this image contains text
another boba fett R.C./. produkshun, c 1996!
My logocluster is here! 400 lines of super lame-0
ANSi logoz! I guess someone needs to be greeted...
greets: Wildcat, Possum Killer, Crimethink, Tk,
BF-CLUS.ANS 3 R.C./. Deadhead, and the Reaper! hmmm... that all?
produkshun for me!!!
To acquire an ANSi from me, locate me on any R.C./. bbs through the uprising
net, and write me mail. I may also be located on RCA on efnet servers mostly.
Second option, call my bbs at 864-639-1oo7, or e-mail me at boba.fett@x-net.net
-this is where it all begins!------------------------------------------------
t h e
,aa. ,aa. aa ,aa. ,aa. ,a
: : : a : : a : : :
a aaa. a a
. . ,aa, . . . . . .
,aa. ,a ,aa. .aa. ,a
: a : : : : : : a
: : : : : : : ,a
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
t h e
,aa.,aa.aa,,a.,aa. a.
aaa aa
aa aaa aa
a aa. a. a
a ,a
a aaaa a aa aaa
,aa. a.,aa.,aa.a
a a
a a
a ,a
aaaa aa aaaa
a aaaaaa
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
t h e a s t r a l p l a n e b b s
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
press the button for smilez!
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
Sup!? These ansees are for the Heartbreak Kid of The Astral Plane BBS!!!
Hey, I guess this could actually be considered high quality work? WHAT???
You know the drill if you want some ansi from me. I got the time, and its
always... FREE!
-no one use any section of this ansi unless your name is Heartbreak Kid!---
t h e --
-- t h e s o n i c t e m p l e b b s --
sOp: sPaSm!
I guess you can put all of the rest of yer information in dis space homey!
Use whatcha will if ya need more space or anything, alter it on up fool!
Boba Fett!
ansee boba fett rca.taura
-cut here bitch!-------------------------------------------------------------
This ansee is fer my bud Spasm, of... THE SONIC TEMPLE *bang!* bbs. I havent
ever called it or anything, but he was on IRC, and I just got into Taura, and
he asked for it. Poor pitiful soul... never knew I couldnt draw worth shit!
-splice da ansi here!-------------------------------------------------------
b o b a f e t t
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
b o b a f e t t
-splice da ansi here!-------------------------------------------------------
Hey!!! Thats my name!
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey! These R.C./. logoz are for Wildcat and Starlord if you need them for ya
headers and shit!
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
aa ,aa. .a a. ,aa. ,aa.
: : : : : : a : :
a a a
-CHOP! Heeeeyaaa!------------------------------------------------------------
. ,aa, aaa aaa aaa,aaa.,aa,
a a a a
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
aaa aaaaa. aaa aaa aaa,aaa. aaaaa.
,a aaa ,aaa ,aaa a.
a a
a a a a
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
Heres a few ANSis for my bud Tk-Courier. Here some Taura shit for us dude.
Hopefully you can use it!
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
-cut herez!------------------------------------------------------------------
My logocluster is here! 400 lines of super lame-0
ANSi logoz! I guess someone needs to be greeted...
greets: Wildcat, Possum Killer, Crimethink, Tk,
BF-CLUS.ANS 3 R.C./. Deadhead, and the Reaper! hmmm... that all?
produkshun for me!!!
To acquire an ANSi from me, locate me on any R.C./. bbs through the uprising
net, and write me mail. I may also be located on RCA on efnet servers mostly.
Second option, call my bbs at 864-639-1oo7, or e-mail me at boba.fett@x-net.net
-this is where it all begins!------------------------------------------------
t h e
,aa. ,aa. aa ,aa. ,aa. ,a
: : : a : : a : : :
a aaa. a a
. . ,aa, . . . . . .
,aa. ,a ,aa. .aa. ,a
: a : : : : : : a
: : : : : : : ,a
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
t h e
,aa.,aa.aa,,a.,aa. a.
aaa aa
aa aaa aa
a aa. a. a
a ,a
a aaaa a aa aaa
,aa. a.,aa.,aa.a
a a
a a
a ,a
aaaa aa aaaa
a aaaaaa
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
t h e a s t r a l p l a n e b b s
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
press the button for smilez!
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
Sup!? These ansees are for the Heartbreak Kid of The Astral Plane BBS!!!
Hey, I guess this could actually be considered high quality work? WHAT???
You know the drill if you want some ansi from me. I got the time, and its
always... FREE!
-no one use any section of this ansi unless your name is Heartbreak Kid!---
t h e --
-- t h e s o n i c t e m p l e b b s --
sOp: sPaSm!
I guess you can put all of the rest of yer information in dis space homey!
Use whatcha will if ya need more space or anything, alter it on up fool!
Boba Fett!
ansee boba fett rca.taura
-cut here bitch!-------------------------------------------------------------
This ansee is fer my bud Spasm, of... THE SONIC TEMPLE *bang!* bbs. I havent
ever called it or anything, but he was on IRC, and I just got into Taura, and
he asked for it. Poor pitiful soul... never knew I couldnt draw worth shit!
-splice da ansi here!-------------------------------------------------------
b o b a f e t t
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
b o b a f e t t
-splice da ansi here!-------------------------------------------------------
Hey!!! Thats my name!
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey! These R.C./. logoz are for Wildcat and Starlord if you need them for ya
headers and shit!
-cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
aa ,aa. .a a. ,aa. ,aa.
: : : : : : a : :
a a a
-CHOP! Heeeeyaaa!------------------------------------------------------------
. ,aa, aaa aaa aaa,aaa.,aa,
a a a a
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
aaa aaaaa. aaa aaa aaa,aaa. aaaaa.
,a aaa ,aaa ,aaa a.
a a
a a a a
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
Heres a few ANSis for my bud Tk-Courier. Here some Taura shit for us dude.
Hopefully you can use it!
-cut here!-------------------------------------------------------------------
-cut herez!------------------------------------------------------------------
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