this image contains text
With this release, I refuse all standards that have pre
viously been
established by picture artists and their so good lack of re
flection and
artistic sense. Pictures will always remain pictures, nothi
ng else. Some say
theyre anti-fonts, well then Im anti-pics, and pro-art al
so, which is
something picture artists definatly couldnt claim to be. T
rue art will be
created once people refuse all standards known nowadays. We
need to create our
own standards and keep them to ourself, because a post-trad
itional scene would
fall in the same abyss created before. Art has no defined r
ules and it has to
remain that way. Art does not require talent, it requires s
ome creativity!
Pretty much everything has been started during the end
of February to
the end of March. During the month of April and the beginni
ng of May, I have
completed most of the pieces and then, finished everything
at the beginning of
July. Final corrections have been made at the beginning of
August, after taking a two weeks break.
Every piece has been created using TheDraw except Equi
librium I,
that has been created using PabloDraw. This information fil
e has been created
using AcidDraw.
01.ANS, Equi
librium I. 02.ANS, Untitled
. 01, This
piece demonstrates an certain equilibrium. We must re
member that true equilibrium is impo
ssible to reach. Colors have properties that make
impossible the creation of any real eq
uilibrium. The binary is based on the
late work of Mondrian, before the NYC series, but trie
s to go further than what he has don
e, by using different shades of white to give the so
called equilibrium more c
redibility stability. These different shades of whi
te also create a better
contrast with primary colors used. It has to be viewe
d in vga, not only for a be
tter understanding, but also because it uses the
same color technique has th
e one explained in 02.
02, The purpose of this piece is
the creation of a rythmic pattern, with the
use of new colors. The color technique that create
s these colors is based on the human ey
es weakness to recognize shapes at a certain distanc
e. It is easier for us to distinguis
h colors than shapes. When standing far away to
the piece or when viewed in
vga suggested, colors mix together and create
new ones, 368 to be exact.
If viewed in vga, it must be at a resolution of
320 x 200.
03.ANS, Salt.
04.ANS, Free Coke I.
05.ANS, Free Coke II.
06.ANS, Lost Paradise.
03, First font
of the serie. It is somehow based on Constructivism,
though it strictly uses the horizont
al-vertical opposed to Suprematism.
The superposition of blocks
creates a multiple layer piece, which has five
of them including the negative space
the outline of the font itself.
Basically, the purpose was the creation of a font usin
g quadrilaterals on different layers
, so it wouldnt be like other two-layers type of fon
ts foreground and background.
04, Constructivist fon
t using watercolor-like transparency. The purpose of
the use of transparency was to give s
ome colors a different aspect. Instead
of that rigid, hard and even spiritual look, the
01 loses these aspects to become a fr
agile color, which could be destroyed by touching it.
Its spirituality is also subdued a
lot. Same thing goes for the 08, which has
normally a deep, dark look it now becomes lik
e a touch of light. It should
be viewed with ice colors.
05, Based on t
he same technique as the two other pieces, this one h
as been created to go fur
ther than the previous ones. This serie needed anothe
r piece to show the evolution
of a particular style. It couldve gotten even furth
er by using one character wi
de blocks, but there was no real need in doing that.
06, Instead of
being based on superposition, this one uses blocks p
laced on a single layer. It
also uses three double lines to enhance some defined
07.ANS, Equalizer.
07, This one is totally based on
contrasts. Shade of colors normal type of
shading would have destroyer that high
contrast created when blue and white me
et. Sam thing applies with red and white, and red and
The contrast looks even better whe
n viewed at a resolution of 320 x 200
and when the original background color
of the monitor black is really dark.
08.ANS, Kink.
08, The purpose of this piece was
the annihilation of the background, as
known nowadays. The foreground as been placed in
the background. That way, there is no
real background nor foreground. Ive worked more on
the negative positive space than the
outline of the positive negative space.
Once again, it was an a
ttempt of destruction of old standards that force
people to have their positive space mo
re developped than the negative one.
When drawing a figurative piece, t
he remaining space that is created b
etween foreground elements becomes a new element. When
exploited, there is no real backgroun
d anymore. Thats also what this piece is trying to s
, Equilibrium II.
ID, Even though this is the descr
iption file of the package, I have worked
on another equilibrium piece. This one is based on
the theories of Kandinsky, abstract art
s greatest theorician.
