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Radioactive Aardvark Dung Issue Two
Released January 14, 1996
Copyright c All Rights Reserved
Welcome back to the basics of life, welcome back to RAD. Welcome baaaack
to RAD.
Get in touch, and get our stuff via dis:
* FTP site - ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/RAD
* FTP site - ftp.prism.net /pub/text/rad
* WEB site - http://prism.net/zineworld/rad/
More proof that warez cause brain damage.
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 07:17:45 GMT
Lines: 13
Xref: news.pla-net.net alt.cracks:31180 alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc:
BADMUTHAFUCKER said the following........
--Qemm 8 fucked my system up. I had no operating system, the CMOS
--fucked, everything fucked. And I, fixed that shit!
Oh Yeah!, well my house burned down last summer and my computer MELTED!!,
did I cry and whine? No, I restored 100 of my files and even defraged the
whole hard drive ..............
I am a bad
not you!
I think Hitler would have made a great father figure, as long as his son
wasnt jewish.
wacky mission speech/mercuri
Some say wacky?. Why chose this as RADs goal? And they may well ask,
why does man climb the highest mountain? Why, thirty years ago, fly across
the Atlantic? Why does Rice play for Texas?
We choose to do wacky, .. we choose to do wacky not because it is easy,
but because it is hard. Because that goal, will serve to measure the best
of our energies and skills. Because that challenge, is one we are willing
to accept, one we are unwilling to post-pone, and one we intend to fufill.
RADs Motto Thou who picketh thy nose, must first contemplate where to
hideth the boogers.
RADs Official Band The Moffats.
RADs Official Movie Fried Green Tomatos
the wrath of the yum-yum tum-tums two/handle
Nobody knew what happened to girly-girl the local YMCAs janitor, he
disappeared one day, and then was found a week later dead and surrounded
with chicken parts. No evidence was found, and no one had a motive. No one
except for Johnny, but Johnny was dead right. He commited suicide after his
kitty died. Who could have killed girly-girl?
Stumbling down a dark alley Peter Johnson huddles next to a garbage can,
hoping to stay alive. His life had been a drastic change ever since he
started hearing the voices. Voices telling him to do things, like screw
rubber goats and buy Health Riders. Peter used to be a prosporous man he
actually thought that he might have had a future, but then things started
happening. Horrible things, people died, and pigs shit turned green. It
seemed everytime there was trouble, Peter happened to be in the middle of
Sitting down in the soft sand of Miami Beach, Pablo wonders what happened
to the life he used to lead. Pablo was a Cuban refuge, and ever since he
came to America his life had gone down hill, great hallucinations. Maybe it
was the water, when Pablo came here all of his friends warned him not to
drink it. Pablo was beginning to believe that America wasnt the land of
opportunity he thought it was.
Peter was rummaging through a cornfield, he couldnt remember why he was
there but more importantly, he couldnt remember how he had gotten there.
He hears the sweet sound of a guitar in the distance and goes to investigate
when he finally reaches a clearing he sees an old black man sitting on his
porch and playing a guitar. The man seemed strangly familiar to Peter.
Who are you?
Im Girly-Girl, around here they call me Dominatrix Girly-Girl, Im 106 and
I still mop my own floors.
Where have I seen you before?
You killed me Peter.
No! Its not my fault, he told me to do it, said if I didnt hed kill my
family and rape my sheep!
I dont blame you son, Johnny was an angry kid, nobody could control him or
his destructive ways.
With a jolt Peter awakes to see that he is lying in the middle of a small
one room apartment. Looking around he remembers that the night before a man
had come up to him in the alley and brought him here. The room was bare
except for the purple monkey swinging on the lamp in the center, this was
terrifying to Peter so he ran out to the city street below. Peter
remembered the dream about the old man, and it turned his insides.
My toe hurts, God damn it, my toe hurts!
Pablo looked down into the giant hole that had just opened up in the sand
Pablo was shocked he couldnt think straight, so he just let out a girly
scream straight from the diaphram. He took a step back but suddenly he was
pushed and he fell down the giant hole. Once he reached the bottom he
landed with a thud. Pablo got up and brushed the curtains he had tied
around his ankles. To the front of him stood an evil looking man petting a
kitty that he was holding in his hands.
Ive been expecting you Pablo.
How do you know my name?
Youve seen me before Pablo, Im Johnny, submit yourself to me.
What are you, you big brute?
I used to be human but now I am evil incarnate, you have been wronged
in your life to, havent you Pablo. You want to be like me.
Yes, yes I do.
The time for talk is over now Pablo, come let us Tango.
Por que?
Porque Pablo, I want you, and you want me.
Laying in the sand Johnny and Pablo have mad passionate sex until both
fall over from exhaustion. Johnny orders Pablo to go to the local Disco and
wait for further instructions. Pablo does as Johnny wishes and goes to the
Disco, when he gets there he sees that it has been closed for weeks. Not
wanting to draw attention to himself, Pablo walks around to the back and
breaks a window to get in.
Stepping into the Disco he sees that the flashing lights are on and the
entire building is empty except for a single man sitting at a table in the
center of the building. Walking over Pablo sees that the man is not Johnny
but a stranger.
Who are you?
I am Peter, I take it that you are Pablo.
Yes, yes how did you know?
I have been sent here to stop you Pablo, your working for evil and my
friend Girly-Girl wont allow it.
What I do is none of your business Yankee, now go away before I have to
hurt you.
I dont think so.
Peter lunges at Pablo knocking him to the ground, and pinning his arms to
the ground. A long fight ensumes, both men are battered and start bleeding
severely. After a couple minutes of scuffeling both men get to their feet.
Stop doing the biddings of evil.
Aw come on Ill be your friend.
Fine be that way you jerk I guess Ill just have to give you another
beating would that convince you?
Before Pablo can respond their is a flash of light and Johnny makes his
appearence in the room. He creates a beam of pure light that shreds through
Peters skin and sends him to the land of the dead. After getting rid of
this nuisance Johnny morphs into a giant kitty and hacks a toxic hairball
onto Pablo. Pablo disintigrates to a puddle of puss, and then Johnny sprays
it with airfreshener. The airfreshener somehow transforms Pablo turning him
into a Christmas Tree. Now go my Christmas Tree friend, multiply and end
the world of the plague of humanity, they do not deserve to live. Carry out
my wishes and their will be plenty of anal sex for all.
With this Pablo runs out into the street, multiplying to millions and then
billions of Christmas trees. Simultaneously they all begin to spin, and
then destroy the world with their drilling action, no one survives and each
death is a little more grusome than the last. Finally once again Johnny is
santas linux os/hal08
PINE 3.91 COMPOSE MESSAGE Folder: INBOX 2 Messages
To :santa@north.pole.com
Cc :
Subject :muh perezentz bi0tch!
----- Message Text -----
y0 nig, diz be y0 fav h0m13!
3y3 0nly h4q3d r00t ONCE th1s y34r!!!!! s0 3y3 d3s3rv3 sumf1n c00l,
d0ntch4 th1nk?
wut eye wud rally rally rally lyke forz a prezent, ez, a new beige box
an A l1n3m4ns HANDSET!
S4nt4, 3Y3 1NCLUD3D C00K13S 4ND M1LK!!!
d0nt f0rg3t m3 uhn chr1stm4s 3v3!!!
you bettah be nyce to da admin! HES SANTA CLAUZE
h0 h0 h0 visions of your login below
and shugu plums as y0 k0d3z
Login: santa
k0d3z: ************************
Welcome to da n0rt p0l3 s4nt4 y3w h4v3 m4il!
n0 3lv3s have n3ws t0day 0.
*** Connecting to port 6667 of reindeer.sleigh.com *****
*** Welcome to Inter Relay Chat santa
*** umodes available oiws, channel modes available biklmnopstv
*** There are 128 operators online
*** 3502 channels have been formed
*** This server has 116 clients and 1 servers connected+i M:2
: : MiSTRaL / PaRaLLaX
PhoEniX Version 2.25 by Vassago - Accept No Hacks or Substitutes!
Type /COMMANDS for a list of commands PHOENIX.HLP must be loaded.
Get the latest version of PhoEniX! ftp to or
If you enjoy using PhoEniX, please register your copy with Vassago.
/ Type /ABOUT for more information on registering PhoEniX. /
DO NOT use this script unless you get it directly from my FTP site!
E/X PhoEniX Version 2.25 now loading, please wait...P
E/X Loading Save file: /home/santa/.phoenix... 11:22PM
E/X Loading XDCC Offer file: /home/santa/.phoenix.xdcc...
-elfbot- Invite pole
elfbot!@north.pole Inviting you to pole, host mark recognized
*** santa santa@north.pole.com has joined pole
santa is the 0 day prepared for christmas eve?
elf01 yes santa... pretty much!
elf08 grr... angst 3y3 h8 z3r0 d4y!!@?!@
elf69 we are all out of w0fl-n-st13n!?@!
santa 0h sh1t!@?! c4ll up d4t w4r3z d00d!?@!?
elf02 0h f0q... w3 n33d 0 d4y n0w?@!@?@!?
* elfbot s bell goes off... WAREZ ALERT
P /whois hal08
*** Whois information of Hal08
*** hal08 is hal08@raven.cybercomm.net
*** Nickname: im a rising
*** hal08 is on @zines
*** irc.rutgers.edu still chewing that 5 cent shit
-hal08- d00d w3 n33d 0 d4y b4d!@?@!
Hal08!hal08@raven.cybercomm w0ah... who the f0q are you?
-hal08- dude!!!! i need 0 day BAD@?@!? g0t 4ny s1t3z?!@!
Hal08!hal08@raven.cybercomm warez suck
-hal08- man this is santa.. remeber all those gi-joes! Please d00d
i need w0lf-n-st13n@?!@
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm well.. uhm.. hmm lemme think about it
P /j zines
*** santa santa@north.pole.com has joined zines
mogel h0 h0 h0 h1 s4nt4!!@?
Hal08 d00d 3y3 t0ld j00 EYE would get back to you man
m0rph 3l33t s4nta... G07 K0D3Z?
ratZie l00k 3y3 g0t 4 h1dd3n c4m30 1n r4d!
santa hal: cmon dude.. your da k1ng.. PUHLEEZE
elf08:pole your fags.. im not the FAG@!!?@!?
cerkit met: d00d yur s3xy13r th4n muh mawma 0wn cr4Q!
Metalchic Your sooooooo cute!
Hal08!hal08@raven.cybercomm ok dude.. let me go get my old 53/4 and ill
break it out, dcc ok? but wutz in it f0r m3..
*** santa santa@north.pole.com has left zines
-hal08- im santa d00d, what do you want?
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm a really g00d c4rd!
-hal08- dun d00d
santa we n33d 4 C4RD?!@?@! 0 day!?@
elf07 3y3 g0t k0d3z... but 3y3 n33d p0rn@?@!
santa your my godamn elf.. hand it over
elf07 im also your best elf.. so i say let loose or no card!
santa fine nig, no candy canes for you
-b3lial- so your the porn king of nj?
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm so its been told, my jenny collection is
mad stocked!
-b3lial- well im santa dude, and 3y3 n33d p0rn.
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm w0ah.. santa you masturbate?
-b3lial- its not for me.. i need k0d3z.. so i halfta trade warez..
b3lail!b3lial@raven.cybercomm haw.. since your trading, eye want an 800
numba, and a perfect doz edit.
-b3lial- fine.. everyones gotta fuxin trade, no one offers..
IM JOLLY SAINT FUCKEN NICK, give me a break.
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm well im jolly belial and i trade warez
santa ok.. elfslayer you there?
elfslayer yes santa wuttup?
*** elfslayer is known as reyalsfle
santa talk to b3lial help him make the perfect doz editor
-mercuri- d00d 3y3 n33d 4n 800?@!?!@
creep!creep@navajo.net fuck you santa, i didnt get girls for christmas
so fuck off you dick!
mercuri!mercuri@thor.pla-net.net dude im seruisly backed up, i know your
santa, so i guess im sorry :
P /whois creep
*** Whois information of Creep
*** Creep is creep@indian.navajo.net
*** Nickname: creepdto
*** creep is on NiN @femanine h8 ska zines creep is away
*** commiting suicide.
*** creep is on irc.cdc.net no we aint cult of the dead cow
-creep- eye am santa claus... eye courier 0 day to millions of people
in one night, and you think you can trade your lame WARE, cause your so
lame.. you dont even have wareZ you have a ware.. and its a gif of your
P /ignore creep
-mercuri- ok dude.. thanks anyways.. expect cole farm boy!@?
P /ignore mercuri
b3lial- dude.. will you settle for an alaskan pbx?
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm f1n3 n3gr0.. h3r3 y0u g0
*** dcc send request from b3lial yummy.gif 43212k ***
P /dcc get b3lial
*** dcc get connect to b3lial@raven.cybercomm ***
*** get complete To b3lial@raven.caybercomm ***
-b3lial- dude.. hows elfslayer working with dos edit? and thanks for
the porn
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm fine dude.. btw your shoes untied
-b3lial- thanks asshole
P /ignore b3lial
santa ok elf07.. your warez are ready.. strait from da uven
elf07 el33t!@?!
elf07 d00d dat r0x!
elfbot d00d 0d 03
santa damn, what is that crap anyways
reyalsfle well.. if you stuck it in your hand... it would be exactly
3.0 centameters!
santa ok.. whatever.. keep on working on dos!
reyalsfle oooooo ok santa : : :
* reyalsfle give pole a big sloppy blowjob and goes to work
P /dcc send elf07 yummy.gif
*** dcc send connect to elf07 for homesantayummy.gif ***
*** send finished for homesantayummy.gif ***
elf07 gracias el santa claus!
elf07!helper07@north.pole Edward Leet
elf07!helper07@north.pole Sunmaid corp, mentos division
elf07!helper07@north.pole 334 pipe hitting dr
elf07!helper07@north.pole 4662122364314556
elf07!helper07@north.pole expiration date
elf07!helper07@north.pole 09/97
-elf07- ok leet
elf07!helper07@north.pole no prob bob.
