this image contains text
If you can see this, read on! Theirs alot of juicy stuff
June 96 Newsletter
Well, yet again RCA has strove to re-
define itself and its position in the
art world. Summer is here and we at
RCA are getting geared up for the ex-
plosion of activity. All are efforts
have gone into this pak and, as always
Proverbial Pheonix we hope that it reflects are struggle
to make a positive impact on the scene.
Big changes are on the horizon, including a merger and more
net-orientated services, and we beleive that these will all
contribute to the success of RCA. We are also looking to
expand our newly created modding department, headed by Hornet,
so modders apply now! We need you! Look for some reviatlized
members in this pak weve got a helluva lot of talent and
in the next couple of months it looks like it going to get
even better. Much like the proverbial pheonix, RCA has risen
out of its ashes to start showing the world what we can do!
get to talk to me!!!! w00p!!!!!
RCAs dedicated Net, The Uprising
Net, has now officially gone public.
Any BBS wishing to get in on the Ansi, Rip, Vga, Music, Lit
coding, or other discussion group fun can simply fill out
the enclosed forms that are contained in the net zip file:
uprising.zip. Then just upload your app to the Alter Ego,HQ
for the net and youll be just a step away from chatting
with all us RCA guys. Scores of areas are waiting to be
filled with your questions, comments, requests, and just
interesting conversation so hurry and get in on the action!
RCA is extremly glad to announce
the release of a totaly redone
me RCAView. This one was started from
good scratch by the prodigal Shade, coder
coder extrodinare! Apspiring to make RCA
view eventually the best viewer out
there, Shade has added a host of
goodies to make it competitive with
the best progs around. Included
Shade gloating as usual features are ANSI, RIP, and VGA
just kidden! Shade is badviewing capabilities, in addition
to playing music while ya view. A full list of features can
be found in the RCAview text file. Definately check this
thing out! Thank you Shade! Thakn you thank you thank you!!!!
cool stupid
elite This month has been Due to a reorginaza- big
guys a very busy month for tion in the group and lamers
us at RCA, and during some dropping of dead
this time we have ac- weight, we have lost
quired two new members. several members this
Shade returns to do month. We hope that all
that music that he inactive members will
does oh so well, plus return with a renewed
a little coding on the dedication. Though present
side. Corrosion, an now, Shrike, VGA artist,
ANSI artist, also has moved and will be unable
joins us to lend his to participate in any art
great talent to the group. We look forward
group. We are also happy to the time when he is
to say that Killerpole able to return. 3d has
has returned to RCA been dropped after his
and in a big way. Be sure apparent dissaperance
to check out his cool from the scene. Tek has
renderings in this pak. been virtualy crippled
Grey Star was also able under the weight of a
to contribute to the pak HUGE phone bill, so we
this month and we are wont be seeing any of him
overjoyed at his return. for awhile. in the hole
Another area can be selected
where RCA has from a convenient
sought to change menu. We beleive
the status-quo this to be a great
is in the presen- way of presenting
tation of litera- art, and we hope
ture.This month,you others will follow
will not see lit in our attempt to
in seperate files exhibit everyones
like ansis or LB brandishes her pen talents in a way
logos. Thanx to LB give sgood head that everyone
Shade coder or can look for their can benefit from.
musician? we lit fix inside the Another big thank
havent got that little enclosed you to Shade for
figured out yet execute files. Here his unexpected
all lit lovers the individual works coding gifts :
As always, we crave attention and Newsletter
are gratefull for any feedback, written by:
membership applications, or requests. Wildcat
Just call the Alter Ego WHQ at stud puupy: Wildcat
864-587-9828 and logon under the guest RCA Logo and
account. Through this acount you can ansi-ettes by:
apply, request art, and perform a few Wildcat
other functions. However, if you wish key grip: Wildcat
you may apply to the bbs itself to like this newsletter
get even more options.After validation format? too acidic?
you can enjoy the artsy atmosphere call me and tell me
and easily communicate with all RCA
members. Also, most RCA related
activities can be performed through Thru Netmail: 1:3652/12
all of the affiliated boards.
No! No! Say it isnt the........
hidden newletter Star Lord, Killerpole
greetz go out to: Shade,Hornet,Deadhead
Wasnt this a swell news letter? I thought so...
