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welcome to another colly. eye changed my name from RAGE? to oatbran, so
thats why its ob and not r. read in the grill pack why eye did it! :
greets to ps, mart, kaz, ip and vigod. btw, eyem not taking any more requests until further notice. oki, here goes:
ansi for noone.
eye donut make backgrounds.
bite my tushie.
ansi by rage?. phear the phro phoo.
new order menu. request by stealth.
desert twister header. request by night owl.
xfirm ansi. dont think they even exist anymore. who cares.
t h i s i s a n x f i r m m e m b e r b o a r d
thats why its ob and not r. read in the grill pack why eye did it! :
greets to ps, mart, kaz, ip and vigod. btw, eyem not taking any more requests until further notice. oki, here goes:
ansi for noone.
eye donut make backgrounds.
bite my tushie.
ansi by rage?. phear the phro phoo.
new order menu. request by stealth.
desert twister header. request by night owl.
xfirm ansi. dont think they even exist anymore. who cares.
t h i s i s a n x f i r m m e m b e r b o a r d
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