this image contains text
line 0001: 80x50 afs just in case youve lived under a rock
--+tZ--//.------- / - --
/-+kTS--nobody beats the bizz- /- - -
/ -a year in the life....
--- T H E ---
: ::: : ::: ::: ::b.ds.
b.d : b.d::: :: b.d : ::.
:: b.d ::.
: :: ::b..d: ::b..d: ::: :: .::
: ::::: ::::: :: b.d:: .::
: !wr! :b.d::
: b..d: ::: : :: .:::
b.d b.d : :b.d .:::
I N C O N J U N C T I O N::: W I T H
--- T H .::: E ---
: : : b..d: b..d:: :::.
: b.db.d :::.
: ::b..d: :: ::: : ::: :
d::: :: ::: :: .::: ::: : :: .::
,sb .s::: : ::: ::,s::: ::: : ::
: ::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : :: b..d
b.d:: ::b.db.d::b.d b.d
: ::,s:: !wr! .:::
::b..d:: .:::
::::::b..d .:::
: b..d: ::: :::::::: ::: ::: ::
b.db.db.d:::::::: ::b.d: ::
.:: b.d ::
P R O U D L Y .:: P R E S E N T S
: ::,ss.b..d,ss.,ss.,s::: ::
: : ::: b..d: ::: ::b.ds.
: ::b.d ::b.d: ::
: ,s :::. b.d
b.d:: ::b.d ::..::
!wr! ,s : .::::.
::: ::: ::: b..d: b.ds.
.:::b.db.db.d : ::
.:: :: b.d
.:: discussing
::. how
::. the
: :: ::: ::: ::: ::: b..d: :
:bd::bd::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :
b.d ::b.db.d b.ds.
: :: : ::. b.d
b.d: !wr! .::
.:::. :b.db.db.d
::. b.d::b.d::b.ds.
::. : :: b.d
::. b.d
could be used to help defeat the
,ss.,ss.: ::b..d: :: ::,ss.
:: :b.d::: : ::: ::.:: ::.
: b..db.ds.:s.::: ::: :::: ::.
b.d: ::: ::: ::b.d ::.
b.d :: :: .::
:: !wr! : .::
: :: ::: ::: b..d: ::: : ::
: : ::.s::: ::: ::b.ds.: ::
::b.d:: ::b.d: ::b.d
:: : b.d
christ, now im tired. this one logo is already longer than most collies
Id like to take this chance to thank and each and every one of you
who has decided to take a quick peek at this colly. I was originally
going to have a subtitle to this, which you might know if skillz2 beats
this to release. But i changed my mind. Ive been doing that a lot
recently. At first this was going to be a completely original logo
colly, but then i realized something very important. A year ago this
month June i started to play around with drawing ascii. I had been
a lit writer for many years before that, and i thought it was time to
try something new. im glad i did, and im even more glad that my
ascii god yes, thats RIGHT, hes my god, now fuck off Hiro
Protagonist always kept encouraging my wacky-assed way of style of
ascii. Not everyone may like it. Hell, the vast majority of people
may not like it. Youll notice how much a really care...
I also have an ulterior motive for putting this together now instead
of a month or two down the road. Ultimately, this colly is a tribute
to ModemLand in all its faces. It was because of modemland and Hiro that
i am where i am today. Now that this chapter of 306 and scene history
is about to close, i feel it is my privilege and DUTY to show it the
respect that it deserves. What im doing in this colly is reflecting on
the past year, both in ascii and as a lit goon. I do this hoping to
show you how ive progressed as a writer and a person.
Ild like to end this intro with a comment directly to Hiro:
Boy, youd better keep in touch or ill fly out to
Vancouver and kick your ass. Youve been warned.
Having said that, its time to move on to what you could likely call
a year in the life. Probably the first half of this will be old stuff
and the other half will be all new either requests or respects. So if
i said i would do you a logo, check towards the back.
** final ultra-secret message:
im looking forward to a squeezner of weisner.
h0h0, im so sneaky **
enjoy the ride.
- WindRider Quad-P and proud of it
June 12/97
NEW STUFF. None of my old stuff was designed for afs. oops.
my bad. oh, and the skills logos are the end arent afs
either. sure its a pain in the ass for YOU, but like i give
a damn about your personal problems. **
/ !wr!
.:/ all the old shit youve already / / / //
/ seen. Ah the memories.......... / / /
/ /for: ME!! nyah.
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
The Lonely Trail
I keep looking back to yesterday
to find out where I am today.
How where Im going, and where Ive been
affect what I have to say.
I keep hoping the path appears before me
to show me what I need to do.
But all I find, time after time
are the edges of a sea that stretches to forever.
Floating upon this dark and murky water on my matchstick raft
I confront the demons each of us must face.
An unwinnable battle, near to surrender, until...
I see that distant shore and take to land.
At last Ive found a road to call my own.
I dont know if it leads to Heaven or Hell,
but here the journey begins.
WindRider 1112/95
for: uhm, hiro?
!wr! /logo: lit / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
Reign of the P
We journey across the hills and plains of this world
searching for the answers to unknown questions.
Fighting the evils that often go unseen.
We dont seek reward or fame,
for victory is reward enough.
Few are the men and women willing to dedicate themselves to our cause.
The odds are against us in this never-ending struggle
but we will persevere for the good of all.
We are
the P.
WindRider 12/95
/ /for: myself
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
How many times as writers have we heard write what you know from a teacher
or mentor? Stop spouting off numbers, it was a rhetorical question.
Write what I know?
What the hell is that? And what *IS* it that Im supposed to know?
Cant say as I know that at all. Love from afar, unrequited love, sure.
But as for true love, love that is shared and lasts beyond this mortal coil,
I really have to say no.
We all know hate at some point. But whats the purpose of writing about it?
All that tends to do is create rifts and animosity between people. Not
exactly the job I signed up for...
Real Life?
If life was really all that interesting, I doubt that I would be sitting in
front of my monitor right now writing this. And why write about a life that
stinks? You might as well be writing about an outhouse.
The Outhouse
O wondrous shaft unto the ground
How you stink to be around.
One fine day Ill buy some stuff
To make you smell not quite so rough.
See? Pointless. So what does that leave?
Not unless we want the reader to climb up a tower with a gun. Pure boredom.
