this image contains text
ReBeL aRt iNfO
Allright !
This is it, the official REBEL ART ansi pack ! The reason i started my own
ansi group is origined from CRAZY ARTS... i was appointed ansi pack coordinator
and i had a great time drawing and setting things up.... but some things werent
the way i wanted them to be so i created my own group with few members... and
this way i can do whatever i wish and have a darker image...
Interested in joining ? simple... fill out the application forms that comes
with this pack...call the REBEL ART WHQ, The House of Madness 284-9123 and
email RAGE...and ill set up everything for ya....
So far we have limited members of the group but i hope well get more with
the next pack .
SS SatanSlayer666
MF Mr Fantasy AKA Snub
3D RG Rage
CODING DP Disphunktion
.Distro Sites.
Well ill be putting up a THOM web site soon and of course REBEL ART will be
part of it... other than that the REBEL ART whq is the only distro site ...
.xXThe House of Madness 97Xx. 284-9123 REBEL ART WHQ
and if youd like to become a distro site for REBEL ART... go ahead.. but
make sure u tell me so i can put your bbs down . We would be proud to have
you part of your new group .
G :
Greetz to everyone..
This group is gonna be big !
s a t a n s l a y e r 6 6 6
d d s s
bs, bs,s s,s, s,
dSb, ,ss,s,s,,s,s,,s,s,ss,Sb, Sb,
,a ,a
: best fuckin artist around :
Allright !
This is it, the official REBEL ART ansi pack ! The reason i started my own
ansi group is origined from CRAZY ARTS... i was appointed ansi pack coordinator
and i had a great time drawing and setting things up.... but some things werent
the way i wanted them to be so i created my own group with few members... and
this way i can do whatever i wish and have a darker image...
Interested in joining ? simple... fill out the application forms that comes
with this pack...call the REBEL ART WHQ, The House of Madness 284-9123 and
email RAGE...and ill set up everything for ya....
So far we have limited members of the group but i hope well get more with
the next pack .
SS SatanSlayer666
MF Mr Fantasy AKA Snub
3D RG Rage
CODING DP Disphunktion
.Distro Sites.
Well ill be putting up a THOM web site soon and of course REBEL ART will be
part of it... other than that the REBEL ART whq is the only distro site ...
.xXThe House of Madness 97Xx. 284-9123 REBEL ART WHQ
and if youd like to become a distro site for REBEL ART... go ahead.. but
make sure u tell me so i can put your bbs down . We would be proud to have
you part of your new group .
G :
Greetz to everyone..
This group is gonna be big !
s a t a n s l a y e r 6 6 6
d d s s
bs, bs,s s,s, s,
dSb, ,ss,s,s,,s,s,,s,s,ss,Sb, Sb,
,a ,a
: best fuckin artist around :
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