- puPpet MaStaH sHoUTiNg aBouT SheEiAt -S@c,
y0y0y0...whazup fellahz?!..Da MasTeR of TheM strinGy FrieNdS is HeRe..
dA PuPpeT mAStEr comin atcha in full affect! For this groovey article I
decided that I would talk a lil bit about muh field. The LiT field. Phear
us PoEm bOYz!!!!..hehe...j/k we are RaD!!...: I have been part of a lit
group or too in my time and it always seems that they go unnoticed for some
reason or another.
One of my most admirable persons in the scene would have to be the
StraNgEr of SAZ soulz at zero a horror lit group. If you never checked
out a pack than you b3tt3r bcuz they be Phat as hEll!
Now time to make my point. I am friends with a lot of guys who are in the
new askee group BaSiC..they have been talked about till ya go dry in da
mouf but they have only released like 1-2 packs I dont remember how many.
Now SaZ on the other hand just released their 19th pack in a row. Now tell
me --honestly-- how many of you have heard of SaZ and if you have how many of
you dorks have actually looked at a pack. The majority of you will be as
blank in da head as rosa lopez was in da JUICE trial.
If you were to actually look at a SaZ pack you would see many great horror
short stories along with a great viewer with some pretty damn spooky music
in the back-round to really set the scene. It is a well thought out group
that gets absolutely no recognition for anything that they do.
You tell da prez of a group you wanna join. He says okay..whata ya wanna
apply fer..you say lit ...he says HAHAHHAHHA!!!!
Funk DaT! Literature can be used in real life as an occupation or a way to
express ones anger so you may make fun of it in the scene but at least it
can be used in the real world unlike ansi or loaders or any other shit.
Another important point that I would like to make is: have you ever heard
of a literature artist who asked for money to do a lit for someone? NO!
We do it because we like it and that is all. Some of those ansi people out
there and you know who you are only do it for money..and that is not what
it should be done for. It is supposed to be fun.
The death of lit groups has been plaguing the scene ever since I joined
it over a year ago and I think that it is time to stop. Give some credit to
the members of lit groups out there. They do lit because they enjoy it and
they should not be critized or ridiculed in that matter. Respect their likes
and they will expect yours which most of them do.
I would just like to say thanx to some groovey lit guys out there such as:
Miasma, Terminal Velocity, Edicius, Mr. E, the Stranger, Luke Skywalker and
all the others out there who are not ashamed of what they enjoy doing.
I would like to conclude this article by saying that this may not seem
like my afro-puffed usual self but this is a topic that I feel very
strongly about and felt that it needed addressing.
I hope that this will shed some light on the topic of lit groups and I
am looking forward to seeing some new literature based groups develop in the
That is about all fer me you NiGGaHZ...tIme To go and LiGHt uP dAt BowL
oF LyRiCaL HyDRo!!!! PHeaR mE aND aLL mUh aFrO aMerIcAn DeScENdAntS!!
puppet mastahs-editor
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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,c@S- mTv aNd muSIc S@s,
* Message Reading Music ?/help : 61
---------------------------------------------- ld!
-- -the ravaged nightmare+--
fO rEXIa daH 61/61 repto : :
sHIznITz +--+----------+-+--+
-+- 02/04/96 at 10:30p
-From : stigmata pIMP!
.To : All :
- Subj : MTV .
Is it just me or does any band on mtv or z100 become a poser band. i
mean for example, the presidents of the usa. i mean look at these guys.
they are fucking complete goofs with no talent. and yet they are selling
millions of albums everyday to poor poser ass mtv brain washed loosers. i
mean they have absolutely no talent.
damn just to let you all know, im starting my own band called NUTSAC. no
one else is aloud in either, its just going to be me. and im not going to
use instruments either. NO WAY. im just going to beat my nutsac with a
hammer into a microphone. it will become a buzz clip and be played every 5
minutes on z100. i will be rich and own the world. i will be every 13 year
olds idol. everyone will be running around town beating there nutsacs. i
will be famous. so phear me!
leet: n definition 1 of 1 see stigmata.
Well that was an article i wrote on a board im co-sysop on. But oh well
enough about that. Everything i mentioned is true. ITS FUCKING RETARDED.
I mean seriously. They have no talent and yet they are making soooo much
money. MTV and z100 should be fucking wiped out. They are now huge. There
is no stopping it. They own the music industry and there is nothing you can
do about it.
Im not saying that selling millions of records is selling out. But the
whole goal of a band is to get known and make money. Mtv is a quick way to
accomplish this. People always say I liked NIN before they got big, now they
are a poser band and suck. What did you want trent and the gang to do? Be
poor and fucking produce good music. Good only being because they are not
mainstream. Face it kiddies all these bands are in it for money. Not for the
greatness of making the music. Strictly for money. Money makes the world
go round. The only band going to defend is greenday. THEY JUST SUCK period
its not MTVs or any radio stations fault for playing there music. They
just have no talent. :
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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,c@S- mUH sHIZnItZ c0MpLAINtS!!!!!! -S@c,
wHazzup nIGAhS. Dis is ir0nman with another dope ass article
for all muh fellow ircers! Im chillin here in muh smoked filled
room smokin muh nEWPORts thinkin of what to bore you with now!!
Well me, the genious that I am, couldnt think of jack shit so I
started to think about what these other zines and mags write about..
..the sCENE?!@ ....and how pathetic it is gETTIN?!@ Funk dat, I
am gettin sick of some of you people out there complain about the
scene!! I mean are we forcing you to become lifeless and stare at
a screen with a bunch of words that hypnotize your mind?! NO! All
some of you do is complain about all the lamahs that are infesting
our tOTALY elite channels! wTF is this shit....I mean some of these
assholes blow their load after ban-kickin someone because they have
an argument with one of their bOYZ! believe me, it happened to me
LetZ just put it dis way, if you actually feel the urge to fight
someone on irc cuz they pISSed you off, then you should just fuckin
take your modem and sMASH it over your head! I mEan, even I, had
to take a reality check....here i was on irc and getting mad cuz mUh
frIenD didnt waNNa see my askii i did!!! s0 then i fLASHED his asS...
wHY?!@ dID iT make me feel bETTeR?!@ diD I gET a ChuBBy?!?@ NO. I
was just too damn serious about dA sceNe!! bUt now I am a sMOKED
oUT f00 wiT buDs on Muh Mine
AnD juSt oNe mORe thinG beFOrE i spark uP muh bowl.....tHe ego on irc is
gettin REALLY pathetic...some of these fuckin people sit on there like they
got a broom up their ass!! Is iT just me or do sOMe of these elITe mothah
fuckahs are just too gOOd to even talk to the pEOple in aNsi or is tHE
only reason they even bother go on irc is to show off their handle?!@ Who
knows and wHo caREz.......
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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,c@S- bBs MoDDiNg gRoOps! -S@c,
Sup fellas... Its luptin here writin his first article for rexia.. ok.. I
decided to write an article, but i couldnt think of a topic, so i was
looking at the packs that I had gotten so far this month and none of them
were like bbs modding groups! Then I started thinking, I havent seen much
to do with bbs modding groups at all lately. The only ones that have been
around for any amount of time that i know are still alive are tric and tms!