With this release, I refuse all standards that have pre
viously been
established by picture artists and their so good lack of re
flection and
artistic sense. Pictures will always remain pictures, nothi
ng else. Some say
theyre anti-fonts, well then Im anti-pics, and pro-art al
so, which is
something picture artists definatly couldnt claim to be. T
rue art will be
created once people refuse all standards known nowadays. We
need to create our
own standards and keep them to ourself, because a post-trad
itional scene would
fall in the same abyss created before. Art has no defined r
ules and it has to
remain that way. Art does not require talent, it requires s
ome creativity!
Pretty much everything has been started during the end
of February to
the end of March. During the month of April and the beginni
ng of May, I have
completed most of the pieces and then, finished everything
at the beginning of
July. Final corrections have been made at the beginning of
August, after taking a two weeks break.
Every piece has been created using TheDraw except Equi
librium I,
that has been created using PabloDraw. This information fil
e has been created
using AcidDraw.
01.ANS, Equi
librium I. 02.ANS, Untitled
. 01, This
piece demonstrates an certain equilibrium. We must re
member that true equilibrium is impo
ssible to reach. Colors have properties that make
impossible the creation of any real eq
uilibrium. The binary is based on the
late work of Mondrian, before the NYC series, but trie
s to go further than what he has don
e, by using different shades of white to give the so
called equilibrium more c
redibility stability. These different shades of whi
te also create a better
contrast with primary colors used. It has to be viewe
d in vga, not only for a be
tter understanding, but also because it uses the
same color technique has th
e one explained in 02.
02, The purpose of this piece is
the creation of a rythmic pattern, with the
use of new colors. The color technique that create
s these colors is based on the human ey
es weakness to recognize shapes at a certain distanc
e. It is easier for us to distinguis
h colors than shapes. When standing far away to
the piece or when viewed in
vga suggested, colors mix together and create
new ones, 368 to be exact.
If viewed in vga, it must be at a resolution of
320 x 200.
03.ANS, Salt.
04.ANS, Free Coke I.
05.ANS, Free Coke II.
06.ANS, Lost Paradise.
03, First font
of the serie. It is somehow based on Constructivism,
though it strictly uses the horizont
al-vertical opposed to Suprematism.
The superposition of blocks
creates a multiple layer piece, which has five
of them including the negative space
the outline of the font itself.
Basically, the purpose was the creation of a font usin
g quadrilaterals on different layers
, so it wouldnt be like other two-layers type of fon
ts foreground and background.
04, Constructivist fon
t using watercolor-like transparency. The purpose of
the use of transparency was to give s
ome colors a different aspect. Instead
of that rigid, hard and even spiritual look, the
01 loses these aspects to become a fr
agile color, which could be destroyed by touching it.
Its spirituality is also subdued a
lot. Same thing goes for the 08, which has
normally a deep, dark look it now becomes lik
e a touch of light. It should
be viewed with ice colors.
05, Based on t
he same technique as the two other pieces, this one h
as been created to go fur
ther than the previous ones. This serie needed anothe
r piece to show the evolution
of a particular style. It couldve gotten even furth
er by using one character wi
de blocks, but there was no real need in doing that.
06, Instead of
being based on superposition, this one uses blocks p
laced on a single layer. It
also uses three double lines to enhance some defined
07.ANS, Equalizer.
07, This one is totally based on
contrasts. Shade of colors normal type of
shading would have destroyer that high
contrast created when blue and white me
et. Sam thing applies with red and white, and red and
The contrast looks even better whe
n viewed at a resolution of 320 x 200
and when the original background color
of the monitor black is really dark.
08.ANS, Kink.
08, The purpose of this piece was
the annihilation of the background, as
known nowadays. The foreground as been placed in
the background. That way, there is no
real background nor foreground. Ive worked more on
the negative positive space than the
outline of the positive negative space.
Once again, it was an a
ttempt of destruction of old standards that force
people to have their positive space mo
re developped than the negative one.
When drawing a figurative piece, t
he remaining space that is created b
etween foreground elements becomes a new element. When
exploited, there is no real backgroun
d anymore. Thats also what this piece is trying to s
, Equilibrium II.
ID, Even though this is the descr
iption file of the package, I have worked
on another equilibrium piece. This one is based on
the theories of Kandinsky, abstract art
s greatest theorician.
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