Leave work at the workplace.
In this simplified framework, all that leaves is fiction. Fiction is good.
Why not write how you would *LIKE* things to be, even if you know it will
never turn out that way. I enjoy a good tale of fiction as much as the next
person, so why not contribute my own to society? But truthfully, in the end
it all comes down to one area that we each know intimately:
What greater wealth of resources do we possess than our own repressed fears,
anxieties, goals, wants, desires? I find I write in the passion of the
moment, words flowing from the jumble of emotions playing across my soul.
Often what I write would never be otherwise expressed. Once the souls
closet is swept out, its quite amazing how much there is to work with. Any
one of the pieces Ive written accurately reflects *ME* at some point, even
if that particular me has never seen the light of day. We are who we are.
No amount of denial and repression is going to change it. EMBRACE it.
Take what you know, what you feel, and write WHY it is that way. The only
true way to grow is to reflect on yourself and your actions.
I must now apologize for leaving the main topic of this essay and turning it
into a sermon. I am only a writer, and I go where the moment takes me. If
you are an artist of any type, the ability to write literature is in you.
As long as it holds a bit of truth, it is beautiful.
Goodnight, Ill leave the soapbox here. And would the last one out
please turn off the lights.
-WindRider 01/19/96
for: practice
!wr! /logo: M I B / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
Men In Black
/ /for: hiro p.
/ logo: hiro p / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
sss , !wr!
s 96
h i r o p r o t a g o n i s t
A big useless sig for a guy who never took shit.
Have a blast during your time off. Peace out.
for: me again.
!wr! /logo: still lit/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
Backbeat bashing through my brain
have I finally gone insane?
The strobe lights feel so right tonight.
The golden crowns and sweaty crowds
spinning round and round and then
at the height of it all...
the crash.
or so Im told
But these days Im getting to old for all of that.
My brittle bones just cant take a rave like they could
or they should.
Soon Ill have to wheel my walker out there with me.
Either that or stop it altogether
and settle down.
Why does that sound like such a death sentence?
Married life doesnt seem so bad
or so Im told
maybe its about that time to look into it.
Life is good, but love is even better.
or maybe I really am nuts.
/ /for: me/whodini
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
I was driving down the highway
reading all the billboards
when I thought that it would be nice
if those signs were trees.
As they had been before.
I dont need a sign to tell me if Im hungry
or Im thirsty
or if I need gas
or a hotel
I have eyes. I can see when I need something.
I can find it just by looking.
Maybe they thought people were too stupid
and they needed help to live.
If we dont tell them about our hotel,
they might not sleep at all.
If we dont tell them about our gas bar and cafe,
they might never eat or fill up with gas.
Then we would all be in trouble.
The sheer idiocy of this made me stop
by the side of the road
and think about what needed to be done.
I came back the next day and began.
Signs were torn down and trees were planted.
As it had been.
As it should always be.
- WindRider
Oct 4 1996
for: whodini
!wr! /logo: whodini / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
d .s.sdb. s.s
/ /for: me
/ logo: FYS!!! / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
s My name is WindRider. From Quad-P Productions. s,
,s,sq ,ss,
bs, . .
bs,,ss,,s ,,
,s,s bs ,sbs d ,s,
bsssd,,,,ss, ,s,s,
,,sdbdb s,
,sdb d,s, sssssd.ss.
bssssssssd,ss, ,s,s, ,sd
the man. s,
the vision. s, s,,s
the colly. b. s,
for: necromancer
!wr! /logo: asshole / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
s, ,s s, s, db ss, ,s ,s, s
bsssssdbyyssdbssyyyds bsssssd bsssssd
S , wr s, qdp
/ /for: hiro p.
/ logo: ITMOM / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
hIRO ,s ,s ,s ,s ,s , , .:
pROTAGONIST , s s ,s , :.
: pRESENTS.,. s ,s s .a cOLLY:..:.:
:.:..:.:. , .: s s , .:.eNTITLED.:.:.
!wr! s , :.
for: wise-kid
!wr! /logo: jedi arts/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
!wr! ,s , admit the supremacy , ::
,s , ,s of the darkside. , ::
:, this ones going , s : ::
. out to wise-k. , ,s :: s, ::
:: , Heres my irony for the month: ,
:: , a newschool logo done in AFS ,
:: , for a hardcore oldschool ,
:: , amiga group. ,
/ /for: ME! h0h0
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
A Parallax View
In brightest day.
In darkest night.
Or so he thought.
An imposter of a great hero cost him everything.
A city destroyed.
A life in ruins.
Seven million cry from beyond the grave.
and the power to restore the right.
His mentors,
his Guardians,
turned their backs in his hour of need.
And so the end began.
Enemies and allies stood in his way.
They failed.
And so he created paradise
just to realize it was a lie.
The death and destruction could never be repaired
without undoing the world.
Even with unlimited power, that would be wrong.
After all, he is a hero.
He tracked the murderer to the ends of the universe.
Cornered him between this universe and the great beyond.
The gates of our heros soul opened.
Seven million drank of sweet revenge.
It was over, but much was still undone.
The world needed his aid.
He knew that it could be his end,
but still he helped.
For he is a hero,
even if his allies thought otherwise.
His was the power of the gods.
Power to save the world
or to change it in his own image.
The past,
the future
depended on his single act.
In his salvation came his sacrifice.
And so he passed.
Or did he?
Beware his Power....
Green Lanterns light.
-WindRider 01/97
for: omicron
!wr! /logo: SKK baby!/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
.:...:.:..:::..:.: ,s, .:.:.oMICRON oF rEMORSE!aSCII pRESENTS
::.:.:.bssssds ss :..:..
:. ,s, ..:.: , s.s s.s, :.!wr!..::
.: ::. ,s .s. , :.!qdp!.:.
:. : ,sbd,.bsssd ,s, sd .:.:..:.::.
.: bsd bd :.:.::.:.:.::
:. : s.s :. bsssssd . :.
:..:.:..::..:.::.:.::.::.::.31,337 bytes.:.:..:..:...::..:.:.
Dont fear the Reaper that brings you death,
Phear the Killah who steals your breath.
The Stoan Kold Killahs are coming after you
bringing to bear their weapons of Mass Seduction.