-hal08- Edward Leet
-hal08- Sunmaid corp, mentos division
-hal08- 334 pipe hitting dr
-hal08- 4662122364314556
-hal08- expiration date
-hal08- 09/97
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm thanks dude!@@? ok let me put the disks
Hal scrumages through warez such as his pacman, nibbles registered,
and doom 2. He soon finds a big ol disk that says w0lf-n-st13n! he lets
out a big shout of ElEET! and ran to the computer. Popped em in like stove
top, and he was on his way. EXIT to return to QMh03, flashed his eyes when
the copying process ended. Soon old images of his warez days were coming
back to him, flashbacks of ancient times when warcraft and doom 2 were the
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm here ya go
And away with a whistle the dcc tore off the sash, the warez were
couriered like hash. And santa got that dcc with all his might and
containing in the zip file was a big lord jazz ansi that said:
merry christmas to ansi, and to ansi a good night!.
You used to be who spanked your monkey. Now your banging on the bathroom
door when your kids do it.
Welcome back to the basics of life, welcome back to RAD. Welcome baaaack
to RAD.
dear diary/handle
I dont think I have much time, Im being followed by the government
everywhere I go. Right now Im in Kansas, I broke into some guys house and
2 Im on his computer at this very moment. These are exerpts from my diary
I know I cant run forever, and my story needs to be told. After Im done
typing this Ill E-Mail it to Mercuri and hopefully hell succesfully get it
in rad-2. Goodbye everyone its been fun, soon I will be shot down in a
blaze of glory.
look for it in the news
January, 19 1995:
Today at school we were visited by a seemingly gay man trying to get
people to sign up for the foreign exchange program. Nobody was taking him
seriously and when he asked if there was any questions nobody had one. From
my side I heard quick think of a question or well have to go back to
class. Being the overall hero I am I casually raised my hand and was
instantly called upon by the sweaty gay man. By looking at the video I can
see that I dont have any interest in this program, but I was wondering if
there is any other ones setup to send highschool kids overseas to kill
communists. He let out a polite little giggle at my attempt at humor and
said no certainly not, why would we have a program like that?
January, 20 1995:
The next day in third hour I was called into the office. I was very
curious at this event I walked in and was directed towards a conference room
there were two men standing on both sides of the doors, they were wearing
suits and dark glasses. I entered the room and saw the gay man from the
previous day sitting at the table. After talking to him for a few minutes I
realized that he was offering to actually send me overseas to kill
communists apparently he worked for a top secret government program that
used highschool kids to do their bidding. Bewildered i said Id have to
think about it.
January, 21 1995:
After thinking for thirty seconds I realized that I had to accept, why
would I give up the chance to kill communists. I contacted the man to
accept, he said that I would be leaving in exactly one week.
January, 28 1995:
This morning I left for China on a modified version of the stealth bomber.
What do you know starting tomorrow I will be spending my days killing
communists. Finally my life long dream will be fulfilled.
January, 29 1995:
Killed my first communist today, I think I really learned a lot, Im
definetly more efficient in my killing of communists. Bumble Bee Tuna.
January, 30 1995:
Today I killed 30 communists, I cant believe how much fun Im having here
in China. Even though I hate the food, and I cant inderstand a damn thing
anyones saying. Damn foreigners, why dont they learn to speak American.
I just cant wait to get home and have some fried chicken and an apple pie.
Gee I love America.
February, 3 1995:
Been so busy I havent been able to write for a while. Funny thing
happened, all day Ive been shot at by members of the United States
government. Those crazy guys, them and there new guy hazing.
February, 4 1995:
For the second time today I asked to get out of the program, but still
Ive gotten no reply. Oh yeah, and the feds tried to kill me again. Those
guys have a weird sence of humor. Oh well dont get me wrong, I love
killing communists, but I really want to go home.
February, 5 1995:
Today I was shot, no not by a communist by one of my commrades. For some
reason I dont think theyre joking around. Anyways Im sneaking out of the
camp tonight and smuggeling myself into America.
February,6 1995:
Feds are after me, this morning I arrived in Los Angeles. Everywhere I
have to duck around corners and try to ditch these damn feds. They shot me
again today. Good thing there from America or they probably would have been
able to kill me by now.
February, 7 1995:
Still trying to dodge the feds, ran out of money today so I had to pawn
off my Captain Caveman commemerative plates. Hopefully Ill be able to
settle down somewhere pretty soon. I cant run forever.
February, 9 1995:
Havent seen the feds in a couple of days. Im in Indiana guess Ill just
hang around here for a while. Maybe Ill enrole in school under a different
November, 22 1995:
Wow I havent written in forever, today I was on the hit show Singled
Out. I made it to the final round but she dumped me for donkey lips.
Bitch, I cant believe donkey lips won!!
November, 24 1995:
Shit the feds must have seen me on Singled Out cuz theyve been
following me aga...
Oh, shit the feds are breaking into the house Ill try to write down
whats going on as long as I can.
Fed: Are you Nathan Adams?
Me: Yeah, so what?
Fed: Didnt you love the book Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?
Me: Yeah.
Fed: Ok, all of us down at the office were just wondering.
Me: OK, bye.
Fed: See ya later.
Well I guess I was really just paranoid. Ill have to remember this
next time people are shooting at me. Man do I look the fool.
freedom of speech/mercuri
I would like to take this moment, to practive my rights of freedom of
speech, and would like to say their is no other country i could do this in,
i love you america, I really, really do.
thank you bill, email w/ feedback @ jwapienn@pla-net.net
rad reviews/mercuri
Where does he get those wonderful warez?
More funner than a Tupperware party! - Handle
Funnier than irregular heart palpatations!
5o rad: booster shot/cerkit
cerkit used his k0dez soe much he achieved enuff frequent flyer mile to
visit indiana, once again. welcome to yer monthly d0se of cool. take it
like a man..
now you feel better already, dont you..
bigpopa!konehead.cs.duke.cs.edu now that took intelligence. haha. your a
funny guy
y0o.. h0o.. bigpopa.. yer eleet!@
mscerkit!craqbaby@raven.cybercomm.net god, yer soooo cute
y0o.. h0o.. mscerkit.. yEw wUn h0t b0wl uh beaNz@!
hal08!HAL08sl-035.cybercomm.net i suck
y0o.. h0o.. belial.. look the obvious@!
through there own eleetness mercuri and cerkit tagteamed tew create
radioactive aardvark dung.. while that wuz eleet,.. still
the fates held more for them.. and herein entails just another portion
of this zines menstral cycle.
y0o h0o@!
cerkit and mercuri had reached cornpoint not late that day. they had loads
of free time becuase rad.org was taking care of nearly all of radioactive
aardvark dungs needs. housing members and sheltering them wit netaccess.
creating radioactive aardvark dung. k0ding phear. and what was more? it was
editting issues and saving mercuri the time. of course.. we still had to
write but.. what witless fool couldnt. then.. all of a sudden.
it was that deep throat guy.. the same guy from my slinky article.. but..
but how? oh my god.. another sensless tie-in. yew bad boy cerkit.
whoa.. totally hello? - mercuri answered.
dew azz eye kommand. - deep throat retorted.
cerkit takes the fone.
most hanoius man.. tell me who this totally is. - cerkit purred into the
j00 are lamer - implied the deep voiced power.
dewd this is unexcellent. what do you want of me and mercuri theodore
logan cerkit pund.
goto the days inn on corn and husk.. its two blocks from potato road.
murmurd the voice.
totally.. okay but if theres any littleboysex dewds im tracing ya.
cerkit k0ded into the fone.
cerkit and mercuri headed tew the days inn.
as they reached the days in they noticed a large accumulation of tags
and sigs all graffitid on the small town buildings.
most hanious mercuri.. it seems ansi dewds have invaded yer quiet lil
lets most excellently haq them cerkit.
the two hopped in seperate bushes and wait for two ansi geeks tew walk by.
four hours past... two walked by.
dude.. i cant believe this.. the first official ALT + DEWDz meeting.. how
b00m@! anarchy@! cerkit and mercuri pull them behind the bushes and beat
them senseless.
when cerkit and mercuri emerge from the bushes inwhich they had decended
they are complete disguised as ansi dewds.. cerkit rips the HELLO IM
LoRdJaZz sticker off the out-cold ansi dewd below and places it on his
chest. mercuri follows this line of questioning and takes the HELLO IM
Somms sticker and places it on his chest. the two are now complete
disguised. inside the pockets of lordjazz lay a secret map of how too get
from their houses to the days in.. comepletly in ansi.. printed out.
cerkit and mercuri, headed quietly into the hall where nearly five hundred
ansi dewds had accumulated..
all at once the crowd leaped up out of theyre sullen positions and roared
with cheers and clapping. theyre here@! was being shouted from all
jeastured to goto the podium cerkit took the mic.,
well hello dare.. yew guys came here for some parteein down rite?
yes sir@! oh baby!@ - unison shouts continue.
hush now.. okay.. well ive got a lil speach here.. should enlighten you
alt 76, alt 48, alt 82, alt 100, alt 255, alt 106, alt 65, alt 90, alt 122,
alt 105, alt 115, alt 107, alt 48, alt 28, alt 108, alt 33, alt 35, alt 37,
alt 36.. thank you
with that the crowd rose and cheered. mercuri stood there in awe. mercuri
and cerkit were wined and dined and were even escorted to two seperate rooms
where they were pleasured by nickel soda popa and ten dollar whores for the
night. mercuri waltzed down stairs without cerkit and attempted too again
celebrate there successfulness at such an attempt at eleentess. nbcia
offered mercuri a sheet of paper marked ops which only he and a very few
others held. cerkit was now on his way towards the hall unbeknownst to him
what was going to occur. suddenly the REAL lordjazz and Somms enter the hall
crying, bitching and so furious their glasses steamed. cerkit reached the
hall moments later to find mercuri beating the other people who had ops up
and taking their ops away. mercuri threw a ops paper towards cerkit.
who with quickness ran into the bathroom with. when cerkit came from the
bathroom he dawned a dto tshirt and whore a purple mask.
hah hah@! phear dewdlers!@ its cerkitello!@
oh shit@! - they all stated in unison. and ran like chickens with their
heads cut off.. they were obviously scared of cerkitello.
cerkit began using all his teenage mutant ninja hacker capabilities. he
had defeated his twentith or thirtith ansi dewdler when he noticed nbcia
had mercuri on the ground.
fuq@! fowl lamer.. thou shout not kill@! - cerkit stated as he lifted his
sleeve. speaking into his watch cerkit blabbered rat.. we need help@!
with that a flying tlorahian busted threw the roof of the room. powered
by wings of warez. hovering above as two extremely large boxes of win95
flapped, the tlorahian sent down a line too retrieve its two eager homies.
suddenly it began tew lightning. just above the rim of the now unrooved
hall, colored ansi blocks were being thrown. each dewdler was bombarding the
tlorahian beyond its established safety parameters. it was now or never.
cerkit armed himself and lept from the car, as he hit the ground lightning
struck the tlorahian and it vanished from site. suddenly.. the ansi
dewdlers disappeared.. the hall became repaired. and everything was restored
to normal. the time continium had been altered.
then.. even more suddenly a man entered the hall baring a package.
are yew cerkit s. preston..
yes i am..
i have something for you.. he said as he slowly walked over.. reaching
into his pocket..
cerkit face gew tired with anticipation and phear..
a EMAIL!@ the guy shouted..
cerkit signed for it and whisked the weirdo away, offering to buy his
nifty trench coat and hat.
cerkit read the letter with anticipation.
Cc: 0
Atth: 0
Subject: us.hlp@!
-- Message Text --
cerkit.. its us.. rattle and mercuri.. weve traveled back tew
1965.. whoa.. trippy year.. but we could only find this
huge fucking machine at MIT.. jesus man.. yew have tew save us..
use the fone booth at mercuris and get mogel. we made need his eleetness..
we hope this letter reaches yew.
it was specifically instructed tew., were probably still alive
in your time but we probably got really into drugs and fergot we lived in
the 90s.
ps. ..we love yew..
it ended. what in the hell.. i didnt know exactly what tew do. but i knew
this.. it was the begining of an easy to write saga for RAD.
-- tew bEe k0ntinued --
will mogel and cerkit save rattle and mercuri trapped back before compturedom?
will rad last three issues?
well all find out.. in RAD3.
top 10 reasons rad sucks/mercuri
Top 10 reasons RAD sucks
10 UN reads it. aww shit, no mci k0des.
09 Fuck it.. the whole thing was MCI code based.
ghetto gladiators/handle
Hello ladies and gentleman Im Todd Steinbeck and this is my co-host Bob
Thanks Todd, hold on to your hats because this is Ghetto Gladiators
Bob: Today our red contestant is from da hood, his name is Chauncy. Hes 32
years old and is a professional pimp for a living.
