this image contains text
psychoholic slag ascii folder
---- soap -------------------------------------------------------------------
s ,. s. ,Ss.sSS , ,d
. d. s. s
S ,b,s
S .s .sSs. s. .oOOo.
.s ,s.S b. .db
b. Sb. .dS . . ..
.sS. o. .
SS .b. SP
S b.
Sons Of Ascii Prophets
, .sSs. .saaaab..SSs aaaab. s. . SSs.
,dssssssss , sssss ,. S b.
,d b., yyd .d by y .d sb sss
by d S yy ,
: , y
aaaaa by s. .S byy s.
by s sSs .ydby y
byyd by yy ,byyd, by , ,yy
, Sa P .,d P, . .,sd
. , ..P ..
-------- inferno -------------------------------------------------------------
Ss: . ,aii . .
. . , l . s.
i sd s. .sSSs. , .s b
l . s. .sSSs. S , . .
I sssssS :ilSs. . .:
. :i. s. ,d S. : d :.:l
b. b, .:iii ss . aP . a :
: ..ii , .iib Sa.:S by .I,
. :,s siii: . a. aaaaad
. S. by: aaaaaa ii .S.
b b. S . .s ,P.abyd2 sl s ,d
. b. P s . .
I Main Menu: s.
.s N xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command .
. F xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command . s
E xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command ,
R xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command ,
. N xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command
. O xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command
----- demon ----------------------------------------------------------------
.. n
,n .
. d..
b . ..o@@o.. .o@o. .o@
P o. .oo.oo. ,
, nnnd
.ob o.
.o ..
, .ooooo....
,ooooo :. -pS!
@o. l .o@
@o.. .@@o.: .,dO@o. .o@
ob.ii .no@
. d :li@b .
o. o @oo. bd .o
o b. P d:. .o@o :
d . .. b. :: . b
.o.. .n .o ,i o. P . ,d .
.@@,od i @bo..d@bd.
. d.
d .@n@o. b.oob..d,n,. .
. odo.
i. .
b. .. @. .@o..
i,i : YP , .
. b d i :i : i .
i i .. ,i
i. .o.. .i:
.o4o. ..db.d.
.::::: nb ..b. :: :
::::: : ,.: n.. .::
::: :: n.n ::::::i:::::: :
:: ::: ::::,:i ::::::
:::: .:.b.b n .n. :::::::
:::: b ::::
:::::::.n.::::::::. :::
--------------------------------- EOF --------------------------------------- once again if somth is fucked here vigod is the 1 to blame vigods note .
---- soap -------------------------------------------------------------------
s ,. s. ,Ss.sSS , ,d
. d. s. s
S ,b,s
S .s .sSs. s. .oOOo.
.s ,s.S b. .db
b. Sb. .dS . . ..
.sS. o. .
SS .b. SP
S b.
Sons Of Ascii Prophets
, .sSs. .saaaab..SSs aaaab. s. . SSs.
,dssssssss , sssss ,. S b.
,d b., yyd .d by y .d sb sss
by d S yy ,
: , y
aaaaa by s. .S byy s.
by s sSs .ydby y
byyd by yy ,byyd, by , ,yy
, Sa P .,d P, . .,sd
. , ..P ..
-------- inferno -------------------------------------------------------------
Ss: . ,aii . .
. . , l . s.
i sd s. .sSSs. , .s b
l . s. .sSSs. S , . .
I sssssS :ilSs. . .:
. :i. s. ,d S. : d :.:l
b. b, .:iii ss . aP . a :
: ..ii , .iib Sa.:S by .I,
. :,s siii: . a. aaaaad
. S. by: aaaaaa ii .S.
b b. S . .s ,P.abyd2 sl s ,d
. b. P s . .
I Main Menu: s.
.s N xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command .
. F xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command . s
E xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command ,
R xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command ,
. N xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command
. O xX Command xX Command xX Command xX Command
----- demon ----------------------------------------------------------------
.. n
,n .
. d..
b . ..o@@o.. .o@o. .o@
P o. .oo.oo. ,
, nnnd
.ob o.
.o ..
, .ooooo....
,ooooo :. -pS!
@o. l .o@
@o.. .@@o.: .,dO@o. .o@
ob.ii .no@
. d :li@b .
o. o @oo. bd .o
o b. P d:. .o@o :
d . .. b. :: . b
.o.. .n .o ,i o. P . ,d .
.@@,od i @bo..d@bd.
. d.
d .@n@o. b.oob..d,n,. .
. odo.
i. .
b. .. @. .@o..
i,i : YP , .
. b d i :i : i .
i i .. ,i
i. .o.. .i:
.o4o. ..db.d.
.::::: nb ..b. :: :
::::: : ,.: n.. .::
::: :: n.n ::::::i:::::: :
:: ::: ::::,:i ::::::
:::: .:.b.b n .n. :::::::
:::: b ::::
:::::::.n.::::::::. :::
--------------------------------- EOF --------------------------------------- once again if somth is fucked here vigod is the 1 to blame vigods note .
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