A few months ago there was tons of them.. firm, cream, illness, and a whole
bunch more.. Why did this whole trend of modding groups die? They served a
good purpose in the scene, because they provided easy ways to change your
board and make it look better without having to program itself. I know that
alot of groups do put out a few in some of there packs.. but there isnt
many now that specialize in it. With everyone starting a ansi group nowadays,
people should think about starting a new modding group instead. It will do
much more good for the scene and everyone that runs a board. Another question
i had about bbs modding groups, why do/did most of them just do renegade
stuff.. i know at least in my area 609 there isnt many rene boards around
at all.. well come to think of it.. theres not much of anything but wwiv
boards i know there is elsewhere, but im sure theres plenty that run obv,
iniquity, impulse, eternity, etc.. gee im starting to ramble.. as you see
im not a very good writer.. but i hope this article just makes you think..
thats it from me..
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
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,c@S- ScRyPTs On IrC -S@s,
wHAZZuP nIGGAhs, Dis is irOnMan wit anothah fuckin rhyme
for your eleet asss! fOR dIs neXt article eYE am gOna diScuSS
the different types of irc scrypts, and that coolio shit!! wEll
Well LeTs SEE, first I am gonna list all of the different scrypts
that i have used or just tried, then i think i will give you muh
thoughts on how shitty they are or if I think they are good! ..
1 sPliTsUrfeR.irc 8
2 phOeNix.irc 5
3 iRcUzi.irc 4
4 maL.irc 2
5 vEnOm.irc 9
6 teXtboX.irc 8
Ok nIGGahS, theSe are all the scrypts that i bothered to try
on irc....and well.....i would say that half of them are good, and
the other half can suc muH nUT! I aLso rAted thEM oN mUh opinion..
MY OPINION, not yourS! mine!...so i Dont wanna here shit cause i
think one is good and the other isnt!!
,c@S- splitsurfer -S@c,
Ok nIgahs, well lez see....what can i say about splitsurfer....well I have
used it alot lately, but my feelings toward the script have changed a bit. I
mean it is a good script, It gives most of the options you need to get around
on irc, but there is just something that is not there! MuH opinion is that a
good scrypt, should also have a good color scheme! ...i know i sound st0pid
but thats what i think......When i use splitsurfer, i get confused easily
between the conversations on different channels. I still gave splitsurfer a
8 because i feel that the options are good for the average irc user!
,c@S- pHOenix -S@c,
Hmmm, phoenix.irc, what can you say about that? Well phoenix is not that
bad, it is just for a inexperienced irc user...kinda like them lamahs that
call aol instead of internet! .... Phoenix has all the options that a
beginner would need... nothin special, but nothing horrible. But like split-
surfer, it has no color scheme......and that confuses me when i am have more
then just one conversation on more that just one channel! I gave phoenix
a 5 because of its lack of options, but i recomend that to begginah lamahs!
,c@S- ircUzI - S@c,
Well, this lovely and spiritual scrypt has to be the easiest way to get
people that have their autoget on off of irc happened to me This one
which was made by dRIz is alright, but should only be used for battle time
on irc, and should not be used for the lack of options... I have to admit,
when i first got this nifty scrypt, i had fun on africa and GAysex, /dien
all them fuckers!!! But after a while you just get bored and have to realize
that there is more to irc then just kick people from africa and them sick
fruit cakes......well actually..... I give ircuzi a 4 ONLY because it
serves one purpose, and thats it....sorry dRIz.
,c@S- mal -S@c,
Ok, the fuck face who made this one took all of the pride and quality of
split surfer and just threw it into his, and made it a cheap clone!! I do
not have much to say about this scrypt except that a lazy bastard decided
that it would be cool to rip someones hard work....fuckin ass hole heh
Well I give this piece of shit a 2....sheesh iT woRKz dOEsnT iT
,c@S- veNoM -S@c,
Welz nEgRos, tODAY was the first time that i have actually tried to use
venom, and all honestly, i liked the scrypt alot! It had all of the neato
features that I would like to have in a scrypt! And it also has a nice color
scheme, that makes it easier to see what is goin on in the channels It
also has alot of battle commands that make the fun on irc better .. I have
no idea what other ircers think of this scrypt, but i love it.... I gave
this scrypt a 9 because it has all the wACKed oUT fEATuRes tHAt mAKE a
,c@S- TexTboX -S@c,
WelP, fOr the last oNE, wE are gonna talk about da famous textbox! I have
tried this irc scrypt numerous ammount of times, but for some reason dat shit
didnt impress me that much... I mean i have to give credit to whoever made
it, it is a good quality scrypt with all the commands that are needed, it is
just that .... i dont know i am buRnt! ... all i gotta say is that alot
of people like dis scrypt, and i find nothing wrong with it, I just rather
use something else.....but textbox would be muh second choice! Well I
gave textbox a 8, and it is well deserved.....
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y0 nIGGaZ!! pUPPeT mAstEr cOMiNG aFTeR yA wIT a sHoVeL!!! Here I am with
another funky ass article here in ---ReXiA---..During the short time that
we will be spending together I will talk a bit about one of the known but
unrecognized groups of the scene. In every zine you hear the same-old shit
about ice and acid no offense to those groups..so I decided to talk about
the first group that i ever joined, PuNC.
I am sher that many of you have seen that kewlio fewlio, Luptin, on irc.
He is rather quiet but he IS there..: He started punc back in may of 1995,
but did not release a pack until June of that same year. Now what does Punc
stand for you ask..well one of the less educated members of the group came
up with P-oopy U-nderwear N-egro C-offee...original eh?!..NO!
After days and days of thinking they finally came up with something
suitable and fitting to the needs of the prez of da group, Luptin. They came
up with P-eople U-nder N-o C-ontrol which is better than the first acro..dont
ya think?
Luptin was the original founder of the group with a lil help from the
co-founder Dragoon Kain who is now with fire and some other fucking groups
that I forget about..sorry dk..Luptin said that he did the majority of the
work but dragoon kain did his share in helping the group get on its feet.
Luptin also thanks a good coder..ansi maker..and musik maker..Underdog who
is from our area code 609 kID..RePReSeNTiN!!..he doesnt call the Internet
but is thanked for his contributions to the group..
After asking luptin what his original intentions were for the group he
told me that it was just a joke at first.. but when they were actually gettin
members to join the group and receiving various types of artwork they thought
that it was fun and decided to release a pack 1st issue..June 1995..Now
they have put out a pack on da first of da monthbone thugz...from every
month from june to this February.
I joined this group and loved it because the intentions were to have fun.
No hassle..no bullshit..just fun. And being lame like i was, when I first
joined the scene, it was just plain rad to put an affil in your usernote on
a local bbs..hehe..
Asking luptin for the fuck of it..okie..i admitt..i ran outta questions,
who his favorite groups and artists were he replied with. Outta ansi he
likes neurotics work and his favorite group is also the group that neurotic
thrives in now..LeGeND..His favorite askee artist is may i add a newcomer
to the phoonkey ass 609 ac..:, none other than epidemic..Luptins favorite
askee group is a group that epidemic is part founder of and that is basic.
As the chat was being finished I asked him one final but important
question. If you could say just one thing to the sceners out there about
punc, what would you say?
He answered that, As you can see by our packs we are not a top-ten group
just a buncha guys trying to have fun in the scene. If you take cpu art too
serious than you need help. It is all fun. He likes to try to help his
artists as much as possible by giving them a place to have their work shown
and be distributed to other groups so that maybe in the future they could
move on to bigger and better groups which is what I did now writing for this
rad mag and a previous member of cia and current member with anemia.
That was about it. I did this article because sometimes it is hard for
a not so popular group to become recognized in the scene and I know that
luptin works hard on every pack and I felt that he deserved some recognition
for his contibutions to his group and to the scene.