Todd: Our blue contestant is from da Ghetto, his name is Tyrone. Hes 28 and
is a failing rapper, he says hes even to poe to go to da stoe.
Todd: You know Bob I find it a little odd that both of our contestants are
white middle-class males from a small town in Indiana.
Bob: Yes Todd that is awful peculiar just think, the same town.
Todd: Our first event for the evening the contestants will have to face off
with our gladiator G-Dogg in Assault and Battery.
Bob: The object of this event is to jump G-Dogg as he is walking down our
simulated street. The contestants will then have to jump him and kick
his Gd up ass, be-otch.
Todd: Our first contestant is Chauncy, he walks up to G-Dogg and tries to
jump him from behind... oooh G-Dogg was ready for that one Chauncy
takes a bitch slap to the face. Chauncys up and swinging, oh that one
landed he hit G-Dogg right in the jaw.
Bob: G-Dogg wasnt pleased by that one, hes landing several blows to the
head, oh that looks like it hurts.
Todd: Remember, in this particular event no weapons have been issued to the
contestants so its total hand to hand combat with these huge
Bob: That will be all she wrote for Chauncey, G-Dogg just layed him out.
Todd: Ok, Chauncey will be awarded 5 points for lasting 30 seconds.
Bob: Lets go down to the arena and see what Chauncey has to say about the
outcome of this event.
Chau: Well Bob, Im not very pleased with this event, I was certain that I
could sustain the blows of G-Dogg for a longer time period than that.
Todd: Ok, there you have it, now its time for Tyrone to go up against G-Dogg
Bob: The whistle has just blown, Tyrone quickly goes in for the kill. Hes
hitting G-Dogg with everything hes got!
Todd: Ive never seen anything like this! G-Dogg cant even get in a blow
Tyrone is completely dominating this event of Assault Battery
Bob: Oh, Tyrone just picked up the garbage can and hes severely pummeling
G-Dogg about the head!
Todd: Thats it, its over! G-Dogg is totally knocked out! Ten points will
be rewarded to Tyrone for this awesome display of power.
Bob: Lets go down to the arena floor and get a few words from Tyrone.
Tyro: Im pretty pleased with the outcome of this one, I could really feel
the adrenaline pumping through my veins and I was in a really good
mind set. I feel that I lived up to my own expectations.
Todd: There you have it, now lets get ready for the next event Pimpin
Bob: The object of this one is to try and get a bitch on all four corners
of the giant square on the floor in sixty seconds. But its not as
easy as it sounds because our next gladiator The Man will be down there
giving his all to stop the contestants.
Todd: Yes Bob and I think we should add that unlike the last event the
combatants will be issued knives to dual with during the event.
Bob: As the whistle sounds our first contestant Chauncey grabs a ho and runs
for a corner.
Todd: Ouch! Chaunceys leveled by the man and the whore goes flying. That
doesnt stop Chauncey, hes up with another whore and running to a
Bob: Remember Todd, Chauncey is a professional pimp so he might have a
slight edge at this particular event.
Todd: That he does Bob, Chauncey already has a slut on two corners of the
block and he still has 40 seconds left. The Man cant seem to catch
Bob: Ok theres the last whore, Bob has finished the game with 20 seconds
left to spare. Lets get a few words.
Chau: It was childs play Bob Ive been pimpin for twenty years, and with just
one man to put me down, I think the outcome was inevitable.
Todd: Some pretty smug words coming from our red contestant Chauncy, its a
good thing he has the skills to back them up.
Bob: Now our second contestant Tyrone will take a wack at the pimpin square
Todd: Ok here we go, Tyrone grabs the first ho and runs to the corner, oh he
is leveled by the man. Whats this Tyrone has stopped in the middle of
the square and started a fight with The Man.
Bob: Thats right Todd, The Man and Tyrone are in a very brutal knife fight
Tyrone has totally forgot about the object of the game!
Todd: A swift slash to the gut has left The Man bleeding like a stuck pig.
Bob: Times up but the two men are still fighting, theres men all over the
floor trying to break these two up. There really at each others
Todd: Ok the men have finally separated, the two combatants. And after two
events the score stands, Chauncy:25 Tyrone:10
Bob: Ok while the officials get the floor ready for the next event lets
stop for a quick commercial break.
Many witty and well thought out commercials flash on the screen
Todd: Welcome back to gladiator arena our next The Heist puts our
contestants up on a pedastil fighting a gladiator with a baseball bat.
Bob: Thats right Todd those contestants will be swinging away. Lasting 30
seconds with our gladiator Iced Cappucino will earn a contestant 25
points, and knocking the gladiator off will earn 50.
Todd: But keep in mind the person knocked off gets his head blown off by an
angry convinient store clerk.
Bob: The whistle blows and our first contestant begins swinging away with
the gladiator Iced Cappucino. Both men seem to be landing some pretty
good shots, oh this is gruesome both men are bleeding profusely.
Todd: Thats right Bob, the timer just went off and neither man has fallen so
that means Chauncy will be awarded 25 points.
Bob: Lets get a few comments from Chauncey.
Chau: I... ugh... shlu... fight me amb heeeylle...
Todd: Oh it looks like after that grusome display Chauncy is at a loss for
Bob: Yes it does, now lets see if Tyrone can fare any better against Iced
Todd: Well the whistle has been blown and both men are swinging away with
those bats, look at this Iced Cappucino strikes Tyrone hard and Tyrone
is hanging off the edge.
Bob: Tyrone has regained his footing and he is angry, Tyrones severely
beating Iced Cappucino, and oh off he goes down to the mat, Tyrone has
gained the full 50 points!
Todd: Now comes the time for Iced Cappucinos demise, the angry convinient
store clerk takes with his shotgun. And its out of here, did you see
that head go flying?
Bob: Yes I did Todd that was truly gruesome now going into the final event
the eliminator the score stands, Chauncey: 50 -- Tyrone: 60
Todd: Tyrone how do you feel about what went down in pimpin?
Tyro: Well, I was real angry and I think that helped me gain those points in
the heist.
Bob: Ok, the object of the eliminator is to get your suitcase of drugs to
Big Mike before the other contestant. But there will be several
obstacles in the way of Chauncy and Tyrone.
Todd: Thats one way of putting it Bob, these contestants will have to go
through hell to get those drugs to Big Mike. Now since Tyrone leads
by ten points he will get a head start of .002 seconds.
Bob: Lets go down to the floor where the event is about to start.
Todd: The whistle is blown, there goes Tyrone and there goes Chauncy. Both
men run down the straight away and begin to climb the trio of fences to
get to Big Mike. Ouch, from behind Chauncey pops a cap in Tyrones
ass slowing him down and giving Chauncey the lead. Getting over the
third fence Chauncy dodges the cop cars that are swirving and stopping
in his path. This distraction gives Tyrone a chance to catch up, and
their running neck and neck. Look at this! Now blocking the path is a
rival gang. Tyrone and Chauncy are gonna have to be pretty clever if
they dodge this one. The bullets certainly seem to be flying Chauncy
is cowering in the corner while Tyrone is filled with bullets. Using
this as a distraction Chauncy runs down the next section of the path.
Uh oh, Chaunceys in the spotlight of the chopper, it wont be long now
until theres cops all over the place. A little farther back Tyrone is
laying dead in the street. And a bunch of Latinos are stripping him of
his belongings. Now all Chauncy has to do is get the drugs to Big
Mike and all the honor is his. Dodging a plethera of police cars and
bullets Chauncey finally reaches the area of Big Mikes house. Oh, no
a cop has just pinned Chauncy to the ground and taken his drugs. Looks
like this event is over... but no Chauncey shoots the cop and runs into
the house! Its over, its all over.
Bob: Well Todd it looks like Chauncy had the skills to get to Big Mikes
house but apparently Big Mike wasnt very happy because when he saw
that Chauncy had lost the drugs he put a bullet through Chauncys head.
So much for take home prizes. It really makes you wonder Todd, what
lengths will people go to just to get attention.
I walked into the school library during my study hall period. For I had a
pass. I looked around, looking for the women they all called peepers.
They called her peepers because she shaved off her eyebrows and penciled
them in in an unnatural curve. It was shaped like the shoe of an evil elf.
She had blue eyelids and the typical librarian butch haircut. You know
the kind where its all off theyre neck. Its just like a sponge sitting
on top of thier head.
She was busy talking about the latest books with the library helpers. So
I went and looked for the book I needed to get my music report done. When I
got to the shelves I noticed something, signs. Signs everywhere, signs on
literally every shelf. Not every section, every shelf. It said not to put
the book back. Let the librarian do it. They were taking invetory or
something. Thinking nothing more of it, I found the book I needed and sat
down. Copied all the information I need out of it and went to put the book
Mistake number one! - said a voice that could only be that of Satan.
It was too late! I had no where to go! No where to hide! I turned
around it was her! The librarian! She asked me what I thought I was doing.
I said I was putting the book back. Here is how the conversation went from
now on.
I was just putting the book back.
Yeah, I saw them.
... I looked around, and began to laugh.
Whats so funny about this?
... My laugh became more noticeable.
Its kind of silly.
Give me that book right now, get out of this library mister!
I need to do this report, and I need to do it in here.
... After more convincing she let me stay.. I sat down and the girl
sitting across from me said it was her aunt and she was a real nice person.
I started laugh again. Out loud this time, and I couldnt stop laughing.
What is your name! said the librarian
Uh, why?
Your getting lunch detentions!
For what? Putting the book back in the wrong spot?
For causing a ruckus!
A ruckus? Whatever.
... She then filled out the little yellow slip for lunch detentions.
Now back in elementary school, I was accused of peeling off the barcode
from a magazine. She thought I stole a barcode. She asked what I did
it. I told her I played library at my house, and too make it more authentic
I used that barcode. Realizing I was only joking she told me to sit at the
back table, and when I was ready to tell her the truth to go back up to her.
Forty-five minutes passed, she called me back up to her perch. She asked me
if I was ready to tell the truth. I told her I didnt steal it, and that it
must have fell off. She said Your skatin on thin ice with me Jason..
She then suggested that I must pay for the barcode.
Therefore I must theorize that there is a special gene that makes women
want to become librarians, and that is why they all have the same haircut
and temperment. For scientific reasons, I shall name the gene the Lee
Gene because that was the first librarian I ever knew. Mrs. Lee was a
sexist bitch. In the four years of my attendance at Lake Street elementary
school, she never once let the boys line up first. Remeber all that line
leader, and lining up jazz? She never let one of the boys check out the
other kids books on her Apple e fully equipt with a light pen.
Mrs. Bunda was the librarian involved in the first story. She was the one
who painted her eyebrows on every morning, and washed them off in the
shower each night. Some kid told her Shutup or Ill erase your
the soup palace/mercuri
A neon sign flickered out the name The Soup Palace. Inside mogel, the
head chef surpervised the cooking of all soup, he headed up the Ramen dept..
He was a five star chef in the Ramen field. While outside mercuri waited on
Just two months earlier mogel had come to Chicago, where he met up with
mercuri. The two looked all over Chicago for a good soup resturaunt, but
alas there was none to be found. So they went into the next best thing, a
duncan donuts. They ordered, sat down, and ate.
Mercuri turned and asked the old curmudgeon next to him
You wouldnt happen to know where we could get a warm bowl of soup, would
The McDonalds on Wabash has soup. .. he gristled
They walked out of the dunkin donuts and were on there way to soupage.
If you build it, they will come. .. said a voice onomously
Befuddled and confused the two looked around, and they heard it again
If you build it, they will come. .. the voice said
WHO WILL COME?!? The duo shouted in unison,.. street freaks ran in
After they heard no answer, they passed it off as nothing. They began to
walk to McDonalds for soupdom. Mogel started looking around, mogel ran
into a pole.
Are you alright, man?
Look over there! said mogel, What do you see?
I see a vacant lot, why?
You mean you dont see that merc?!? .. questioned mogel
See what? I think we best get you to a hospital mogel, you got lump on
your head like Fred Flintstone, what do you see?
Its gone! Where did it go!?? .. asked and shouted mogel
If you build it, they will come. .. it was the voice again!
This is gettin wierd. .. stated mogel Did you hear that again?
Tell me what you saw!
I saw a resturaunt my friend, and its name was The Soup Palace, it was
the most beautiful thing I ever saw. .. said mogel What do you think all
this means?
I guess were supposed to build a baseball park like that Waterworld
guy. .. mercuri said
No! No! No! Were supposed to open up a soup resturaunt. Isnt that
obvious? .. said mogel
Well.. I guess... that might make a little more sense. .. said mercuri
Mogel went back tot he car, he cracked open his piggy bank after much
coaxing from mercuri, he counted how much he had.
2.00 .. mogel announced
What?!? .. mercuri said I thought that was the dto t-shirt profits.
Well there was this gir--
STOP! .. insisted mercuri Nevermind, If were going to do this we need
atleast 14,498 more dollars. .. calculated mercuri
After hours of thought processing there was only one thing they could do.
Sell mercuris corn field back in Indiana. It would mean an easy 350,000.
Sure enough, real estate tycoon Donald Trump bought it, and gave the duo
cash on the barrel head.
After months of construction, the soupy complex was complete. The four
story soup house sat high above the hard rock cafe. Atop the soup shrine
sat a bowl of soup with a neon sign that read The Soup Palace.
It was finally opening day but there was no one there. They were all at
Planet Hollywood. To steal Planet Hollywoods customers mercuri climbed
atop thier roof and yelled
The champagnes not Korbel! Come to The Soup Palace! We have Korbel!