June 96 Newsletter
Well, yet again RCA has strove to re-
define itself and its position in the
art world. Summer is here and we at
RCA are getting geared up for the ex-
plosion of activity. All are efforts
have gone into this pak and, as always
Proverbial Pheonix we hope that it reflects are struggle
to make a positive impact on the scene.
Big changes are on the horizon, including a merger and more
net-orientated services, and we beleive that these will all
contribute to the success of RCA. We are also looking to
expand our newly created modding department, headed by Hornet,
so modders apply now! We need you! Look for some reviatlized
members in this pak weve got a helluva lot of talent and
in the next couple of months it looks like it going to get
even better. Much like the proverbial pheonix, RCA has risen
out of its ashes to start showing the world what we can do!
get to talk to me!!!! w00p!!!!!
RCAs dedicated Net, The Uprising
Net, has now officially gone public.
Any BBS wishing to get in on the Ansi, Rip, Vga, Music, Lit
coding, or other discussion group fun can simply fill out
the enclosed forms that are contained in the net zip file:
uprising.zip. Then just upload your app to the Alter Ego,HQ
for the net and youll be just a step away from chatting
with all us RCA guys. Scores of areas are waiting to be
filled with your questions, comments, requests, and just
interesting conversation so hurry and get in on the action!
RCA is extremly glad to announce
the release of a totaly redone
me RCAView. This one was started from
good scratch by the prodigal Shade, coder
coder extrodinare! Apspiring to make RCA
view eventually the best viewer out
there, Shade has added a host of
goodies to make it competitive with
the best progs around. Included
Shade gloating as usual features are ANSI, RIP, and VGA
just kidden! Shade is badviewing capabilities, in addition
to playing music while ya view. A full list of features can
be found in the RCAview text file. Definately check this
thing out! Thank you Shade! Thakn you thank you thank you!!!!
cool stupid
elite This month has been Due to a reorginaza- big
guys a very busy month for tion in the group and lamers
us at RCA, and during some dropping of dead
this time we have ac- weight, we have lost
quired two new members. several members this
Shade returns to do month. We hope that all
that music that he inactive members will
does oh so well, plus return with a renewed
a little coding on the dedication. Though present
side. Corrosion, an now, Shrike, VGA artist,
ANSI artist, also has moved and will be unable
joins us to lend his to participate in any art
great talent to the group. We look forward
group. We are also happy to the time when he is
to say that Killerpole able to return. 3d has
has returned to RCA been dropped after his
and in a big way. Be sure apparent dissaperance
to check out his cool from the scene. Tek has
renderings in this pak. been virtualy crippled
Grey Star was also able under the weight of a
to contribute to the pak HUGE phone bill, so we
this month and we are wont be seeing any of him
overjoyed at his return. for awhile. in the hole
Another area can be selected
where RCA has from a convenient
sought to change menu. We beleive
the status-quo this to be a great
is in the presen- way of presenting
tation of litera- art, and we hope
ture.This month,you others will follow
will not see lit in our attempt to
in seperate files exhibit everyones
like ansis or LB brandishes her pen talents in a way
logos. Thanx to LB give sgood head that everyone
Shade coder or can look for their can benefit from.
musician? we lit fix inside the Another big thank
havent got that little enclosed you to Shade for
figured out yet execute files. Here his unexpected
all lit lovers the individual works coding gifts :
As always, we crave attention and Newsletter
are gratefull for any feedback, written by:
membership applications, or requests. Wildcat
Just call the Alter Ego WHQ at stud puupy: Wildcat
864-587-9828 and logon under the guest RCA Logo and
account. Through this acount you can ansi-ettes by:
apply, request art, and perform a few Wildcat
other functions. However, if you wish key grip: Wildcat
you may apply to the bbs itself to like this newsletter
get even more options.After validation format? too acidic?
you can enjoy the artsy atmosphere call me and tell me
and easily communicate with all RCA
members. Also, most RCA related
activities can be performed through Thru Netmail: 1:3652/12
all of the affiliated boards.
No! No! Say it isnt the........
hidden newletter Star Lord, Killerpole
greetz go out to: Shade,Hornet,Deadhead
Wasnt this a swell news letter? I thought so...
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