If you feel that you would be interested in joining punc and have any
questions about the group, than e-mail luptin at bschopp@pluto.njcc.com or
call da bbs Daydream Nation at 609890-3955 which is the whq. If youd like
to know anymore about the group or d/l any of the packs than check it out at
I hope that some of you will seriously consider joining it is a fun,
quality art group.
That will be it for me..lATAH FeWLs!
puppet mastahs-editor
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Whazup my nigz..lemme start off this groovey article with a lil story
about none-other than myself.
Back about 5 months ago right before I left the scene, for you fewls
that remember I was very big into the scene. Having no inet server local
to my lame ass, I decided to start using my friends accounts who had them on
a system local to them but not local to me. Well I started to use their
accounts after they went night-night. In-case you were wondering..luptin and
dragoon kain were the swell fellas who allowed me to blow my money out the
Now this chaos went on for almost 2 months straight. Phone bill after
phone bill the calls were not on there. I had heard stories from good ole
Terminal Velocity about phone companies sometimes forgetting to put the ld
calls on the bill. I thought that I may have gotten away with it until it
came..3 months worth of calls that totaled up to over 275+!
You could sorta say that muh modem days were over. But I did get my modem
back. Now you could think that I am babbling in this article like OJaY on
trial but it really does have a point that you should try to pick up.
When you get that involved in the scene, it is time to SToP! Remember that
is just for fun and a place to talk to friends..it is not a battle zone to
see who can take over the most channels or to see how many people you can
flash before they find out it was you.
I took it into my own hands to devise some pointers for you losers out
there who feel that they may be entering this stage in their bbs-ing days.
1 WHEN YOU PAY FOR ANSIS! the worst symptom.
2 When you cry because a bot forgets to op you.
3 When you masturbate over the acceptance to a new group.
4 When you log a conversation with a leet m0f0 and you put it on an
xdcc list for all the other leet ones to see.
5 When you get a hard-on from seeing the beginning ascii in iRCUZi load
in hopes that you will be able to kill someone, this joyous day.
Well I guess thats it for me in this meaningless article. I hope you
people out there that this applies to listen to what I have said. And if you
fall into any of those categories, you should consider calling it quits for a
little while.
I am outta here fewls..pHEAR mE!!!..
puppet mastahs-editor
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Hello fellow hakerz. I just saw a movie called Wargames where a guy breaks
into norad, which I guess is some kinda government place where they launch
missiles so I want to be like him except not get caught I dont want
to start wwiii but I want to get free warez and shit from the government. I
know it must be pretty easy, because in the movie he guessed the password
after a few tries. Whats the dialup for the federal government? I started
an awesome room on AOL called Hackerz and some hacking guruz told me that
the us gov has a 1-800 number that you can call and access all of their filez.
Tis article is mostly for AOL users because we have some really good access
to the net, I was told that most everyone else cant do the stuff we can
without typing in confusing commands. Once all non aol users get wise and
join the internet, you will discover a new world. Like, I can look at TIME
magazine! For free HAHAHAHAHA. Im sure you will all check out the service
I happen to love. Also back to the original idea, I am an awesome hacker and
I have busted into 2 local bbss here in my town. I got to look at the
passwords and I know that is hardly ever done by anyone. I will help out
anyone that wants it except for the UNIXXsp? freaks that cant afford a
computer that runs windows. Join the 90s text is out, windows is in. On
aol in my hackerz room, Ive discussed with many gurus the fact that unixx is
a poormans excuse for dosssp? I dont use dos by the way only windows.
doss sux like unixx does. so anyway how can i get some warez and stuff from
the government. I know that the federal government has the 1-800 number and
they keep copies of all programs in a directory called pirate-files. How can
I do this? I know the number, so far ive tried the following names and
unclesam, filez
government, billclinton
default, default.
Those should work on AOL they say they usually do. Oh well write me about
this. By the way is this illegal? If so forget it. Im a good citizen and
I want some warez.
please write me at
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
the Ascii Scene Killa hertz
aaa,. .,a,. aia,
,aSa, a:ia,
,Ti,:i, aa
:i:iiT a:
a, a,. a , :iiT asskey
, o ,:iiTT,, ascii
,,, , . ,aS,, , . . .,a a
s,. ,aai, .:i . ..
Tii :i a
Ti:::::iT Ti::., . :i T
a,Ti::::iTaTi:. , : .i
aa,.aa,,Ti::iiT.,aSTi.:: , . . :.:
a ,::iT ,a ,STi.:: .a .
a . aiT, a . ,STii:: .i. i:
aaa,.,,aTi:, Ti:: :.,aa,..aSTi: ascii :iT ,T aScii!@!
,Ti: i:::.:iTSi: :i, i
STi:i ::::iTSTi: . : :
STi:Ti :iTSi: . . ,i
TaTi: . . .i
a,.Ti: killa hertz
a,aa,. .
i a ascii
, ,a Ti:
a a, ,aTi:
Ir0nman up there used extensive trickery to get me to write an article for
ReXiA so i hope you enjoy it.. in todays discusion we will be talking about
the ASCII scene... yes ladies and gentleman, the ascii scene.
Ascii,first off is the simple set of characters that are all one color,
infact its this color right here. people are able to use these characters
to draw logos most people do these or pictures.
well as i have drawn up there it seems to be a ascii pic which is kinda
new to the artwork area.. it used to be only type shit or amiga style
as we call it, but it seems that we have progress to a MUCH cooler way of
creating ascii artwork.
OdD enough as it may seem, but people to defy the laws of the ascii bible:
this is not a Bad thing, its just crazy, people such as nootropic and
fractal have been using a mixed medium of ansi and ascii, actually bringin
color into our lives, perhaps ANSciI is what you would call it, but i dunno
it looks pretty phat though.. : what else.. i guess that it, i hope you
enjoyed my SMALL portion i added to the mag and prepare for the next release
of R e x i a @!@! ,a a,
killa hertz @!@!@ , a
plug your modem in and call 8 6 0 8 8 7 6 5 5 4 a .a kHz
galactic enterprises ,a, .,a ,
a,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,a .S
a a a ,a .a,
aS a,
. a
,c@S- da sc3ne - my Op1ni0n -S@c,
Well , frankly , the sc3ne is quite new to me .. and i spose this is
the best way to voice my opinion on what i think . I finally got on
the net about a month or so ago , *this* after plenty of nagging from
prizm to get on .. so i did . One thing i learned instantly is that
ansi is the hangOut fer the artists , and suprisingly ice and acid are
quite dead most of the time , which makes me wonder why acid is always
My impression of the scene before i got on the net was a lot of artists
shooting the shit , talking about art an shit , etc etc.. this was true
but not to all aspects. Seems that a lot of shit goes on in the scene ,
me , being a newb1e to the scene found it kinda akward . i mean , a
lot of the people i tried talking to responded with stuff like who the
fuck are you etc .. and all i was trying to do is make conversation .
i think thats where the leet factor kicks in . i guess im not 3l33t , go
figure P .
