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T H E F U G i T i V E
In the sun I feelas one
I feelthat my workis done
But yet so muchleft unfinished
I want totalk agun and shoot untilIam daminished
I am just so sorry and wasted thatI dont deserve to live
There isjust nothingleft for me to give
I am so sorry butit is time
Time for mylast dine
I mustnow go
I must go deepand hide It isnt myfault I just feel caught TFSo I saymy fairwells RCTWhen Icome back?No one can tell
Dont botherto calling
Ill just be in a horrible place balling
My chances of livingis a slim five percent T
This is my lastand final Primal Decent. F
P R i M A L D E S C E N T
9 O 8 7 5 2 S O O N
C O M I N G F A L L O F 94
- UpTop: ThE FUGiTiVE ReactorV2Pt
- Co.Op: LEO D. LiON
G i V E i T A C A L L T H I S F A L L
ANSiFONT: The Fugitive Reactor LiT: MiRAGE Reactor
Greets go out to Leo D. Lion, Pliny, QuRAn, Mirage, Somms, and any one I missed If yould like to purchase a CRAP COPiED RiGHT off the ARTiSTS PiCTURE with
some slight modifications, you can reach me on FreeFall Int. Net, Blitz Net, or
on Harvest Moon. Prices are Negotiable.
In the sun I feelas one
I feelthat my workis done
But yet so muchleft unfinished
I want totalk agun and shoot untilIam daminished
I am just so sorry and wasted thatI dont deserve to live
There isjust nothingleft for me to give
I am so sorry butit is time
Time for mylast dine
I mustnow go
I must go deepand hide It isnt myfault I just feel caught TFSo I saymy fairwells RCTWhen Icome back?No one can tell
Dont botherto calling
Ill just be in a horrible place balling
My chances of livingis a slim five percent T
This is my lastand final Primal Decent. F
P R i M A L D E S C E N T
9 O 8 7 5 2 S O O N
C O M I N G F A L L O F 94
- UpTop: ThE FUGiTiVE ReactorV2Pt
- Co.Op: LEO D. LiON
G i V E i T A C A L L T H I S F A L L
ANSiFONT: The Fugitive Reactor LiT: MiRAGE Reactor
Greets go out to Leo D. Lion, Pliny, QuRAn, Mirage, Somms, and any one I missed If yould like to purchase a CRAP COPiED RiGHT off the ARTiSTS PiCTURE with
some slight modifications, you can reach me on FreeFall Int. Net, Blitz Net, or
on Harvest Moon. Prices are Negotiable.
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