Of course it worked like a charm and the opening day was a record breaker.
In a month they had regained all thier profits.
They were asked, pleaded, begged, bargained, and threatened to merge with
belials resturaunt Slinky Spaghetti House. But mogel and mercuri
Things dont work that way. .. mercuri told them
Mogel has since appeared on Life Styles of the Rich and Famous. And
mercuri is over seas doing what he has always dreamed about. Killing
read the damn title yourself, im not retyping it/puck
Randum Ramblingz of a Crazed
dood bent on wurld
Vol. I.
Issue I: eye *WiLL* rool the wurld.
These are fone conversations recorded whilst i was calling around AC 219
looking for loyal subjects. this is undisputable evidance that my powers of
coersion are beyond those of ordinary mortals.
Man: Hello?
Me: Hi, my name is puck, and im looking for loyal followers to help me in my
conquest of this pathetic mudball called earth. would you like to join
Man: No..
ASSHOLE!@@!@ This man obviously has NO sense of humor and
therefore should be shot.
ring.... ring.... ring..
Oldwoman: Hello?
Me: Hi, my name is puck, and im planning to take over the planet.. would you
like to join me?
Oldwoman: Is this johnny....? johnny, are you playing tricks on me again...?
Me: No, maam, I am not johnny, my name is puck...
Oldwoman: Stop playing tricks on me johnny...
Me: Maam, Im not johnny...!
Oldwoman: Are you coming over for dinner tommorow, johnny?
A very frustrated me: Ummmm... yea, sure... but then will you help me take
over the world?
Oldwoman: You and your silly games...... I have to go now, Wheel of fortune
is on..... I love you, johnny...
Me: Ummmm... yea.... uhhh... i love... you... too... sure.
Ok, so maybe that was cruel... but it was funny...
ring... ring... ring..
Littleboy: Hewo?
Me: Hi there! my name is puck, and im going take over the world! wanna help?
Littleboy: uhhhh....
Me: Itll be lots of fun! well break stuff, and you can have all the candy
you want!
Littleboy: whaaaa?
Me: Ok, look kid, if you just say yes, ill send you five bucks.
Littleboy: Ok!
Lets see.... thats.... 1 out of 3 people... in a world with approx. 3
billion people... hmmm... thats 1 billion people!
ok, so what if they are all old women and small children....
Issue 2: gRuMbLe: Little bastards....
I have found the root of all evil, and i can save the world through a
series of self-help videos that people will send me 19 bucks for...
This is my theory...
All the problems in the world are caused by small invisible children named
Juan and Cindy. To solve your problems, all you have to do is hunt them down
and kill them.
The only obstacle in my quest for world domination is that ever popular
group of idiots that haunt the information-superhighway The Cyberninjas.
Well, and the government of course.. grumble.. You know the type... The
guy on IRC who says he knows kung-fu, and that he can kick your measly butt,
or send his brother to do it for him... he is a marine, dont ya know....!
You know a cyber-ninja by...
1. The s0oper scary handle...
It concists of the words Dark, Immortal, Stalker, Shadow,
Flaming, Skull, Death, Pirate, Soul, bob, or any combination
2. Their incredibly witty comebacks, usually having something to do
with your maternal heritage, the size of your penis, or how lame
you really are.
3. Their threats of sending a bomb to your house. Of course, they
dont know where you live, but they *DO* have ways...
And of course, they will make this bomb from the super-accurate,
always in fasion, never outdated anarky .TXT files that they
squander away their pointless lives downloading.
4. And last but not least, all the ultra rad affils they have.
These are their buddies in anarky and they can call on
them at any time to come and kick your butt....
Common affils are:
rAd: radical anarky doodz
tFa: Total fuckin anarky!
BallZ: Brothaz against loozaz, lamurz, and zine writerz.
All affils MUST have the words Anarky, lamurz or FUCKIN in them
so that they can sound super rad and scary.
Everyone knows that the sign of how rad you are is by the size
of your greet list.... besides ive always wanted to do one.
This is *NoT* in alphabetical order.
And if i forgot you, too fuckin bad. :
Apothecary: We are going to be rich some day, my friend.
mercuri: Your too rad for me to handle...
Paco: Wigger chicks!@!! sob!
Mogel: You rool. Remember me? I was the one that you said reminded
you of a younger version of yourself. Scary, huh?
cDc: I worship the ground you guys walk on.
HoE: I worship the ground you guys walked on.
The Immortal: I hope you read this and think Im lame. Die.
Jennifer Bell: You will never-ever read this. I WORSHIP YOU!@
Jeffery Trock: Hrhnh... hrnrh.... put this in the cool pile.
KrampuS: Germany, man..... uhuhuhuhuhuuhu...
Smooge: dickheadlighteralright.
Lia: LICK! i will lick your face someday...
Thingies: YES!@! YOU ROOL!
R.J. Reynolds Inc: Thank you. Without your products, id cry.
DDI members around the world: BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!@
George Orwell: you put the PH in phear.
My AP English Teacher, Mr.Horner: You are the wisest man on earth.
My Butt: I love you.
James Bond: You are one BAAAAD motherfucker.
Shaft: yoo too... you just have a fro.
Anthony Burgess: You and Orwell should go bowling.
Scooter: Remember the words of Sho Tsogi....
Einstein: I want a dub of the Too much Bass for Whitey Mix.
BuG: You are the lord god of poop. I bow.
kOp33wRiTe pUcK! Inc. c All Rights protected by a small band of
midgets dressed as ewoks with spears.
our governments burden/mercuri
I feel something should be said about the budget plan, and how childish
the way our nations leaders quivel.. I have one thing to say to them:
Google Florp.
coming out of the closet/handle
I like to think of myself as a gay man, it pleases me even to walk down a
street and watch all the guys walk past me. Thats how gay I am. I think
Ive been that way ever since I was born. As a kid Id run around with all
of my little friends. I wasnt friends with any girls back then.
A lot of kids try to act like theyre all suicidal but not me, as I said
before Im gay. Thats me, happy. Happy all of the time, like I said
before, even when Im just walking down the street. Im always happy, sure
I get sad sometimes but most of the time Im just happy. I just figured Id
let you all know. You know, in case there was any wonder as to if I wasnt
happy. So I guess this clears everything up, if you were wondering the
answer is yes. I am happy.
If thats not what you were wondering then shame on you. I cant believe
that youd think of something so naughty. Arent you Christian?
circus: raw and unedited/handle mercuri
Come one come all for the circus is coming to town. The beautiful circus
apple in every little boys eye. Look there they are coming down mainstreet
what a marvelous show tigers, monkeys, oh look theres Gary Coleman. Here
come the freaks! Gary Coleman tops the bill! Even the boy who got his arms
torn off by a tractor last fall.
Yes the circus is in town and martial law has been restored! Everyone in
bed by eight oclock! Anyone in the streets will be shot, hurray the circus!
The ex-com last year who took his sawed-off twelve gauge to the dunk the
clown booth! Burried him in boothill! Hurray the circus!
Bearded lady? Hell weve got a monkey with a red and blue butt. Hurray
the circus is here let us rejoice! Count to twelve and then fall down
again! Hurray the circus!
Monkeys with red and blue butts are nothing! Weve got Indianas
largest collection of Chain Gang retards! Fast Ed, Mikey Humperdink, Joey
Spaghetti. Look at the teacher with them honkers! Woo Hoo! The circus,
Taxes will be raised, the cullings have begun. Woo hoo sacrifice your
first born for the circus! Everyone loves the circus! Johnny look the
circus is here! Circus where? I love the circus!
Sucric! Circus! We love the circus! Spell it any way you want you
stupid inbred. Inbreds love the circus! The man who worships plastic
Cups! The bearded cucumber, geck0! All in the freak line-up!
Everyone loves the circus...look theres the Swedish bikini team! Recola!!!
Yeah the circus, fill us with meloncollie and childish glee! Dont you love
her as shes walking out the door. Circus YEAH@!
Cut down the corn, we need room for the circus tents! Hey you blueboy,
do you love the circus? The circus? Hell yeah, everyone loves the circus!
Yeah baby Im talking red bulldog bones, I love the circus!!!
Crash! Slash! Burn! The Apocolypse! WE HATE THE CIRCUS COMPARED TO HOW
MUCH WE LOVE THE APOCOLYPSE. Mr. Rogers, the anti-christ? Willy-Woo? Wont
You be my girl. CMON AND SET ME FREE!! I said warden warden, wont you
break my neck and knees. I said Warden Warden, do you love the circus?
Of course you do! We all the the circus!
I saw the circus butt!! You saw the circus butt? Yeah, JEANSYISH!! Let
the inmates out, everyone needs a little circus!! RApists murderers we all
love the circus! Hey you dont commit Hari Cari, the circus is in town!
Circus started tremblin with a sonic boom! Take the inmates out put the
clowns in jail! We love the circus, but we hate the clowns! Evil Clowns.
Joel and the bots? Hell yeah, they love the circus. Circus on ice? Why
not, shaken but not stirred. The crow? He IS the circus!
Guess what the circus loves Indiana! Everyone loves the circus there all
here look at em shotguns, flannel shirts, and rusted pickups! Yes, the
circus loves Indiana! Took a look around see which way the circus go. She
was a rockin little Francis in the city of lights!!! WOO COMEON!!
I would like to take a time out for a minute to say that we are still
completely sane. but my pants are not, my pants made me kill my father/
cousin in-law. Thats right! Were all inbreds here in indiana. From our
deformed heads right down to our 16 toes! And inbetween who knows what will
show up?!@
Throw bread crumbs on the ground birds need circus to! Birds will love
the circus Ill make them see! Everyone loves the circus! Do you hear me?
Everyone loves the circus farty butt! You want to start something with me
here killin isnt a crime its a weekend activity! Yeah the circus!!!
I just made a stinky, it smells. I like stinkys.
Yeah the circus stinks!! Poopy ka-ka everywhere! Is that elephant poop? No
of course not silly that particular poopiusmaximus comes from plato student
of Socrates! Philosophers love the circus to! Everyone does do you here me?!
I myself mercuri, think we are getting carried away. This is all a lie,
my whole life is a lie. Like we can only shoot people on get away with it
on the weekends only. Yeah, whatever. Ive never even seen the circus, to
tell you the truth, Ive never even seen an automobile. There rare out here
though, I saw an aeroplane fly over once. That was back a year or so ago.
They dropped something over the town. Purt near wiped out the whole place,
thats when the city smarty pants built me this here commpooterr. His name
is Mr. Brown. He invented the television you know. He said he saw the
circus once, but i dont know, he said he also say a woman nekkid before. So
I think hes lying. We watch the town freak masturbate for entertainment.
We have heard wonderful things of the circus.
Well back on the farm we had these things called chicken feeds. The
chicken would peck at it and then centrificul force would send the water
down. But who cares about chickens? The circus is in town!!! The freakshow
rules Dominic and Tantrum. Breakdown and that disease guy! Xian loves the
circus! What oh no someone killed the circus! The circus is dead and will
never come back to this town ever again. This does not please me! Oh well
at least theres still dirt!! I love digging!! Yeah digging woo hoo! Everyone
loves digging! Ode to chocolate milk!! Digging is life, everything
inbetween is just details!
miracle thaw/handle
A while back I was over at my friends house, and he had a miracle thaw.
I pointed to it and said
Look! As seen on TV!
And then started to make fun of him for actually ordering the miracle
thaw. But then he said watch. And he put on ice cube on the tray.
Instantly it started to melt, I touched the tray, it wasnt hot. I touched
the melted water, it wasnt hot, and by then the whole ice cube was gone. I
knew that somehow this expierience would change my life.
The other day it snowed like a bitch, theres snow everywhere. God I hate
snow and everything else associated with cold weather. We were driving down
the street at a virtual standstill. No not because there was a lot of
traffic, because we didnt want to die. The roads were horribly crappy all
because of the damn snow. I thought jeeze I wish I could just melt all the
snow on the road.
So then I started thinking, when Im supreme dictator of the world, I
should put some kind of heating devices in the roads in all the cities that
have annual snow. But realizing that this was unrealistic I just shrugged
it off. I figured it would cost to much, and be to difficult to organize.
But then I started to think what if I could get rid of all that damn snow
without heat, that would truly be a miracle. Once again I shrugged off the
idea because I didnt know anybody that was privy to pulling off miracles.
But then I remembered I do know somebody that could pull off miracles. And
outload I yelled, Miracle Thaw is the answer. Looking around I realized
that I had been in sort of a daze for quite a while because everyone else in
the vehicle was looking at me. But I didnt care, once again I had struck
genius, it was plentiful in the landscape of my mind. Why cant we
incorporate the technology of the miracle thaw into roads. Im pretty sure
it has to be possible, and we would save money in the long run. Usually I
just pack these little thoughts into the back of my head but this time I had
to act. It was for to good a cause. Doing a little research I found out
what exactly the miracle thaw was made out of. I had messages sent
everywhere I had millions of people that gave me there miracle thaws, to
have melted down. Plus I ordered a whole hell of a lot of that magic
material. Over the weekend I paved all of the worlds roads with this magic
substance. So fear not my fellow citizens, bad road conditions are a thing
of the past. From now on when snow hits the streets its melted instantly,
and using absolutely no heat at all. No need to thank me Im just doing my
duty as a human being.
ss. ,adb ,adiii tMM
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XXXx tMMb: o o
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d, dsss,:s7sss, .
