this image contains text
Oh look, heres the way it went when we interviewed Crisis for the position of
US Coordinator.. as you can see, we gave him *SUCH* a hard time.. I deleted
some unnecessary crap xdccs, etc etc.., but enough is left that you get the
general gist of how it went.. its worth a little read, I guess..
So, Crisis is now, officially our 3rd US Coordinator in as many months.. Man,
we go through SS faster than underwear..
Hiro whered crisis go?
*** Crisis crisis@atl1.america.net has joined channel quad-p
Crisis damn...stupid provider...
modal heh..
Crisis modal any info you want to know?
modal crisis: tell us about you, and why youd be a good Coord, etc etc..
Crisis ugh...hm
* modal loves putting people on the spot..
iL heh
Crisis Im a good organizer, and can collect art pretty easily
Hiro modal: Youre also doped up.. hehehe
modal hiro: more than you know.. :
Crisis hm...uh...
Crisis I can recruit a lot...:
modal crisis: what other groups are you currently with? What do you do with
modal recruiting is good..
modal can you call LD?
Hiro Crisis: I have a couple questions... nothing much.. umm, how old are
you, how long you been in the scene, and most importantly, what else
do you do besides irc and ansi shit..
Crisis lets see...i do a little ansi with rain and tap, and i am a telcom
guy with cia
* Hiro likes to know what people do besides being computer geeks..
Crisis hiro lets see, im 16, been in the bbs scene for about 4 years, pd
for 1, elite for 3, and always have been into art
Crisis ok...yeah, i can call ld
Crisis hm...
modal crisis: would you be willing to get accounts on Harvest Moon USHQ
and ModemLandWHQ?
Crisis modal sure...I was thinking about calling harmoon last night
Crisis hiro lets see, im 16, been in the bbs scene for about 4 years, pd
for 1, elite for 3, and always have been into art
Crisis i also ran a board for 3 years...:
modal crisis: coolio.. cuz a lot of yer job is making sure the art from all
our US members gets to us on ModemLand..
modal crisis: although, me and Hiro, and IL are on IRC a LOT
* modal thinks his ceiling is purple..mmm.. morphine..
Crisis modal I am on irc a lot, although Im not usually around while I
Hiro modal: Face it, its rare that a day goes by that were not on... heh
Hiro modal: Nope
modal hiro: thatll change.. I have finals next month..
Hiro modal: Morphine? Ill be right over....
* iL is on IRC constantly :
modal Oh yah.. while were here.. were setting up a Quad-P WWW homepage..
modal crisis: got any art on you?
iL really?
Crisis modal by me? not now :
Crisis modal i kinda am dropping out of drawing are for a little bit :
Hiro modal: Cool.. hmm, guess Ill have to figure out something to add to
that... hmm, I gotta finish my menu set for cat, and get around for
doing two screens for inner vision as well as writing for Synapse...
Crisis got the packs
modal crisis: so you wanna move into coordinating..
Crisis modal exactly, drawing got boring :
modal crisis: well.. see if you can draw something every once in a while..
modal crisis: like within the next 2 years or so.. :
Crisis modal oh, right now I draw every day...Im just waiting until I get
really good :
*hiro* Whaddya think of Crisis so far?
Hiro modal: Like the amount you draw in otherwords.. :D
modal hiro: exactly.. tho Im trying to get into VGA..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca seems like a good kid. heh
Crisis i do a little coding too...
modal crisis: coolio.. have you filled in the apps and stuff with the
Crisis where is the ushq?
Crisis modal there wasnt a uscoordinator position in there...
modal crisis: HarMoon is in Ohio, I think..
Hiro modal: Whats going on tonight, anything? We went to that Tarentino
flick last night.. I liked it largely
modal hiro: which Tarantino flick?
Crisis modal is it? i thougt...novermind, i was thinking of sarctoaster :
Crisis ugh...cant type today...
Hiro modal: His last one... whatever the hell its called... not Killing
Zoe which he only produced..
modal crisis: that our Quebec Separatiste HQ.. :
modal hiro: pulp fiction?
modal hiro: nothing going on tonite.. I could use some company.. : I hate
being sick..
Crisis what lse do you wanna know?