This isnt about Black or White
Good or Evil
Regular or Extra-Crispy.
Its a matter of foh-neh-ticks
And youre gonna get burned.
Kiss your mind goodbye
because the Stoan Kold Killahs have arrived.
/ /for: me/you?ask
/ logo: 2nd wind / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
::.:.:..:..s.::!wr!:.::. .:.::.:.:. :.:.::.:.:..:.:.:.:.:
As of right now, i have no idea just what form Second Wind will
take, but its been a bbs currently not up for well over a
year. Well discuss further plans in case you think you want
the name for yourself.
for: omicron
!wr! /logo: snowbordz/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
d:ss . : , This ones going out to oMi. ::::
s Phear the power of ami newschool ::::
!wr! ::::
. : : : : d b ::: :
s: : , : :.d ,s .:. :
80x50 w/ afs.com
is this a logo? or could it be a menu?
/ /for: me
/ logo: lit rant / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
Hey hey! This was originally supposed to appear in Absorbance 2 but no
one has any idea what the hell happened to it. So now i bring it to you,
faithful quad-p follower, for you too must know the greatness that my words
can bring. As a side note, it appears that my ego has taken over the rest
of my body...
WindRiders Rant of the Month
Volume 1 Episode 2: The Coded Frontier
That time of the month has come once again. Ive gotten out of the
rut that way too many commitments causes and have again decided to regail
you all with another worldly rant. Ive got a couple of things to discuss,
and im willing to bet that more than a few of you will feel completely at
home with what transpires below. This time around, my concerns are these:
explaining the scene to friends, and the potentially detrimental effect
that IRC could have upon it. Lets begin with explaining the scene to
This began innocently enough a few days ago when i spoke to a friend
who had been surfing the net i hate that term but was just recently
exposed to irc. As with many people, the appeal of irc to him was the
abundant flow of warez sites that can be found in any one of a hundred
different channels. He was speaking to me of still trying to figure out
the fine details of the commands, so i spoke up and explained as much as I
could while still remaining within the realm of communication that a
beginner could understand. When he asked just how i knew all this, he was
quite surprised to hear that I had used IRC and the various available client
programs that were available. Inevitably, this led to the obvious question
of so what do you do on there? That seemingly simple question soon
revealed the great depth it possessed. I tried to explain the concept of
the underground computer art scene with mixed success, trying once again
to find just the right words that a beginner would understand. It was at
this point that i realized what is obvious to many, but beyond the grasp of
so many more. This underground culture, the ART SCENE if you will, has
developed such a profound linguistic and technical jargon that it rivals
most professions. Words like pack, newschool, oldschool, and colly seem
incredibly simple and obvious. To an outside observer, however, these have
an almost mystical quality. Bah, ive grown tired of this topic. If you
still dont quite understand this problem of jargon creating rifts instead
of bringing together, then maybe you should think about it. Or just go back
to ansi. And that brings me to the second point of this article: IRC.
Im getting really really REALLY tired of the attitude out there that
somehow IRC IS the scene. I cant recall how many times someone has
asked how long person x has been on IRC, only to say something incredibly
dumb like oh, so youre new to the art scene?. What a load of shit Can
you feel the definitive turn towards a rant that this has taken? I knew you
could. I had been involved with my own particular art form and had been
part of international groups for years before encountering IRC. Somehow,
the idea that ansi is the center of the universe has crept into the minds
of all the niave little children out there. I recall a conversation
recently from ansi one of the few times ive lowered myself to actually
stay in there longer than 10 seconds only to see someone comment that all
these other art channels were created because the people were pissed they
couldnt get ops in here. Wow is that both egocentric and incredibly wrong.
Unfortunately, the rare glimmer of intelligence that ansi shows is buried
beneath a 20 foot layer of pure crap. Just try to refute that. It simply
cannot be done. The sooner that people and im starting to use that term
loosely for most of the inhabitants realize that theres a DISTINCT
difference between the ld bbs art community, the underground artscene, the
ansi scene, and the ansi scene, the sooner we can all try to get back to
the sense of family and comradery that has been lost to the ircbeast.
Ill state this once again. I really dont give a damn if you dont
agree with this. Its a rant. Thats what a rant does. So you can
either step back and shut up or you can respond to this with
something other than ansi-speak.
- WindRider, King of the Mighty Rant
for: Quad-P
!wr! /logo: qdp diz / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
:: b,: :.d ::
:: !wr! :: sdbs
tHE aPRIL s,...,s
/ /for: cain
/ logo: noname / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
80x50 w/ AFS.com . :::.:: . ,
::,:::::::: :,s : :,s: : :b ,::,:::::::::
,::!wr!:::: : : : : :s::,:::::::::::
:::::::::::: : : d : :::,:::::::::::::
noname brand ascii. Same taste, less expensive.
for: cain
!wr! /logo:noname diz/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
oh my...its so phallic!
:: N O N A M E ! A S C I I 10 :::
:: the ride ends here.
: all we can say is....
so long suckers!
/ / all the new shit / / . .: : .
/ / youve been / / / ......:....
// waiting for..... // // :
/ /for: me
/ logo: more lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
Instantly Forever
staring into her eyes,
i can see my own future
it scares me yet at the same time
i relish in its firm warmth.
a touch
a look
makes the world blindingly bright.
all i want is her drug in my viens
for with it to power me,
i am invincible.
that breif moment when our souls live as one
carries me through the day on gossimer wings.
my thoughts
my heart
they live as one under her care
waiting for the time
when they are once again complete.
theres nothing that her kiss wont remedy
for in that brief shining moment
we are the world
and the world is ours for the taking.
we are together
instantly forever.
- WindRider
Apr 10 1997
dedicated to everyones
special someone.
for: ohseven
!wr! /logo: t b s / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
T H E B R A H M I N S :::
b, . b, :: : ::: :: ::
:: ,ss, ,s :: :: ::!wr!::
:: ::b, :: :: :: ::
:: S O N :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: 80x50
/ /for: nitro1981
/ logo: nitro / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
l o r d ::::: :::: ,s
:: :: b,:::b, ::b, ::: ::
::::::: ::: :: . :::!wr!::
::::: :: s.d:: :::. ::
:::::::::::: s. ,s :::::::::::: 7
db afs
for: sylvester
!wr! /logo: t s / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
:!wr! , ,s ,s s s .:. :.:::.