In general , id have to say ive met a lot of assholes in the scene , but
also met my fair share of nice guys . so i guess my impression wasnt
totally crushed . im just a lot more cautious on what i say to who , and
hope i dont get banned or hax0red from every channel i enter. heh .
if there wasnt so much im in this group and im better attitude flying
around , id think all us doodlers would get along a lot better , but that
probably wont happen , cuz with groups like acid and ice which i have
respect for both for how far theyve come people are always going to
think theyre way better then others .
in closing , i hope that if i ever get so high up and mighty in the
scene that i dont become so leet and start to look down on the
little people starting out . but you have to accept it for what it
is , plain and simple . and a quik greet to catbones i have the
most respect for this guy , cuz he was the first acid member that i
actually befriended . phear me.
jester sOap - catch me on sOap
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,x@S- iNterView wIth sLick wIllaRd -S@c,
ironm4n : what are you doin?
sw : smoking herb:
ironm4n : ahh sHIT, dATs cOO
sw : hehe
ironm4n : alright, hERe we go,.....
sw : ok
ironm4n : ok so for those of the people that are readin this zine, who are
you ....and what do you do?
sw : Im sw and Im a profesional masterbator.. who attempts to draw
ironm4n : hmMmm, i knew i was gonna regret this ...heh
sw : hehe you want me to be serious? sorry.. Im just a sarcastic
kinda guy:
-V- sw pinged you.
sw : nope
ironm4n : nah say whatever comes to your mind ....
-sw- Pong!
*** CTCP PING reply from sw: 4 seconds
sw : hold on 1 more bong hit
ironm4n : alright how long have you been in the scene?
sw : shit.. I dont know.. I forget when I actually started.. uhm..
all I know is its over a year:
ironm4n : werent you just startin when i first started..back in dah hatred
and remorse dayz?
sw : uhm.. I had started a little before that I think..
ironm4n : ok, like almost 2 yearz....:
sw : hehe yeah
ironm4n : what was your first group, and how lame was it?
sw : hehe Id rather not talk about that: hehe
ironm4n : spit it out sucko
sw : hehe no:
ironm4n : ok...i take it, that it was pretty damn lame
sw : it was blunt.. :
ironm4n : oooh OK! anyway.....
sw : hehe..
***iron Skywarp THF9081@gemini.tntech.edu joined the channel.
ironm4n : ok, so how long do you think it took you to get good...
sw : uhm.. I dunno how long it took.. Ill tell you when I get there:
Skywarp : Hello
*** Mode change -o+b Skywarp *!*HF9081@*.tntech.edu on channel iron by ironm4n
*** Skywarp has been kicked off channel iron by ironm4n - VeNoM -
ironm4n : who the fuck is that?
ironm4n : wTf?
sw : dunno.. hehehe
Skywarp:THF9081@tntech.edu Why did you do that?
-V- The time is now 10:00PM.
-V- Now ignoring Skywarp THF9081@gemini.tntech.edu.
ironm4n : when did you start gettin recognized?
sw : i was never really recognized alot, but i started to a little
back in hatred
ironm4n : yeah, those were the good ol dayz.....hatred....
sw : yeah.. back then shit wa fun.. definetaly alot better than now
sw : well.. funner atleast I think
ironm4n : yep
sw : uhm, where do you live?
ironm4n : i am interviewin you jerky hehe jersey
ironm4n : have you ever tried ansi, lit, codin, or music?
sw : Ibe actually drawn some ansi.. but Im lazzy so I dont usually
finish em.. Ive done some coding.. I rock at qbasic:
ironm4n : hehe qbasic...i am takin that now in school...uhgg...
sw : hehe
ironm4n : friday, when we had a test, i looped this realy high pitch sound,
kinda like a dog wistle...but a little more deeper...
ironm4n : and everyone had headaches
sw : hehe I bet you were proud:
ironm4n : hELLZ yES!
ironm4n : so what grOOP are you currently in ?
sw : I beleive Im in basic.. and I think Im like helping a little
with tdd
ironm4n : thats cool, what do you think about dAh eLITe bASIc?
sw : its the shit yall.. yeah Im tell yall that shits the bomb
ironm4n : phhhhff....yeah right! eYE yAM tOO gOOd fOR bASIC ... heheh
ironm4n : nah basic is dah shit...
ironm4n : ok well douth have more no to say to thee .....heh
ironm4n : is there anything else you would like to say, before we conclude
dis sHIT?
sw : uhm.. yeah rape your goat!
sw : :
ironm4n : hmmm bitch i dont got goats, eYE haVE sHEEp!
sw : look fuckface.. goats are the shit! rape em!
ironm4n : THE END
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- irOnmaNs gREEtz -S@c,
weLL, I would like to give justa quick shout out to
all muh niggahs on irc! Puppet, khz, stigmata, sw,
kaleidas, ewheat, r3ptile, luptin, jestor, prizuhm,
mcp, epidemic, dt, dk, cidica, and anyone else !!!!
,c@S- pupPEt mAStahs gREetz -S@c,
PUPPET MASTAH FLASHES HIS GANG SIGN TO: irondork, killa hertz, essbee,
kamikazee, surreal logic, loopy, stigmata, dogma zine, epidemic, slothy,
mutated chia pet, napalm, jazz, luptin, anemia, netherworld mag, groovey,
kid krylon, friar tuck, bedlam, and any other of muh niggaz dat i forgot!
PUPPET MASTAH CASTS DRIVE-BIES ON: cash, the guardian, anarchist, and any
offa mofos out there who pissed me da fuck off! THERE ARENT MANY ON HERE
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
TP ,g8 8g, b, b
qd@g, ,gP@g,Tb dP p. ,gPTb, !
: i i P,P :
. b ,8P,d
P P ,S g, .
: , , nnd8,dP p .
! ! gg : Pp p
b Tl ,P T , , i
nnd - ---- - - - -- --- P --P - ndkal..
if you would like to contribute a article to rexia, please email us
at altomar@pluto.njcc.com, or just write it, and look for me, puppet,
or khz on irc. The it will be reviewed by the staff.. -thank you-
ironman- foundah
puppet mastah - seditor
Killa Hertz - seditor
P d,g8 ,gp**qg, ,g8PTb.g 8g.88g, ,g8P dggn
i,, i, Tb dP : T:.T
b , b d i b b:
!, g ,! ,nL i b T
b S ,P kal8 dP Ta !
S ng@ d Tb P
g, , ! dL db , ! ,d
b, 8bndb db Tb Snnn,
wELcome tO tHe wONderFUl wOrLd oF rEXia!
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
Ok, well I am gonna start this introduction out by saying, this
zine is done out of pure fun and if you think its lame, boring, stupid
or anything else, go fuck yourself cause we enjoy doing this for the
enjoyment alone and for your lame ass bITCHs to sit there and ridicule
what we do. Ok nOW dAT i got dat shit off my mind, i can get into the
important shit about dis zine! Dis zine is gonna be a fUCkIN tOKED
oUT gANGStAh bITCH informational zine about the scene, irc, gr00ps, and
some oTHAh sHIET! For those of you people that nevah heard of me, the
almighty irOnman, i am a aSKEe pimp who WAS in cia!i recentle left
For this first issue we have some quality writers thanks to some help
from puppet mastah and mUH sKILZ. Well enough of muh senseless pUNK
ass babbaling! I am passin da mic to the co-founder of rexia........
puppet mastah.
yO,yO,yO! Whaz up yall - Puppet Mastah in da mofo house!
Between lightin upda chronic and gettin yelled at for bad grades it is
a wonder I had time to write this stupid shit at all! Well I had an
idea bout 6 months back to start a mag but I said fuck it cuz its too
much work. A zine, on the other hand, is the easiest fucking thing to
do! And being the lover of Dogma that I am, I decided to take part in
rEXIa which irOnman first had ideas about! This zine is for fun and
enjoyment so we dont wanna hear any negative shit about the zine! If
you dont like it than keep it to yourself and dont download it any-
more. No one is forcing you niggaz to read this shiznitz so dont
unless you want to. Now that I am past that just kick-back, light-up,
and soak in dis sheeiat! Now to KHZ......
