![- return of a legend - by deadhead [rca]](/pack/rca15-a/x1/DH-RTURN.ASC.png)
this image contains text
. t h e r e t u r n o f a l e g e n d .
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. r e a l c r e a t i v e a r t i s t s .
.-deadhead ascii------------------------------------------------------------.
my first ascii in over a year, greets
not too shabby for someone slo1 - habib allah mustafa owns your 686
thats way outta practice i lady blue - the leetest lit lady ever
dont suppose eh? rw - did i win the porno contest? :
-------------------------------------------------email: andy@greenwood.net-
,, ,a,a, , ,, ,,, ,,, ,a,a, ,,
aa, ,xxx, ,aa. ,xxx, ,aaa, .xx, ,aaa
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. r e a l c r e a t i v e a r t i s t s .
.-deadhead ascii------------------------------------------------------------.
my first ascii in over a year, greets
not too shabby for someone slo1 - habib allah mustafa owns your 686
thats way outta practice i lady blue - the leetest lit lady ever
dont suppose eh? rw - did i win the porno contest? :
-------------------------------------------------email: andy@greenwood.net-
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