Radioactive Aardvark Dung Issue Two
Released January 14, 1996
Copyright c All Rights Reserved
Welcome back to the basics of life, welcome back to RAD. Welcome baaaack
to RAD.
Get in touch, and get our stuff via dis:
* FTP site - ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/RAD
* FTP site - ftp.prism.net /pub/text/rad
* WEB site - http://prism.net/zineworld/rad/
More proof that warez cause brain damage.
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 07:17:45 GMT
Lines: 13
Xref: news.pla-net.net alt.cracks:31180 alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc:
BADMUTHAFUCKER said the following........
--Qemm 8 fucked my system up. I had no operating system, the CMOS
--fucked, everything fucked. And I, fixed that shit!
Oh Yeah!, well my house burned down last summer and my computer MELTED!!,
did I cry and whine? No, I restored 100 of my files and even defraged the
whole hard drive ..............
I am a bad
not you!
I think Hitler would have made a great father figure, as long as his son
wasnt jewish.
wacky mission speech/mercuri
Some say wacky?. Why chose this as RADs goal? And they may well ask,
why does man climb the highest mountain? Why, thirty years ago, fly across
the Atlantic? Why does Rice play for Texas?
We choose to do wacky, .. we choose to do wacky not because it is easy,
but because it is hard. Because that goal, will serve to measure the best
of our energies and skills. Because that challenge, is one we are willing
to accept, one we are unwilling to post-pone, and one we intend to fufill.
RADs Motto Thou who picketh thy nose, must first contemplate where to
hideth the boogers.
RADs Official Band The Moffats.
RADs Official Movie Fried Green Tomatos
the wrath of the yum-yum tum-tums two/handle
Nobody knew what happened to girly-girl the local YMCAs janitor, he
disappeared one day, and then was found a week later dead and surrounded
with chicken parts. No evidence was found, and no one had a motive. No one
except for Johnny, but Johnny was dead right. He commited suicide after his
kitty died. Who could have killed girly-girl?
Stumbling down a dark alley Peter Johnson huddles next to a garbage can,
hoping to stay alive. His life had been a drastic change ever since he
started hearing the voices. Voices telling him to do things, like screw
rubber goats and buy Health Riders. Peter used to be a prosporous man he
actually thought that he might have had a future, but then things started
happening. Horrible things, people died, and pigs shit turned green. It
seemed everytime there was trouble, Peter happened to be in the middle of
Sitting down in the soft sand of Miami Beach, Pablo wonders what happened
to the life he used to lead. Pablo was a Cuban refuge, and ever since he
came to America his life had gone down hill, great hallucinations. Maybe it
was the water, when Pablo came here all of his friends warned him not to
drink it. Pablo was beginning to believe that America wasnt the land of
opportunity he thought it was.
Peter was rummaging through a cornfield, he couldnt remember why he was
there but more importantly, he couldnt remember how he had gotten there.
He hears the sweet sound of a guitar in the distance and goes to investigate
when he finally reaches a clearing he sees an old black man sitting on his
porch and playing a guitar. The man seemed strangly familiar to Peter.
Who are you?
Im Girly-Girl, around here they call me Dominatrix Girly-Girl, Im 106 and
I still mop my own floors.
Where have I seen you before?
You killed me Peter.
No! Its not my fault, he told me to do it, said if I didnt hed kill my
family and rape my sheep!
I dont blame you son, Johnny was an angry kid, nobody could control him or
his destructive ways.
With a jolt Peter awakes to see that he is lying in the middle of a small
one room apartment. Looking around he remembers that the night before a man
had come up to him in the alley and brought him here. The room was bare
except for the purple monkey swinging on the lamp in the center, this was
terrifying to Peter so he ran out to the city street below. Peter
remembered the dream about the old man, and it turned his insides.
My toe hurts, God damn it, my toe hurts!
Pablo looked down into the giant hole that had just opened up in the sand
Pablo was shocked he couldnt think straight, so he just let out a girly
scream straight from the diaphram. He took a step back but suddenly he was
pushed and he fell down the giant hole. Once he reached the bottom he
landed with a thud. Pablo got up and brushed the curtains he had tied
around his ankles. To the front of him stood an evil looking man petting a
kitty that he was holding in his hands.
Ive been expecting you Pablo.
How do you know my name?
Youve seen me before Pablo, Im Johnny, submit yourself to me.
What are you, you big brute?
I used to be human but now I am evil incarnate, you have been wronged
in your life to, havent you Pablo. You want to be like me.
Yes, yes I do.
The time for talk is over now Pablo, come let us Tango.
Por que?
Porque Pablo, I want you, and you want me.
Laying in the sand Johnny and Pablo have mad passionate sex until both
fall over from exhaustion. Johnny orders Pablo to go to the local Disco and
wait for further instructions. Pablo does as Johnny wishes and goes to the
Disco, when he gets there he sees that it has been closed for weeks. Not
wanting to draw attention to himself, Pablo walks around to the back and
breaks a window to get in.
Stepping into the Disco he sees that the flashing lights are on and the
entire building is empty except for a single man sitting at a table in the
center of the building. Walking over Pablo sees that the man is not Johnny
but a stranger.
Who are you?
I am Peter, I take it that you are Pablo.
Yes, yes how did you know?
I have been sent here to stop you Pablo, your working for evil and my
friend Girly-Girl wont allow it.
What I do is none of your business Yankee, now go away before I have to
hurt you.
I dont think so.
Peter lunges at Pablo knocking him to the ground, and pinning his arms to
the ground. A long fight ensumes, both men are battered and start bleeding
severely. After a couple minutes of scuffeling both men get to their feet.
Stop doing the biddings of evil.
Aw come on Ill be your friend.
Fine be that way you jerk I guess Ill just have to give you another
beating would that convince you?
Before Pablo can respond their is a flash of light and Johnny makes his
appearence in the room. He creates a beam of pure light that shreds through
Peters skin and sends him to the land of the dead. After getting rid of
this nuisance Johnny morphs into a giant kitty and hacks a toxic hairball
onto Pablo. Pablo disintigrates to a puddle of puss, and then Johnny sprays
it with airfreshener. The airfreshener somehow transforms Pablo turning him
into a Christmas Tree. Now go my Christmas Tree friend, multiply and end
the world of the plague of humanity, they do not deserve to live. Carry out
my wishes and their will be plenty of anal sex for all.
With this Pablo runs out into the street, multiplying to millions and then
billions of Christmas trees. Simultaneously they all begin to spin, and
then destroy the world with their drilling action, no one survives and each
death is a little more grusome than the last. Finally once again Johnny is
santas linux os/hal08
PINE 3.91 COMPOSE MESSAGE Folder: INBOX 2 Messages
To :santa@north.pole.com
Cc :
Subject :muh perezentz bi0tch!
----- Message Text -----
y0 nig, diz be y0 fav h0m13!
3y3 0nly h4q3d r00t ONCE th1s y34r!!!!! s0 3y3 d3s3rv3 sumf1n c00l,
d0ntch4 th1nk?
wut eye wud rally rally rally lyke forz a prezent, ez, a new beige box
an A l1n3m4ns HANDSET!
S4nt4, 3Y3 1NCLUD3D C00K13S 4ND M1LK!!!
d0nt f0rg3t m3 uhn chr1stm4s 3v3!!!
you bettah be nyce to da admin! HES SANTA CLAUZE
h0 h0 h0 visions of your login below
and shugu plums as y0 k0d3z
Login: santa
k0d3z: ************************
Welcome to da n0rt p0l3 s4nt4 y3w h4v3 m4il!
n0 3lv3s have n3ws t0day 0.
*** Connecting to port 6667 of reindeer.sleigh.com *****
*** Welcome to Inter Relay Chat santa
*** umodes available oiws, channel modes available biklmnopstv
*** There are 128 operators online
*** 3502 channels have been formed
*** This server has 116 clients and 1 servers connected+i M:2
: : MiSTRaL / PaRaLLaX
PhoEniX Version 2.25 by Vassago - Accept No Hacks or Substitutes!
Type /COMMANDS for a list of commands PHOENIX.HLP must be loaded.
Get the latest version of PhoEniX! ftp to or
If you enjoy using PhoEniX, please register your copy with Vassago.
/ Type /ABOUT for more information on registering PhoEniX. /
DO NOT use this script unless you get it directly from my FTP site!
E/X PhoEniX Version 2.25 now loading, please wait...P
E/X Loading Save file: /home/santa/.phoenix... 11:22PM
E/X Loading XDCC Offer file: /home/santa/.phoenix.xdcc...
-elfbot- Invite pole
elfbot!@north.pole Inviting you to pole, host mark recognized
*** santa santa@north.pole.com has joined pole
santa is the 0 day prepared for christmas eve?
elf01 yes santa... pretty much!
elf08 grr... angst 3y3 h8 z3r0 d4y!!@?!@
elf69 we are all out of w0fl-n-st13n!?@!
santa 0h sh1t!@?! c4ll up d4t w4r3z d00d!?@!?
elf02 0h f0q... w3 n33d 0 d4y n0w?@!@?@!?
* elfbot s bell goes off... WAREZ ALERT
P /whois hal08
*** Whois information of Hal08
*** hal08 is hal08@raven.cybercomm.net
*** Nickname: im a rising
*** hal08 is on @zines
*** irc.rutgers.edu still chewing that 5 cent shit
-hal08- d00d w3 n33d 0 d4y b4d!@?@!
Hal08!hal08@raven.cybercomm w0ah... who the f0q are you?
-hal08- dude!!!! i need 0 day BAD@?@!? g0t 4ny s1t3z?!@!
Hal08!hal08@raven.cybercomm warez suck
-hal08- man this is santa.. remeber all those gi-joes! Please d00d
i need w0lf-n-st13n@?!@
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm well.. uhm.. hmm lemme think about it
P /j zines
*** santa santa@north.pole.com has joined zines
mogel h0 h0 h0 h1 s4nt4!!@?
Hal08 d00d 3y3 t0ld j00 EYE would get back to you man
m0rph 3l33t s4nta... G07 K0D3Z?
ratZie l00k 3y3 g0t 4 h1dd3n c4m30 1n r4d!
santa hal: cmon dude.. your da k1ng.. PUHLEEZE
elf08:pole your fags.. im not the FAG@!!?@!?
cerkit met: d00d yur s3xy13r th4n muh mawma 0wn cr4Q!
Metalchic Your sooooooo cute!
Hal08!hal08@raven.cybercomm ok dude.. let me go get my old 53/4 and ill
break it out, dcc ok? but wutz in it f0r m3..
*** santa santa@north.pole.com has left zines
-hal08- im santa d00d, what do you want?
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm a really g00d c4rd!
-hal08- dun d00d
santa we n33d 4 C4RD?!@?@! 0 day!?@
elf07 3y3 g0t k0d3z... but 3y3 n33d p0rn@?@!
santa your my godamn elf.. hand it over
elf07 im also your best elf.. so i say let loose or no card!
santa fine nig, no candy canes for you
-b3lial- so your the porn king of nj?
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm so its been told, my jenny collection is
mad stocked!
-b3lial- well im santa dude, and 3y3 n33d p0rn.
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm w0ah.. santa you masturbate?
-b3lial- its not for me.. i need k0d3z.. so i halfta trade warez..
b3lail!b3lial@raven.cybercomm haw.. since your trading, eye want an 800
numba, and a perfect doz edit.
-b3lial- fine.. everyones gotta fuxin trade, no one offers..
IM JOLLY SAINT FUCKEN NICK, give me a break.
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm well im jolly belial and i trade warez
santa ok.. elfslayer you there?
elfslayer yes santa wuttup?
*** elfslayer is known as reyalsfle
santa talk to b3lial help him make the perfect doz editor
-mercuri- d00d 3y3 n33d 4n 800?@!?!@
creep!creep@navajo.net fuck you santa, i didnt get girls for christmas
so fuck off you dick!
mercuri!mercuri@thor.pla-net.net dude im seruisly backed up, i know your
santa, so i guess im sorry :
P /whois creep
*** Whois information of Creep
*** Creep is creep@indian.navajo.net
*** Nickname: creepdto
*** creep is on NiN @femanine h8 ska zines creep is away
*** commiting suicide.
*** creep is on irc.cdc.net no we aint cult of the dead cow
-creep- eye am santa claus... eye courier 0 day to millions of people
in one night, and you think you can trade your lame WARE, cause your so
lame.. you dont even have wareZ you have a ware.. and its a gif of your
P /ignore creep
-mercuri- ok dude.. thanks anyways.. expect cole farm boy!@?
P /ignore mercuri
b3lial- dude.. will you settle for an alaskan pbx?
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm f1n3 n3gr0.. h3r3 y0u g0
*** dcc send request from b3lial yummy.gif 43212k ***
P /dcc get b3lial
*** dcc get connect to b3lial@raven.cybercomm ***
*** get complete To b3lial@raven.caybercomm ***
-b3lial- dude.. hows elfslayer working with dos edit? and thanks for
the porn
b3lial!b3lial@raven.cybercomm fine dude.. btw your shoes untied
-b3lial- thanks asshole
P /ignore b3lial
santa ok elf07.. your warez are ready.. strait from da uven
elf07 el33t!@?!
elf07 d00d dat r0x!
elfbot d00d 0d 03
santa damn, what is that crap anyways
reyalsfle well.. if you stuck it in your hand... it would be exactly
3.0 centameters!
santa ok.. whatever.. keep on working on dos!
reyalsfle oooooo ok santa : : :
* reyalsfle give pole a big sloppy blowjob and goes to work
P /dcc send elf07 yummy.gif
*** dcc send connect to elf07 for homesantayummy.gif ***
*** send finished for homesantayummy.gif ***
elf07 gracias el santa claus!
elf07!helper07@north.pole Edward Leet
elf07!helper07@north.pole Sunmaid corp, mentos division
elf07!helper07@north.pole 334 pipe hitting dr
elf07!helper07@north.pole 4662122364314556
elf07!helper07@north.pole expiration date
elf07!helper07@north.pole 09/97
-elf07- ok leet
elf07!helper07@north.pole no prob bob.