AaAaAaAhhhhh.. my turn... All this is killa hertz speakin to you from
the raddest damn zine in the scene.. FiRst off, a little introduction
for you allll.. In case you have no clue who the hell i am,its killa
hertz as was said before... i am in ACiD ascii and do some ansi for
the crew of UnIoN!..... I am relatively new to the scene its been about
2 years now since i was first accepted into The bad assed group call
LAPSE.. damn, can you even remember that group? : i have been moving
around quite a damn bit and one time i was actually a part of 11 groups at
once.. ahaha.. well anyway enough about my ass, lets get on to the zine..
ironman foundah
puppet mastah s-editor
killa hertz s-editor
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- tABle oF cOnteNTs -S@c,
1 ThE dEatH oF lIT -puppet mastah!-
2 mTv anD mUSic! -sigmATa!-
3 DaH sCenE -irOnman!-
4 MoDdIng gRooPs?! -lUpint!-
5 IrC sCryPTs -irOnman!-
6 pUnc!! -puppet mastah!-
7 mUh lIFe! -puppet mastah!-
8 hACker on AOL -mcp!-
9 TgUArd LIt -puppet mastah!-
1o Da AscIi scEne -killa hertz!-
11 muH vi3w!! -jestor-
12 IntERview w/ sw -ironman-
13 gReetz fRom staff -dA sTAFF fOO!-
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- puPpet MaStaH sHoUTiNg aBouT SheEiAt -S@c,
y0y0y0...whazup fellahz?!..Da MasTeR of TheM strinGy FrieNdS is HeRe..
dA PuPpeT mAStEr comin atcha in full affect! For this groovey article I
decided that I would talk a lil bit about muh field. The LiT field. Phear
us PoEm bOYz!!!!..hehe...j/k we are RaD!!...: I have been part of a lit
group or too in my time and it always seems that they go unnoticed for some
reason or another.
One of my most admirable persons in the scene would have to be the
StraNgEr of SAZ soulz at zero a horror lit group. If you never checked
out a pack than you b3tt3r bcuz they be Phat as hEll!
Now time to make my point. I am friends with a lot of guys who are in the
new askee group BaSiC..they have been talked about till ya go dry in da
mouf but they have only released like 1-2 packs I dont remember how many.
Now SaZ on the other hand just released their 19th pack in a row. Now tell
me --honestly-- how many of you have heard of SaZ and if you have how many of
you dorks have actually looked at a pack. The majority of you will be as
blank in da head as rosa lopez was in da JUICE trial.
If you were to actually look at a SaZ pack you would see many great horror
short stories along with a great viewer with some pretty damn spooky music
in the back-round to really set the scene. It is a well thought out group
that gets absolutely no recognition for anything that they do.
You tell da prez of a group you wanna join. He says okay..whata ya wanna
apply fer..you say lit ...he says HAHAHHAHHA!!!!
Funk DaT! Literature can be used in real life as an occupation or a way to
express ones anger so you may make fun of it in the scene but at least it
can be used in the real world unlike ansi or loaders or any other shit.
Another important point that I would like to make is: have you ever heard
of a literature artist who asked for money to do a lit for someone? NO!
We do it because we like it and that is all. Some of those ansi people out
there and you know who you are only do it for money..and that is not what
it should be done for. It is supposed to be fun.
The death of lit groups has been plaguing the scene ever since I joined
it over a year ago and I think that it is time to stop. Give some credit to
the members of lit groups out there. They do lit because they enjoy it and
they should not be critized or ridiculed in that matter. Respect their likes
and they will expect yours which most of them do.
I would just like to say thanx to some groovey lit guys out there such as:
Miasma, Terminal Velocity, Edicius, Mr. E, the Stranger, Luke Skywalker and
all the others out there who are not ashamed of what they enjoy doing.
I would like to conclude this article by saying that this may not seem
like my afro-puffed usual self but this is a topic that I feel very
strongly about and felt that it needed addressing.
I hope that this will shed some light on the topic of lit groups and I
am looking forward to seeing some new literature based groups develop in the
That is about all fer me you NiGGaHZ...tIme To go and LiGHt uP dAt BowL
oF LyRiCaL HyDRo!!!! PHeaR mE aND aLL mUh aFrO aMerIcAn DeScENdAntS!!
puppet mastahs-editor
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- mTv aNd muSIc S@s,
* Message Reading Music ?/help : 61
---------------------------------------------- ld!
-- -the ravaged nightmare+--
fO rEXIa daH 61/61 repto : :
sHIznITz +--+----------+-+--+
-+- 02/04/96 at 10:30p
-From : stigmata pIMP!
.To : All :
- Subj : MTV .
Is it just me or does any band on mtv or z100 become a poser band. i
mean for example, the presidents of the usa. i mean look at these guys.
they are fucking complete goofs with no talent. and yet they are selling
millions of albums everyday to poor poser ass mtv brain washed loosers. i
mean they have absolutely no talent.
damn just to let you all know, im starting my own band called NUTSAC. no
one else is aloud in either, its just going to be me. and im not going to
use instruments either. NO WAY. im just going to beat my nutsac with a
hammer into a microphone. it will become a buzz clip and be played every 5
minutes on z100. i will be rich and own the world. i will be every 13 year
olds idol. everyone will be running around town beating there nutsacs. i
will be famous. so phear me!
leet: n definition 1 of 1 see stigmata.
Well that was an article i wrote on a board im co-sysop on. But oh well
enough about that. Everything i mentioned is true. ITS FUCKING RETARDED.
I mean seriously. They have no talent and yet they are making soooo much
money. MTV and z100 should be fucking wiped out. They are now huge. There
is no stopping it. They own the music industry and there is nothing you can
do about it.
Im not saying that selling millions of records is selling out. But the
whole goal of a band is to get known and make money. Mtv is a quick way to
accomplish this. People always say I liked NIN before they got big, now they
are a poser band and suck. What did you want trent and the gang to do? Be
poor and fucking produce good music. Good only being because they are not
mainstream. Face it kiddies all these bands are in it for money. Not for the
greatness of making the music. Strictly for money. Money makes the world
go round. The only band going to defend is greenday. THEY JUST SUCK period
its not MTVs or any radio stations fault for playing there music. They
just have no talent. :
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- mUH sHIZnItZ c0MpLAINtS!!!!!! -S@c,
wHazzup nIGAhS. Dis is ir0nman with another dope ass article
for all muh fellow ircers! Im chillin here in muh smoked filled
room smokin muh nEWPORts thinkin of what to bore you with now!!
Well me, the genious that I am, couldnt think of jack shit so I
started to think about what these other zines and mags write about..