Crisis else
modal crisis: hmm.. you can call the USHQ and gather art and get it to us on
ModemLandtm? You can do a little art? You can promote us, give out
packs on IRC you have all 3?
Crisis damn lag...
iL heh I had 3 people call my board in a row from Quebec yesterday
iL Said Somewhere, PQ And I thought, wtf is PQ!
Hiro modal: Yeah.. thats it.. was on the tip of my tongue.. heh
Hiro modal: The violence didnt seem as profound as in Resevoir Dogs less
connection to the characters, but it was a great flick..
modal crisis: you can post on XTCNet? you can.. umm.. balance a piano on yer
modal crisis: where in the US are you? do you have an Email address? can you
fill out the apps and get them to me on ModemLand?
* modal is full of questions..
iL heh
Crisis modal hm...yeah, i think i have all three...could you give me the
s for those two boardS?
Hiro il: It stands for Poofter Quebec....
modal oh no.. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot are teaching Einstein..
Crisis moD i cant post, but balancing the piano is easy :
Crisis modal atlanta, ga - crisis@america.net - there wasnt an app for us
coordinator :
modal crisis: theyre in the packs.. ModemLand is 306-652-4359.. Harmoon is
Hiro crisis: Can you appreciate the fact that most of us are getting old
and dont always do shit and sometimes need others to help us across
the street?
modal crisis: yah.. well, we werent expecting one coord to rip shit off,
and another to die..
Crisis hiro sure why not :
modal god, narco was being a pain in the ass yesterday..
Hiro crisis: Heh.. good.. I think Ill go put on a fresh pair of Depends
and drink some Metamucil now...
Crisis modal hm...maybe i dont wanna be coordinator with all the bad luck
youve been having :
Hiro modal: Shoulda been here about 30 minutes ago.. heh, I opped omi and
narco joined and we bankicked him at the same moment..
Crisis hiro dont forget the centrum silver...need them vitamins
modal hiro: ooh.. what I wouldnt give for Depends right now.. you know how
hard it is to get outta bed and to the shitter in time..
modal crisis: heh..
Hiro crisis: And I could use some of that Just for Men hair colouring too..
*il* whaddya think? is he coord material?
*Hiro* whaddya think? is he coord material?
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca Well, he seems allright...
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca we should give him sort of test...
Crisis hiro hell, my hair is orange...does just for men have that color?
*il* like what?
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca Seems like a good kid, decent enough to just
chill with us here anyways.. and hey! Orange hair! :
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca I dunno.. hmm
*hiro* il says we need to test him.. how?
Hiro crisis: Heh.. not last time I checked..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca Ummm.. dunno, have him run around to harmoon and
pick up some shit or something?
Crisis hiro damn...cuz i use like peroxide on it...seriously...but it turns
orange...kinda weird...
modal crisis: we *NEED* you to get accounts on HarMoon and ModemLand.. Ill
get Quran to validate you right away on HarMoon.. I dunno about
ModemLand tho.. hey hiro: think we can validate him right away?
Hiro modal: ooh, I dunno.. I think I can manage it...
Crisis modal i think ill probably call them tonight...
modal crisis: and Il here may want you to be on his board, seeing as he
*NEVER* calls ModemLand and sends up east coast art.. :
Hiro modal: He always manages to get it to me one way or another tho. :
modal oooh.. crisis is a LOCAL phone call to CNN!!! heh heh
modal hiro: I know.. I was just buggin..
* Hiro is missing having ebz around.. he was a good kid
*il* yer vote? yes or no
Crisis i could prolly call there too...are any of those cia sites do you
*hiro* yer vote? yes or no
Hiro modal: You mean he can call in to Calling All Sports for a local toll?
I wish..
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca yes, unless there is more people wanting the position..
modal hiro: he can talk to that Flip Spiceland guy...
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca I dunno.. seems like hes cool, but can he handle
our laid back approach?
modal crisis: okay.. heres a theoretical situation..
* Hiro actually got on air on calling all sports one night...
modal Its the 27th of March.. deadline is the 28th.. youve been sick.. you
havent called HarMoon and have no way to do so..