-hal08- Edward Leet
-hal08- Sunmaid corp, mentos division
-hal08- 334 pipe hitting dr
-hal08- 4662122364314556
-hal08- expiration date
-hal08- 09/97
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm thanks dude!@@? ok let me put the disks
Hal scrumages through warez such as his pacman, nibbles registered,
and doom 2. He soon finds a big ol disk that says w0lf-n-st13n! he lets
out a big shout of ElEET! and ran to the computer. Popped em in like stove
top, and he was on his way. EXIT to return to QMh03, flashed his eyes when
the copying process ended. Soon old images of his warez days were coming
back to him, flashbacks of ancient times when warcraft and doom 2 were the
Hal08!hal08@raven.caybercomm here ya go
And away with a whistle the dcc tore off the sash, the warez were
couriered like hash. And santa got that dcc with all his might and
containing in the zip file was a big lord jazz ansi that said:
merry christmas to ansi, and to ansi a good night!.
You used to be who spanked your monkey. Now your banging on the bathroom
door when your kids do it.
Welcome back to the basics of life, welcome back to RAD. Welcome baaaack
to RAD.
dear diary/handle
I dont think I have much time, Im being followed by the government
everywhere I go. Right now Im in Kansas, I broke into some guys house and
2 Im on his computer at this very moment. These are exerpts from my diary
I know I cant run forever, and my story needs to be told. After Im done
typing this Ill E-Mail it to Mercuri and hopefully hell succesfully get it
in rad-2. Goodbye everyone its been fun, soon I will be shot down in a
blaze of glory.
look for it in the news
January, 19 1995:
Today at school we were visited by a seemingly gay man trying to get
people to sign up for the foreign exchange program. Nobody was taking him
seriously and when he asked if there was any questions nobody had one. From
my side I heard quick think of a question or well have to go back to
class. Being the overall hero I am I casually raised my hand and was
instantly called upon by the sweaty gay man. By looking at the video I can
see that I dont have any interest in this program, but I was wondering if
there is any other ones setup to send highschool kids overseas to kill
communists. He let out a polite little giggle at my attempt at humor and
said no certainly not, why would we have a program like that?
January, 20 1995:
The next day in third hour I was called into the office. I was very
curious at this event I walked in and was directed towards a conference room
there were two men standing on both sides of the doors, they were wearing
suits and dark glasses. I entered the room and saw the gay man from the
previous day sitting at the table. After talking to him for a few minutes I
realized that he was offering to actually send me overseas to kill
communists apparently he worked for a top secret government program that
used highschool kids to do their bidding. Bewildered i said Id have to
think about it.
January, 21 1995:
After thinking for thirty seconds I realized that I had to accept, why
would I give up the chance to kill communists. I contacted the man to
accept, he said that I would be leaving in exactly one week.
January, 28 1995:
This morning I left for China on a modified version of the stealth bomber.
What do you know starting tomorrow I will be spending my days killing
communists. Finally my life long dream will be fulfilled.
January, 29 1995:
Killed my first communist today, I think I really learned a lot, Im
definetly more efficient in my killing of communists. Bumble Bee Tuna.
January, 30 1995:
Today I killed 30 communists, I cant believe how much fun Im having here
in China. Even though I hate the food, and I cant inderstand a damn thing
anyones saying. Damn foreigners, why dont they learn to speak American.
I just cant wait to get home and have some fried chicken and an apple pie.
Gee I love America.
February, 3 1995:
Been so busy I havent been able to write for a while. Funny thing
happened, all day Ive been shot at by members of the United States
government. Those crazy guys, them and there new guy hazing.
February, 4 1995:
For the second time today I asked to get out of the program, but still
Ive gotten no reply. Oh yeah, and the feds tried to kill me again. Those
guys have a weird sence of humor. Oh well dont get me wrong, I love
killing communists, but I really want to go home.
February, 5 1995:
Today I was shot, no not by a communist by one of my commrades. For some
reason I dont think theyre joking around. Anyways Im sneaking out of the
camp tonight and smuggeling myself into America.
February,6 1995:
Feds are after me, this morning I arrived in Los Angeles. Everywhere I
have to duck around corners and try to ditch these damn feds. They shot me
again today. Good thing there from America or they probably would have been
able to kill me by now.
February, 7 1995:
Still trying to dodge the feds, ran out of money today so I had to pawn
off my Captain Caveman commemerative plates. Hopefully Ill be able to
settle down somewhere pretty soon. I cant run forever.
February, 9 1995:
Havent seen the feds in a couple of days. Im in Indiana guess Ill just
hang around here for a while. Maybe Ill enrole in school under a different
November, 22 1995:
Wow I havent written in forever, today I was on the hit show Singled
Out. I made it to the final round but she dumped me for donkey lips.
Bitch, I cant believe donkey lips won!!
November, 24 1995:
Shit the feds must have seen me on Singled Out cuz theyve been
following me aga...
Oh, shit the feds are breaking into the house Ill try to write down
whats going on as long as I can.
Fed: Are you Nathan Adams?
Me: Yeah, so what?
Fed: Didnt you love the book Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?
Me: Yeah.
Fed: Ok, all of us down at the office were just wondering.
Me: OK, bye.
Fed: See ya later.
Well I guess I was really just paranoid. Ill have to remember this
next time people are shooting at me. Man do I look the fool.
freedom of speech/mercuri
I would like to take this moment, to practive my rights of freedom of
speech, and would like to say their is no other country i could do this in,
i love you america, I really, really do.
thank you bill, email w/ feedback @ jwapienn@pla-net.net
rad reviews/mercuri
Where does he get those wonderful warez?
More funner than a Tupperware party! - Handle
Funnier than irregular heart palpatations!
5o rad: booster shot/cerkit
cerkit used his k0dez soe much he achieved enuff frequent flyer mile to
visit indiana, once again. welcome to yer monthly d0se of cool. take it
like a man..
now you feel better already, dont you..
bigpopa!konehead.cs.duke.cs.edu now that took intelligence. haha. your a
funny guy
y0o.. h0o.. bigpopa.. yer eleet!@
mscerkit!craqbaby@raven.cybercomm.net god, yer soooo cute
y0o.. h0o.. mscerkit.. yEw wUn h0t b0wl uh beaNz@!
hal08!HAL08sl-035.cybercomm.net i suck
y0o.. h0o.. belial.. look the obvious@!
through there own eleetness mercuri and cerkit tagteamed tew create
radioactive aardvark dung.. while that wuz eleet,.. still
the fates held more for them.. and herein entails just another portion
of this zines menstral cycle.
y0o h0o@!
cerkit and mercuri had reached cornpoint not late that day. they had loads
of free time becuase rad.org was taking care of nearly all of radioactive
aardvark dungs needs. housing members and sheltering them wit netaccess.
creating radioactive aardvark dung. k0ding phear. and what was more? it was
editting issues and saving mercuri the time. of course.. we still had to
write but.. what witless fool couldnt. then.. all of a sudden.
it was that deep throat guy.. the same guy from my slinky article.. but..
but how? oh my god.. another sensless tie-in. yew bad boy cerkit.
whoa.. totally hello? - mercuri answered.
dew azz eye kommand. - deep throat retorted.
cerkit takes the fone.
most hanoius man.. tell me who this totally is. - cerkit purred into the
j00 are lamer - implied the deep voiced power.
dewd this is unexcellent. what do you want of me and mercuri theodore
logan cerkit pund.
goto the days inn on corn and husk.. its two blocks from potato road.
murmurd the voice.
totally.. okay but if theres any littleboysex dewds im tracing ya.
cerkit k0ded into the fone.
cerkit and mercuri headed tew the days inn.
as they reached the days in they noticed a large accumulation of tags
and sigs all graffitid on the small town buildings.
most hanious mercuri.. it seems ansi dewds have invaded yer quiet lil
lets most excellently haq them cerkit.
the two hopped in seperate bushes and wait for two ansi geeks tew walk by.
four hours past... two walked by.
dude.. i cant believe this.. the first official ALT + DEWDz meeting.. how
b00m@! anarchy@! cerkit and mercuri pull them behind the bushes and beat
them senseless.
when cerkit and mercuri emerge from the bushes inwhich they had decended
they are complete disguised as ansi dewds.. cerkit rips the HELLO IM
LoRdJaZz sticker off the out-cold ansi dewd below and places it on his
chest. mercuri follows this line of questioning and takes the HELLO IM
Somms sticker and places it on his chest. the two are now complete
disguised. inside the pockets of lordjazz lay a secret map of how too get
from their houses to the days in.. comepletly in ansi.. printed out.
cerkit and mercuri, headed quietly into the hall where nearly five hundred
ansi dewds had accumulated..
all at once the crowd leaped up out of theyre sullen positions and roared
with cheers and clapping. theyre here@! was being shouted from all
jeastured to goto the podium cerkit took the mic.,
well hello dare.. yew guys came here for some parteein down rite?
yes sir@! oh baby!@ - unison shouts continue.
hush now.. okay.. well ive got a lil speach here.. should enlighten you
alt 76, alt 48, alt 82, alt 100, alt 255, alt 106, alt 65, alt 90, alt 122,
alt 105, alt 115, alt 107, alt 48, alt 28, alt 108, alt 33, alt 35, alt 37,
alt 36.. thank you
with that the crowd rose and cheered. mercuri stood there in awe. mercuri
and cerkit were wined and dined and were even escorted to two seperate rooms
where they were pleasured by nickel soda popa and ten dollar whores for the
night. mercuri waltzed down stairs without cerkit and attempted too again
celebrate there successfulness at such an attempt at eleentess. nbcia
offered mercuri a sheet of paper marked ops which only he and a very few
others held. cerkit was now on his way towards the hall unbeknownst to him
what was going to occur. suddenly the REAL lordjazz and Somms enter the hall
crying, bitching and so furious their glasses steamed. cerkit reached the
hall moments later to find mercuri beating the other people who had ops up
and taking their ops away. mercuri threw a ops paper towards cerkit.
who with quickness ran into the bathroom with. when cerkit came from the
bathroom he dawned a dto tshirt and whore a purple mask.
hah hah@! phear dewdlers!@ its cerkitello!@
oh shit@! - they all stated in unison. and ran like chickens with their
heads cut off.. they were obviously scared of cerkitello.
cerkit began using all his teenage mutant ninja hacker capabilities. he
had defeated his twentith or thirtith ansi dewdler when he noticed nbcia
had mercuri on the ground.
fuq@! fowl lamer.. thou shout not kill@! - cerkit stated as he lifted his
sleeve. speaking into his watch cerkit blabbered rat.. we need help@!
with that a flying tlorahian busted threw the roof of the room. powered
by wings of warez. hovering above as two extremely large boxes of win95
flapped, the tlorahian sent down a line too retrieve its two eager homies.
suddenly it began tew lightning. just above the rim of the now unrooved
hall, colored ansi blocks were being thrown. each dewdler was bombarding the
tlorahian beyond its established safety parameters. it was now or never.
cerkit armed himself and lept from the car, as he hit the ground lightning
struck the tlorahian and it vanished from site. suddenly.. the ansi
dewdlers disappeared.. the hall became repaired. and everything was restored
to normal. the time continium had been altered.
then.. even more suddenly a man entered the hall baring a package.
are yew cerkit s. preston..
yes i am..
i have something for you.. he said as he slowly walked over.. reaching
into his pocket..
cerkit face gew tired with anticipation and phear..
a EMAIL!@ the guy shouted..
cerkit signed for it and whisked the weirdo away, offering to buy his
nifty trench coat and hat.
cerkit read the letter with anticipation.
Cc: 0
Atth: 0
Subject: us.hlp@!
-- Message Text --
cerkit.. its us.. rattle and mercuri.. weve traveled back tew
1965.. whoa.. trippy year.. but we could only find this
huge fucking machine at MIT.. jesus man.. yew have tew save us..
use the fone booth at mercuris and get mogel. we made need his eleetness..
we hope this letter reaches yew.
it was specifically instructed tew., were probably still alive
in your time but we probably got really into drugs and fergot we lived in
the 90s.
ps. ..we love yew..
it ended. what in the hell.. i didnt know exactly what tew do. but i knew
this.. it was the begining of an easy to write saga for RAD.
-- tew bEe k0ntinued --
will mogel and cerkit save rattle and mercuri trapped back before compturedom?
will rad last three issues?
well all find out.. in RAD3.
top 10 reasons rad sucks/mercuri
Top 10 reasons RAD sucks
10 UN reads it. aww shit, no mci k0des.
09 Fuck it.. the whole thing was MCI code based.
ghetto gladiators/handle
Hello ladies and gentleman Im Todd Steinbeck and this is my co-host Bob
Thanks Todd, hold on to your hats because this is Ghetto Gladiators
Bob: Today our red contestant is from da hood, his name is Chauncy. Hes 32
years old and is a professional pimp for a living.