/ /for: crowe
/ logo: aoi / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
afs .:::.
80x50 .:::::.
.:::!wr! ::,s:s
.::by b, :::.
.::: of ::::.
::: alter :::::.
ink ::
for: i forgot
!wr! /logo: blame / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
afs ,s :: : ::. .:: ::.
,s 80x50 :: :: : ::. .::: : ::.
: !wr! :: :: : :::.:: : ::.
:::: ::: :: ::: b..d
b.d ::: ::: :: :: :
::b.d::: :: ::b.d
:: ::::. .:::: : dont blame me...
: : : ::::. .::: i just kill them.
: : ::::.::: its your job to
: : :::: : clean up the blood.
/ /for: i forgot 2
/ logo: ice b. / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
:: : ::::::::. afs .::: :::.
:: :: :: :::. 80x50 .::: :::.
:: bssd :::. ::: :::.
::b b d :::. :::.
:: ,s :: :: ,s.:!wr!
b d b db d ::b d::
i c e b r e a k e r ::::. .:::
reqd by: bizzarro? :::.:::
for: Quad-P
!wr! /logo: modemland/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
simon sez: afs .::: :::.,ss .:: ::.
80x50.::: ::::: : ::.
.::: ::::!wr! ::.
:: :: :: :: ,ssy :: ::
:: : : : :c :: ::
:: bs.d bs.d bs.d :: ::
.:: :: :wHQ for :: ::
.::::,ss,,s ,ss :: the best :: ::
.::::: ::s::,s:: that the :: ::
::::: :: :: :: world has :: ::.
:::: :: :: :: to offer: :: ::.
:: :: :: :: remorse!. : .::
: : :: :: kts! ::. .::
bs.d :: : quad-p! ::. .::
::bs.d ::. .::
located for your : ::. .::
convenience in the 1-306-652-4359 baybee!!:. .::
Middlanowhere, Saskabush, Canuckia. ::.::
/ /for: mhz
/ logo: skills / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
,ss, .sb..d,ss,
b.d b.d
!wr! :::: .:: .::
,ss, .sb..d::::,ss, :: .::
.:::::: b.d:::::: ::::::
::. b.d :::::::b.d
for: necromancer
!wr! /logo: remorse / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
b..d b.ds. b..d
!wr! .
b.d b.d .:b.db.d
.:::. remorse!ascii .:::
/ /for: apocalypse
/ logo: lino / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
.::!wr! :::.::
b.d ::: .::::b.d
for: cain
!wr! /logo: kwest / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
.s ::: ::. !wr!
.:bd . .
.::s. b.ds.
.:: b..d.s. ,ss.
.:: bdbdb.db.d
.:: . ::. b.d
::. :: kwest ascii. ::. .::::.
::. :: batteries not included: ::.
/ /for: serial
/ logo: serial / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
s e r i a l a s c i i .:: ,s .::
b..d .::
b.ds.b.d ::,s.::
b..d :: ::
!wr! :: ,s
b.db.d ::b.d
:: ::: :: b.d
: :: :: :: i eat cereal for
: :: :: :: breakfast.
for: i forgot who
!wr! /logo: toxic / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
.:: :::tOXIC!
.:: b..d
.:: bds.:: :. .:
.:: :: b..d::. .::
::. b.d ::b.d ::.::
::. .b.d .:: ::. .:: ::.
::. ::. .:: .:: !wr! ::. .:: ::.
/ /for: they know who
/ logo: sk:od / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
!wr! ,s .:: ::.
bd :: ::.
b.ds.s. : ::.
b.d b.db.d .::
.:: SK:OD ::.::
for: Quad-P krew
!wr! /logo: quad-p / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
hiro p, mithrandir, windrider, jaz, ,s ::.
ohseven, bubblegum mask, shamen, . .::
.sagramore, zerohour, enigmatic, cain,: .::
.:phreak klass, the abstract poet. .:: .::
:::. b.db.db.db.db.d
:: ::. Q u a d - P !wr!
.:: ::. .Productions
::. .:8 years and
::. .::still going
::. b.d:::S T R O N G b.d
- - - - oo - ,zz
,zz. @z@z z@z. ,z@@,@@zzz
,@ ,, ,x z.,z ,
, ,,z zz zz ,z,
sh . @z@ z. z z ,z ,
zz . .z.z. ,zz z .. z.. .. . .
Well, judging by the small sampling youve just seen, its been a
productive year. During that time ive had the opportunity to talk
with some of the most fun and intelligent people you could ever hope
to know. And heres a personal word to just some of them.
hiro: simply put, you ARE the man. Its been a hell of a fun time
the past few years here in the Middlanowhere. youre gonna
be missed by all the krew here in the 306. And either you
keep in touch or were all going on a road trip to Vancouver
in order to kick your ass all the way to Eniggys house.
necromancer: thanks for being one of the first guys i knew on irc.
you saw a guy that couldnt draw his way out of a wet paper
bag and yet still gave me encouragement. keep it up and one
of these days i might bullshit you enough to get into remorse.
tinyz: the man from pollackaville. i always have a blast hanging out
with you on irc, just waiting for a little gem to come forth,
like that time we took over vcompo 30 minutes before it was
supposed to start. We have to do that more often.
omi: if you dont send me quake, how the hell am i supposed to play
against you? Ive reaally got to get my anus down to omizona
one of these days.
fah: you wacky-assed fudgemonkey. Do something to get shot in the
other leg so that you can get your PimpCane back.
ohseven: i still cant beleive you did a logo for this bitch of a
colly. What were you thinking man?!!@!!!
nlw122: no one who sees this will have any idea who you are, but youve
been a great source of inspiration, fun, innocence and happiness
since the day i first talked with you. heres hoping theres
more of the same in the future.
and even more.... :
: ./ / / hP!