..the sCENE?!@ ....and how pathetic it is gETTIN?!@ Funk dat, I
am gettin sick of some of you people out there complain about the
scene!! I mean are we forcing you to become lifeless and stare at
a screen with a bunch of words that hypnotize your mind?! NO! All
some of you do is complain about all the lamahs that are infesting
our tOTALY elite channels! wTF is this shit....I mean some of these
assholes blow their load after ban-kickin someone because they have
an argument with one of their bOYZ! believe me, it happened to me
LetZ just put it dis way, if you actually feel the urge to fight
someone on irc cuz they pISSed you off, then you should just fuckin
take your modem and sMASH it over your head! I mEan, even I, had
to take a reality check....here i was on irc and getting mad cuz mUh
frIenD didnt waNNa see my askii i did!!! s0 then i fLASHED his asS...
wHY?!@ dID iT make me feel bETTeR?!@ diD I gET a ChuBBy?!?@ NO. I
was just too damn serious about dA sceNe!! bUt now I am a sMOKED
oUT f00 wiT buDs on Muh Mine
AnD juSt oNe mORe thinG beFOrE i spark uP muh bowl.....tHe ego on irc is
gettin REALLY pathetic...some of these fuckin people sit on there like they
got a broom up their ass!! Is iT just me or do sOMe of these elITe mothah
fuckahs are just too gOOd to even talk to the pEOple in aNsi or is tHE
only reason they even bother go on irc is to show off their handle?!@ Who
knows and wHo caREz.......
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- bBs MoDDiNg gRoOps! -S@c,
Sup fellas... Its luptin here writin his first article for rexia.. ok.. I
decided to write an article, but i couldnt think of a topic, so i was
looking at the packs that I had gotten so far this month and none of them
were like bbs modding groups! Then I started thinking, I havent seen much
to do with bbs modding groups at all lately. The only ones that have been
around for any amount of time that i know are still alive are tric and tms!
A few months ago there was tons of them.. firm, cream, illness, and a whole
bunch more.. Why did this whole trend of modding groups die? They served a
good purpose in the scene, because they provided easy ways to change your
board and make it look better without having to program itself. I know that
alot of groups do put out a few in some of there packs.. but there isnt
many now that specialize in it. With everyone starting a ansi group nowadays,
people should think about starting a new modding group instead. It will do
much more good for the scene and everyone that runs a board. Another question
i had about bbs modding groups, why do/did most of them just do renegade
stuff.. i know at least in my area 609 there isnt many rene boards around
at all.. well come to think of it.. theres not much of anything but wwiv
boards i know there is elsewhere, but im sure theres plenty that run obv,
iniquity, impulse, eternity, etc.. gee im starting to ramble.. as you see
im not a very good writer.. but i hope this article just makes you think..
thats it from me..
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- ScRyPTs On IrC -S@s,
wHAZZuP nIGGAhs, Dis is irOnMan wit anothah fuckin rhyme
for your eleet asss! fOR dIs neXt article eYE am gOna diScuSS
the different types of irc scrypts, and that coolio shit!! wEll
Well LeTs SEE, first I am gonna list all of the different scrypts
that i have used or just tried, then i think i will give you muh
thoughts on how shitty they are or if I think they are good! ..
1 sPliTsUrfeR.irc 8
2 phOeNix.irc 5
3 iRcUzi.irc 4
4 maL.irc 2
5 vEnOm.irc 9
6 teXtboX.irc 8
Ok nIGGahS, theSe are all the scrypts that i bothered to try
on irc....and well.....i would say that half of them are good, and
the other half can suc muH nUT! I aLso rAted thEM oN mUh opinion..
MY OPINION, not yourS! mine!...so i Dont wanna here shit cause i
think one is good and the other isnt!!
,c@S- splitsurfer -S@c,
Ok nIgahs, well lez see....what can i say about splitsurfer....well I have
used it alot lately, but my feelings toward the script have changed a bit. I
mean it is a good script, It gives most of the options you need to get around
on irc, but there is just something that is not there! MuH opinion is that a
good scrypt, should also have a good color scheme! ...i know i sound st0pid
but thats what i think......When i use splitsurfer, i get confused easily
between the conversations on different channels. I still gave splitsurfer a
8 because i feel that the options are good for the average irc user!
,c@S- pHOenix -S@c,
Hmmm, phoenix.irc, what can you say about that? Well phoenix is not that
bad, it is just for a inexperienced irc user...kinda like them lamahs that
call aol instead of internet! .... Phoenix has all the options that a
beginner would need... nothin special, but nothing horrible. But like split-
surfer, it has no color scheme......and that confuses me when i am have more
then just one conversation on more that just one channel! I gave phoenix
a 5 because of its lack of options, but i recomend that to begginah lamahs!
,c@S- ircUzI - S@c,
Well, this lovely and spiritual scrypt has to be the easiest way to get
people that have their autoget on off of irc happened to me This one
which was made by dRIz is alright, but should only be used for battle time
on irc, and should not be used for the lack of options... I have to admit,
when i first got this nifty scrypt, i had fun on africa and GAysex, /dien
all them fuckers!!! But after a while you just get bored and have to realize
that there is more to irc then just kick people from africa and them sick
fruit cakes......well actually..... I give ircuzi a 4 ONLY because it
serves one purpose, and thats it....sorry dRIz.
,c@S- mal -S@c,
Ok, the fuck face who made this one took all of the pride and quality of
split surfer and just threw it into his, and made it a cheap clone!! I do
not have much to say about this scrypt except that a lazy bastard decided
that it would be cool to rip someones hard work....fuckin ass hole heh
Well I give this piece of shit a 2....sheesh iT woRKz dOEsnT iT
,c@S- veNoM -S@c,
Welz nEgRos, tODAY was the first time that i have actually tried to use
venom, and all honestly, i liked the scrypt alot! It had all of the neato
features that I would like to have in a scrypt! And it also has a nice color
scheme, that makes it easier to see what is goin on in the channels It
also has alot of battle commands that make the fun on irc better .. I have
no idea what other ircers think of this scrypt, but i love it.... I gave
this scrypt a 9 because it has all the wACKed oUT fEATuRes tHAt mAKE a
,c@S- TexTboX -S@c,
WelP, fOr the last oNE, wE are gonna talk about da famous textbox! I have
tried this irc scrypt numerous ammount of times, but for some reason dat shit
didnt impress me that much... I mean i have to give credit to whoever made
it, it is a good quality scrypt with all the commands that are needed, it is
just that .... i dont know i am buRnt! ... all i gotta say is that alot
of people like dis scrypt, and i find nothing wrong with it, I just rather
use something else.....but textbox would be muh second choice! Well I
gave textbox a 8, and it is well deserved.....
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
y0 nIGGaZ!! pUPPeT mAstEr cOMiNG aFTeR yA wIT a sHoVeL!!! Here I am with
another funky ass article here in ---ReXiA---..During the short time that
we will be spending together I will talk a bit about one of the known but
unrecognized groups of the scene. In every zine you hear the same-old shit
about ice and acid no offense to those groups..so I decided to talk about
the first group that i ever joined, PuNC.
I am sher that many of you have seen that kewlio fewlio, Luptin, on irc.
He is rather quiet but he IS there..: He started punc back in may of 1995,
but did not release a pack until June of that same year. Now what does Punc
stand for you ask..well one of the less educated members of the group came
up with P-oopy U-nderwear N-egro C-offee...original eh?!..NO!
After days and days of thinking they finally came up with something
suitable and fitting to the needs of the prez of da group, Luptin. They came
up with P-eople U-nder N-o C-ontrol which is better than the first acro..dont
ya think?
Luptin was the original founder of the group with a lil help from the
co-founder Dragoon Kain who is now with fire and some other fucking groups
that I forget about..sorry dk..Luptin said that he did the majority of the
work but dragoon kain did his share in helping the group get on its feet.