Todd: Our blue contestant is from da Ghetto, his name is Tyrone. Hes 28 and
is a failing rapper, he says hes even to poe to go to da stoe.
Todd: You know Bob I find it a little odd that both of our contestants are
white middle-class males from a small town in Indiana.
Bob: Yes Todd that is awful peculiar just think, the same town.
Todd: Our first event for the evening the contestants will have to face off
with our gladiator G-Dogg in Assault and Battery.
Bob: The object of this event is to jump G-Dogg as he is walking down our
simulated street. The contestants will then have to jump him and kick
his Gd up ass, be-otch.
Todd: Our first contestant is Chauncy, he walks up to G-Dogg and tries to
jump him from behind... oooh G-Dogg was ready for that one Chauncy
takes a bitch slap to the face. Chauncys up and swinging, oh that one
landed he hit G-Dogg right in the jaw.
Bob: G-Dogg wasnt pleased by that one, hes landing several blows to the
head, oh that looks like it hurts.
Todd: Remember, in this particular event no weapons have been issued to the
contestants so its total hand to hand combat with these huge
Bob: That will be all she wrote for Chauncey, G-Dogg just layed him out.
Todd: Ok, Chauncey will be awarded 5 points for lasting 30 seconds.
Bob: Lets go down to the arena and see what Chauncey has to say about the
outcome of this event.
Chau: Well Bob, Im not very pleased with this event, I was certain that I
could sustain the blows of G-Dogg for a longer time period than that.
Todd: Ok, there you have it, now its time for Tyrone to go up against G-Dogg
Bob: The whistle has just blown, Tyrone quickly goes in for the kill. Hes
hitting G-Dogg with everything hes got!
Todd: Ive never seen anything like this! G-Dogg cant even get in a blow
Tyrone is completely dominating this event of Assault Battery
Bob: Oh, Tyrone just picked up the garbage can and hes severely pummeling
G-Dogg about the head!
Todd: Thats it, its over! G-Dogg is totally knocked out! Ten points will
be rewarded to Tyrone for this awesome display of power.
Bob: Lets go down to the arena floor and get a few words from Tyrone.
Tyro: Im pretty pleased with the outcome of this one, I could really feel
the adrenaline pumping through my veins and I was in a really good
mind set. I feel that I lived up to my own expectations.
Todd: There you have it, now lets get ready for the next event Pimpin
Bob: The object of this one is to try and get a bitch on all four corners
of the giant square on the floor in sixty seconds. But its not as
easy as it sounds because our next gladiator The Man will be down there
giving his all to stop the contestants.
Todd: Yes Bob and I think we should add that unlike the last event the
combatants will be issued knives to dual with during the event.
Bob: As the whistle sounds our first contestant Chauncey grabs a ho and runs
for a corner.
Todd: Ouch! Chaunceys leveled by the man and the whore goes flying. That
doesnt stop Chauncey, hes up with another whore and running to a
Bob: Remember Todd, Chauncey is a professional pimp so he might have a
slight edge at this particular event.
Todd: That he does Bob, Chauncey already has a slut on two corners of the
block and he still has 40 seconds left. The Man cant seem to catch
Bob: Ok theres the last whore, Bob has finished the game with 20 seconds
left to spare. Lets get a few words.
Chau: It was childs play Bob Ive been pimpin for twenty years, and with just
one man to put me down, I think the outcome was inevitable.
Todd: Some pretty smug words coming from our red contestant Chauncy, its a
good thing he has the skills to back them up.
Bob: Now our second contestant Tyrone will take a wack at the pimpin square
Todd: Ok here we go, Tyrone grabs the first ho and runs to the corner, oh he
is leveled by the man. Whats this Tyrone has stopped in the middle of
the square and started a fight with The Man.
Bob: Thats right Todd, The Man and Tyrone are in a very brutal knife fight
Tyrone has totally forgot about the object of the game!
Todd: A swift slash to the gut has left The Man bleeding like a stuck pig.
Bob: Times up but the two men are still fighting, theres men all over the
floor trying to break these two up. There really at each others
Todd: Ok the men have finally separated, the two combatants. And after two
events the score stands, Chauncy:25 Tyrone:10
Bob: Ok while the officials get the floor ready for the next event lets
stop for a quick commercial break.
Many witty and well thought out commercials flash on the screen
Todd: Welcome back to gladiator arena our next The Heist puts our
contestants up on a pedastil fighting a gladiator with a baseball bat.
Bob: Thats right Todd those contestants will be swinging away. Lasting 30
seconds with our gladiator Iced Cappucino will earn a contestant 25
points, and knocking the gladiator off will earn 50.
Todd: But keep in mind the person knocked off gets his head blown off by an
angry convinient store clerk.
Bob: The whistle blows and our first contestant begins swinging away with
the gladiator Iced Cappucino. Both men seem to be landing some pretty
good shots, oh this is gruesome both men are bleeding profusely.
Todd: Thats right Bob, the timer just went off and neither man has fallen so
that means Chauncy will be awarded 25 points.
Bob: Lets get a few comments from Chauncey.
Chau: I... ugh... shlu... fight me amb heeeylle...
Todd: Oh it looks like after that grusome display Chauncy is at a loss for
Bob: Yes it does, now lets see if Tyrone can fare any better against Iced
Todd: Well the whistle has been blown and both men are swinging away with
those bats, look at this Iced Cappucino strikes Tyrone hard and Tyrone
is hanging off the edge.
Bob: Tyrone has regained his footing and he is angry, Tyrones severely
beating Iced Cappucino, and oh off he goes down to the mat, Tyrone has
gained the full 50 points!
Todd: Now comes the time for Iced Cappucinos demise, the angry convinient
store clerk takes with his shotgun. And its out of here, did you see
that head go flying?
Bob: Yes I did Todd that was truly gruesome now going into the final event
the eliminator the score stands, Chauncey: 50 -- Tyrone: 60
Todd: Tyrone how do you feel about what went down in pimpin?
Tyro: Well, I was real angry and I think that helped me gain those points in
the heist.
Bob: Ok, the object of the eliminator is to get your suitcase of drugs to
Big Mike before the other contestant. But there will be several
obstacles in the way of Chauncy and Tyrone.
Todd: Thats one way of putting it Bob, these contestants will have to go
through hell to get those drugs to Big Mike. Now since Tyrone leads
by ten points he will get a head start of .002 seconds.
Bob: Lets go down to the floor where the event is about to start.
Todd: The whistle is blown, there goes Tyrone and there goes Chauncy. Both
men run down the straight away and begin to climb the trio of fences to
get to Big Mike. Ouch, from behind Chauncey pops a cap in Tyrones
ass slowing him down and giving Chauncey the lead. Getting over the
third fence Chauncy dodges the cop cars that are swirving and stopping
in his path. This distraction gives Tyrone a chance to catch up, and
their running neck and neck. Look at this! Now blocking the path is a
rival gang. Tyrone and Chauncy are gonna have to be pretty clever if
they dodge this one. The bullets certainly seem to be flying Chauncy
is cowering in the corner while Tyrone is filled with bullets. Using
this as a distraction Chauncy runs down the next section of the path.
Uh oh, Chaunceys in the spotlight of the chopper, it wont be long now
until theres cops all over the place. A little farther back Tyrone is
laying dead in the street. And a bunch of Latinos are stripping him of
his belongings. Now all Chauncy has to do is get the drugs to Big
Mike and all the honor is his. Dodging a plethera of police cars and
bullets Chauncey finally reaches the area of Big Mikes house. Oh, no
a cop has just pinned Chauncy to the ground and taken his drugs. Looks
like this event is over... but no Chauncey shoots the cop and runs into
the house! Its over, its all over.
Bob: Well Todd it looks like Chauncy had the skills to get to Big Mikes
house but apparently Big Mike wasnt very happy because when he saw
that Chauncy had lost the drugs he put a bullet through Chauncys head.
So much for take home prizes. It really makes you wonder Todd, what
lengths will people go to just to get attention.
I walked into the school library during my study hall period. For I had a
pass. I looked around, looking for the women they all called peepers.
They called her peepers because she shaved off her eyebrows and penciled
them in in an unnatural curve. It was shaped like the shoe of an evil elf.
She had blue eyelids and the typical librarian butch haircut. You know
the kind where its all off theyre neck. Its just like a sponge sitting
on top of thier head.
She was busy talking about the latest books with the library helpers. So
I went and looked for the book I needed to get my music report done. When I
got to the shelves I noticed something, signs. Signs everywhere, signs on
literally every shelf. Not every section, every shelf. It said not to put
the book back. Let the librarian do it. They were taking invetory or
something. Thinking nothing more of it, I found the book I needed and sat
down. Copied all the information I need out of it and went to put the book
Mistake number one! - said a voice that could only be that of Satan.
It was too late! I had no where to go! No where to hide! I turned
around it was her! The librarian! She asked me what I thought I was doing.
I said I was putting the book back. Here is how the conversation went from
now on.
I was just putting the book back.
Yeah, I saw them.
... I looked around, and began to laugh.
Whats so funny about this?
... My laugh became more noticeable.
Its kind of silly.
Give me that book right now, get out of this library mister!
I need to do this report, and I need to do it in here.
... After more convincing she let me stay.. I sat down and the girl
sitting across from me said it was her aunt and she was a real nice person.
I started laugh again. Out loud this time, and I couldnt stop laughing.
What is your name! said the librarian
Uh, why?
Your getting lunch detentions!
For what? Putting the book back in the wrong spot?
For causing a ruckus!
A ruckus? Whatever.
... She then filled out the little yellow slip for lunch detentions.
Now back in elementary school, I was accused of peeling off the barcode
from a magazine. She thought I stole a barcode. She asked what I did
it. I told her I played library at my house, and too make it more authentic
I used that barcode. Realizing I was only joking she told me to sit at the
back table, and when I was ready to tell her the truth to go back up to her.
Forty-five minutes passed, she called me back up to her perch. She asked me
if I was ready to tell the truth. I told her I didnt steal it, and that it
must have fell off. She said Your skatin on thin ice with me Jason..
She then suggested that I must pay for the barcode.
Therefore I must theorize that there is a special gene that makes women
want to become librarians, and that is why they all have the same haircut
and temperment. For scientific reasons, I shall name the gene the Lee
Gene because that was the first librarian I ever knew. Mrs. Lee was a
sexist bitch. In the four years of my attendance at Lake Street elementary
school, she never once let the boys line up first. Remeber all that line
leader, and lining up jazz? She never let one of the boys check out the
other kids books on her Apple e fully equipt with a light pen.
Mrs. Bunda was the librarian involved in the first story. She was the one
who painted her eyebrows on every morning, and washed them off in the
shower each night. Some kid told her Shutup or Ill erase your
the soup palace/mercuri
A neon sign flickered out the name The Soup Palace. Inside mogel, the
head chef surpervised the cooking of all soup, he headed up the Ramen dept..
He was a five star chef in the Ramen field. While outside mercuri waited on
Just two months earlier mogel had come to Chicago, where he met up with
mercuri. The two looked all over Chicago for a good soup resturaunt, but
alas there was none to be found. So they went into the next best thing, a
duncan donuts. They ordered, sat down, and ate.
Mercuri turned and asked the old curmudgeon next to him
You wouldnt happen to know where we could get a warm bowl of soup, would
The McDonalds on Wabash has soup. .. he gristled
They walked out of the dunkin donuts and were on there way to soupage.
If you build it, they will come. .. said a voice onomously
Befuddled and confused the two looked around, and they heard it again
If you build it, they will come. .. the voice said
WHO WILL COME?!? The duo shouted in unison,.. street freaks ran in
After they heard no answer, they passed it off as nothing. They began to
walk to McDonalds for soupdom. Mogel started looking around, mogel ran
into a pole.
Are you alright, man?
Look over there! said mogel, What do you see?
I see a vacant lot, why?
You mean you dont see that merc?!? .. questioned mogel
See what? I think we best get you to a hospital mogel, you got lump on
your head like Fred Flintstone, what do you see?
Its gone! Where did it go!?? .. asked and shouted mogel
If you build it, they will come. .. it was the voice again!
This is gettin wierd. .. stated mogel Did you hear that again?
Tell me what you saw!
I saw a resturaunt my friend, and its name was The Soup Palace, it was
the most beautiful thing I ever saw. .. said mogel What do you think all
this means?
I guess were supposed to build a baseball park like that Waterworld
guy. .. mercuri said
No! No! No! Were supposed to open up a soup resturaunt. Isnt that
obvious? .. said mogel
Well.. I guess... that might make a little more sense. .. said mercuri
Mogel went back tot he car, he cracked open his piggy bank after much
coaxing from mercuri, he counted how much he had.
2.00 .. mogel announced
What?!? .. mercuri said I thought that was the dto t-shirt profits.
Well there was this gir--
STOP! .. insisted mercuri Nevermind, If were going to do this we need
atleast 14,498 more dollars. .. calculated mercuri
After hours of thought processing there was only one thing they could do.
Sell mercuris corn field back in Indiana. It would mean an easy 350,000.
Sure enough, real estate tycoon Donald Trump bought it, and gave the duo
cash on the barrel head.
After months of construction, the soupy complex was complete. The four
story soup house sat high above the hard rock cafe. Atop the soup shrine
sat a bowl of soup with a neon sign that read The Soup Palace.
