this image contains text
Real Art Work
Welcome to rAW pack number two.
if you are interested in joining, i am currently taking rip, ascii and
ansi ofcourse applications.. . i am not taking any vga or music applications
atm because they just make the packs TOO big.. maybe later on. so if you thinkyour art is up to scratch, then please do apply. either:
Mail me criminal enigma on Organised kaOs
Mail me in FORCEnet..
on irc as c3
email: la@speednet.com.au
Also I am taking any applications for hq or dist sites.. . Only 1 hq and 1 dist
per country better hurry, theyre going quick!.. so yer.. catch me on the same places as above.. . oh yeah, and if i think your board is well respected.. you will get a free ansi aswell!
Hrmm... Well sit back and enjoy this art pack.. and please send any feedback, criticism or anything in regard to its contents to la@speednet.com.au. .
New members
cryogenic has joined the crew and he has some pretty spectacular logos to show
off. He comes from a long string of groups such as flem and force and will
dazzle you with his newskewl shit.
oxidizer has joined the crew. the blade ascii artist has decided to show of his ansi talent with raw. I look forward to his original styles, and hope to see
some stuff in later packs.
leaving members
No members left this month.. yay!
other shit. .
enjoy the pack. . and yer
criminal enigma raw
Real Art Work
Welcome to rAW pack number two.
if you are interested in joining, i am currently taking rip, ascii and
ansi ofcourse applications.. . i am not taking any vga or music applications
atm because they just make the packs TOO big.. maybe later on. so if you thinkyour art is up to scratch, then please do apply. either:
Mail me criminal enigma on Organised kaOs
Mail me in FORCEnet..
on irc as c3
email: la@speednet.com.au
Also I am taking any applications for hq or dist sites.. . Only 1 hq and 1 dist
per country better hurry, theyre going quick!.. so yer.. catch me on the same places as above.. . oh yeah, and if i think your board is well respected.. you will get a free ansi aswell!
Hrmm... Well sit back and enjoy this art pack.. and please send any feedback, criticism or anything in regard to its contents to la@speednet.com.au. .
New members
cryogenic has joined the crew and he has some pretty spectacular logos to show
off. He comes from a long string of groups such as flem and force and will
dazzle you with his newskewl shit.
oxidizer has joined the crew. the blade ascii artist has decided to show of his ansi talent with raw. I look forward to his original styles, and hope to see
some stuff in later packs.
leaving members
No members left this month.. yay!
other shit. .
enjoy the pack. . and yer
criminal enigma raw
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