: -----l l -l -l -l //:
: l SK:OD :---- :---- :---- :---- :
now for the people who are also a big part of the past year, but who
i apparently didnt give enough of a damn about to say something
personal. h0h0h0h0 hey, stop throwing things!!
mithrandir, acidjack, empty, ack, nitro, wise-kid, the ascii klan
from across the pond, the Quad-P krew who have kept me going,
miasma, erupt, black jack, cain and the noname/kwest boyz,
whodini, kent and angie, brynt and laurie, the weisner ill
squeezner, mry0y0, paine, enigmatic, argon im still waiting
for the revival of Revolt, the junkies of efnets ascii and
remorse, mhz/bugsy/the man with the 20 word nick, and a special
shout out to everyone that has the guts to try something new,
because whether its good or bad it has expanded our horizons
beyond the current limitations we give ourselves. you guys are
my heroes. keep it up.
if you want to know what its like to be me, talk to the following
thanks to tinyz for the windrider logo.
thanks to acidjack for the credits logo.
thanks to shamen for the greets logo.
thanks to hiro for the greets logo.
thanks to o7 for the end logo you cant miss it
thanks to hiro for being hiro.
thanks to me for not going insane.
thanks to nlw122 for being nlw122 h0h0h0
thanks to the ascii krew for being there 24/7.
thanks to meatloaf for the inpsirational music.
thanks to metallica for a kickass concert
thanks to KISS for an even better kickass concert.
thanks to dad for selling me the PimpMobile.
did i thank hiro yet? hehehehe
thanks to tinyz for being tinyz.
thanks to necromancer for being an assmonkey.
thanks to remorse ascii for being too elite for my ass.
thanks to the weisner for being there-ish.
thanks to you whoever the hell you are for getting this
far and not killing yourself or me.
look for my next colly sometime between now and dec 31 1999.
-WindRider June 15 1997
. WindRider of Quad-P and ONLY Quad-P .
is proud to pRESENT a cOLLy nAMED: :
: The Uranus Mining Corporation, in
conjunction with the Free Zimbabwe :
: Coalition, proudly presents friends and
lovers discussing how the wonders of :
: poo gas could be used to help defeat the
Eskimo Mafioso. June 15 1997 1981 lines :
--- one last logo ---
l / l
T /
/ -- 1 / /
/ : / : / T / : / /
-- -- 1 / / /
Corporation, /
/ l / /
with the
/ / T / /
-- 1 /
/ : / T / / : / /
1 / / /
Coalition, /
/ / / / l /
T /
1 / /
/ / l / /
l /
How The
/ : / : / / / T
/ - 1 /
Poo Gas
/ l / / / / /
Could Help
/ / T /
1 / /
/ / T : / : /
--- 1 / /
c Ohseven/Grey
-------- end of file ------------------ line 1981
--+tZ--//.------- / - --
/-+kTS--nobody beats the bizz- /- - -
/ -a year in the life....
--- T H E ---
: ::: : ::: ::: ::b.ds.
b.d : b.d::: :: b.d : ::.
:: b.d ::.
: :: ::b..d: ::b..d: ::: :: .::
: ::::: ::::: :: b.d:: .::
: !wr! :b.d::
: b..d: ::: : :: .:::
b.d b.d : :b.d .:::
I N C O N J U N C T I O N::: W I T H
--- T H .::: E ---
: : : b..d: b..d:: :::.
: b.db.d :::.
: ::b..d: :: ::: : ::: :
d::: :: ::: :: .::: ::: : :: .::
,sb .s::: : ::: ::,s::: ::: : ::
: ::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : :: b..d
b.d:: ::b.db.d::b.d b.d
: ::,s:: !wr! .:::
::b..d:: .:::
::::::b..d .:::
: b..d: ::: :::::::: ::: ::: ::
b.db.db.d:::::::: ::b.d: ::
.:: b.d ::
P R O U D L Y .:: P R E S E N T S
: ::,ss.b..d,ss.,ss.,s::: ::
: : ::: b..d: ::: ::b.ds.
: ::b.d ::b.d: ::
: ,s :::. b.d
b.d:: ::b.d ::..::
!wr! ,s : .::::.
::: ::: ::: b..d: b.ds.
.:::b.db.db.d : ::
.:: :: b.d
.:: discussing
::. how
::. the
: :: ::: ::: ::: ::: b..d: :
:bd::bd::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :
b.d ::b.db.d b.ds.
: :: : ::. b.d
b.d: !wr! .::
.:::. :b.db.db.d
::. b.d::b.d::b.ds.
::. : :: b.d
::. b.d
could be used to help defeat the
,ss.,ss.: ::b..d: :: ::,ss.
:: :b.d::: : ::: ::.:: ::.
: b..db.ds.:s.::: ::: :::: ::.
b.d: ::: ::: ::b.d ::.
b.d :: :: .::
:: !wr! : .::
: :: ::: ::: b..d: ::: : ::
: : ::.s::: ::: ::b.ds.: ::
::b.d:: ::b.d: ::b.d
:: : b.d
christ, now im tired. this one logo is already longer than most collies
Id like to take this chance to thank and each and every one of you
who has decided to take a quick peek at this colly. I was originally
going to have a subtitle to this, which you might know if skillz2 beats
this to release. But i changed my mind. Ive been doing that a lot
recently. At first this was going to be a completely original logo
colly, but then i realized something very important. A year ago this
month June i started to play around with drawing ascii. I had been
a lit writer for many years before that, and i thought it was time to
try something new. im glad i did, and im even more glad that my
ascii god yes, thats RIGHT, hes my god, now fuck off Hiro
Protagonist always kept encouraging my wacky-assed way of style of
ascii. Not everyone may like it. Hell, the vast majority of people
may not like it. Youll notice how much a really care...
I also have an ulterior motive for putting this together now instead
of a month or two down the road. Ultimately, this colly is a tribute
to ModemLand in all its faces. It was because of modemland and Hiro that
i am where i am today. Now that this chapter of 306 and scene history
is about to close, i feel it is my privilege and DUTY to show it the
respect that it deserves. What im doing in this colly is reflecting on
the past year, both in ascii and as a lit goon. I do this hoping to
show you how ive progressed as a writer and a person.
Ild like to end this intro with a comment directly to Hiro:
Boy, youd better keep in touch or ill fly out to
Vancouver and kick your ass. Youve been warned.
Having said that, its time to move on to what you could likely call
a year in the life. Probably the first half of this will be old stuff
and the other half will be all new either requests or respects. So if
i said i would do you a logo, check towards the back.
