this image contains text
tg.raid greets:
Murcurochrome ahhh, for the inspiration and i
ncredibly lite font. .
Divination for the very warm welcome. made
the transition much less harsh.
still need to talk to you about getting myself started on s
vgas. .
Phantax said you would do me a logo. youd
better hope its in this
pack. .
Proxenus heh, i can assure you that next t
ime im at hooters theyll
serve me. .
*.Raid i dont know many of you yet, so fo
rgive me if i didnt give
you the proper greetsIll get you in next time.
SR *.Light if ever you need a pic ill be h
appy to do one, regardless if
time permits it or not. my hat goes off to all light member
for the wonderful competition. keep up the great work.
Unk for the support, and not always havin
g to be a big brother.
Err.. If you want a pic/logo Im at the moment taking requests
.. Heh, if you
truly want a work, and youre willing to ask, thats enough insp
iration for me.
All that I ask is some form of conversation before your request.
. Blea, blea
ask me if Im still working on ansi, ask I have the time, just d
ont ask for
an ansi out of the blue.. Youll most likely be ignored.
- tang.raid -
tg.raid greets:
Murcurochrome ahhh, for the inspiration and i
ncredibly lite font. .
Divination for the very warm welcome. made
the transition much less harsh.
still need to talk to you about getting myself started on s
vgas. .
Phantax said you would do me a logo. youd
better hope its in this
pack. .
Proxenus heh, i can assure you that next t
ime im at hooters theyll
serve me. .
*.Raid i dont know many of you yet, so fo
rgive me if i didnt give
you the proper greetsIll get you in next time.
SR *.Light if ever you need a pic ill be h
appy to do one, regardless if
time permits it or not. my hat goes off to all light member
for the wonderful competition. keep up the great work.
Unk for the support, and not always havin
g to be a big brother.
Err.. If you want a pic/logo Im at the moment taking requests
.. Heh, if you
truly want a work, and youre willing to ask, thats enough insp
iration for me.
All that I ask is some form of conversation before your request.
. Blea, blea
ask me if Im still working on ansi, ask I have the time, just d
ont ask for
an ansi out of the blue.. Youll most likely be ignored.
- tang.raid -
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