this image contains text
.a!g .a!P4!a. ggggg 4 .a!P4!a. P4!a.gggg
. , .a ba., : .
: a aaa .,ad aa.
aaaaa ba
.ba.,.ad P4 P4P 4 aba ad,
ba.,.,..,adba,dbadba,., .,ad!ba.ad!a,..ba.d
aaaa 4P.aa. ba.,, .a ba.,
P4 4!a. a P
ggggg : :
ba,.ad ..,ad ba., ba.,, .a!
ba a
bobafett! P P4P P4P
t h e p o w e r o f t h e .a
a, ggggg
a a!P4P!a. ggggg 4
P4P P4P!a ggg P4
.a!!a. .a!P4 .a!P4 .a!!a.
aa aa ggggg
a a,
a..a a..a aa
a.4P 4P P4
,a ,aaaaaaa ggggg aaaaaaaaaaba,..ad
.a!P4!a. ad ,a
,a .a!P4 .a!P4!a.P4
a 4!a. aa , .aa.
P .a!a
P4P ggggg aa ggggg :
: ,a a.a a..a a.a : P4P
, .a!,4P 4P 4P 4
a!aa. .aa!,,.,.!aa.,,,.a.,..,aaa,.,a!a.,
aaaP4P4P4P :
b. bobafett!:
4P4P4P4P rca.dark!
-an ad for my own bbs, 864-639-1oo7!-----------------------------------------
.,aa,. t h e p o w e r o f t h e P4
aS:b ggggg , P ggggg P4
a a Pa.,PPa. ggggg ,.a.
a,aa, . :P P4ba Pa
a , , , b ,P.ad
a aa . d. . b.
a aa a,dsbds side d,
bf! . ,4b.P,4b,adP,! P,4b..,ad
.,dba,...adb, ..,adb.4adb.ddba.adba.a4ad
b,4P 4P4P4P4P4P4P4
b x command here x command here x command here x command here4
P x command here x command here x command here x command here 4 P x command here x command here x command here x command here
x command here x command here x command here x command here :
: x command here x command here x command here x command here
x command here x command here x command here x command here
ba.menu? command? .ad
-an ad for my own bbs, 864-639-1oo7!-----------------------------------------
P gggg P gggg P4
ba,,ad.a!P4 gggg gggg gggg .a!P4
P4 P4P4a. ba,,ad
ba,,ad ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii
P4 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ba,,ad
b!bad !bad !bad P4
d r a g o n m u d
heather.greatbasin.com port 4444
-an ad for a mud i am a god on! heather.greatbasin.com port 4444------------
askee by boba fett dark.rca
gggggg gggggg
P4!a. .a!4P4!a. P4!a.
.a!! .aa .aa P4!a. .a!!
.a!!a. 4 :
4P 4P P .a!! P : 4P 4P
gaag ,d ,a, gaag :d gaag a,..a! gaag
ll ,da d ll a P ll P4 ll
P4! ,a4Pa, 4a ,a4Pa, aa. ggggg ,a4Pa, a : ,a4Pa
a,a!, a.,P : db P4!
a : ,aa .a!a.
P4! , ba,.ad .aa.
,da aa 4!!P .a!!a. a .a! .aa
: 4aaba4! ,aa!b 4P dP,a
: 4P4a4P :
: 4
: bf!
-an ad for heartbreak kids r.c.m real crazy modders...--------------------
hey dudes...
To acquire an ANSi from me, locate me on any R.C./. bbs through the uprising
net, and write me mail. I may also be located on RCA on efnet servers mostly.
Second option, call my bbs at 864-639-1oo7, or e-mail me at boba.fett@x-net.net
My bbs crashed this month, rendering me briefly impotent as far as art work
goes. I have gotten onto this askee craze in the past few weeks. It is cool
and fun to draw. I guess I am doing askee requests now too. Too bad Dark
wont take askee... *sigh*... Well let me fire some lameass greetz in your
general direction...
group greets: Dark, iCE, Fire, and selected members of ACiD...
personal greets:
Possum Killer - Hows life??? Man, mine is so fucking boring here without you
being down the street to go start a fire with and burn down someones house...
Xypher Matryx - Whats up man... Thanx for informing me on the Dark front and
showing me around the group and just being XM...
Kitiara - Thanx for that Stormtrooper pic, best of luck in Dark with the rest
of us!
Cyber God - Thanx for the art for my bbs, NOW I COMMAND YOU!!! DRAW ME A QWK
boba fett... here I am! boba fett... thank you maam!!!
