this image contains text
r ssssssssss , ssssssss , ss ,sss, s,.,s, ssssssssss r C , , , C A , , , , , A s , , , ,
,,.,,., really ,., crazy ,., artists ,.,,.,,. s,.,sSSs,,,,,,ss,.,sSs,,,,,sSs,.,ss,,,,,,,sSs,.,s
This is our Application Form..
Please fill it out and follow the notes at the bottom
,- General Info ---------------------------------------------------------.
Handle : Age :
Abbreviation : Years BBSing :
Real Name :
Voice Phone : SysOp? :
Data Phone : BBS Name :
Daytime Phone : BBS Phone :
Email Address :
City, State :
Previous Groups:
,- Artist ---------------------------------------------------------.
Appling as :place X in box:
Ascii Ansi VGA
How long you been Drawing :
How much time does it take to complete one :
How many pieces can you produce in one month? :
What are you best at logos, pics, original art, etc:
Who are your favorite Artists?:
,- Essay Section -------------------------------------------------------.
Tells Why..and what you can do for RCA..
,---------------- READ BELLOW please ----------------.
re-name this file to youe abbr hanlde EX: Slrcaap.asc
Along with this application file, please include samples of your work,
at least 2 things and 1 RCA logo that makes 3 works also the more work
you can Add the better chances are ..Please send it to the follow people
below..you should have an Answer with in 48 hours
Starlord starlord@ns1.teleplex.net
Wildcat wildcat@ns1.teleplex.net
BossMan bossman@jorsm.com
----------- Damonk yoda@epix.net ----------------
Mech morot@usa.net
------ Thanks for Appling to RCA -
,,.,,., really ,., crazy ,., artists ,.,,.,,. s,.,sSSs,,,,,,ss,.,sSs,,,,,sSs,.,ss,,,,,,,sSs,.,s
This is our Application Form..
Please fill it out and follow the notes at the bottom
,- General Info ---------------------------------------------------------.
Handle : Age :
Abbreviation : Years BBSing :
Real Name :
Voice Phone : SysOp? :
Data Phone : BBS Name :
Daytime Phone : BBS Phone :
Email Address :
City, State :
Previous Groups:
,- Artist ---------------------------------------------------------.
Appling as :place X in box:
Ascii Ansi VGA
How long you been Drawing :
How much time does it take to complete one :
How many pieces can you produce in one month? :
What are you best at logos, pics, original art, etc:
Who are your favorite Artists?:
,- Essay Section -------------------------------------------------------.
Tells Why..and what you can do for RCA..
,---------------- READ BELLOW please ----------------.
re-name this file to youe abbr hanlde EX: Slrcaap.asc
Along with this application file, please include samples of your work,
at least 2 things and 1 RCA logo that makes 3 works also the more work
you can Add the better chances are ..Please send it to the follow people
below..you should have an Answer with in 48 hours
Starlord starlord@ns1.teleplex.net
Wildcat wildcat@ns1.teleplex.net
BossMan bossman@jorsm.com
----------- Damonk yoda@epix.net ----------------
Mech morot@usa.net
------ Thanks for Appling to RCA -
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