this image contains text
. . tG/
m i n i m a l i n s p i r a t i o n
r e q u i r e d
of: Quad-P Productions
T H E B R A H M I N S :::
b, . b, :: : ::: :: ::
:: ,ss, ,s :: :: ::!wr!::
:: ::b, :: :: :: ::
:: S O N :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: 80x50
............iNTROdUCtiON..........: :
.................: Hello there. This is my first official colly, :
: isnt that exciting? I had planned more for it, but Tango :
. disappeared, and he was going to help me out some. Oh well, :
. it just means the next colly will have more. Anyways, I know .
. Im not good, not original, et cetera. Dont bother me about :
: it, I try to keep my delusions of being mediocre about me. Now
: you are probably asking Who is this kid? so I shall do a small
history lesson. I started in the scene back in 1995 doing lit for
Surge. My nick back then was Septentrion. After Surge died the first
. time, I pretty much quit the scene. I joined / formed a few local
groups, none of which lasted. I had pretty much stopped doing any art
. until late november of 1996, when I started to draw some ascii. I
. started out drawing some newschool. I wasnt horrible. I was invited
: into Polyester, which released 2 packs. Then I helped the founding of
: Serial, which I was senior staff in, but quit because my art isnt up to
par with the rest of the group. Around that time I started drawing
: oldschool. Man, I really sucked at oldschool, but I enjoyed it, so I
: kept at it. I worked fairly hard to acquire skills, and with help from
midnight jude, wise kid and tango, I am now managing to be mediocre.
Im happy at that. ....................................................
................................ iNdEX ...............................
......................: in a random order :..........................
: R E Q U E S t - R E Q U E S t E R :
. 1 Moslem - Midnight Judge .
. 2 Distortion - Biogenesis .
. 3 Drop - I forgot .
: 4 13th Hour - Tango :
: 5 Vortex - Deathnite :
. 6 Vortex - Deathnite .
7 Vortex - Deathnite
. 8 Vortex - Deathnite .
9 Vortex - Deathnite
: 10 Vortex - Deathnite :
. 11 Vortex - Deathnite .
: 12 Vortex - Deathnite :
13 Vortex - Deathnite
: 14 Scrap Metal - Tick :
. 15 Hepcat - Ack .
16 Blizzard - Entropy
. 17 Black Sun - Squish .
18 Uranus Mining Corp - Whirr
: 19 Bad Religion - Midnight Judge :
20 Empire - Emperor
: 21 Yakko - PhorceP :
. 22 Modemland - Hiro-P .
23 2 Songs - Kirin
: 24 Seiken - Myself :
: 25 Seiken - Myself :
26 Seiken - Myself
: 27 Seiken - Myself :
. 28 Seiken - Myself .
29 Quad-P Diz - Quad-P
. 30 Abraxas - Megga Hertz .
31 Suicidal Rose - Seige
: 32 Afro Turf - Mirrorman :
. 33 Sky High - Drax .
34 Ice Breaker - Catharsis
: 35 Dimensional Archives - Tarmac :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o1:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Moslem :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: mjay :
: : : : : : : : :ohseven :
l m o s l e m l
+o midnight judge
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o2:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: distortion :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: biogen :
/ / / / / / / ohseven / /
d i s t o r t i o n
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o3:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: drop :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: dunno :
ohseven /
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o4:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: 13th Hour :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Tango :
/ / ohseven
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o5 - 13 :
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Vortex stuff :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Deathnite :
/ohseven // / / / /
// / put yer info and other jazz like that
/ here.
:: :: : : : ::: :: : u P l O a d E R s :: : : : ::: : : : : : ::
:: user user info megs uld group ::
o: 1 : : : : :o
h: 2 : : : : :h
s: 3 : : : : :s
e: 4 : : : : :e
v: 5 : : : : :v
e: 6 : : : : :e
n: 7 : : : : :n
: 8 : : : : :
: 9 : : : : :
: 0 : : : : :
/ / / / / / / //ohseven
: // help, i need somebody :
: ----------------------- expand these as nessecary -------------------- :
obey or die
: :::---------- expand these as nessecary --------::: :
:: :::ohseven ::: ::
ohseven / / // / /
..... .. group ........ group info ........ megs uld . members ....