** final ultra-secret message:
im looking forward to a squeezner of weisner.
h0h0, im so sneaky **
enjoy the ride.
- WindRider Quad-P and proud of it
June 12/97
NEW STUFF. None of my old stuff was designed for afs. oops.
my bad. oh, and the skills logos are the end arent afs
either. sure its a pain in the ass for YOU, but like i give
a damn about your personal problems. **
/ !wr!
.:/ all the old shit youve already / / / //
/ seen. Ah the memories.......... / / /
/ /for: ME!! nyah.
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
The Lonely Trail
I keep looking back to yesterday
to find out where I am today.
How where Im going, and where Ive been
affect what I have to say.
I keep hoping the path appears before me
to show me what I need to do.
But all I find, time after time
are the edges of a sea that stretches to forever.
Floating upon this dark and murky water on my matchstick raft
I confront the demons each of us must face.
An unwinnable battle, near to surrender, until...
I see that distant shore and take to land.
At last Ive found a road to call my own.
I dont know if it leads to Heaven or Hell,
but here the journey begins.
WindRider 1112/95
for: uhm, hiro?
!wr! /logo: lit / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
Reign of the P
We journey across the hills and plains of this world
searching for the answers to unknown questions.
Fighting the evils that often go unseen.
We dont seek reward or fame,
for victory is reward enough.
Few are the men and women willing to dedicate themselves to our cause.
The odds are against us in this never-ending struggle
but we will persevere for the good of all.
We are
the P.
WindRider 12/95
/ /for: myself
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
How many times as writers have we heard write what you know from a teacher
or mentor? Stop spouting off numbers, it was a rhetorical question.
Write what I know?
What the hell is that? And what *IS* it that Im supposed to know?
Cant say as I know that at all. Love from afar, unrequited love, sure.
But as for true love, love that is shared and lasts beyond this mortal coil,
I really have to say no.
We all know hate at some point. But whats the purpose of writing about it?
All that tends to do is create rifts and animosity between people. Not
exactly the job I signed up for...
Real Life?
If life was really all that interesting, I doubt that I would be sitting in
front of my monitor right now writing this. And why write about a life that
stinks? You might as well be writing about an outhouse.
The Outhouse
O wondrous shaft unto the ground
How you stink to be around.
One fine day Ill buy some stuff
To make you smell not quite so rough.
See? Pointless. So what does that leave?
Not unless we want the reader to climb up a tower with a gun. Pure boredom.
Leave work at the workplace.
In this simplified framework, all that leaves is fiction. Fiction is good.
Why not write how you would *LIKE* things to be, even if you know it will
never turn out that way. I enjoy a good tale of fiction as much as the next
person, so why not contribute my own to society? But truthfully, in the end
it all comes down to one area that we each know intimately:
What greater wealth of resources do we possess than our own repressed fears,
anxieties, goals, wants, desires? I find I write in the passion of the
moment, words flowing from the jumble of emotions playing across my soul.
Often what I write would never be otherwise expressed. Once the souls
closet is swept out, its quite amazing how much there is to work with. Any
one of the pieces Ive written accurately reflects *ME* at some point, even
if that particular me has never seen the light of day. We are who we are.
No amount of denial and repression is going to change it. EMBRACE it.
Take what you know, what you feel, and write WHY it is that way. The only
true way to grow is to reflect on yourself and your actions.
I must now apologize for leaving the main topic of this essay and turning it
into a sermon. I am only a writer, and I go where the moment takes me. If
you are an artist of any type, the ability to write literature is in you.
As long as it holds a bit of truth, it is beautiful.
Goodnight, Ill leave the soapbox here. And would the last one out
please turn off the lights.
-WindRider 01/19/96
for: practice
!wr! /logo: M I B / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
Men In Black
/ /for: hiro p.
/ logo: hiro p / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
sss , !wr!
s 96
h i r o p r o t a g o n i s t
A big useless sig for a guy who never took shit.
Have a blast during your time off. Peace out.
for: me again.
!wr! /logo: still lit/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
Backbeat bashing through my brain
have I finally gone insane?
The strobe lights feel so right tonight.
The golden crowns and sweaty crowds
spinning round and round and then
at the height of it all...
the crash.
or so Im told
But these days Im getting to old for all of that.
My brittle bones just cant take a rave like they could
or they should.
Soon Ill have to wheel my walker out there with me.
Either that or stop it altogether
and settle down.
Why does that sound like such a death sentence?
Married life doesnt seem so bad
or so Im told
maybe its about that time to look into it.
Life is good, but love is even better.
or maybe I really am nuts.
/ /for: me/whodini
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
I was driving down the highway
reading all the billboards
when I thought that it would be nice
if those signs were trees.
As they had been before.
I dont need a sign to tell me if Im hungry
or Im thirsty
or if I need gas
or a hotel
I have eyes. I can see when I need something.
I can find it just by looking.
Maybe they thought people were too stupid
and they needed help to live.
If we dont tell them about our hotel,
they might not sleep at all.
If we dont tell them about our gas bar and cafe,
they might never eat or fill up with gas.
Then we would all be in trouble.
The sheer idiocy of this made me stop
by the side of the road
and think about what needed to be done.
I came back the next day and began.
Signs were torn down and trees were planted.
As it had been.
As it should always be.
- WindRider
Oct 4 1996
for: whodini
!wr! /logo: whodini / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
d .s.sdb. s.s
/ /for: me
/ logo: FYS!!! / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
s My name is WindRider. From Quad-P Productions. s,
,s,sq ,ss,
bs, . .
bs,,ss,,s ,,
,s,s bs ,sbs d ,s,
bsssd,,,,ss, ,s,s,
,,sdbdb s,
,sdb d,s, sssssd.ss.
bssssssssd,ss, ,s,s, ,sd
the man. s,
the vision. s, s,,s
the colly. b. s,
for: necromancer
!wr! /logo: asshole / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
s, ,s s, s, db ss, ,s ,s, s
bsssssdbyyssdbssyyyds bsssssd bsssssd
S , wr s, qdp
/ /for: hiro p.
/ logo: ITMOM / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
hIRO ,s ,s ,s ,s ,s , , .:
pROTAGONIST , s s ,s , :.
