this image contains text
this might be art.. you tell me.
I suck
::04-95::Information File::
o April Fools Month
There really are a lot of fools out there.
They told us that Voyager was cancelled.
They told us that Darth Vader died..
They told us that Elvis is alive.
They told us that our pack would rock.
They told us that Union would stay the same.
They told us Relic would never die.
They told us that Narcolept would do real art.
They lied..
So, in place of all of these, we present..
The Quad-P Final Period.
o Sightings...
Not since a fat Arkansas housewife first
spotted Elvis in a grocery store has such
an amazing sighting been made..
Yes, thats right.. Ebony, former ansi artist
and former living being has been sighted..
Either Ebonys ghost, or someone proclaiming to
be the almighty Ebz, has been sighted in the
following places:
March 22nd, 1995: ModemLand/2
-- Mysterious crop-oneliner appears..
-- I love being dead.. -- d34dc0n
March 30th, 1995: Somewhere in New Brunswick..
-- Ebony sighted logging on to Optic Illusions,
Quad-P CHQ, and coolie board.
-- Proclaimed the amazed sysop, Illusionizer,
March 31st, 1995: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
-- Ebony sighted logging on to WaterDeep,
a 5-line PD board in the 306..
-- When paged for chat, Ebony only replied,
No, man, Im d34d..
April 1st, 1995: A street corner.
-- Ebony sighted selling mushrooms to school
-- Police arrive, only to find a deserted pair
of Nike Air Jordans and some empty tin-foil.
We have become concerned that the severe sense
of loss over the death of Ebony has manifested
itself as mass hysteria, coupled with delusionary
hallucinations. We asked our resident paranormal
expert, Doctor Rory Tate circle researcher and
PBC addict what he thought of this rash of
unexplained phenomenon.
An unusually high level of thorazine in the
drinking water supply has probably just caused
those individuals who are feeling severe symptoms
of depression to experience thoughts and feelings,
i.e.: hallucinations, that would bring back their
parted friend. -- Dr. R. Tate
We think people are just fucked.. Hes dead..
But, if the sightings continue, we will investigate
further.. Please, if you see Ebony, email us at
sightings@aol.com or pas123@arts.usask.ca
o In and Out
Umm.. well, Crisis joined and left..
thats it..
o Modal does VGA!!!
Stop laughing.. I actually did something..
Well, I took scanned images and put words
on them.. Just call me Formic..
Well, the pics are a KMFDM album cover
and something from Akira.. I *DID* do the
others, tho.. In PaintBrush for Windoze..
o We need Artists!
Seeing as the vast majority of us here in
the PPPP lack any semblance of artistic
talent, we are currently seeking to
exploit.. err, show the talents of new
If youd like to apply, get a pack, fill
out the app and send it to pas123@arts.usask.ca
o New Look, New Attitude, Same Network..
In our continuing endeavour to be the Fox
Network of the art scene, we have changed
the way we do things.. Well take ANYONE..
Well show off these syndicated artists
and their work in future periods.
Our music division, those techno/industrial
bastards have been split off into their own
Quad-P subgroup, Modicum Music. They produced
so much work that we would have had to keep
selectively choosing individual songs for
release in the Period or have a 10 meg pack.
Look for their music shortly on ModemLand/2 or
peace.wit.com /ibmpc/ansi/groups/quad-p/modicum
People that want to be members can become
Members, but we will also have a Guest
section each month.. Oh, this is the last
period.. umm.. oh well..
Well, to break it down one more time..
Senior Staff
Members Guests
If we actually HAD a hierarchy, it would
look like that.. But we dont.. Modal shows
off his ASCII talents once again..
o Quad-P Accounts
You are now able to submit your
applications, submissions, or
correspondence to the Quad-P group account
on ModemLandtm or Harvest Moon.
Username: Quad-P
Password: Quad-P
Modal - pas123@arts.usask.ca
Hiro - rbg124@duke.usask.ca
o Oh Lookee.. Modal runs an ftp site..
/groups uhh.. like.. umm.. stuff
/incoming put shit here
/mags well, they aint groups
/misc just various shtuff
please forward all comments/suggestions to modal
at his mentioned-way-too-often email address:
o XTCNet - Now 25 Liver mmm...
XTCNet, the home network for the Quad-P is
now accepting applications for new nodes.
So for all you lamers wondering why the app
asks you how often you can poll, were
assuming that you might be interested in
joining XTCNet.
o Member Bdays...
Modals sister *MAY* have a baby this month..
If she does, itll be the kids birthday..
Email congratulations to pas123@arts.usask.ca
o Illusionizer is NEW Member Coordinator
Due to obvious reasons, weve appointed Illusionizer
as the sole Member Coordinator, and we will not
have any other Coordinators until we find one..
o Speaking of Death and Coordinators...
Seeing as Crisis is history, we need a new Coordinator.
If you have to ask what the job entails, dont bother
But if you have da skills.. email modal...
thats pas123@arts.usask.ca in case you forgot..