: ::: 1 : : : : ::: :
:.. ::: 2 : : : : ::: ..:
: ::: 3 : : : : ::: :
: ::: 4 : : : : ::: :
::: 5 : : : : ::: :
::: 6 : : : : :::
::: 7 : : : : :::
::: 8 : : : : ::: :
: : ::: 9 : : : : ::: : :
: ::: 0 : : : : ::: :
ohseven / / // / /
..... ... user ........... user info ........ megs uld .. group .....
: ::: 1 : : : : ::: :
:.. ::: 2 : : : : ::: ..:
: ::: 3 : : : : ::: :
: ::: 4 : : : : ::: :
::: 5 : : : : ::: :
::: 6 : : : : :::
::: 7 : : : : :::
::: 8 : : : : ::: :
: : ::: 9 : : : : ::: : :
: ::: 0 : : : : ::: :
f I V E u P l O A d S
..... ... age .......... files/megs .......... directory name .......
: ::: 1 : : : ::: :
:.. ::: 2 : : : ::: ..:
o: ::: 3 : : : ::: :
7: ::: 4 : : : ::: :
: ::: 5 : : : ::: :
// / // o7//
:nuker :nukee :X Megs :directory nuked :reason :
: ----------------------- expand these as nessecary -------------------- :
/o7 //
: .. user ... user info ... kb ... files ... group ...:
: total good zips - ?? total kb - ?? :
: last uploaded zip - ?? :..........................
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 14:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Scrap Metal :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Tick :
: / / ohseven
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 15:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Hepcat :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: ack :
: / / / ohseven :......
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 16:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Blizzard :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: entropy :
// / // o7
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 17:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Black Sun :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Squish :
: : :ohseven
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 18:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: UMC :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Whirr :
: :o7 // // : :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 19:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Bad Religion :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Mjay :
/ / i /
: / / / l
...............: //l
. / / // o7
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 20:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Empire :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Emperor :
: / / / / / o :
: / / / / / / 7 :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 21:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Yakko :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: PhorceP :
/ / / / / l
/ i / / l
/ / l o7
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 22:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Modemland :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Hiro-P :
: : ohseven..:.
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 23:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: 2 songs :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Kirin :
: / o7/ :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 24-28:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: seiken stuff :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Myself :
./ / / /o7 /
+o ohseven :
/ / / / / / o7
: aautomsgs mmessages :
: bbblist nfeeback :
: cchat/page ppersonal :
: eemail qqwkmail :
: ffiles uuserlist :
: glogoff vvoting :
: iinformation xexpert :
: jjoin conf yuser info :
: llast calls /ggoodbye :
: s e i k e n :
/ / / / / / o7
. : change ebatch qquit back : .
. : previous ffind desc ssearch specs : .
. : next glogoff uupload! : .
. : aarea list llist files vview archive : .
. : +add file messages yyour info : .
. : cpage promy nnewscan zset areas : .
. : ddownload ppointers /ggoodbye : .
:.. ..:.......... s e i k e n .....:.. ..:
area change eenter email
aarea list ffile menu read msgs
prev area glogoff quit to main
next area nnewscan scan msgs /ggoodbye
cpage promy ppost msg users
zset areas
/ / o7 /
.. // / /ohsev ..
. : user name : i n f o r m a t i o n .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 29:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Quad-P Diz :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Quad-P :
o7quad-p xx/xx collection
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 30:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Abraxas :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: mhz :
: ohsev / // :
:..............................................: +o mhz :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 31:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Suicidal Rose :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Seige :
.:: o7 ::.
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 32:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Afro Turf :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Mirrorman :
. / /ohsev // / / :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 33:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Sky High :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Drax :
. . . . / / /ohseve / .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 34:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Ice Breaker :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Catharsis :
. : ohseven .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 35:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: D. Archives :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Tarmac :
. / . / / o7 // .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : :
Brahmin is the arrows goal : end of logos :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: my salvation :
............CONClUSiONS...........: :
.................: Well now, that was exciting wasnt it? Id :
: like to thank Tango, Mjay, and Wise-k for the help theyve :
. given me I still need lots more. Id also like to thank :
. Whirr, Hiro-P, Tango, and Mjay for contributing some asciis .
. for the colly. Thanks mates. :
-mjay?! oh sevens greets
tk, sudiphed, sargon, hiro, whirr, miff, tango, wise-k, seige, px, pt, mjay
deathnite, mhz, sn, maligor, and probably a dozen more i forgot.
: lll/hP!
