this image contains text
.g@SS@g. .g@SS@g. http://surf.to/rare
SS ,gs, SS
lPTi b, lPTi .g@g,
7 , 7 S77S rARE!ASCii
l: l7 li, l: l7 il i
:l ,7 , :l ,7 :77i ll font:
l ,7 , , l , ,b, ,7 Dirt bag
:l ,d7,sS,l ,l ,,sS,77
lgSS7, ,gSS7,i ascii:
:7 ,lS@@S:7 ,,, sQuare l ,l77l l , 7g,,dSg
:l l 77
ll ll ,db,,db,
l,.,l*+--,l ,,l
l l7gg77gg7l l
intro ::.. .. .
howdy! I would like to welcome you all into the fine ranks of rARE!ASCii
maybee you know I hate writing info/intros so dont blame me. We started around december 1997 with plans to make a new dutch art-group. Since
expose died and ecolove only had one or two ascii artists, essence and
I square had the idea to start an ascii group named rARE!ASCii, after
a few weeks essence joined remorse so he didnt have any time to form
the group, so I contacted allmost every Dutch ascii-artist and asked them if they were interested in joining rare. All artists Id conctact with
were interested in joining the group. So finally rare!ascii was going to
be born. After a lot of organising we released our debute pack at
Ambience 98 Dutch scene party. We also competed with 3 entrys in the
ansi/ascii compo but we didnt make it at the top 3 those f*cking ansi
artists were one, two and three . Now were compiling pack 2 which
will be released around may 3th. If youre interested in joining or
guesting please contact us at: rare@cryogen.com
news.rumours ::.. .. .
- Ecolove contacted us if we were interested in merging with them, but I
refused cause we dont want any ansi artists in our packs no offence
but were an ascii group, so we dont accept any ansi artists
- The rARE!ASCii homepage is under construction at http://surf.to/rare
Noise damper grabbed some art from pack 1 and started to make an ascii homepage. Dude it r0ks -
- The reactions I received of our first ascii-pack were amazing. Many
people liked it, thnx guys for mailing us, we like that.
- We have a few guests in our second pack thnx essence guesting in
pack 2 are: n4tureboy, brane, psylock, genick and mnemonix.
- Were still searching for members or people who want to guest. Please
contact us at rare@cryogen.com or call evidence +o square .
- Delusion left us because he prefered to release his work in ecolove.
- Essence coded us a nice apply / request engine, thnx pal!
- d-war results are included in this pack, congrats incie *
memberlist ::.. .. .
sqr square the netherlands new/old/inet
nd! noise damper the netherlands new/old/inet
ess essence the netherlands new/old/inet
2s! 2 stoned the netherlands new/old/inet
nbm niobium the netherlands new/old/inet
ic! inclusive the netherlands new/old/inet
cko cuckoo the netherlands new/old/inet
avk alvak the netherlands new/old/inet
tl@ timeless the netherlands new/old/inet
slc silence the netherlands new/old/inet
mnx mnemonix the netherlands new/old/inet
gnk genick israel new/old/inet
sck psylock israel new/old/inet
gnk n4tureboy - new/old/inet
gnk brane - new/old/inet
guesting member
active in pack2
internet ::.. .. .
irc: Try contacting us on nlcoders on irc.xs4all.nl / irc.sci.kun.nl
or ascii on efnet irc.cris.com
ftp: Our packs will be hosted at Skynet and our homepage
www: YEAH its ALMOST here, our own homepage!
have a look at: http://surf.to/rare
it r0ks, thnx noise youre great!
current known emails: square square@cryogen.com
essence essence@cryogen.com
silence silence@dds.nl
inclusive inclusive@rocketmail.com
noise damper ndamper@hotmail.com
member boards ::.. .. .
evidence sQuare +31-76-5938027 28k8/isdn
the legend essence +31-29-9572220 28k8/isdn
final refuge alvak +31-41-3476660 33k6
bodycount niobium +31-49-5634115 33k6
deepside silence +31-79-3315482 33k6
amorphis 2 stoned +31-54-7261154 33k6
yeah i hate making info-files....
