this image contains text
/ its 1996 and we here at da p
are kickin it phresh
for the new year. the 1295 didnt get released
but this : : will t
ruly be one to remember. i love stupid lines re
.. ... . :. . . :. . ..more infor
mation and stuff at the end od the colly..
start of ascii colly
re-dp1.asc digital phenomenon
0o /
p H E N O M E N O N
re-wkd1.asc wicked!ascii
wicKed!ascii productions
re-mlnd1.asc mOdemlanD/twOO
.a88 .a888888s.
888 888 888
888 888 888 888
888 888 888
888 888 888 88
888 888s888 88
8 888 888 888
888 gggggg 888 888
888 888 888 88
888 888 888 888
888 888 888 888
REa488887a488 87
a88 887a888a8a
re-dwc3.asc deathwind chapelthis one looks kind
a neat in 85x50
aaaaa aa
a a
a a@ a a
a a
aaaa aaa
c H
i n
aaa aaa aaa aaa aaasa@
aa aaa aaa
re-dpmnu.asc digital phenomenon menu template
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
digital phenomenon
re-mlnd2.asc mOdemlanD/twOO
a 1 a a
a a S@ a a
.a,a ,a@aa, ,a@ Ssa
,a. @ma aaaa@aaa
located somewhere in the metaverse
trank!ascii wHQ
quad-p wHQ
re-nt1.asc nechrotech!
n e c r o t e c h !
sss@m,sss@s,ssss@s, dsss@s
, ,s@sss@s,
.... ..... .... YYb .... ..... ....ssssa
o:::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::
a :::: :::::o8::iiii iiiii iiii iiiii iiii
iiiii iiii iiiii iiii iiiii.:88x:
.b:b: iiiii b
SSSSS ::::88::x:.:.::x:::.x::::x::.:x::.::
:s@ss x::::: ::x:::x:::::x:::.:x:x::x::
::x::::::::88:::::::::YY s@sas@s,asss
s@s,:,sSs ssSa.::x:::xx::88:x:x::x:: ss@m,
YY ,d YY YY YY:::::x::::88x
:::x::::.... YY YY
:x:x::::::88re!?::::::::: ..... .... YYb
.... ..... .........::::::x:::8ooooooooo::::
::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::::oooooo
oooo iiii iiiii iiii iiiii iiii iiiii
iiii iiiii
b b
re-obs1.asc obsidian
o b s i d
i a n
re-mrtl1.asc mortal thingy
::: re!
::::::::::::: put:something:in:here ::::::::::::::
re-dwc1.asc deathwind chapel
x, , , , l, ,x , x x x
-re- / / .. / / / x
re-hlo1.asc somthing i doodled for my autoexec.b
re?! :.------ :
re-vsln1.asc something for my board..
Tubevasoline : : : : : : : :
re-ides1.asc ides of march
.ggSa .aaS
a .aaaag a : .aaSSaaaa,
: . ggggg . :. aaaSaa a:,aaaa,
: . a. . :aaa .a : .Sa,,,:a
:::....i:::.:. ..: :..,ggggggS
i::::a :ii:i::.i :.:i.: .:.::.a
ii:i:ii:ii:i:i: aii::i.:a.:.i i
SS S S0c!:i:..:ii.,
.aaS a..,aaaa,
a . Saa. :: Sa,,, a sSaaaaaaSaa
.: . . .ai.,aaaaaaS d.::.:
: .: aaSaSa : ..:.i.:i.ia.:: . : .:
i::.:a.:.aSa. i iiai.i:i. .: : . :
:i:i:.::: :: :,.:i.::i,aaaaa,.a
.iii.i:: a:.i:. SS aii.aS .:i:
S ,ii..:i:., re!i:i: a:i::.
SS :.i::.:.,
------------------ total 13 asciis
well there ya have it folks.. another greeaaat colly by th
e artist formerly
known as prince.. hehe, anyways.. i got a few things to say.
