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Radical Elite Movement: Monthly Newsletter April 01,1994
Another month another art packet. Well this month is more like a
Music Packet. March: you could all say was a MARCH MADNESS. It has been
slow for all of my artists. Even I having Finals. Well good news this
month is that CoR merged with REM INC. The merger was a success, it was
made sometime during the middle of March. Lets welcome former CoR -
Founder/Prez : MagellanREM INC/Sr.Member. He will take care of internal
duties within REM and also represent the group. About 8 members from
CoR is now in REM INC. You can take a look at the new listings of all
the names. If I missed anyone please inform me. One thing you should
notice about the member listings is that I have not included the Member
Boards anymore. I figure your name will be on the list of members anyways.
And that should indeed give you the credits that you need.
Now back for this packet being more like a Music Packet. One
of the better West Coast Musicians is now with REM, the name is Nemesis.
Im proud to have him on our side. Also listening to his great tunes,
everyday I become a fan of his music. He was also a CoR member. A funny
thing about it was that, he applied for REM membership, but a couple of
weeks later, that CoR and REM merger happened. ! REM INC welcomes
all of its NEW members. Lets JAM!
Bad News for this month: Nisqually an EX-REM MEMBER! Because of
his GUILTY ANSI RIPPING! Has blemished the REM name a bit. He apparently
ripped an ansi from a former Eternity member: Maestro. I do apologize
to Maestro that Nisqually had in fact ripped it. I do not appreciate people
jacking up the REM INC name for one silly persons acts. I do not guarantee
the artists Im hiring arent going to RIP off peoples artwork. I do not
have the knowledge of every single ansi ever produced. So therefore I cant
acuse anyone of ripping ansis. If you the viewer or critic let me know
fine, but do not slander the good name of a group. Since REM INC is one of
the new budding groups, it is hard enough to get more members. Id be more
appreciative if people would work toghether to help out groups from these
worthless artists. If ever so boldly Nisqually keeps that handle watch out.
Everyone in REM INC lets re-group and work our ASSES OFF!
Night BreedREM-INC
Another month another art packet. Well this month is more like a
Music Packet. March: you could all say was a MARCH MADNESS. It has been
slow for all of my artists. Even I having Finals. Well good news this
month is that CoR merged with REM INC. The merger was a success, it was
made sometime during the middle of March. Lets welcome former CoR -
Founder/Prez : MagellanREM INC/Sr.Member. He will take care of internal
duties within REM and also represent the group. About 8 members from
CoR is now in REM INC. You can take a look at the new listings of all
the names. If I missed anyone please inform me. One thing you should
notice about the member listings is that I have not included the Member
Boards anymore. I figure your name will be on the list of members anyways.
And that should indeed give you the credits that you need.
Now back for this packet being more like a Music Packet. One
of the better West Coast Musicians is now with REM, the name is Nemesis.
Im proud to have him on our side. Also listening to his great tunes,
everyday I become a fan of his music. He was also a CoR member. A funny
thing about it was that, he applied for REM membership, but a couple of
weeks later, that CoR and REM merger happened. ! REM INC welcomes
all of its NEW members. Lets JAM!
Bad News for this month: Nisqually an EX-REM MEMBER! Because of
his GUILTY ANSI RIPPING! Has blemished the REM name a bit. He apparently
ripped an ansi from a former Eternity member: Maestro. I do apologize
to Maestro that Nisqually had in fact ripped it. I do not appreciate people
jacking up the REM INC name for one silly persons acts. I do not guarantee
the artists Im hiring arent going to RIP off peoples artwork. I do not
have the knowledge of every single ansi ever produced. So therefore I cant
acuse anyone of ripping ansis. If you the viewer or critic let me know
fine, but do not slander the good name of a group. Since REM INC is one of
the new budding groups, it is hard enough to get more members. Id be more
appreciative if people would work toghether to help out groups from these
worthless artists. If ever so boldly Nisqually keeps that handle watch out.
Everyone in REM INC lets re-group and work our ASSES OFF!
Night BreedREM-INC
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