. . tG/
m i n i m a l i n s p i r a t i o n
r e q u i r e d
of: Quad-P Productions
T H E B R A H M I N S :::
b, . b, :: : ::: :: ::
:: ,ss, ,s :: :: ::!wr!::
:: ::b, :: :: :: ::
:: S O N :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: 80x50
............iNTROdUCtiON..........: :
.................: Hello there. This is my first official colly, :
: isnt that exciting? I had planned more for it, but Tango :
. disappeared, and he was going to help me out some. Oh well, :
. it just means the next colly will have more. Anyways, I know .
. Im not good, not original, et cetera. Dont bother me about :
: it, I try to keep my delusions of being mediocre about me. Now
: you are probably asking Who is this kid? so I shall do a small
history lesson. I started in the scene back in 1995 doing lit for
Surge. My nick back then was Septentrion. After Surge died the first
. time, I pretty much quit the scene. I joined / formed a few local
groups, none of which lasted. I had pretty much stopped doing any art
. until late november of 1996, when I started to draw some ascii. I
. started out drawing some newschool. I wasnt horrible. I was invited
: into Polyester, which released 2 packs. Then I helped the founding of
: Serial, which I was senior staff in, but quit because my art isnt up to
par with the rest of the group. Around that time I started drawing
: oldschool. Man, I really sucked at oldschool, but I enjoyed it, so I
: kept at it. I worked fairly hard to acquire skills, and with help from
midnight jude, wise kid and tango, I am now managing to be mediocre.
Im happy at that. ....................................................
................................ iNdEX ...............................
......................: in a random order :..........................
: R E Q U E S t - R E Q U E S t E R :
. 1 Moslem - Midnight Judge .
. 2 Distortion - Biogenesis .
. 3 Drop - I forgot .
: 4 13th Hour - Tango :
: 5 Vortex - Deathnite :
. 6 Vortex - Deathnite .
7 Vortex - Deathnite
. 8 Vortex - Deathnite .
9 Vortex - Deathnite
: 10 Vortex - Deathnite :
. 11 Vortex - Deathnite .
: 12 Vortex - Deathnite :
13 Vortex - Deathnite
: 14 Scrap Metal - Tick :
. 15 Hepcat - Ack .
16 Blizzard - Entropy
. 17 Black Sun - Squish .
18 Uranus Mining Corp - Whirr
: 19 Bad Religion - Midnight Judge :
20 Empire - Emperor
: 21 Yakko - PhorceP :
. 22 Modemland - Hiro-P .
23 2 Songs - Kirin
: 24 Seiken - Myself :
: 25 Seiken - Myself :
26 Seiken - Myself
: 27 Seiken - Myself :
. 28 Seiken - Myself .
29 Quad-P Diz - Quad-P
. 30 Abraxas - Megga Hertz .
31 Suicidal Rose - Seige
: 32 Afro Turf - Mirrorman :
. 33 Sky High - Drax .
34 Ice Breaker - Catharsis
: 35 Dimensional Archives - Tarmac :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o1:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Moslem :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: mjay :
: : : : : : : : :ohseven :
l m o s l e m l
+o midnight judge
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o2:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: distortion :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: biogen :
/ / / / / / / ohseven / /
d i s t o r t i o n
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o3:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: drop :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: dunno :
ohseven /
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o4:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: 13th Hour :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Tango :
/ / ohseven
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : o5 - 13 :
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Vortex stuff :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Deathnite :
/ohseven // / / / /
// / put yer info and other jazz like that
/ here.
:: :: : : : ::: :: : u P l O a d E R s :: : : : ::: : : : : : ::
:: user user info megs uld group ::
o: 1 : : : : :o
h: 2 : : : : :h
s: 3 : : : : :s
e: 4 : : : : :e
v: 5 : : : : :v
e: 6 : : : : :e
n: 7 : : : : :n
: 8 : : : : :
: 9 : : : : :
: 0 : : : : :
/ / / / / / / //ohseven
: // help, i need somebody :
: ----------------------- expand these as nessecary -------------------- :
obey or die
: :::---------- expand these as nessecary --------::: :
:: :::ohseven ::: ::
ohseven / / // / /
..... .. group ........ group info ........ megs uld . members ....
: ::: 1 : : : : ::: :
:.. ::: 2 : : : : ::: ..:
: ::: 3 : : : : ::: :
: ::: 4 : : : : ::: :
::: 5 : : : : ::: :
::: 6 : : : : :::
::: 7 : : : : :::
::: 8 : : : : ::: :
: : ::: 9 : : : : ::: : :
: ::: 0 : : : : ::: :
ohseven / / // / /
..... ... user ........... user info ........ megs uld .. group .....