*note.. the ascii
acting as my sig says RE not RS. heh
as alot of you people may or may not have known.. zero co
ol was just a
temperary handle because i was god damn sick of tOgo.. so i d
ecided i would
just get a new handle.. i watched hackers.. bing.. there we g
o.. anywaysq
i wasnt really thinking about it.. but i thought.. rheostatic
.. hey thats
sorta cool.. then i thought hw about rehystatic..then i thoug
ht.. nah. That
doesnt look very coo.. so.. here i am with my brand new hand
le and its gonna
stay like this for at least a year or 2.. hehe anyways..
next on the announcement thingy.. as noted before.. the 12
95 didnt get
released so i filtered out the crap wich was everything excep
t *2* ascii..
its funny how you you dont realize how some of your work suc
ks untill you
release next months stuff.. oh well
well i just wanna say a big happy birfday to quad-p.. its
been here a year
and its gonna be here longerhopfully.... i just joined quad
-p a couple months
ago.. but im still proud as hell to be a part of it.. quad-p
and of course.. if you want an logo or diz or somthing by
me just contact
me at:
on daemonNet or maliceNet
Ides of March
Naked Lunch
Modemland/2but i wont get to ya for a wile unless you ask mi
th to ask me
greetz go out to da following people:
mithrandir - for the moral suport
d/monix - for changing his handle so much to make me look les
s bad
meltdown - i think were gonna have to crash his HD insid
e joke
vacuum tube - good thing our computer teachers are so great o
r i wouldnt know
how to type this
my computer teacher - for teaching me how to type and.. thats
cOunt zerOthe one in the 4o3 - for acually paying for an as
hiro protagonist - for respect.. you kick ass..
doozle - for the nifty ansi
satanic angel - for the intermail setup
anyone who put in work for this and last months quad-p period
group greetz: anemia, quad-pof course
well i think ive blatherd on for long enough.. lates.. and
happy new year!
are kickin it phresh
for the new year. the 1295 didnt get released
but this : : will t
ruly be one to remember. i love stupid lines re
.. ... . :. . . :. . ..more infor
mation and stuff at the end od the colly..
start of ascii colly
re-dp1.asc digital phenomenon
0o /
p H E N O M E N O N
re-wkd1.asc wicked!ascii
wicKed!ascii productions
re-mlnd1.asc mOdemlanD/twOO
.a88 .a888888s.
888 888 888
888 888 888 888
888 888 888
888 888 888 88
888 888s888 88
8 888 888 888
888 gggggg 888 888
888 888 888 88
888 888 888 888
888 888 888 888
REa488887a488 87
a88 887a888a8a
re-dwc3.asc deathwind chapelthis one looks kind
a neat in 85x50
aaaaa aa
a a
a a@ a a
a a
aaaa aaa
c H
i n
aaa aaa aaa aaa aaasa@
aa aaa aaa
re-dpmnu.asc digital phenomenon menu template
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
c ommand c
ommand c
ommand c omman
d c ommand
c ommand
digital phenomenon
re-mlnd2.asc mOdemlanD/twOO
a 1 a a
a a S@ a a
.a,a ,a@aa, ,a@ Ssa
,a. @ma aaaa@aaa
located somewhere in the metaverse
trank!ascii wHQ
quad-p wHQ
re-nt1.asc nechrotech!
n e c r o t e c h !
sss@m,sss@s,ssss@s, dsss@s
, ,s@sss@s,
.... ..... .... YYb .... ..... ....ssssa
o:::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::
a :::: :::::o8::iiii iiiii iiii iiiii iiii
iiiii iiii iiiii iiii iiiii.:88x:
.b:b: iiiii b
SSSSS ::::88::x:.:.::x:::.x::::x::.:x::.::
:s@ss x::::: ::x:::x:::::x:::.:x:x::x::
::x::::::::88:::::::::YY s@sas@s,asss
s@s,:,sSs ssSa.::x:::xx::88:x:x::x:: ss@m,
YY ,d YY YY YY:::::x::::88x
:::x::::.... YY YY
:x:x::::::88re!?::::::::: ..... .... YYb
.... ..... .........::::::x:::8ooooooooo::::
::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::::oooooo
oooo iiii iiiii iiii iiiii iiii iiiii
iiii iiiii
b b
re-obs1.asc obsidian
o b s i d
i a n
re-mrtl1.asc mortal thingy
::: re!