: pRESENTS.,. s ,s s .a cOLLY:..:.:
:.:..:.:. , .: s s , .:.eNTITLED.:.:.
!wr! s , :.
for: wise-kid
!wr! /logo: jedi arts/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
!wr! ,s , admit the supremacy , ::
,s , ,s of the darkside. , ::
:, this ones going , s : ::
. out to wise-k. , ,s :: s, ::
:: , Heres my irony for the month: ,
:: , a newschool logo done in AFS ,
:: , for a hardcore oldschool ,
:: , amiga group. ,
/ /for: ME! h0h0
/ logo: lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
A Parallax View
In brightest day.
In darkest night.
Or so he thought.
An imposter of a great hero cost him everything.
A city destroyed.
A life in ruins.
Seven million cry from beyond the grave.
and the power to restore the right.
His mentors,
his Guardians,
turned their backs in his hour of need.
And so the end began.
Enemies and allies stood in his way.
They failed.
And so he created paradise
just to realize it was a lie.
The death and destruction could never be repaired
without undoing the world.
Even with unlimited power, that would be wrong.
After all, he is a hero.
He tracked the murderer to the ends of the universe.
Cornered him between this universe and the great beyond.
The gates of our heros soul opened.
Seven million drank of sweet revenge.
It was over, but much was still undone.
The world needed his aid.
He knew that it could be his end,
but still he helped.
For he is a hero,
even if his allies thought otherwise.
His was the power of the gods.
Power to save the world
or to change it in his own image.
The past,
the future
depended on his single act.
In his salvation came his sacrifice.
And so he passed.
Or did he?
Beware his Power....
Green Lanterns light.
-WindRider 01/97
for: omicron
!wr! /logo: SKK baby!/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
.:...:.:..:::..:.: ,s, .:.:.oMICRON oF rEMORSE!aSCII pRESENTS
::.:.:.bssssds ss :..:..
:. ,s, ..:.: , s.s s.s, :.!wr!..::
.: ::. ,s .s. , :.!qdp!.:.
:. : ,sbd,.bsssd ,s, sd .:.:..:.::.
.: bsd bd :.:.::.:.:.::
:. : s.s :. bsssssd . :.
:..:.:..::..:.::.:.::.::.::.31,337 bytes.:.:..:..:...::..:.:.
Dont fear the Reaper that brings you death,
Phear the Killah who steals your breath.
The Stoan Kold Killahs are coming after you
bringing to bear their weapons of Mass Seduction.
This isnt about Black or White
Good or Evil
Regular or Extra-Crispy.
Its a matter of foh-neh-ticks
And youre gonna get burned.
Kiss your mind goodbye
because the Stoan Kold Killahs have arrived.
/ /for: me/you?ask
/ logo: 2nd wind / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
::.:.:..:..s.::!wr!:.::. .:.::.:.:. :.:.::.:.:..:.:.:.:.:
As of right now, i have no idea just what form Second Wind will
take, but its been a bbs currently not up for well over a
year. Well discuss further plans in case you think you want
the name for yourself.
for: omicron
!wr! /logo: snowbordz/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
d:ss . : , This ones going out to oMi. ::::
s Phear the power of ami newschool ::::
!wr! ::::
. : : : : d b ::: :
s: : , : :.d ,s .:. :
80x50 w/ afs.com
is this a logo? or could it be a menu?
/ /for: me
/ logo: lit rant / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
Hey hey! This was originally supposed to appear in Absorbance 2 but no
one has any idea what the hell happened to it. So now i bring it to you,
faithful quad-p follower, for you too must know the greatness that my words
can bring. As a side note, it appears that my ego has taken over the rest
of my body...
WindRiders Rant of the Month
Volume 1 Episode 2: The Coded Frontier
That time of the month has come once again. Ive gotten out of the
rut that way too many commitments causes and have again decided to regail
you all with another worldly rant. Ive got a couple of things to discuss,
and im willing to bet that more than a few of you will feel completely at
home with what transpires below. This time around, my concerns are these:
explaining the scene to friends, and the potentially detrimental effect
that IRC could have upon it. Lets begin with explaining the scene to
This began innocently enough a few days ago when i spoke to a friend
who had been surfing the net i hate that term but was just recently
exposed to irc. As with many people, the appeal of irc to him was the
abundant flow of warez sites that can be found in any one of a hundred
different channels. He was speaking to me of still trying to figure out
the fine details of the commands, so i spoke up and explained as much as I
could while still remaining within the realm of communication that a
beginner could understand. When he asked just how i knew all this, he was
quite surprised to hear that I had used IRC and the various available client
programs that were available. Inevitably, this led to the obvious question
of so what do you do on there? That seemingly simple question soon
revealed the great depth it possessed. I tried to explain the concept of
the underground computer art scene with mixed success, trying once again
to find just the right words that a beginner would understand. It was at
this point that i realized what is obvious to many, but beyond the grasp of
so many more. This underground culture, the ART SCENE if you will, has
developed such a profound linguistic and technical jargon that it rivals
most professions. Words like pack, newschool, oldschool, and colly seem
incredibly simple and obvious. To an outside observer, however, these have
an almost mystical quality. Bah, ive grown tired of this topic. If you
still dont quite understand this problem of jargon creating rifts instead
of bringing together, then maybe you should think about it. Or just go back
to ansi. And that brings me to the second point of this article: IRC.
Im getting really really REALLY tired of the attitude out there that
somehow IRC IS the scene. I cant recall how many times someone has
asked how long person x has been on IRC, only to say something incredibly
dumb like oh, so youre new to the art scene?. What a load of shit Can
you feel the definitive turn towards a rant that this has taken? I knew you
could. I had been involved with my own particular art form and had been
part of international groups for years before encountering IRC. Somehow,
the idea that ansi is the center of the universe has crept into the minds
of all the niave little children out there. I recall a conversation
recently from ansi one of the few times ive lowered myself to actually
stay in there longer than 10 seconds only to see someone comment that all
these other art channels were created because the people were pissed they
couldnt get ops in here. Wow is that both egocentric and incredibly wrong.
Unfortunately, the rare glimmer of intelligence that ansi shows is buried
beneath a 20 foot layer of pure crap. Just try to refute that. It simply
cannot be done. The sooner that people and im starting to use that term
loosely for most of the inhabitants realize that theres a DISTINCT
difference between the ld bbs art community, the underground artscene, the
ansi scene, and the ansi scene, the sooner we can all try to get back to
the sense of family and comradery that has been lost to the ircbeast.
