this image contains text
rebelart Ss..sSSs.
s .:07/98:.
.:.newz.:. kewl we got 10 new membas.. um vissagozerovisionliquidindecentmagician
berzerkcat-doglostsoulbrainstewand dumbas so july has been good to rebelar
t but the begging helped 2 um some guy named optiknurv joined and bailed b4 he
even released... well fool.. bow your head in shame.. and suffer the wrath
of rebelart... we also put out a rebelart chan on irc efenet so chex it
i also got my man unity to put a bot there .. so its always open. heh..
newayz thats it for now rebels.. cya in august
ps: chek rg-pov1.ans.. its like a little emag of my own.. i just wanna
be heard..so read it.. and ne rebel member can do the same
okay some last minute newz..im thinking bout making a hirez division.. cuz
this pack would have been 940kb if it wasnt for my godlike abilities to
shrink filez..sooo.. if that happens the packs will be like rg-vga.zip and
the will be the same as the ra-pack.. umm 2nd cat-dog has started coding
a rebelart ansi viewer.. if its done by august ill include in in pack 6..
umm.. satanslayer666 decided to change his nick to edge crusher finally.. so
umm... dont forget...heh and dont be mistaken when suicide calls him nut crushe
r he means edge crusher... l8rz
.:.joining.:.run rebelapp.exe fill er out, send the app file it makes with like 3 of yer
best work n join u know .:.members.:. rg rage ans/lit/vga rage!@hempseed.com
ss satanslayer666 ans/lit ss666@hotmail.com
?? suicide lit suicide@hempseed.com ps psyclops lit none jy jytd vga jytd@hotmail.com gf ghostface ans/vga gfk@hempseed.com
ks king sting ans knuckles@gotnet.net*vsvissagovga kosh@cts.com
*zvzero visionanszerovision@earthlink.net*lqliquidansbobbysaylor@cmpd.mindsync.com
*inindecentans indecent@mindless.com
*bzberzerkans aeon16@hotmail.com
*mgmagicianvga hacker12@erols.com
*cdcat-dog ans/cod adoran@hotmail.com
*lslostsoul ans lostsoul31337@hotmail.com
*bsbrainstewans/vga brainstew@mindspring.com
*db dumbas vga dumbas@yahoo.com
* new members
.:.guests.:. sc scryesensesc-rebel.ans
sor spirit of ragezenithsor-thom.ans
bc bc uprise bc!ra.asc
pc proctologistsense pc-rebel.ans
wt white-t goo wt-rebel.jpg
rebelart url http://www.rebelart.home.ml.org
rebelart whq 514-284-9123 the house of madness underground
rebelart distro +61-8-94511673 kinetic karma
rebelart distro 209-527-7855 blood runs cold
rebelart distro +61-2-96862615 the dream factory
.:.sites to visit.:.http://www.rebelart.home.ml.org rebelart url
http://www.thehouseofmadness.home.ml.org thom url gamezappzmp3z
s .:07/98:.
.:.newz.:. kewl we got 10 new membas.. um vissagozerovisionliquidindecentmagician
berzerkcat-doglostsoulbrainstewand dumbas so july has been good to rebelar
t but the begging helped 2 um some guy named optiknurv joined and bailed b4 he
even released... well fool.. bow your head in shame.. and suffer the wrath
of rebelart... we also put out a rebelart chan on irc efenet so chex it
i also got my man unity to put a bot there .. so its always open. heh..
newayz thats it for now rebels.. cya in august
ps: chek rg-pov1.ans.. its like a little emag of my own.. i just wanna
be heard..so read it.. and ne rebel member can do the same
okay some last minute newz..im thinking bout making a hirez division.. cuz
this pack would have been 940kb if it wasnt for my godlike abilities to
shrink filez..sooo.. if that happens the packs will be like rg-vga.zip and
the will be the same as the ra-pack.. umm 2nd cat-dog has started coding
a rebelart ansi viewer.. if its done by august ill include in in pack 6..
umm.. satanslayer666 decided to change his nick to edge crusher finally.. so
umm... dont forget...heh and dont be mistaken when suicide calls him nut crushe
r he means edge crusher... l8rz
.:.joining.:.run rebelapp.exe fill er out, send the app file it makes with like 3 of yer
best work n join u know .:.members.:. rg rage ans/lit/vga rage!@hempseed.com
ss satanslayer666 ans/lit ss666@hotmail.com
?? suicide lit suicide@hempseed.com ps psyclops lit none jy jytd vga jytd@hotmail.com gf ghostface ans/vga gfk@hempseed.com
ks king sting ans knuckles@gotnet.net*vsvissagovga kosh@cts.com
*zvzero visionanszerovision@earthlink.net*lqliquidansbobbysaylor@cmpd.mindsync.com
*inindecentans indecent@mindless.com
*bzberzerkans aeon16@hotmail.com
*mgmagicianvga hacker12@erols.com
*cdcat-dog ans/cod adoran@hotmail.com
*lslostsoul ans lostsoul31337@hotmail.com
*bsbrainstewans/vga brainstew@mindspring.com
*db dumbas vga dumbas@yahoo.com
* new members
.:.guests.:. sc scryesensesc-rebel.ans
sor spirit of ragezenithsor-thom.ans
bc bc uprise bc!ra.asc
pc proctologistsense pc-rebel.ans
wt white-t goo wt-rebel.jpg
rebelart url http://www.rebelart.home.ml.org
rebelart whq 514-284-9123 the house of madness underground
rebelart distro +61-8-94511673 kinetic karma
rebelart distro 209-527-7855 blood runs cold
rebelart distro +61-2-96862615 the dream factory
.:.sites to visit.:.http://www.rebelart.home.ml.org rebelart url
http://www.thehouseofmadness.home.ml.org thom url gamezappzmp3z
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