It was finally opening day but there was no one there. They were all at
Planet Hollywood. To steal Planet Hollywoods customers mercuri climbed
atop thier roof and yelled
The champagnes not Korbel! Come to The Soup Palace! We have Korbel!
Of course it worked like a charm and the opening day was a record breaker.
In a month they had regained all thier profits.
They were asked, pleaded, begged, bargained, and threatened to merge with
belials resturaunt Slinky Spaghetti House. But mogel and mercuri
Things dont work that way. .. mercuri told them
Mogel has since appeared on Life Styles of the Rich and Famous. And
mercuri is over seas doing what he has always dreamed about. Killing
read the damn title yourself, im not retyping it/puck
Randum Ramblingz of a Crazed
dood bent on wurld
Vol. I.
Issue I: eye *WiLL* rool the wurld.
These are fone conversations recorded whilst i was calling around AC 219
looking for loyal subjects. this is undisputable evidance that my powers of
coersion are beyond those of ordinary mortals.
Man: Hello?
Me: Hi, my name is puck, and im looking for loyal followers to help me in my
conquest of this pathetic mudball called earth. would you like to join
Man: No..
ASSHOLE!@@!@ This man obviously has NO sense of humor and
therefore should be shot.
ring.... ring.... ring..
Oldwoman: Hello?
Me: Hi, my name is puck, and im planning to take over the planet.. would you
like to join me?
Oldwoman: Is this johnny....? johnny, are you playing tricks on me again...?
Me: No, maam, I am not johnny, my name is puck...
Oldwoman: Stop playing tricks on me johnny...
Me: Maam, Im not johnny...!
Oldwoman: Are you coming over for dinner tommorow, johnny?
A very frustrated me: Ummmm... yea, sure... but then will you help me take
over the world?
Oldwoman: You and your silly games...... I have to go now, Wheel of fortune
is on..... I love you, johnny...
Me: Ummmm... yea.... uhhh... i love... you... too... sure.
Ok, so maybe that was cruel... but it was funny...
ring... ring... ring..
Littleboy: Hewo?
Me: Hi there! my name is puck, and im going take over the world! wanna help?
Littleboy: uhhhh....
Me: Itll be lots of fun! well break stuff, and you can have all the candy
you want!
Littleboy: whaaaa?
Me: Ok, look kid, if you just say yes, ill send you five bucks.
Littleboy: Ok!
Lets see.... thats.... 1 out of 3 people... in a world with approx. 3
billion people... hmmm... thats 1 billion people!
ok, so what if they are all old women and small children....
Issue 2: gRuMbLe: Little bastards....
I have found the root of all evil, and i can save the world through a
series of self-help videos that people will send me 19 bucks for...
This is my theory...
All the problems in the world are caused by small invisible children named
Juan and Cindy. To solve your problems, all you have to do is hunt them down
and kill them.
The only obstacle in my quest for world domination is that ever popular
group of idiots that haunt the information-superhighway The Cyberninjas.
Well, and the government of course.. grumble.. You know the type... The
guy on IRC who says he knows kung-fu, and that he can kick your measly butt,
or send his brother to do it for him... he is a marine, dont ya know....!
You know a cyber-ninja by...
1. The s0oper scary handle...
It concists of the words Dark, Immortal, Stalker, Shadow,
Flaming, Skull, Death, Pirate, Soul, bob, or any combination
2. Their incredibly witty comebacks, usually having something to do
with your maternal heritage, the size of your penis, or how lame
you really are.
3. Their threats of sending a bomb to your house. Of course, they
dont know where you live, but they *DO* have ways...
And of course, they will make this bomb from the super-accurate,
always in fasion, never outdated anarky .TXT files that they
squander away their pointless lives downloading.
4. And last but not least, all the ultra rad affils they have.
These are their buddies in anarky and they can call on
them at any time to come and kick your butt....
Common affils are:
rAd: radical anarky doodz
tFa: Total fuckin anarky!
BallZ: Brothaz against loozaz, lamurz, and zine writerz.
All affils MUST have the words Anarky, lamurz or FUCKIN in them
so that they can sound super rad and scary.
Everyone knows that the sign of how rad you are is by the size
of your greet list.... besides ive always wanted to do one.
This is *NoT* in alphabetical order.
And if i forgot you, too fuckin bad. :
Apothecary: We are going to be rich some day, my friend.
mercuri: Your too rad for me to handle...
Paco: Wigger chicks!@!! sob!
Mogel: You rool. Remember me? I was the one that you said reminded
you of a younger version of yourself. Scary, huh?
cDc: I worship the ground you guys walk on.
HoE: I worship the ground you guys walked on.
The Immortal: I hope you read this and think Im lame. Die.
Jennifer Bell: You will never-ever read this. I WORSHIP YOU!@
Jeffery Trock: Hrhnh... hrnrh.... put this in the cool pile.
KrampuS: Germany, man..... uhuhuhuhuhuuhu...
Smooge: dickheadlighteralright.
Lia: LICK! i will lick your face someday...
Thingies: YES!@! YOU ROOL!
R.J. Reynolds Inc: Thank you. Without your products, id cry.
DDI members around the world: BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!@
George Orwell: you put the PH in phear.
My AP English Teacher, Mr.Horner: You are the wisest man on earth.
My Butt: I love you.
James Bond: You are one BAAAAD motherfucker.
Shaft: yoo too... you just have a fro.
Anthony Burgess: You and Orwell should go bowling.
Scooter: Remember the words of Sho Tsogi....
Einstein: I want a dub of the Too much Bass for Whitey Mix.
BuG: You are the lord god of poop. I bow.
kOp33wRiTe pUcK! Inc. c All Rights protected by a small band of
midgets dressed as ewoks with spears.
our governments burden/mercuri
I feel something should be said about the budget plan, and how childish
the way our nations leaders quivel.. I have one thing to say to them:
Google Florp.
coming out of the closet/handle
I like to think of myself as a gay man, it pleases me even to walk down a
street and watch all the guys walk past me. Thats how gay I am. I think
Ive been that way ever since I was born. As a kid Id run around with all
of my little friends. I wasnt friends with any girls back then.
A lot of kids try to act like theyre all suicidal but not me, as I said
before Im gay. Thats me, happy. Happy all of the time, like I said
before, even when Im just walking down the street. Im always happy, sure
I get sad sometimes but most of the time Im just happy. I just figured Id
let you all know. You know, in case there was any wonder as to if I wasnt
happy. So I guess this clears everything up, if you were wondering the
answer is yes. I am happy.
If thats not what you were wondering then shame on you. I cant believe
that youd think of something so naughty. Arent you Christian?
circus: raw and unedited/handle mercuri
Come one come all for the circus is coming to town. The beautiful circus
apple in every little boys eye. Look there they are coming down mainstreet
what a marvelous show tigers, monkeys, oh look theres Gary Coleman. Here
come the freaks! Gary Coleman tops the bill! Even the boy who got his arms
torn off by a tractor last fall.
Yes the circus is in town and martial law has been restored! Everyone in
bed by eight oclock! Anyone in the streets will be shot, hurray the circus!
The ex-com last year who took his sawed-off twelve gauge to the dunk the
clown booth! Burried him in boothill! Hurray the circus!
Bearded lady? Hell weve got a monkey with a red and blue butt. Hurray
the circus is here let us rejoice! Count to twelve and then fall down
again! Hurray the circus!
Monkeys with red and blue butts are nothing! Weve got Indianas
largest collection of Chain Gang retards! Fast Ed, Mikey Humperdink, Joey
Spaghetti. Look at the teacher with them honkers! Woo Hoo! The circus,
Taxes will be raised, the cullings have begun. Woo hoo sacrifice your
first born for the circus! Everyone loves the circus! Johnny look the
circus is here! Circus where? I love the circus!
Sucric! Circus! We love the circus! Spell it any way you want you
stupid inbred. Inbreds love the circus! The man who worships plastic
Cups! The bearded cucumber, geck0! All in the freak line-up!
Everyone loves the circus...look theres the Swedish bikini team! Recola!!!
Yeah the circus, fill us with meloncollie and childish glee! Dont you love
her as shes walking out the door. Circus YEAH@!
Cut down the corn, we need room for the circus tents! Hey you blueboy,
do you love the circus? The circus? Hell yeah, everyone loves the circus!
Yeah baby Im talking red bulldog bones, I love the circus!!!
Crash! Slash! Burn! The Apocolypse! WE HATE THE CIRCUS COMPARED TO HOW
MUCH WE LOVE THE APOCOLYPSE. Mr. Rogers, the anti-christ? Willy-Woo? Wont
You be my girl. CMON AND SET ME FREE!! I said warden warden, wont you
break my neck and knees. I said Warden Warden, do you love the circus?
Of course you do! We all the the circus!
I saw the circus butt!! You saw the circus butt? Yeah, JEANSYISH!! Let
the inmates out, everyone needs a little circus!! RApists murderers we all
love the circus! Hey you dont commit Hari Cari, the circus is in town!
Circus started tremblin with a sonic boom! Take the inmates out put the
clowns in jail! We love the circus, but we hate the clowns! Evil Clowns.
Joel and the bots? Hell yeah, they love the circus. Circus on ice? Why
not, shaken but not stirred. The crow? He IS the circus!
Guess what the circus loves Indiana! Everyone loves the circus there all
here look at em shotguns, flannel shirts, and rusted pickups! Yes, the
circus loves Indiana! Took a look around see which way the circus go. She
was a rockin little Francis in the city of lights!!! WOO COMEON!!
I would like to take a time out for a minute to say that we are still
completely sane. but my pants are not, my pants made me kill my father/
cousin in-law. Thats right! Were all inbreds here in indiana. From our
deformed heads right down to our 16 toes! And inbetween who knows what will
show up?!@
Throw bread crumbs on the ground birds need circus to! Birds will love
the circus Ill make them see! Everyone loves the circus! Do you hear me?
Everyone loves the circus farty butt! You want to start something with me
here killin isnt a crime its a weekend activity! Yeah the circus!!!
I just made a stinky, it smells. I like stinkys.
Yeah the circus stinks!! Poopy ka-ka everywhere! Is that elephant poop? No
of course not silly that particular poopiusmaximus comes from plato student
of Socrates! Philosophers love the circus to! Everyone does do you here me?!
I myself mercuri, think we are getting carried away. This is all a lie,
my whole life is a lie. Like we can only shoot people on get away with it
on the weekends only. Yeah, whatever. Ive never even seen the circus, to
tell you the truth, Ive never even seen an automobile. There rare out here
though, I saw an aeroplane fly over once. That was back a year or so ago.
They dropped something over the town. Purt near wiped out the whole place,
thats when the city smarty pants built me this here commpooterr. His name
is Mr. Brown. He invented the television you know. He said he saw the
circus once, but i dont know, he said he also say a woman nekkid before. So
I think hes lying. We watch the town freak masturbate for entertainment.
We have heard wonderful things of the circus.
Well back on the farm we had these things called chicken feeds. The
chicken would peck at it and then centrificul force would send the water
down. But who cares about chickens? The circus is in town!!! The freakshow
rules Dominic and Tantrum. Breakdown and that disease guy! Xian loves the
circus! What oh no someone killed the circus! The circus is dead and will
never come back to this town ever again. This does not please me! Oh well
at least theres still dirt!! I love digging!! Yeah digging woo hoo! Everyone
loves digging! Ode to chocolate milk!! Digging is life, everything
inbetween is just details!
miracle thaw/handle
A while back I was over at my friends house, and he had a miracle thaw.
I pointed to it and said
Look! As seen on TV!
And then started to make fun of him for actually ordering the miracle
thaw. But then he said watch. And he put on ice cube on the tray.
Instantly it started to melt, I touched the tray, it wasnt hot. I touched
the melted water, it wasnt hot, and by then the whole ice cube was gone. I
knew that somehow this expierience would change my life.
The other day it snowed like a bitch, theres snow everywhere. God I hate
snow and everything else associated with cold weather. We were driving down
the street at a virtual standstill. No not because there was a lot of
traffic, because we didnt want to die. The roads were horribly crappy all
because of the damn snow. I thought jeeze I wish I could just melt all the
snow on the road.
So then I started thinking, when Im supreme dictator of the world, I
should put some kind of heating devices in the roads in all the cities that
have annual snow. But realizing that this was unrealistic I just shrugged
it off. I figured it would cost to much, and be to difficult to organize.
But then I started to think what if I could get rid of all that damn snow
without heat, that would truly be a miracle. Once again I shrugged off the
idea because I didnt know anybody that was privy to pulling off miracles.
But then I remembered I do know somebody that could pull off miracles. And
outload I yelled, Miracle Thaw is the answer. Looking around I realized
that I had been in sort of a daze for quite a while because everyone else in
the vehicle was looking at me. But I didnt care, once again I had struck
genius, it was plentiful in the landscape of my mind. Why cant we
incorporate the technology of the miracle thaw into roads. Im pretty sure
it has to be possible, and we would save money in the long run. Usually I
just pack these little thoughts into the back of my head but this time I had
to act. It was for to good a cause. Doing a little research I found out
what exactly the miracle thaw was made out of. I had messages sent
everywhere I had millions of people that gave me there miracle thaws, to
have melted down. Plus I ordered a whole hell of a lot of that magic
material. Over the weekend I paved all of the worlds roads with this magic
substance. So fear not my fellow citizens, bad road conditions are a thing
of the past. From now on when snow hits the streets its melted instantly,
and using absolutely no heat at all. No need to thank me Im just doing my
duty as a human being.
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