..dass it m0f0s..
I suck
::04-95::Information File::
o April Fools Month
There really are a lot of fools out there.
They told us that Voyager was cancelled.
They told us that Darth Vader died..
They told us that Elvis is alive.
They told us that our pack would rock.
They told us that Union would stay the same.
They told us Relic would never die.
They told us that Narcolept would do real art.
They lied..
So, in place of all of these, we present..
The Quad-P Final Period.
o Sightings...
Not since a fat Arkansas housewife first
spotted Elvis in a grocery store has such
an amazing sighting been made..
Yes, thats right.. Ebony, former ansi artist
and former living being has been sighted..
Either Ebonys ghost, or someone proclaiming to
be the almighty Ebz, has been sighted in the
following places:
March 22nd, 1995: ModemLand/2
-- Mysterious crop-oneliner appears..
-- I love being dead.. -- d34dc0n
March 30th, 1995: Somewhere in New Brunswick..
-- Ebony sighted logging on to Optic Illusions,
Quad-P CHQ, and coolie board.
-- Proclaimed the amazed sysop, Illusionizer,
March 31st, 1995: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
-- Ebony sighted logging on to WaterDeep,
a 5-line PD board in the 306..
-- When paged for chat, Ebony only replied,
No, man, Im d34d..
April 1st, 1995: A street corner.
-- Ebony sighted selling mushrooms to school
-- Police arrive, only to find a deserted pair
of Nike Air Jordans and some empty tin-foil.
We have become concerned that the severe sense
of loss over the death of Ebony has manifested
itself as mass hysteria, coupled with delusionary
hallucinations. We asked our resident paranormal
expert, Doctor Rory Tate circle researcher and
PBC addict what he thought of this rash of
unexplained phenomenon.
An unusually high level of thorazine in the
drinking water supply has probably just caused
those individuals who are feeling severe symptoms
of depression to experience thoughts and feelings,
i.e.: hallucinations, that would bring back their
parted friend. -- Dr. R. Tate
We think people are just fucked.. Hes dead..
But, if the sightings continue, we will investigate
further.. Please, if you see Ebony, email us at
sightings@aol.com or pas123@arts.usask.ca
o In and Out
Umm.. well, Crisis joined and left..
thats it..
o Modal does VGA!!!
Stop laughing.. I actually did something..
Well, I took scanned images and put words
on them.. Just call me Formic..
Well, the pics are a KMFDM album cover
and something from Akira.. I *DID* do the
others, tho.. In PaintBrush for Windoze..
o We need Artists!
Seeing as the vast majority of us here in
the PPPP lack any semblance of artistic
talent, we are currently seeking to
exploit.. err, show the talents of new
If youd like to apply, get a pack, fill
out the app and send it to pas123@arts.usask.ca
o New Look, New Attitude, Same Network..
In our continuing endeavour to be the Fox
Network of the art scene, we have changed
the way we do things.. Well take ANYONE..
Well show off these syndicated artists
and their work in future periods.
Our music division, those techno/industrial
bastards have been split off into their own
Quad-P subgroup, Modicum Music. They produced
so much work that we would have had to keep
selectively choosing individual songs for
release in the Period or have a 10 meg pack.
Look for their music shortly on ModemLand/2 or
peace.wit.com /ibmpc/ansi/groups/quad-p/modicum
People that want to be members can become
Members, but we will also have a Guest
section each month.. Oh, this is the last
period.. umm.. oh well..
Well, to break it down one more time..
Senior Staff
Members Guests
If we actually HAD a hierarchy, it would
look like that.. But we dont.. Modal shows
off his ASCII talents once again..
o Quad-P Accounts
You are now able to submit your
applications, submissions, or
correspondence to the Quad-P group account
on ModemLandtm or Harvest Moon.
Username: Quad-P
Password: Quad-P
Modal - pas123@arts.usask.ca
Hiro - rbg124@duke.usask.ca
o Oh Lookee.. Modal runs an ftp site..
/groups uhh.. like.. umm.. stuff
/incoming put shit here
/mags well, they aint groups
/misc just various shtuff
please forward all comments/suggestions to modal
at his mentioned-way-too-often email address:
o XTCNet - Now 25 Liver mmm...
XTCNet, the home network for the Quad-P is
now accepting applications for new nodes.
So for all you lamers wondering why the app
asks you how often you can poll, were
assuming that you might be interested in
joining XTCNet.
o Member Bdays...
Modals sister *MAY* have a baby this month..
If she does, itll be the kids birthday..
Email congratulations to pas123@arts.usask.ca
o Illusionizer is NEW Member Coordinator
Due to obvious reasons, weve appointed Illusionizer
as the sole Member Coordinator, and we will not
have any other Coordinators until we find one..
o Speaking of Death and Coordinators...
Seeing as Crisis is history, we need a new Coordinator.
If you have to ask what the job entails, dont bother
But if you have da skills.. email modal...
thats pas123@arts.usask.ca in case you forgot..
..dass it m0f0s..
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