. , .a ba., : .
: a aaa .,ad aa.
aaaaa ba
.ba.,.ad P4 P4P 4 aba ad,
ba.,.,..,adba,dbadba,., .,ad!ba.ad!a,..ba.d
aaaa 4P.aa. ba.,, .a ba.,
P4 4!a. a P
ggggg : :
ba,.ad ..,ad ba., ba.,, .a!
ba a
bobafett! P P4P P4P
t h e p o w e r o f t h e .a
a, ggggg
a a!P4P!a. ggggg 4
P4P P4P!a ggg P4
.a!!a. .a!P4 .a!P4 .a!!a.
aa aa ggggg
a a,
a..a a..a aa
a.4P 4P P4
,a ,aaaaaaa ggggg aaaaaaaaaaba,..ad
.a!P4!a. ad ,a
,a .a!P4 .a!P4!a.P4
a 4!a. aa , .aa.
P .a!a
P4P ggggg aa ggggg :
: ,a a.a a..a a.a : P4P
, .a!,4P 4P 4P 4
a!aa. .aa!,,.,.!aa.,,,.a.,..,aaa,.,a!a.,
aaaP4P4P4P :
b. bobafett!:
4P4P4P4P rca.dark!
-an ad for my own bbs, 864-639-1oo7!-----------------------------------------
.,aa,. t h e p o w e r o f t h e P4
aS:b ggggg , P ggggg P4
a a Pa.,PPa. ggggg ,.a.
a,aa, . :P P4ba Pa
a , , , b ,P.ad
a aa . d. . b.
a aa a,dsbds side d,
bf! . ,4b.P,4b,adP,! P,4b..,ad
.,dba,...adb, ..,adb.4adb.ddba.adba.a4ad
b,4P 4P4P4P4P4P4P4
b x command here x command here x command here x command here4
P x command here x command here x command here x command here 4 P x command here x command here x command here x command here
x command here x command here x command here x command here :
: x command here x command here x command here x command here
x command here x command here x command here x command here
ba.menu? command? .ad
-an ad for my own bbs, 864-639-1oo7!-----------------------------------------
P gggg P gggg P4
ba,,ad.a!P4 gggg gggg gggg .a!P4
P4 P4P4a. ba,,ad
ba,,ad ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii
P4 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ba,,ad
b!bad !bad !bad P4
d r a g o n m u d
heather.greatbasin.com port 4444
-an ad for a mud i am a god on! heather.greatbasin.com port 4444------------
askee by boba fett dark.rca
gggggg gggggg
P4!a. .a!4P4!a. P4!a.
.a!! .aa .aa P4!a. .a!!
.a!!a. 4 :
4P 4P P .a!! P : 4P 4P
gaag ,d ,a, gaag :d gaag a,..a! gaag
ll ,da d ll a P ll P4 ll
P4! ,a4Pa, 4a ,a4Pa, aa. ggggg ,a4Pa, a : ,a4Pa
a,a!, a.,P : db P4!
a : ,aa .a!a.
P4! , ba,.ad .aa.
,da aa 4!!P .a!!a. a .a! .aa
: 4aaba4! ,aa!b 4P dP,a
: 4P4a4P :
: 4
: bf!
-an ad for heartbreak kids r.c.m real crazy modders...--------------------
hey dudes...
To acquire an ANSi from me, locate me on any R.C./. bbs through the uprising
net, and write me mail. I may also be located on RCA on efnet servers mostly.
Second option, call my bbs at 864-639-1oo7, or e-mail me at boba.fett@x-net.net
My bbs crashed this month, rendering me briefly impotent as far as art work
goes. I have gotten onto this askee craze in the past few weeks. It is cool
and fun to draw. I guess I am doing askee requests now too. Too bad Dark
wont take askee... *sigh*... Well let me fire some lameass greetz in your
general direction...
group greets: Dark, iCE, Fire, and selected members of ACiD...
personal greets:
Possum Killer - Hows life??? Man, mine is so fucking boring here without you
being down the street to go start a fire with and burn down someones house...
Xypher Matryx - Whats up man... Thanx for informing me on the Dark front and
showing me around the group and just being XM...
Kitiara - Thanx for that Stormtrooper pic, best of luck in Dark with the rest
of us!
Cyber God - Thanx for the art for my bbs, NOW I COMMAND YOU!!! DRAW ME A QWK
boba fett... here I am! boba fett... thank you maam!!!
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