Hiro modal: Dontcha mean hypothetical?
modal yah yah.. whatever..
modal you havent gotten any of the art from ANYONE in the US..
modal what do you do?
modal what do you DO?
Hiro modal: Take some more morphine maybe... :P
Crisis hm...lets see...uh...
* modal tried a Dennis Hopper impersonation..
Crisis hm....get my brother to do it :
Hiro modal: Heh.. nice one.
Crisis or get halaster to do it ...
modal hey, its the Pinky and the Brain when Brain goes on Jeopardy!!!
modal whos Halaster?
Hiro crisis: You seem like a good guy, and I think youd fit in great with
us here, I just have one tiny little question.. can you handle our
laid back style?
Crisis modal do you have the last pack?
Hiro modal: SysOp of The Regency..
*** xdcc 1 files added to Pack 2
Crisis modal us coordinator of mist, sys of the regency, relic artist
Crisis hiro easily :
* Hiro is getting a screen from Hal one of these days...
modal crisis: youre buds with Halaster?
Hiro crisis: Cool.
modal crisis: theres the latest pack..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca I vote yes.. he seems like just what we need in a
us co-ord.
Crisis modal yeah, im a co on his board now
*hiro* i agree..
Crisis stone the crow wants it :
Hiro Lookin down a barrel of a gun, son of a gun, son of a bitch getting
paid getting rich
iL life is... Too Short
modal whatthefuck? something nickd sTc is getting the pack from me.
Hiro crisis: Guess that means we better give Hal an HQ or something.. heh
Crisis thats stone the crow..he wanted it :
modal crisis: if yer a co on that board, itll become a member board..
Hiro modal: Stone Da Crow... my nig in acid.. yet another person doing art
for our board..
Crisis modal ok cool ...
Crisis stc rocks
* Hiro has lost track of all the people doing him art and all the trades hes
done and prolly never gotten anything back for.. hmm
Crisis hiro was hal doing you a menu shell?
modal Okey dokey.. I think the votes are in.. right? Il, Hiro.. msg me yer
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca yeah
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca let him in I guess.. I dont see why not
Hiro crisis: We were talking a trade, I didnt specify anything if I
remember right, but I love his menus..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca Yup, hes cool wit me
modal crisis: Welcome to Quad-P SS...
Crisis hiro cuz i think i rmember a menu he did for you...like a girls
Crisis modal cool...thanks..:
modal crisis: the first month is probationary.. but were so laid back, we
wont be real assholes or anything..
Hiro crisis: I did him a couple of colored asciis in the last remorse
pack... really? Hmm.. cooly. Ill have to find it.
modal crissi: just make sure to get accounts on HarMoon and ModemLandtm as
SOON as possible..
modal crisis even..
Hiro crisis: Oh, btw, my names Devin, phone number is 306-xxx-xxxx if you
ever wanna shout out or anything. :
Crisis ok cool...hm...maybe tonight...
modal oh yah.. mines Paul.. 306-xxx-xxxx.. like you guys didnt know that..
but I have tonsilitis and no voice..
modal hiro: should we tell him how old we are?
iL heh
modal il: can you get all the app stuff from everyone out there you
included? it never made it onto my new machine..
Crisis how big is the last pack?
modal il: so I can stop calling you il, and refer to you as yer real name..
modal crisis: 1.4 megs
Hiro modal: Why not, everybody else knows...
modal Im 21.. hiros 20..
iL modal: werd.. ok, my name is Mike
modal we *DO* own canes..
iL Im 16 :
Crisis Im John...
* Hiro will be 21 in june.. christ.. Im getting old..
Crisis 21 and 20...not too old
modal hiro: are you capturing this or was it my job?
Crisis :
Hiro crisis: It just feels old sometimes.. heh
* iL is 16, turning 17 in Oct.
Hiro modal: I turned off during the split when I hopped back to ansi... oh
Crisis shit...I gotta go to wrestling practice...later.
modal shit.. I dont know how to save my Scrollback in TFW..
Hiro modal: I turned off the log even..
modal crisis: later bud..
