this image contains text
hope you can read it.. teeheehe
b. .b . s . a .
.... e . . .. .
.s n . .
s?SssS a . .S i.ygygy ? . . d
d . b . m. . s
.d . . . ? . ?
?? ? S .
aenima-gold by ninelives.
......assasasas. ...sasssssass. ...saaasaasas.
. Ti.... Ti.. .. Ti...
.d ld ..,.. d ,..,.
... d .iTi.. ..,..,,.. ..,,.,,..
... Ti.. Ti..
. . 1 l l ...
.... . . l ... .
.,,..+ ii.iTi....,,,......iTi..,,,,.iTi..,,,.
..iTi......... . .. . ... ..... .. ...iTi...
orally please the sysoptry for access
. lube the sysoppage him .
. Buttfuck the SysopLogin the BBS 1
l Wankit Logoff the BBS l
. Cum on sysop leave note
..iIi.. . . . ....... .. . .... . . . . . ...iIi..
.dSbs,..,..,. .,sSSs., .,sSSs., .,sS Ss.,
. Sb.
+.yg ygygygyg .dS
.dS dsyg ygSb.yg +ygSb.+
+Sb. ++. + +
+. +.yg + s.+ + s+.s,.dSs.
SssS S +.ss .SSSs .Sbs .s ssS
S+d+SsS .++ .dSb + +
ygsS dyg yg yg +
.sd +s +syg ygy
? ? +
ok lemme lay it out for you
it says i the NEPT .net the nept is in a funky font.. and well you get the
rest.. use your imagination or something and you can see it.
bs,... bssssssss ssssssssssssssss.
i .. t ssss. .net
.sssdb.. n .
::::: : : l ::::: l : :::::
::::: : : gygyg d,.,.,d : :::::
::::: l inept l : l ::::: l : ::::::: : :::::
::::: d,...,d : d,.,.,d : l ::::: l ::::::: : :::::
::::: : : d,.,.,d ::::::: : :::::
::::: : sgygs ::::::: ygy :::::
: ? : :::
:::: : weecum to irc.inept.net : :::
. b... :::::
i r c
.dS : s :
.+ yg : yg Sbsyg Sb. sS : yg
+ : Sb,. s +yg : S
. : d s.S+ ss+.d : d+
+ .d : Sssss .dd .sSssS s : +
.s .d.d+.dS d .d.d
yg+ s yg.s++ yg+
.. . .. .. .ddsdsss. . . . . +. ...
welcome to irc.pimpslap.com. you bitch.
db,.. db,..
+ ygygygygygyg asssassassasa
yg b.yg b.
i couldnt .dS .dSS .dS
do a y. + +
so its TT ++,yg +ygSb.,yg +ygSb.
for territory s sds s
Sb ,+Sb ,+
yg+ yg yg+yg
?.d ?.d
. .n .nSd n.
dS.yg .n..
.nSb+ yg +s + yg
sn.Sd .+dsd
+ s n.Sd + dS
+ss n..nyg.n
dS +, b
.nyg yg +syg+ + ygd
n Sn.
+ rca
+ it says aCk!@!@!@ Zerohour +
ok.. aCk asked for an ascii.. so i did him one.
but like.. its ok. and stuff.. umm.. yeah.. ok
UMM OK@!!@!@!@ HI@!
Frist off,Id like to say thanks to aCk,messiah,when i frist started drawing
ascii aCk a +o in ascii was cool with me. and he helped me. and explained
alotta stuff to me. and once i got the basics down i met up with messiah
and he helped me with giving me pointers and information about ascii,and
ideas and such.. im still learning,and all most every peice of ascii
i send to messiah,he always helps me and shit. hes never too busy,or has
an ego problem. like lots of people do.. so. umm.. thanks.. heh..
ok bye!!@@@@@
b. .b . s . a .
.... e . . .. .
.s n . .
s?SssS a . .S i.ygygy ? . . d
d . b . m. . s
.d . . . ? . ?
?? ? S .
aenima-gold by ninelives.
......assasasas. ...sasssssass. ...saaasaasas.
. Ti.... Ti.. .. Ti...
.d ld ..,.. d ,..,.
... d .iTi.. ..,..,,.. ..,,.,,..
... Ti.. Ti..
. . 1 l l ...
.... . . l ... .
.,,..+ ii.iTi....,,,......iTi..,,,,.iTi..,,,.
..iTi......... . .. . ... ..... .. ...iTi...
orally please the sysoptry for access
. lube the sysoppage him .
. Buttfuck the SysopLogin the BBS 1
l Wankit Logoff the BBS l
. Cum on sysop leave note
..iIi.. . . . ....... .. . .... . . . . . ...iIi..
.dSbs,..,..,. .,sSSs., .,sSSs., .,sS Ss.,
. Sb.
+.yg ygygygyg .dS
.dS dsyg ygSb.yg +ygSb.+
+Sb. ++. + +
+. +.yg + s.+ + s+.s,.dSs.
SssS S +.ss .SSSs .Sbs .s ssS
S+d+SsS .++ .dSb + +
ygsS dyg yg yg +
.sd +s +syg ygy
? ? +
ok lemme lay it out for you
it says i the NEPT .net the nept is in a funky font.. and well you get the
rest.. use your imagination or something and you can see it.
bs,... bssssssss ssssssssssssssss.
i .. t ssss. .net
.sssdb.. n .
::::: : : l ::::: l : :::::
::::: : : gygyg d,.,.,d : :::::
::::: l inept l : l ::::: l : ::::::: : :::::
::::: d,...,d : d,.,.,d : l ::::: l ::::::: : :::::
::::: : : d,.,.,d ::::::: : :::::
::::: : sgygs ::::::: ygy :::::
: ? : :::
:::: : weecum to irc.inept.net : :::
. b... :::::
i r c
.dS : s :
.+ yg : yg Sbsyg Sb. sS : yg
+ : Sb,. s +yg : S
. : d s.S+ ss+.d : d+
+ .d : Sssss .dd .sSssS s : +
.s .d.d+.dS d .d.d
yg+ s yg.s++ yg+
.. . .. .. .ddsdsss. . . . . +. ...
welcome to irc.pimpslap.com. you bitch.
db,.. db,..
+ ygygygygygyg asssassassasa
yg b.yg b.
i couldnt .dS .dSS .dS
do a y. + +
so its TT ++,yg +ygSb.,yg +ygSb.
for territory s sds s
Sb ,+Sb ,+
yg+ yg yg+yg
?.d ?.d
. .n .nSd n.
dS.yg .n..
.nSb+ yg +s + yg
sn.Sd .+dsd
+ s n.Sd + dS
+ss n..nyg.n
dS +, b
.nyg yg +syg+ + ygd
n Sn.
+ rca
+ it says aCk!@!@!@ Zerohour +
ok.. aCk asked for an ascii.. so i did him one.
but like.. its ok. and stuff.. umm.. yeah.. ok
UMM OK@!!@!@!@ HI@!
Frist off,Id like to say thanks to aCk,messiah,when i frist started drawing
ascii aCk a +o in ascii was cool with me. and he helped me. and explained
alotta stuff to me. and once i got the basics down i met up with messiah
and he helped me with giving me pointers and information about ascii,and
ideas and such.. im still learning,and all most every peice of ascii
i send to messiah,he always helps me and shit. hes never too busy,or has
an ego problem. like lots of people do.. so. umm.. thanks.. heh..
ok bye!!@@@@@
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