: ::: 1 : : : : ::: :
:.. ::: 2 : : : : ::: ..:
: ::: 3 : : : : ::: :
: ::: 4 : : : : ::: :
::: 5 : : : : ::: :
::: 6 : : : : :::
::: 7 : : : : :::
::: 8 : : : : ::: :
: : ::: 9 : : : : ::: : :
: ::: 0 : : : : ::: :
f I V E u P l O A d S
..... ... age .......... files/megs .......... directory name .......
: ::: 1 : : : ::: :
:.. ::: 2 : : : ::: ..:
o: ::: 3 : : : ::: :
7: ::: 4 : : : ::: :
: ::: 5 : : : ::: :
// / // o7//
:nuker :nukee :X Megs :directory nuked :reason :
: ----------------------- expand these as nessecary -------------------- :
/o7 //
: .. user ... user info ... kb ... files ... group ...:
: total good zips - ?? total kb - ?? :
: last uploaded zip - ?? :..........................
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 14:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Scrap Metal :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Tick :
: / / ohseven
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 15:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Hepcat :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: ack :
: / / / ohseven :......
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 16:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Blizzard :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: entropy :
// / // o7
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 17:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Black Sun :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Squish :
: : :ohseven
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 18:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: UMC :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Whirr :
: :o7 // // : :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 19:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Bad Religion :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Mjay :
/ / i /
: / / / l
...............: //l
. / / // o7
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 20:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Empire :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Emperor :
: / / / / / o :
: / / / / / / 7 :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 21:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Yakko :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: PhorceP :
/ / / / / l
/ i / / l
/ / l o7
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 22:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Modemland :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Hiro-P :
: : ohseven..:.
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 23:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: 2 songs :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Kirin :
: / o7/ :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 24-28:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: seiken stuff :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Myself :
./ / / /o7 /
+o ohseven :
/ / / / / / o7
: aautomsgs mmessages :
: bbblist nfeeback :
: cchat/page ppersonal :
: eemail qqwkmail :
: ffiles uuserlist :
: glogoff vvoting :
: iinformation xexpert :
: jjoin conf yuser info :
: llast calls /ggoodbye :
: s e i k e n :
/ / / / / / o7
. : change ebatch qquit back : .
. : previous ffind desc ssearch specs : .
. : next glogoff uupload! : .
. : aarea list llist files vview archive : .
. : +add file messages yyour info : .
. : cpage promy nnewscan zset areas : .
. : ddownload ppointers /ggoodbye : .
:.. ..:.......... s e i k e n .....:.. ..:
area change eenter email
aarea list ffile menu read msgs
prev area glogoff quit to main
next area nnewscan scan msgs /ggoodbye
cpage promy ppost msg users
zset areas
/ / o7 /
.. // / /ohsev ..
. : user name : i n f o r m a t i o n .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 29:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Quad-P Diz :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Quad-P :
o7quad-p xx/xx collection
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 30:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Abraxas :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: mhz :
: ohsev / // :
:..............................................: +o mhz :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 31:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Suicidal Rose :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Seige :
.:: o7 ::.
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 32:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Afro Turf :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Mirrorman :
. / /ohsev // / / :
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 33:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Sky High :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Drax :
. . . . / / /ohseve / .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 34:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: Ice Breaker :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Catharsis :
. : ohseven .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : 35:
Brahmin is the arrows goal : what: D. Archives :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: Tarmac :
. / . / / o7 // .
.... thE bRAhMiNS SON :
Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul, : :
Brahmin is the arrows goal : end of logos :
At which one aims unflinchingly ....: :
-Siddhartha : for whom: my salvation :
............CONClUSiONS...........: :
.................: Well now, that was exciting wasnt it? Id :
: like to thank Tango, Mjay, and Wise-k for the help theyve :
. given me I still need lots more. Id also like to thank :
. Whirr, Hiro-P, Tango, and Mjay for contributing some asciis .
. for the colly. Thanks mates. :
-mjay?! oh sevens greets
tk, sudiphed, sargon, hiro, whirr, miff, tango, wise-k, seige, px, pt, mjay
deathnite, mhz, sn, maligor, and probably a dozen more i forgot.
: lll/hP!
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