Hiro later
*** Signoff: Crisis .blah. bbl
Hiro Good guy.. I like him.
iL yeah, seems cool
US Coordinator.. as you can see, we gave him *SUCH* a hard time.. I deleted
some unnecessary crap xdccs, etc etc.., but enough is left that you get the
general gist of how it went.. its worth a little read, I guess..
So, Crisis is now, officially our 3rd US Coordinator in as many months.. Man,
we go through SS faster than underwear..
Hiro whered crisis go?
*** Crisis crisis@atl1.america.net has joined channel quad-p
Crisis damn...stupid provider...
modal heh..
Crisis modal any info you want to know?
modal crisis: tell us about you, and why youd be a good Coord, etc etc..
Crisis ugh...hm
* modal loves putting people on the spot..
iL heh
Crisis Im a good organizer, and can collect art pretty easily
Hiro modal: Youre also doped up.. hehehe
modal hiro: more than you know.. :
Crisis hm...uh...
Crisis I can recruit a lot...:
modal crisis: what other groups are you currently with? What do you do with
modal recruiting is good..
modal can you call LD?
Hiro Crisis: I have a couple questions... nothing much.. umm, how old are
you, how long you been in the scene, and most importantly, what else
do you do besides irc and ansi shit..
Crisis lets see...i do a little ansi with rain and tap, and i am a telcom
guy with cia
* Hiro likes to know what people do besides being computer geeks..
Crisis hiro lets see, im 16, been in the bbs scene for about 4 years, pd
for 1, elite for 3, and always have been into art
Crisis ok...yeah, i can call ld
Crisis hm...
modal crisis: would you be willing to get accounts on Harvest Moon USHQ
and ModemLandWHQ?
Crisis modal sure...I was thinking about calling harmoon last night
Crisis hiro lets see, im 16, been in the bbs scene for about 4 years, pd
for 1, elite for 3, and always have been into art
Crisis i also ran a board for 3 years...:
modal crisis: coolio.. cuz a lot of yer job is making sure the art from all
our US members gets to us on ModemLand..
modal crisis: although, me and Hiro, and IL are on IRC a LOT
* modal thinks his ceiling is purple..mmm.. morphine..
Crisis modal I am on irc a lot, although Im not usually around while I
Hiro modal: Face it, its rare that a day goes by that were not on... heh
Hiro modal: Nope
modal hiro: thatll change.. I have finals next month..
Hiro modal: Morphine? Ill be right over....
* iL is on IRC constantly :
modal Oh yah.. while were here.. were setting up a Quad-P WWW homepage..
modal crisis: got any art on you?
iL really?
Crisis modal by me? not now :
Crisis modal i kinda am dropping out of drawing are for a little bit :
Hiro modal: Cool.. hmm, guess Ill have to figure out something to add to
that... hmm, I gotta finish my menu set for cat, and get around for
doing two screens for inner vision as well as writing for Synapse...
Crisis got the packs
modal crisis: so you wanna move into coordinating..
Crisis modal exactly, drawing got boring :
modal crisis: well.. see if you can draw something every once in a while..
modal crisis: like within the next 2 years or so.. :
Crisis modal oh, right now I draw every day...Im just waiting until I get
really good :
*hiro* Whaddya think of Crisis so far?
Hiro modal: Like the amount you draw in otherwords.. :D
modal hiro: exactly.. tho Im trying to get into VGA..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca seems like a good kid. heh
Crisis i do a little coding too...
modal crisis: coolio.. have you filled in the apps and stuff with the
Crisis where is the ushq?
Crisis modal there wasnt a uscoordinator position in there...
modal crisis: HarMoon is in Ohio, I think..
Hiro modal: Whats going on tonight, anything? We went to that Tarentino
flick last night.. I liked it largely
modal hiro: which Tarantino flick?
Crisis modal is it? i thougt...novermind, i was thinking of sarctoaster :
Crisis ugh...cant type today...
Hiro modal: His last one... whatever the hell its called... not Killing
Zoe which he only produced..
modal crisis: that our Quebec Separatiste HQ.. :
modal hiro: pulp fiction?
modal hiro: nothing going on tonite.. I could use some company.. : I hate
being sick..
Crisis what lse do you wanna know?
