this image contains text
.a a,.. a,. :: .,a a.
a,. 4!a. ::4!a. ,a
a, aaaa , : : ,a a,
,a ,a P :: P a, a a,
a,.,a d.a ,a,. .,adP : .,adP.a.b a,...,a
.,a P 4ba, ,. 4ba,SS
.. .. ...,ad S ,ad ba,.. .. ....
4,s , : P ,P a
a,....::...,,adPa,.......,,adP....,a a,.
.,a a,. :: a,. .. .,a ,a
,a : a,
a,.. .. ... .. .. ..,a
., b i g b r o t h e r ,.
..asCii art at its phattest..
cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for migraine and his new all asCii bbs big brotha!
aa !a. !a. .a!!a. .a!!a. .a!!a. !a.
S aa 4 4
P S ba,
,ad ,aaaa aa baa
aa aa aa aaa,a!P 4!a,, 4!a,a!P aa aa
.. .. .. ...,a
cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for phemur, he wanted this thing to say indecent... indecen was all I got.D
!a. .a!!a. .a!!a. !a. .a!
.,a aP aaa aad
P !a. P
,ad .., aa a , s
aa aa aa 4!a,a!P 4!a,, aa aa aa aa 4!a,,
u p r i s i n g ! .. . .,,,a!P
cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for jandor, a plAn9 guy!?
wow, busted my fawking ass to do this shit and now I
wished I had done it for plAn9... but oh well... I
should stay active to keep my ascii vybe blowing thru
R.C./. uhmmm... I advise everyone to d/l PLAN9-01.ZIP,
and PLAN9-02.ZIP ASAP! View more 31337n355 than you
ever imagined! I am accepting requests, and blah blah
blah blah blah... b0b!?
greets g0in out t0!:: Dr. Freeze, Sodium, Tsk, HBK, Eletrik, Greedo, Cyber X,
The Green Hornet, and Giger!?
3y3 4m b0b, 4nd 3y3 4m d0n3!
b0b sez byE!
.a a,.. a,. :: .,a a.
a,. 4!a. ::4!a. ,a
a, aaaa , : : ,a a,
,a ,a P :: P a, a a,
a,.,a d.a ,a,. .,adP : .,adP.a.b a,...,a
.,a P 4ba, ,. 4ba,SS
.. .. ...,ad S ,ad ba,.. .. ....
4,s , : P ,P a
a,....::...,,adPa,.......,,adP....,a a,.
.,a a,. :: a,. .. .,a ,a
,a : a,
a,.. .. ... .. .. ..,a
., b i g b r o t h e r ,.
..asCii art at its phattest..
cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for migraine and his new all asCii bbs big brotha!
aa !a. !a. .a!!a. .a!!a. .a!!a. !a.
S aa 4 4
P S ba,
,ad ,aaaa aa baa
aa aa aa aaa,a!P 4!a,, 4!a,a!P aa aa
.. .. .. ...,a
cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for phemur, he wanted this thing to say indecent... indecen was all I got.D
!a. .a!!a. .a!!a. !a. .a!
.,a aP aaa aad
P !a. P
,ad .., aa a , s
aa aa aa 4!a,a!P 4!a,, aa aa aa aa 4!a,,
u p r i s i n g ! .. . .,,,a!P
cut-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for jandor, a plAn9 guy!?
wow, busted my fawking ass to do this shit and now I
wished I had done it for plAn9... but oh well... I
should stay active to keep my ascii vybe blowing thru
R.C./. uhmmm... I advise everyone to d/l PLAN9-01.ZIP,
and PLAN9-02.ZIP ASAP! View more 31337n355 than you
ever imagined! I am accepting requests, and blah blah
blah blah blah... b0b!?
greets g0in out t0!:: Dr. Freeze, Sodium, Tsk, HBK, Eletrik, Greedo, Cyber X,
The Green Hornet, and Giger!?
3y3 4m b0b, 4nd 3y3 4m d0n3!
b0b sez byE!
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