Luptin also thanks a good coder..ansi maker..and musik maker..Underdog who
is from our area code 609 kID..RePReSeNTiN!!..he doesnt call the Internet
but is thanked for his contributions to the group..
After asking luptin what his original intentions were for the group he
told me that it was just a joke at first.. but when they were actually gettin
members to join the group and receiving various types of artwork they thought
that it was fun and decided to release a pack 1st issue..June 1995..Now
they have put out a pack on da first of da monthbone thugz...from every
month from june to this February.
I joined this group and loved it because the intentions were to have fun.
No hassle..no bullshit..just fun. And being lame like i was, when I first
joined the scene, it was just plain rad to put an affil in your usernote on
a local bbs..hehe..
Asking luptin for the fuck of it..okie..i admitt..i ran outta questions,
who his favorite groups and artists were he replied with. Outta ansi he
likes neurotics work and his favorite group is also the group that neurotic
thrives in now..LeGeND..His favorite askee artist is may i add a newcomer
to the phoonkey ass 609 ac..:, none other than epidemic..Luptins favorite
askee group is a group that epidemic is part founder of and that is basic.
As the chat was being finished I asked him one final but important
question. If you could say just one thing to the sceners out there about
punc, what would you say?
He answered that, As you can see by our packs we are not a top-ten group
just a buncha guys trying to have fun in the scene. If you take cpu art too
serious than you need help. It is all fun. He likes to try to help his
artists as much as possible by giving them a place to have their work shown
and be distributed to other groups so that maybe in the future they could
move on to bigger and better groups which is what I did now writing for this
rad mag and a previous member of cia and current member with anemia.
That was about it. I did this article because sometimes it is hard for
a not so popular group to become recognized in the scene and I know that
luptin works hard on every pack and I felt that he deserved some recognition
for his contibutions to his group and to the scene.
If you feel that you would be interested in joining punc and have any
questions about the group, than e-mail luptin at bschopp@pluto.njcc.com or
call da bbs Daydream Nation at 609890-3955 which is the whq. If youd like
to know anymore about the group or d/l any of the packs than check it out at
I hope that some of you will seriously consider joining it is a fun,
quality art group.
That will be it for me..lATAH FeWLs!
puppet mastahs-editor
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
Whazup my nigz..lemme start off this groovey article with a lil story
about none-other than myself.
Back about 5 months ago right before I left the scene, for you fewls
that remember I was very big into the scene. Having no inet server local
to my lame ass, I decided to start using my friends accounts who had them on
a system local to them but not local to me. Well I started to use their
accounts after they went night-night. In-case you were wondering..luptin and
dragoon kain were the swell fellas who allowed me to blow my money out the
Now this chaos went on for almost 2 months straight. Phone bill after
phone bill the calls were not on there. I had heard stories from good ole
Terminal Velocity about phone companies sometimes forgetting to put the ld
calls on the bill. I thought that I may have gotten away with it until it
came..3 months worth of calls that totaled up to over 275+!
You could sorta say that muh modem days were over. But I did get my modem
back. Now you could think that I am babbling in this article like OJaY on
trial but it really does have a point that you should try to pick up.
When you get that involved in the scene, it is time to SToP! Remember that
is just for fun and a place to talk to friends..it is not a battle zone to
see who can take over the most channels or to see how many people you can
flash before they find out it was you.
I took it into my own hands to devise some pointers for you losers out
there who feel that they may be entering this stage in their bbs-ing days.
1 WHEN YOU PAY FOR ANSIS! the worst symptom.
2 When you cry because a bot forgets to op you.
3 When you masturbate over the acceptance to a new group.
4 When you log a conversation with a leet m0f0 and you put it on an
xdcc list for all the other leet ones to see.
5 When you get a hard-on from seeing the beginning ascii in iRCUZi load
in hopes that you will be able to kill someone, this joyous day.
Well I guess thats it for me in this meaningless article. I hope you
people out there that this applies to listen to what I have said. And if you
fall into any of those categories, you should consider calling it quits for a
little while.
I am outta here fewls..pHEAR mE!!!..
puppet mastahs-editor
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
Hello fellow hakerz. I just saw a movie called Wargames where a guy breaks
into norad, which I guess is some kinda government place where they launch
missiles so I want to be like him except not get caught I dont want
to start wwiii but I want to get free warez and shit from the government. I
know it must be pretty easy, because in the movie he guessed the password
after a few tries. Whats the dialup for the federal government? I started
an awesome room on AOL called Hackerz and some hacking guruz told me that
the us gov has a 1-800 number that you can call and access all of their filez.
Tis article is mostly for AOL users because we have some really good access
to the net, I was told that most everyone else cant do the stuff we can
without typing in confusing commands. Once all non aol users get wise and
join the internet, you will discover a new world. Like, I can look at TIME
magazine! For free HAHAHAHAHA. Im sure you will all check out the service
I happen to love. Also back to the original idea, I am an awesome hacker and
I have busted into 2 local bbss here in my town. I got to look at the
passwords and I know that is hardly ever done by anyone. I will help out
anyone that wants it except for the UNIXXsp? freaks that cant afford a
computer that runs windows. Join the 90s text is out, windows is in. On
aol in my hackerz room, Ive discussed with many gurus the fact that unixx is
a poormans excuse for dosssp? I dont use dos by the way only windows.
doss sux like unixx does. so anyway how can i get some warez and stuff from
the government. I know that the federal government has the 1-800 number and
they keep copies of all programs in a directory called pirate-files. How can
I do this? I know the number, so far ive tried the following names and
unclesam, filez
government, billclinton
default, default.
Those should work on AOL they say they usually do. Oh well write me about
this. By the way is this illegal? If so forget it. Im a good citizen and
I want some warez.
please write me at
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
the Ascii Scene Killa hertz
aaa,. .,a,. aia,
,aSa, a:ia,
,Ti,:i, aa
:i:iiT a:
a, a,. a , :iiT asskey
, o ,:iiTT,, ascii
,,, , . ,aS,, , . . .,a a
s,. ,aai, .:i . ..
Tii :i a
Ti:::::iT Ti::., . :i T
a,Ti::::iTaTi:. , : .i
aa,.aa,,Ti::iiT.,aSTi.:: , . . :.:
a ,::iT ,a ,STi.:: .a .
a . aiT, a . ,STii:: .i. i:
aaa,.,,aTi:, Ti:: :.,aa,..aSTi: ascii :iT ,T aScii!@!
,Ti: i:::.:iTSi: :i, i
STi:i ::::iTSTi: . : :
STi:Ti :iTSi: . . ,i
TaTi: . . .i
a,.Ti: killa hertz
a,aa,. .
i a ascii
, ,a Ti:
a a, ,aTi:
Ir0nman up there used extensive trickery to get me to write an article for
ReXiA so i hope you enjoy it.. in todays discusion we will be talking about
the ASCII scene... yes ladies and gentleman, the ascii scene.
Ascii,first off is the simple set of characters that are all one color,
infact its this color right here. people are able to use these characters
to draw logos most people do these or pictures.
well as i have drawn up there it seems to be a ascii pic which is kinda
new to the artwork area.. it used to be only type shit or amiga style
as we call it, but it seems that we have progress to a MUCH cooler way of
creating ascii artwork.