Crisis else
modal crisis: hmm.. you can call the USHQ and gather art and get it to us on
ModemLandtm? You can do a little art? You can promote us, give out
packs on IRC you have all 3?
Crisis damn lag...
iL heh I had 3 people call my board in a row from Quebec yesterday
iL Said Somewhere, PQ And I thought, wtf is PQ!
Hiro modal: Yeah.. thats it.. was on the tip of my tongue.. heh
Hiro modal: The violence didnt seem as profound as in Resevoir Dogs less
connection to the characters, but it was a great flick..
modal crisis: you can post on XTCNet? you can.. umm.. balance a piano on yer
modal crisis: where in the US are you? do you have an Email address? can you
fill out the apps and get them to me on ModemLand?
* modal is full of questions..
iL heh
Crisis modal hm...yeah, i think i have all three...could you give me the
s for those two boardS?
Hiro il: It stands for Poofter Quebec....
modal oh no.. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot are teaching Einstein..
Crisis moD i cant post, but balancing the piano is easy :
Crisis modal atlanta, ga - crisis@america.net - there wasnt an app for us
coordinator :
modal crisis: theyre in the packs.. ModemLand is 306-652-4359.. Harmoon is
Hiro crisis: Can you appreciate the fact that most of us are getting old
and dont always do shit and sometimes need others to help us across
the street?
modal crisis: yah.. well, we werent expecting one coord to rip shit off,
and another to die..
Crisis hiro sure why not :
modal god, narco was being a pain in the ass yesterday..
Hiro crisis: Heh.. good.. I think Ill go put on a fresh pair of Depends
and drink some Metamucil now...
Crisis modal hm...maybe i dont wanna be coordinator with all the bad luck
youve been having :
Hiro modal: Shoulda been here about 30 minutes ago.. heh, I opped omi and
narco joined and we bankicked him at the same moment..
Crisis hiro dont forget the centrum silver...need them vitamins
modal hiro: ooh.. what I wouldnt give for Depends right now.. you know how
hard it is to get outta bed and to the shitter in time..
modal crisis: heh..
Hiro crisis: And I could use some of that Just for Men hair colouring too..
*il* whaddya think? is he coord material?
*Hiro* whaddya think? is he coord material?
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca Well, he seems allright...
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca we should give him sort of test...
Crisis hiro hell, my hair is orange...does just for men have that color?
*il* like what?
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca Seems like a good kid, decent enough to just
chill with us here anyways.. and hey! Orange hair! :
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca I dunno.. hmm
*hiro* il says we need to test him.. how?
Hiro crisis: Heh.. not last time I checked..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca Ummm.. dunno, have him run around to harmoon and
pick up some shit or something?
Crisis hiro damn...cuz i use like peroxide on it...seriously...but it turns
orange...kinda weird...
modal crisis: we *NEED* you to get accounts on HarMoon and ModemLand.. Ill
get Quran to validate you right away on HarMoon.. I dunno about
ModemLand tho.. hey hiro: think we can validate him right away?
Hiro modal: ooh, I dunno.. I think I can manage it...
Crisis modal i think ill probably call them tonight...
modal crisis: and Il here may want you to be on his board, seeing as he
*NEVER* calls ModemLand and sends up east coast art.. :
Hiro modal: He always manages to get it to me one way or another tho. :
modal oooh.. crisis is a LOCAL phone call to CNN!!! heh heh
modal hiro: I know.. I was just buggin..
* Hiro is missing having ebz around.. he was a good kid
*il* yer vote? yes or no
Crisis i could prolly call there too...are any of those cia sites do you
*hiro* yer vote? yes or no
Hiro modal: You mean he can call in to Calling All Sports for a local toll?
I wish..
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca yes, unless there is more people wanting the position..
modal hiro: he can talk to that Flip Spiceland guy...
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca I dunno.. seems like hes cool, but can he handle
our laid back approach?
modal crisis: okay.. heres a theoretical situation..
* Hiro actually got on air on calling all sports one night...
modal Its the 27th of March.. deadline is the 28th.. youve been sick.. you
havent called HarMoon and have no way to do so..
Hiro modal: Dontcha mean hypothetical?
modal yah yah.. whatever..
modal you havent gotten any of the art from ANYONE in the US..
modal what do you do?
modal what do you DO?
