this image contains text
Phantom Lords colly for this month. Sorry there is not header, I dont have
time to make one . Anyway, hope you like these ansis. Requests send to:
-Phantom Lord / rCA
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ansi buh phANTOm lOrd of rCa!@
coders name here. coders name here
options here. options here. options here. options here. options here. options
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just finished this one. Its for a 1liner. Forgot the coders name...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by phantom lord of
si r
n c
a a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spirit of Art BBS! One of the best boards over here. I have to give it to him
one day...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloody BBS. Not the best board, but one of the best ansis I like this one...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ansi buh pl/rca for cfx bbs +o civax
coders f/x
info goes here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coders F/X BBS. I Like the board, but this ansi sucks. nevermind.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one for Coders F/X BBS. I kinda like this style.
Dont forget to d/l this week issue of cfx new!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coders F/X news - it rocks! I like this ansi, Civax didnt like it :
coders pL!
f / x rCA
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I said before, I like this style... Coders F/X BBS rocks
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pl!rCA
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one for the CFX news. I dont really like it, but maybe Civax will.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this bk ansi by phantom lord of rca!@ on black shit is
kreator rox
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theres an ansi editor called gate, and I was asked to make an ansi for it.
The ansi didnt go out that good, but nevermind.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liquid BBS! This ansi is pretty good. Maybe I had to work on it more...
files menu - patriot bbs
.F.iles list.o.ther shit
.A.rea change.o.ther shit
.*.page sysop.o.ther shit
.-.back to main
ansi made by phantom lord of rca
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Files menu for Patriot BBS. Pretty good, I think.
main menu - patriot bbs
.F.files menu.*.page sysop
.M.mail menu.N.ote to sysop
..toplink menu.o.ther shit
.L.ogoff!.o.ther shit
ansi made by phantom lord of rca
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------If I make a files menu, what wont I make a main menu too?
+op cracky
sOA?! Pl!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one for Spirit of Art BBS.
.freefiles. .files. .msgsmisc. .chat.
.REG.isterform .F.iledirectory .R.eadmessages .CHAT.
.ALL.fileslist .D.ownloadfiles .E.nteramessage .WHO.son?
.PRICES.list .U.ploadfiles .C.ommenttosysop .P.agegod
.Z.ippysearch .T.ransferprotocol
.L.ocatefiles .V.iewyourconfig .N.ewfilesscan .W.riteyourconfig
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Xenophilia. Nice ansi, I think. I can make better...
Pl! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zippy search PPE. I kinda like it. And no, Im not gay - there is so much pink
by accident...
Okay, thats it!!
Want an ansi? E-mail me to plord@inter.net.il or catch me on IRC - rca, 972.
Greets goes out to:
Apex, Civax, Starlord, Cracky, -real, caynan, Night Deamon, Kurt Cobain RIP,
and some others. Forget you? Add yourself.
-Phantom Lord / rCA
time to make one . Anyway, hope you like these ansis. Requests send to:
-Phantom Lord / rCA
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ansi buh phANTOm lOrd of rCa!@
coders name here. coders name here
options here. options here. options here. options here. options here. options
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just finished this one. Its for a 1liner. Forgot the coders name...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by phantom lord of
si r
n c
a a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spirit of Art BBS! One of the best boards over here. I have to give it to him
one day...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloody BBS. Not the best board, but one of the best ansis I like this one...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ansi buh pl/rca for cfx bbs +o civax
coders f/x
info goes here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coders F/X BBS. I Like the board, but this ansi sucks. nevermind.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one for Coders F/X BBS. I kinda like this style.
Dont forget to d/l this week issue of cfx new!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coders F/X news - it rocks! I like this ansi, Civax didnt like it :
coders pL!
f / x rCA
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I said before, I like this style... Coders F/X BBS rocks
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pl!rCA
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one for the CFX news. I dont really like it, but maybe Civax will.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this bk ansi by phantom lord of rca!@ on black shit is
kreator rox
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theres an ansi editor called gate, and I was asked to make an ansi for it.
The ansi didnt go out that good, but nevermind.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liquid BBS! This ansi is pretty good. Maybe I had to work on it more...
files menu - patriot bbs
.F.iles list.o.ther shit
.A.rea change.o.ther shit
.*.page sysop.o.ther shit
.-.back to main
ansi made by phantom lord of rca
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Files menu for Patriot BBS. Pretty good, I think.
main menu - patriot bbs
.F.files menu.*.page sysop
.M.mail menu.N.ote to sysop
..toplink menu.o.ther shit
.L.ogoff!.o.ther shit
ansi made by phantom lord of rca
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------If I make a files menu, what wont I make a main menu too?
+op cracky
sOA?! Pl!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one for Spirit of Art BBS.
.freefiles. .files. .msgsmisc. .chat.
.REG.isterform .F.iledirectory .R.eadmessages .CHAT.
.ALL.fileslist .D.ownloadfiles .E.nteramessage .WHO.son?
.PRICES.list .U.ploadfiles .C.ommenttosysop .P.agegod
.Z.ippysearch .T.ransferprotocol
.L.ocatefiles .V.iewyourconfig .N.ewfilesscan .W.riteyourconfig
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Xenophilia. Nice ansi, I think. I can make better...
Pl! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zippy search PPE. I kinda like it. And no, Im not gay - there is so much pink
by accident...
Okay, thats it!!
Want an ansi? E-mail me to plord@inter.net.il or catch me on IRC - rca, 972.
Greets goes out to:
Apex, Civax, Starlord, Cracky, -real, caynan, Night Deamon, Kurt Cobain RIP,
and some others. Forget you? Add yourself.
-Phantom Lord / rCA
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