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murcurochrome of raid
Welcome to Raid Number Real! I have named this pack real
simply because of the importance of it, and it has taught me
many new lessons in realism. We went through many harsh
changes this month. The most major of these was the
unification of the graphics scene in 303. LiGHT and Raid,
both groups that have their base in 303 have unified, giving
Raid a memberlist of many many wonderful artists. Lets go
through the artists in alphabetical order.
Glitch: Very little is known to me about Glitch. He has done
some awesome work in LiGHT, all of which can be found in LiGHTs
last packet, available on ZeitGeist or any other LiGHT
distrobution sites.
Moshin Rebel: This man is a very busy person, operating a
board as well as a job, and codes something feirce! We are
very happy to have another coder help with all the work we can
put together for them to code. :
Neptho: Neptho is another coder to come from us from LiGHT.
The only work I have ever seen from this particular coder can
be found in LiGHTs last packet.
NightMare: NightMare is one hell of an artist. He almost came
out of nowhere, showing us his talents in ansi. He specializes
in pictures, which you will understand when you see his two
submissions in Raid-Real.
Nightwalk: This man specializes in graphical coding, and does
it really well. Man, we could practically start our own
coding syndicate just from Raid!
Pizza Dude: This man was from the original LiGHT, making very
awesome mods, mainly techno. He does some awesome house mixes
as well as dance mixes to his music, which is very impressive,
since you will often seen two or three versions of one mod!
Ron the Don: This guy is from Ireland, I beleive, and does
awesome mods as well. All Ive seen from him can be found in
LiGHTs last packet.
Silent Rain: Silent Rain was the co-founder of the original
LiGHT and maintained it through its last season. He mainly
specializes in coding, but he has been known to dabble in ansi
once in a while if he can be forced into it. :
Soulfire: Soulfire is a coder who runs Realm of Chaos in 303.
He is just beginning in coding, but we see a lot of potential
with him.
That was the list of LiGHT artists moving over here, now I
will move onto the artists who joined NOT from LiGHT:
Code: This man runs Zero Infinity out of 303, and does some
kick ass ansi artistry. He hasnt been doing it very long,
but from what weve seen, were all very impressed.
Silicon: Here is another sysop out of 303, running Unearthly
Shadows. He is a very versatile artist, making Screamtracker
music as well as ascii and ansi.
Tang: Tang has suprized us all to infinity and back, twice.
He does the best ansi I have seen in a long time. In the dying
ansi scene, Tangs greatness will certainly help in the long
run, as well as in the short run.
We welcome all of the new artists who have joined us, and we
hope they can all prosper as artists, and we hope them all the
best, as well as the old artists who have stuck with us through
some very tough internal problems. I am certainly glad that
we didnt LOSE any members this month.
On the subject of RaidView, its not here. Pluto, the man who
was coding it, had a very large problem with his Borland C,
corrupting most of what he had. He has promised me that it
will be ready by the next pack, and if he doesnt come
through this time, I will give all of you his home address, and
you can all mug him. :
I think that is all I need to say this time around, it certainly
is a long info file. If you have any questions, please feel
free to send me, Murcurochrome, a letter through email at:
svandore@gwhs.k12.denver.co.us. I will be getting a Netcom
account as soon as I can bring up the huge amounts 20 of
money to spend to get a new one. So you will have to deal with
this one for now. :
Murcurochrome, Coordinator of Raid.
Welcome to Raid Number Real! I have named this pack real
simply because of the importance of it, and it has taught me
many new lessons in realism. We went through many harsh
changes this month. The most major of these was the
unification of the graphics scene in 303. LiGHT and Raid,
both groups that have their base in 303 have unified, giving
Raid a memberlist of many many wonderful artists. Lets go
through the artists in alphabetical order.
Glitch: Very little is known to me about Glitch. He has done
some awesome work in LiGHT, all of which can be found in LiGHTs
last packet, available on ZeitGeist or any other LiGHT
distrobution sites.
Moshin Rebel: This man is a very busy person, operating a
board as well as a job, and codes something feirce! We are
very happy to have another coder help with all the work we can
put together for them to code. :
Neptho: Neptho is another coder to come from us from LiGHT.
The only work I have ever seen from this particular coder can
be found in LiGHTs last packet.
NightMare: NightMare is one hell of an artist. He almost came
out of nowhere, showing us his talents in ansi. He specializes
in pictures, which you will understand when you see his two
submissions in Raid-Real.
Nightwalk: This man specializes in graphical coding, and does
it really well. Man, we could practically start our own
coding syndicate just from Raid!
Pizza Dude: This man was from the original LiGHT, making very
awesome mods, mainly techno. He does some awesome house mixes
as well as dance mixes to his music, which is very impressive,
since you will often seen two or three versions of one mod!
Ron the Don: This guy is from Ireland, I beleive, and does
awesome mods as well. All Ive seen from him can be found in
LiGHTs last packet.
Silent Rain: Silent Rain was the co-founder of the original
LiGHT and maintained it through its last season. He mainly
specializes in coding, but he has been known to dabble in ansi
once in a while if he can be forced into it. :
Soulfire: Soulfire is a coder who runs Realm of Chaos in 303.
He is just beginning in coding, but we see a lot of potential
with him.
That was the list of LiGHT artists moving over here, now I
will move onto the artists who joined NOT from LiGHT:
Code: This man runs Zero Infinity out of 303, and does some
kick ass ansi artistry. He hasnt been doing it very long,
but from what weve seen, were all very impressed.
Silicon: Here is another sysop out of 303, running Unearthly
Shadows. He is a very versatile artist, making Screamtracker
music as well as ascii and ansi.
Tang: Tang has suprized us all to infinity and back, twice.
He does the best ansi I have seen in a long time. In the dying
ansi scene, Tangs greatness will certainly help in the long
run, as well as in the short run.
We welcome all of the new artists who have joined us, and we
hope they can all prosper as artists, and we hope them all the
best, as well as the old artists who have stuck with us through
some very tough internal problems. I am certainly glad that
we didnt LOSE any members this month.
On the subject of RaidView, its not here. Pluto, the man who
was coding it, had a very large problem with his Borland C,
corrupting most of what he had. He has promised me that it
will be ready by the next pack, and if he doesnt come
through this time, I will give all of you his home address, and
you can all mug him. :
I think that is all I need to say this time around, it certainly
is a long info file. If you have any questions, please feel
free to send me, Murcurochrome, a letter through email at:
svandore@gwhs.k12.denver.co.us. I will be getting a Netcom
account as soon as I can bring up the huge amounts 20 of
money to spend to get a new one. So you will have to deal with
this one for now. :
Murcurochrome, Coordinator of Raid.
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