Hiro modal: Take some more morphine maybe... :P
Crisis hm...lets see...uh...
* modal tried a Dennis Hopper impersonation..
Crisis hm....get my brother to do it :
Hiro modal: Heh.. nice one.
Crisis or get halaster to do it ...
modal hey, its the Pinky and the Brain when Brain goes on Jeopardy!!!
modal whos Halaster?
Hiro crisis: You seem like a good guy, and I think youd fit in great with
us here, I just have one tiny little question.. can you handle our
laid back style?
Crisis modal do you have the last pack?
Hiro modal: SysOp of The Regency..
*** xdcc 1 files added to Pack 2
Crisis modal us coordinator of mist, sys of the regency, relic artist
Crisis hiro easily :
* Hiro is getting a screen from Hal one of these days...
modal crisis: youre buds with Halaster?
Hiro crisis: Cool.
modal crisis: theres the latest pack..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca I vote yes.. he seems like just what we need in a
us co-ord.
Crisis modal yeah, im a co on his board now
*hiro* i agree..
Crisis stone the crow wants it :
Hiro Lookin down a barrel of a gun, son of a gun, son of a bitch getting
paid getting rich
iL life is... Too Short
modal whatthefuck? something nickd sTc is getting the pack from me.
Hiro crisis: Guess that means we better give Hal an HQ or something.. heh
Crisis thats stone the crow..he wanted it :
modal crisis: if yer a co on that board, itll become a member board..
Hiro modal: Stone Da Crow... my nig in acid.. yet another person doing art
for our board..
Crisis modal ok cool ...
Crisis stc rocks
* Hiro has lost track of all the people doing him art and all the trades hes
done and prolly never gotten anything back for.. hmm
Crisis hiro was hal doing you a menu shell?
modal Okey dokey.. I think the votes are in.. right? Il, Hiro.. msg me yer
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca yeah
iL!iyork@IS.Dal.Ca let him in I guess.. I dont see why not
Hiro crisis: We were talking a trade, I didnt specify anything if I
remember right, but I love his menus..
Hiro!rbg124@duke.usask.ca Yup, hes cool wit me
modal crisis: Welcome to Quad-P SS...
Crisis hiro cuz i think i rmember a menu he did for you...like a girls
Crisis modal cool...thanks..:
modal crisis: the first month is probationary.. but were so laid back, we
wont be real assholes or anything..
Hiro crisis: I did him a couple of colored asciis in the last remorse
pack... really? Hmm.. cooly. Ill have to find it.
modal crissi: just make sure to get accounts on HarMoon and ModemLandtm as
SOON as possible..
modal crisis even..
Hiro crisis: Oh, btw, my names Devin, phone number is 306-xxx-xxxx if you
ever wanna shout out or anything. :
Crisis ok cool...hm...maybe tonight...
modal oh yah.. mines Paul.. 306-xxx-xxxx.. like you guys didnt know that..
but I have tonsilitis and no voice..
modal hiro: should we tell him how old we are?
iL heh
modal il: can you get all the app stuff from everyone out there you
included? it never made it onto my new machine..
Crisis how big is the last pack?
modal il: so I can stop calling you il, and refer to you as yer real name..
modal crisis: 1.4 megs
Hiro modal: Why not, everybody else knows...
modal Im 21.. hiros 20..
iL modal: werd.. ok, my name is Mike
modal we *DO* own canes..
iL Im 16 :
Crisis Im John...
* Hiro will be 21 in june.. christ.. Im getting old..
Crisis 21 and 20...not too old
modal hiro: are you capturing this or was it my job?
Crisis :
Hiro crisis: It just feels old sometimes.. heh
* iL is 16, turning 17 in Oct.
Hiro modal: I turned off during the split when I hopped back to ansi... oh
Crisis shit...I gotta go to wrestling practice...later.
modal shit.. I dont know how to save my Scrollback in TFW..
Hiro modal: I turned off the log even..
modal crisis: later bud..
Hiro later
*** Signoff: Crisis .blah. bbl
Hiro Good guy.. I like him.
iL yeah, seems cool
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