this image contains text
Trance Induced Logo
l tRANCE iNDUCED // +o spinsane
----- - +--- --+ ---- -sk
P . ? . ?P g : ? . ?
l ,g : b. i Sg . ,g . g . ? i : Sg , i Sg. .
lb. i lg P b. i l i b. . g i gsd SSl
ib ,d : gd ,b . , l , . g ,i
.g . l . l .ggg . : b,. .
Black Thursday Logo
,Sl : :::::::::::::::........ :
?Sg. . :::::::::::::::::::::::::.......... .l sk!2001
gP,. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...,gS. .
++ :.db.?bg+
lggg ggg .dP
, S ,d
.d l ,.? P., P., g.?l ++
? l l l ++ . :
g . . . ?.
gSggdggbggSgbggSggg .,ggb.
::: ...:::::::::::: .. thursday :::::::::::: .::::::
Whos Online HDR for Black Thursday
sg .db. SSSllliii::::::::::::::::::::::::
i ..: ,d lPi lSSSllliii:::::::::::::::::::::::
:ggd. . ,P .SSllliii:::::::::::::::::::::::
4S.dbggdbggdgSgSSliii::::::::::::::::::::::: sk
i node user location action
whos online... black thursday i
Ecstasy Logo
ecstasy ... ... ... .
gSP?g gP?Sg. ,dP ggg Pb, ,dP g, g
l ::.d :: il ::glgSP .::.i il ::..:::
gS gPl :: gP ?S?.gP+?.?Sg, .+i
:., :::., g, :.li l :::., :::.i g, :.li, :: li
P + .,g. + .,g,.::: P,P+ .,g, ::: l,.::: P,d. ,
7 : gdg, .+ +. ,d g, .+ P?
+ qwk menu .. sk
My Comments
Well, after a long period of being out of the scene, I am BACK!
In case you havent heard, I have put my old BBS back up. If
you want to check it out grab a telnet program that supports
ANSI emulation and telnet to blackthursday.net. I hope everyone
enjoys my work, if you have a request submit it to:
Thats all for now..
l tRANCE iNDUCED // +o spinsane
----- - +--- --+ ---- -sk
P . ? . ?P g : ? . ?
l ,g : b. i Sg . ,g . g . ? i : Sg , i Sg. .
lb. i lg P b. i l i b. . g i gsd SSl
ib ,d : gd ,b . , l , . g ,i
.g . l . l .ggg . : b,. .
Black Thursday Logo
,Sl : :::::::::::::::........ :
?Sg. . :::::::::::::::::::::::::.......... .l sk!2001
gP,. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...,gS. .
++ :.db.?bg+
lggg ggg .dP
, S ,d
.d l ,.? P., P., g.?l ++
? l l l ++ . :
g . . . ?.
gSggdggbggSgbggSggg .,ggb.
::: ...:::::::::::: .. thursday :::::::::::: .::::::
Whos Online HDR for Black Thursday
sg .db. SSSllliii::::::::::::::::::::::::
i ..: ,d lPi lSSSllliii:::::::::::::::::::::::
:ggd. . ,P .SSllliii:::::::::::::::::::::::
4S.dbggdbggdgSgSSliii::::::::::::::::::::::: sk
i node user location action
whos online... black thursday i
Ecstasy Logo
ecstasy ... ... ... .
gSP?g gP?Sg. ,dP ggg Pb, ,dP g, g
l ::.d :: il ::glgSP .::.i il ::..:::
gS gPl :: gP ?S?.gP+?.?Sg, .+i
:., :::., g, :.li l :::., :::.i g, :.li, :: li
P + .,g. + .,g,.::: P,P+ .,g, ::: l,.::: P,d. ,
7 : gdg, .+ +. ,d g, .+ P?
+ qwk menu .. sk
My Comments
Well, after a long period of being out of the scene, I am BACK!
In case you havent heard, I have put my old BBS back up. If
you want to check it out grab a telnet program that supports
ANSI emulation and telnet to blackthursday.net. I hope everyone
enjoys my work, if you have a request submit it to:
Thats all for now..
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