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original font by ebz Group Greets fly out to: Spastic, Shiver, blah blah blah... ValgyGreettm: One day children everywhere will thank you either you or Chef Boyardee.. and hey, well see you at ValgaCon! Modal: Creep, Argon, Terminally Nothing, Lifetime, Boogeyman, all those lamers who still think its FREEDOM.wit.com, and Valgy im his boy?!, and umm.. you all suck.. Hiro: Pnak, Jashik, Nailz, Quran-Quran, Critical Illusion, aBOM, Cat I must finish that menu set.., The Goof in The Touque no, thats not french for anything, and everybody who realizes how worthless greets are : Mithrandir: All the 306 locals who think Im god.. :
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