SS ,gs, SS
lPTi b, lPTi .g@g,
7 , 7 S77S rARE!ASCii
l: l7 li, l: l7 il i
:l ,7 , :l ,7 :77i ll font:
l ,7 , , l , ,b, ,7 Dirt bag
:l ,d7,sS,l ,l ,,sS,77
lgSS7, ,gSS7,i ascii:
:7 ,lS@@S:7 ,,, sQuare l ,l77l l , 7g,,dSg
:l l 77
ll ll ,db,,db,
l,.,l*+--,l ,,l
l l7gg77gg7l l
intro ::.. .. .
howdy! I would like to welcome you all into the fine ranks of rARE!ASCii
maybee you know I hate writing info/intros so dont blame me. We started around december 1997 with plans to make a new dutch art-group. Since
expose died and ecolove only had one or two ascii artists, essence and
I square had the idea to start an ascii group named rARE!ASCii, after
a few weeks essence joined remorse so he didnt have any time to form
the group, so I contacted allmost every Dutch ascii-artist and asked them if they were interested in joining rare. All artists Id conctact with
were interested in joining the group. So finally rare!ascii was going to
be born. After a lot of organising we released our debute pack at
Ambience 98 Dutch scene party. We also competed with 3 entrys in the
ansi/ascii compo but we didnt make it at the top 3 those f*cking ansi
artists were one, two and three . Now were compiling pack 2 which
will be released around may 3th. If youre interested in joining or
guesting please contact us at: rare@cryogen.com
news.rumours ::.. .. .
- Ecolove contacted us if we were interested in merging with them, but I
refused cause we dont want any ansi artists in our packs no offence
but were an ascii group, so we dont accept any ansi artists
- The rARE!ASCii homepage is under construction at http://surf.to/rare
Noise damper grabbed some art from pack 1 and started to make an ascii homepage. Dude it r0ks -
- The reactions I received of our first ascii-pack were amazing. Many
people liked it, thnx guys for mailing us, we like that.
- We have a few guests in our second pack thnx essence guesting in
pack 2 are: n4tureboy, brane, psylock, genick and mnemonix.
- Were still searching for members or people who want to guest. Please
contact us at rare@cryogen.com or call evidence +o square .
- Delusion left us because he prefered to release his work in ecolove.
- Essence coded us a nice apply / request engine, thnx pal!
- d-war results are included in this pack, congrats incie *
memberlist ::.. .. .
sqr square the netherlands new/old/inet
nd! noise damper the netherlands new/old/inet
ess essence the netherlands new/old/inet
2s! 2 stoned the netherlands new/old/inet
nbm niobium the netherlands new/old/inet
ic! inclusive the netherlands new/old/inet
cko cuckoo the netherlands new/old/inet
avk alvak the netherlands new/old/inet
tl@ timeless the netherlands new/old/inet
slc silence the netherlands new/old/inet
mnx mnemonix the netherlands new/old/inet
gnk genick israel new/old/inet
sck psylock israel new/old/inet
gnk n4tureboy - new/old/inet
gnk brane - new/old/inet
guesting member
active in pack2
internet ::.. .. .
irc: Try contacting us on nlcoders on irc.xs4all.nl / irc.sci.kun.nl
or ascii on efnet irc.cris.com
ftp: Our packs will be hosted at Skynet and our homepage
www: YEAH its ALMOST here, our own homepage!
have a look at: http://surf.to/rare
it r0ks, thnx noise youre great!
current known emails: square square@cryogen.com
essence essence@cryogen.com
silence silence@dds.nl
inclusive inclusive@rocketmail.com
noise damper ndamper@hotmail.com
member boards ::.. .. .
evidence sQuare +31-76-5938027 28k8/isdn
the legend essence +31-29-9572220 28k8/isdn
final refuge alvak +31-41-3476660 33k6
bodycount niobium +31-49-5634115 33k6
deepside silence +31-79-3315482 33k6
amorphis 2 stoned +31-54-7261154 33k6
yeah i hate making info-files....
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