OdD enough as it may seem, but people to defy the laws of the ascii bible:
this is not a Bad thing, its just crazy, people such as nootropic and
fractal have been using a mixed medium of ansi and ascii, actually bringin
color into our lives, perhaps ANSciI is what you would call it, but i dunno
it looks pretty phat though.. : what else.. i guess that it, i hope you
enjoyed my SMALL portion i added to the mag and prepare for the next release
of R e x i a @!@! ,a a,
killa hertz @!@!@ , a
plug your modem in and call 8 6 0 8 8 7 6 5 5 4 a .a kHz
galactic enterprises ,a, .,a ,
a,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,a .S
a a a ,a .a,
aS a,
. a
,c@S- da sc3ne - my Op1ni0n -S@c,
Well , frankly , the sc3ne is quite new to me .. and i spose this is
the best way to voice my opinion on what i think . I finally got on
the net about a month or so ago , *this* after plenty of nagging from
prizm to get on .. so i did . One thing i learned instantly is that
ansi is the hangOut fer the artists , and suprisingly ice and acid are
quite dead most of the time , which makes me wonder why acid is always
My impression of the scene before i got on the net was a lot of artists
shooting the shit , talking about art an shit , etc etc.. this was true
but not to all aspects. Seems that a lot of shit goes on in the scene ,
me , being a newb1e to the scene found it kinda akward . i mean , a
lot of the people i tried talking to responded with stuff like who the
fuck are you etc .. and all i was trying to do is make conversation .
i think thats where the leet factor kicks in . i guess im not 3l33t , go
figure P .
In general , id have to say ive met a lot of assholes in the scene , but
also met my fair share of nice guys . so i guess my impression wasnt
totally crushed . im just a lot more cautious on what i say to who , and
hope i dont get banned or hax0red from every channel i enter. heh .
if there wasnt so much im in this group and im better attitude flying
around , id think all us doodlers would get along a lot better , but that
probably wont happen , cuz with groups like acid and ice which i have
respect for both for how far theyve come people are always going to
think theyre way better then others .
in closing , i hope that if i ever get so high up and mighty in the
scene that i dont become so leet and start to look down on the
little people starting out . but you have to accept it for what it
is , plain and simple . and a quik greet to catbones i have the
most respect for this guy , cuz he was the first acid member that i
actually befriended . phear me.
jester sOap - catch me on sOap
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,x@S- iNterView wIth sLick wIllaRd -S@c,
ironm4n : what are you doin?
sw : smoking herb:
ironm4n : ahh sHIT, dATs cOO
sw : hehe
ironm4n : alright, hERe we go,.....
sw : ok
ironm4n : ok so for those of the people that are readin this zine, who are
you ....and what do you do?
sw : Im sw and Im a profesional masterbator.. who attempts to draw
ironm4n : hmMmm, i knew i was gonna regret this ...heh
sw : hehe you want me to be serious? sorry.. Im just a sarcastic
kinda guy:
-V- sw pinged you.
sw : nope
ironm4n : nah say whatever comes to your mind ....
-sw- Pong!
*** CTCP PING reply from sw: 4 seconds
sw : hold on 1 more bong hit
ironm4n : alright how long have you been in the scene?
sw : shit.. I dont know.. I forget when I actually started.. uhm..
all I know is its over a year:
ironm4n : werent you just startin when i first started..back in dah hatred
and remorse dayz?
sw : uhm.. I had started a little before that I think..
ironm4n : ok, like almost 2 yearz....:
sw : hehe yeah
ironm4n : what was your first group, and how lame was it?
sw : hehe Id rather not talk about that: hehe
ironm4n : spit it out sucko
sw : hehe no:
ironm4n : ok...i take it, that it was pretty damn lame
sw : it was blunt.. :
ironm4n : oooh OK! anyway.....
sw : hehe..
***iron Skywarp THF9081@gemini.tntech.edu joined the channel.
ironm4n : ok, so how long do you think it took you to get good...
sw : uhm.. I dunno how long it took.. Ill tell you when I get there:
Skywarp : Hello
*** Mode change -o+b Skywarp *!*HF9081@*.tntech.edu on channel iron by ironm4n
*** Skywarp has been kicked off channel iron by ironm4n - VeNoM -
ironm4n : who the fuck is that?
ironm4n : wTf?
sw : dunno.. hehehe
Skywarp:THF9081@tntech.edu Why did you do that?
-V- The time is now 10:00PM.
-V- Now ignoring Skywarp THF9081@gemini.tntech.edu.
ironm4n : when did you start gettin recognized?
sw : i was never really recognized alot, but i started to a little
back in hatred
ironm4n : yeah, those were the good ol dayz.....hatred....
sw : yeah.. back then shit wa fun.. definetaly alot better than now
sw : well.. funner atleast I think
ironm4n : yep
sw : uhm, where do you live?
ironm4n : i am interviewin you jerky hehe jersey
ironm4n : have you ever tried ansi, lit, codin, or music?
sw : Ibe actually drawn some ansi.. but Im lazzy so I dont usually
finish em.. Ive done some coding.. I rock at qbasic:
ironm4n : hehe qbasic...i am takin that now in school...uhgg...
sw : hehe
ironm4n : friday, when we had a test, i looped this realy high pitch sound,
kinda like a dog wistle...but a little more deeper...
ironm4n : and everyone had headaches
sw : hehe I bet you were proud:
ironm4n : hELLZ yES!
ironm4n : so what grOOP are you currently in ?
sw : I beleive Im in basic.. and I think Im like helping a little
with tdd
ironm4n : thats cool, what do you think about dAh eLITe bASIc?
sw : its the shit yall.. yeah Im tell yall that shits the bomb
ironm4n : phhhhff....yeah right! eYE yAM tOO gOOd fOR bASIC ... heheh
ironm4n : nah basic is dah shit...
ironm4n : ok well douth have more no to say to thee .....heh
ironm4n : is there anything else you would like to say, before we conclude
dis sHIT?
sw : uhm.. yeah rape your goat!
sw : :
ironm4n : hmmm bitch i dont got goats, eYE haVE sHEEp!
sw : look fuckface.. goats are the shit! rape em!
ironm4n : THE END
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
,c@S- irOnmaNs gREEtz -S@c,
weLL, I would like to give justa quick shout out to
all muh niggahs on irc! Puppet, khz, stigmata, sw,
kaleidas, ewheat, r3ptile, luptin, jestor, prizuhm,
mcp, epidemic, dt, dk, cidica, and anyone else !!!!
,c@S- pupPEt mAStahs gREetz -S@c,
PUPPET MASTAH FLASHES HIS GANG SIGN TO: irondork, killa hertz, essbee,
kamikazee, surreal logic, loopy, stigmata, dogma zine, epidemic, slothy,
mutated chia pet, napalm, jazz, luptin, anemia, netherworld mag, groovey,
kid krylon, friar tuck, bedlam, and any other of muh niggaz dat i forgot!
PUPPET MASTAH CASTS DRIVE-BIES ON: cash, the guardian, anarchist, and any
offa mofos out there who pissed me da fuck off! THERE ARENT MANY ON HERE
.,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,. .,aa,.
a a a a a
TP ,g8 8g, b, b
qd@g, ,gP@g,Tb dP p. ,gPTb, !
: i i P,P :
. b ,8P,d
P P ,S g, .
: , , nnd8,dP p .
! ! gg : Pp p
b Tl ,P T , , i
nnd - ---- - - - -- --- P --P - ndkal..
if you would like to contribute a article to rexia, please email us
at altomar@pluto.njcc.com, or just write it, and look for me, puppet,
or khz on irc. The it will be reviewed by the staff.. -thank you-
ironman- foundah
puppet mastah - seditor
Killa Hertz - seditor
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