::::::::::::: put:something:in:here ::::::::::::::
re-dwc1.asc deathwind chapel
x, , , , l, ,x , x x x
-re- / / .. / / / x
re-hlo1.asc somthing i doodled for my autoexec.b
re?! :.------ :
re-vsln1.asc something for my board..
Tubevasoline : : : : : : : :
re-ides1.asc ides of march
.ggSa .aaS
a .aaaag a : .aaSSaaaa,
: . ggggg . :. aaaSaa a:,aaaa,
: . a. . :aaa .a : .Sa,,,:a
:::....i:::.:. ..: :..,ggggggS
i::::a :ii:i::.i :.:i.: .:.::.a
ii:i:ii:ii:i:i: aii::i.:a.:.i i
SS S S0c!:i:..:ii.,
.aaS a..,aaaa,
a . Saa. :: Sa,,, a sSaaaaaaSaa
.: . . .ai.,aaaaaaS d.::.:
: .: aaSaSa : ..:.i.:i.ia.:: . : .:
i::.:a.:.aSa. i iiai.i:i. .: : . :
:i:i:.::: :: :,.:i.::i,aaaaa,.a
.iii.i:: a:.i:. SS aii.aS .:i:
S ,ii..:i:., re!i:i: a:i::.
SS :.i::.:.,
------------------ total 13 asciis
well there ya have it folks.. another greeaaat colly by th
e artist formerly
known as prince.. hehe, anyways.. i got a few things to say.
*note.. the ascii
acting as my sig says RE not RS. heh
as alot of you people may or may not have known.. zero co
ol was just a
temperary handle because i was god damn sick of tOgo.. so i d
ecided i would
just get a new handle.. i watched hackers.. bing.. there we g
o.. anywaysq
i wasnt really thinking about it.. but i thought.. rheostatic
.. hey thats
sorta cool.. then i thought hw about rehystatic..then i thoug
ht.. nah. That
doesnt look very coo.. so.. here i am with my brand new hand
le and its gonna
stay like this for at least a year or 2.. hehe anyways..
next on the announcement thingy.. as noted before.. the 12
95 didnt get
released so i filtered out the crap wich was everything excep
t *2* ascii..
its funny how you you dont realize how some of your work suc
ks untill you
release next months stuff.. oh well
well i just wanna say a big happy birfday to quad-p.. its
been here a year
and its gonna be here longerhopfully.... i just joined quad
-p a couple months
ago.. but im still proud as hell to be a part of it.. quad-p
and of course.. if you want an logo or diz or somthing by
me just contact
me at:
on daemonNet or maliceNet
Ides of March
Naked Lunch
Modemland/2but i wont get to ya for a wile unless you ask mi
th to ask me
greetz go out to da following people:
mithrandir - for the moral suport
d/monix - for changing his handle so much to make me look les
s bad
meltdown - i think were gonna have to crash his HD insid
e joke
vacuum tube - good thing our computer teachers are so great o
r i wouldnt know
how to type this
my computer teacher - for teaching me how to type and.. thats
cOunt zerOthe one in the 4o3 - for acually paying for an as
hiro protagonist - for respect.. you kick ass..
doozle - for the nifty ansi
satanic angel - for the intermail setup
anyone who put in work for this and last months quad-p period
group greetz: anemia, quad-pof course
well i think ive blatherd on for long enough.. lates.. and
happy new year!
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