this image contains text
12/93 MiSSiON PaCK
First Release
REM Radical Elite Movement REM
c !On A Mission! tm.
Well this is Night Breed. And I would like to brief all of
you on REMs beginning! About, late September 93 we started talk of
our own lil group. It was Man Handle and I, who had the general ideas.
Man Handle a programmer on the rise, which you can consider him the
co-founder. But I was the one who coordinated everything. I started
to talk to Brainz Kitizen-X. They are the senior staff members...
Brainz our VGA/Composer guy Kitizen-X our Ansi/Assistant guy...
And last but not least me : Night Breed, Im the founder/coordinator/
ansi/vga guy. Hmm, did I leave anything out?
We had such high expectations, so the more we got hesitant
on producing anything. So this left the four fathers in limbo for about
two weeks. Until Brainz made his first raytrace of an REM logo. We
all checked it out, and said lets go on with this craze! Kitizen-X and
I started doing ansis, mind you this was both our first time in really
putting some time/effort in ansis. my first ones was so awful!-nb...
Kitizen-Xs was great. BTW his REM logo is the only ansi he made!
This is because he found out he had to move on. So this
put him on a strain. He said, I dont think I will be able to stay
with the group. Onto Man Handle, he started practicing on his loaders.
They were all very impressive... I talked with him about the KV viewer,
that iCE released. Kv is great, I like the VGA mode the best!! doesnt
everyone?? Well the talk of our own Multi-Viewer had begun.
Man Handle knew how to do the VGA mode, but that was going to be hard
to code. Well, what did you expect from a young teen??
Along this practice parade, I started to call and ask
around for support and all that stuff. Maybe most of you had seen my
posts! Then came Dark Atlantis, The Shaolin Temple and Eternal Flame.
these are Hqs and Divisions. Several member boards : Sea Of Madness,
Damage Incorporated and The Darkside. Along the way we picked up several
Members: Miyamoto Musashi Cesspool...Artists: ZMan Grafx...
A small group is born! I had thoughts of releasing the first
pack in January 1st 94. But changed my mind, because of the strong
support we have... So this is the first pack you see before you.!.
December 1st 1993.... REMs Mission Pack.
PS. our Multi-Viewer is sloppy E T s K i C K
because of the deadline. MH L i
put it together in two days. Night Breed T
iN 94
Shots out to the STAFF!
Lord Musashi,Cesspool and Abomination.
Lord Musahi..were still working on
your loader!
Ridin Wild on the WildSide!!!!
KX where are you???!!!
12/93 MiSSiON PaCK
First Release
REM Radical Elite Movement REM
c !On A Mission! tm.
Well this is Night Breed. And I would like to brief all of
you on REMs beginning! About, late September 93 we started talk of
our own lil group. It was Man Handle and I, who had the general ideas.
Man Handle a programmer on the rise, which you can consider him the
co-founder. But I was the one who coordinated everything. I started
to talk to Brainz Kitizen-X. They are the senior staff members...
Brainz our VGA/Composer guy Kitizen-X our Ansi/Assistant guy...
And last but not least me : Night Breed, Im the founder/coordinator/
ansi/vga guy. Hmm, did I leave anything out?
We had such high expectations, so the more we got hesitant
on producing anything. So this left the four fathers in limbo for about
two weeks. Until Brainz made his first raytrace of an REM logo. We
all checked it out, and said lets go on with this craze! Kitizen-X and
I started doing ansis, mind you this was both our first time in really
putting some time/effort in ansis. my first ones was so awful!-nb...
Kitizen-Xs was great. BTW his REM logo is the only ansi he made!
This is because he found out he had to move on. So this
put him on a strain. He said, I dont think I will be able to stay
with the group. Onto Man Handle, he started practicing on his loaders.
They were all very impressive... I talked with him about the KV viewer,
that iCE released. Kv is great, I like the VGA mode the best!! doesnt
everyone?? Well the talk of our own Multi-Viewer had begun.
Man Handle knew how to do the VGA mode, but that was going to be hard
to code. Well, what did you expect from a young teen??
Along this practice parade, I started to call and ask
around for support and all that stuff. Maybe most of you had seen my
posts! Then came Dark Atlantis, The Shaolin Temple and Eternal Flame.
these are Hqs and Divisions. Several member boards : Sea Of Madness,
Damage Incorporated and The Darkside. Along the way we picked up several
Members: Miyamoto Musashi Cesspool...Artists: ZMan Grafx...
A small group is born! I had thoughts of releasing the first
pack in January 1st 94. But changed my mind, because of the strong
support we have... So this is the first pack you see before you.!.
December 1st 1993.... REMs Mission Pack.
PS. our Multi-Viewer is sloppy E T s K i C K
because of the deadline. MH L i
put it together in two days. Night Breed T
iN 94
Shots out to the STAFF!
Lord Musashi,Cesspool and Abomination.
Lord Musahi..were still working on
your loader!
Ridin Wild on the WildSide!!!!
KX where are you???!!!
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