this image contains text
db dlP
dlb dlP Write a message
.. dllb dlP
7lb dlP7lb dlP writemsg 2.2b - coded jungleboy
7lb dlP 7lb dlP s ss syyyy :::
y 7lb syys dlP yy 7lb dlP yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssss yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb 7lb 7P dlP db 7lbdlP *7llSSSl7 yyy lSSS7SSSSllSSSSb 7lb dlP d7. 7P d7@.7S7* ::.: lSSllSSll7SSSb 7lbdlP d7 db. l :l: ll .@77:ll:lSl:lSl llll yyyys 7P :SS S SSlSS SS SSS SSS S: :::
design c cuckoo / rare!ascii
-//- Write in Area :
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-//- Infoz :
dlb dlP Write a message
.. dllb dlP
7lb dlP7lb dlP writemsg 2.2b - coded jungleboy
7lb dlP 7lb dlP s ss syyyy :::
y 7lb syys dlP yy 7lb dlP yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssss yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb 7lb 7P dlP db 7lbdlP *7llSSSl7 yyy lSSS7SSSSllSSSSb 7lb dlP d7. 7P d7@.7S7* ::.: lSSllSSll7SSSb 7lbdlP d7 db. l :l: ll .@77:ll:lSl:lSl llll yyyys 7P :SS S SSlSS SS SSS SSS S: :::
design c cuckoo / rare!ascii
-//- Write in Area :
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To :
-//- Subject :
-//- Infoz :
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