this image contains text
0432 hrs, m. RCA! It slices it dices! It cleans your toes, and polishes your
an in suit t shoes! It gives you your morning weather forcast with toast and
akes out garb eggs. It whirrz it buzzez and it scares you neibours dog! And
age. 0548 hr// its all for five enstalments monthly to the RCA pack! But wait
s, i get bo ! Thats not all! You get to hang around crazy n zany people like
red an give me! Isnt that what you always wanted? NO?? Well you just had a
the camel in screwed up child hood..
command a we
dgie! 0612 ,----------------------------------------------------------------
hrs, group C I have an important announcement to make. As some of you alreadyat the front know toilets are the gateway to hell, and have taken to suckinggate tells m// people in. -No there not!- Just try to proove me wrong.. I meane on the CB hell IS the shittiest place you can think of isnt it? And hell isthat the pre full of assholes. -Okay, but why would they start sucking peoplesidents ligh NOW?- Well.. it seems Satan has lost his edge.. and had to findt has just b// a way to regain it. -Okay, so how do i protect my tushie?- Do
een turned it in the sink... do it standing up... how the hell should I knowon. 0802 hrs ? Who do you think i am? The bathroom god?
, president c--
omes through// I hope you enjoyed Renegade Cameles and the Undie Insedent,RCAthe gate, w by the Box, and Toilets: the Unnoticed Danger.
e shoot body-----------------------------------------------------------------,gaurds then mug, wedgie, and steal the presidents undies. 0813 hrs, we run the presidents undies. 0813 hrs, we run the presidents undies along with the Renegade Camels flaghave just been ran up the flag pole. 0815 hrs, mission accompleshed, we all getout our fuzzy bats and beat each other senceless.
an in suit t shoes! It gives you your morning weather forcast with toast and
akes out garb eggs. It whirrz it buzzez and it scares you neibours dog! And
age. 0548 hr// its all for five enstalments monthly to the RCA pack! But wait
s, i get bo ! Thats not all! You get to hang around crazy n zany people like
red an give me! Isnt that what you always wanted? NO?? Well you just had a
the camel in screwed up child hood..
command a we
dgie! 0612 ,----------------------------------------------------------------
hrs, group C I have an important announcement to make. As some of you alreadyat the front know toilets are the gateway to hell, and have taken to suckinggate tells m// people in. -No there not!- Just try to proove me wrong.. I meane on the CB hell IS the shittiest place you can think of isnt it? And hell isthat the pre full of assholes. -Okay, but why would they start sucking peoplesidents ligh NOW?- Well.. it seems Satan has lost his edge.. and had to findt has just b// a way to regain it. -Okay, so how do i protect my tushie?- Do
een turned it in the sink... do it standing up... how the hell should I knowon. 0802 hrs ? Who do you think i am? The bathroom god?
, president c--
omes through// I hope you enjoyed Renegade Cameles and the Undie Insedent,RCAthe gate, w by the Box, and Toilets: the Unnoticed Danger.
e shoot body-----------------------------------------------------------------,gaurds then mug, wedgie, and steal the presidents undies. 0813 hrs, we run the presidents undies. 0813 hrs, we run the presidents undies along with the Renegade Camels flaghave just been ran up the flag pole. 0815 hrs, mission accompleshed, we all getout our fuzzy bats and beat each other senceless.
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