Ill state this once again. I really dont give a damn if you dont
agree with this. Its a rant. Thats what a rant does. So you can
either step back and shut up or you can respond to this with
something other than ansi-speak.
- WindRider, King of the Mighty Rant
for: Quad-P
!wr! /logo: qdp diz / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
:: b,: :.d ::
:: !wr! :: sdbs
tHE aPRIL s,...,s
/ /for: cain
/ logo: noname / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
80x50 w/ AFS.com . :::.:: . ,
::,:::::::: :,s : :,s: : :b ,::,:::::::::
,::!wr!:::: : : : : :s::,:::::::::::
:::::::::::: : : d : :::,:::::::::::::
noname brand ascii. Same taste, less expensive.
for: cain
!wr! /logo:noname diz/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
oh my...its so phallic!
:: N O N A M E ! A S C I I 10 :::
:: the ride ends here.
: all we can say is....
so long suckers!
/ / all the new shit / / . .: : .
/ / youve been / / / ......:....
// waiting for..... // // :
/ /for: me
/ logo: more lit / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
Instantly Forever
staring into her eyes,
i can see my own future
it scares me yet at the same time
i relish in its firm warmth.
a touch
a look
makes the world blindingly bright.
all i want is her drug in my viens
for with it to power me,
i am invincible.
that breif moment when our souls live as one
carries me through the day on gossimer wings.
my thoughts
my heart
they live as one under her care
waiting for the time
when they are once again complete.
theres nothing that her kiss wont remedy
for in that brief shining moment
we are the world
and the world is ours for the taking.
we are together
instantly forever.
- WindRider
Apr 10 1997
dedicated to everyones
special someone.
for: ohseven
!wr! /logo: t b s / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
T H E B R A H M I N S :::
b, . b, :: : ::: :: ::
:: ,ss, ,s :: :: ::!wr!::
:: ::b, :: :: :: ::
:: S O N :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: 80x50
/ /for: nitro1981
/ logo: nitro / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
l o r d ::::: :::: ,s
:: :: b,:::b, ::b, ::: ::
::::::: ::: :: . :::!wr!::
::::: :: s.d:: :::. ::
:::::::::::: s. ,s :::::::::::: 7
db afs
for: sylvester
!wr! /logo: t s / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
:!wr! , ,s ,s s s .:. :.:::.
/ /for: crowe
/ logo: aoi / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
afs .:::.
80x50 .:::::.
.:::!wr! ::,s:s
.::by b, :::.
.::: of ::::.
::: alter :::::.
ink ::
for: i forgot
!wr! /logo: blame / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
afs ,s :: : ::. .:: ::.
,s 80x50 :: :: : ::. .::: : ::.
: !wr! :: :: : :::.:: : ::.
:::: ::: :: ::: b..d
b.d ::: ::: :: :: :
::b.d::: :: ::b.d
:: ::::. .:::: : dont blame me...
: : : ::::. .::: i just kill them.
: : ::::.::: its your job to
: : :::: : clean up the blood.
/ /for: i forgot 2
/ logo: ice b. / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
:: : ::::::::. afs .::: :::.
:: :: :: :::. 80x50 .::: :::.
:: bssd :::. ::: :::.
::b b d :::. :::.
:: ,s :: :: ,s.:!wr!
b d b db d ::b d::
i c e b r e a k e r ::::. .:::
reqd by: bizzarro? :::.:::
for: Quad-P
!wr! /logo: modemland/ :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
simon sez: afs .::: :::.,ss .:: ::.
80x50.::: ::::: : ::.
.::: ::::!wr! ::.
:: :: :: :: ,ssy :: ::
:: : : : :c :: ::
:: bs.d bs.d bs.d :: ::
.:: :: :wHQ for :: ::
.::::,ss,,s ,ss :: the best :: ::
.::::: ::s::,s:: that the :: ::
::::: :: :: :: world has :: ::.
:::: :: :: :: to offer: :: ::.
:: :: :: :: remorse!. : .::
: : :: :: kts! ::. .::
bs.d :: : quad-p! ::. .::
::bs.d ::. .::
located for your : ::. .::
convenience in the 1-306-652-4359 baybee!!:. .::
Middlanowhere, Saskabush, Canuckia. ::.::
/ /for: mhz
/ logo: skills / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
,ss, .sb..d,ss,
b.d b.d
!wr! :::: .:: .::
,ss, .sb..d::::,ss, :: .::
.:::::: b.d:::::: ::::::
::. b.d :::::::b.d
for: necromancer
!wr! /logo: remorse / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
b..d b.ds. b..d
!wr! .
b.d b.d .:b.db.d
.:::. remorse!ascii .:::
/ /for: apocalypse
/ logo: lino / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
.::!wr! :::.::
b.d ::: .::::b.d
for: cain
!wr! /logo: kwest / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
.s ::: ::. !wr!
.:bd . .
.::s. b.ds.
.:: b..d.s. ,ss.
.:: bdbdb.db.d
.:: . ::. b.d
::. :: kwest ascii. ::. .::::.
::. :: batteries not included: ::.
/ /for: serial
/ logo: serial / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
s e r i a l a s c i i .:: ,s .::
b..d .::
b.ds.b.d ::,s.::
b..d :: ::
!wr! :: ,s
b.db.d ::b.d
:: ::: :: b.d
: :: :: :: i eat cereal for
: :: :: :: breakfast.
for: i forgot who
!wr! /logo: toxic / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
.:: :::tOXIC!
.:: b..d
.:: bds.:: :. .:
.:: :: b..d::. .::
::. b.d ::b.d ::.::
::. .b.d .:: ::. .:: ::.
::. ::. .:: .:: !wr! ::. .:: ::.
/ /for: they know who
/ logo: sk:od / / /
/ / / / a year in the life.....
!wr! / / . : ... . . . . . . :
!wr! ,s .:: ::.
bd :: ::.
b.ds.s. : ::.
b.d b.db.d .::
.:: SK:OD ::.::
for: Quad-P krew
!wr! /logo: quad-p / :
. june 1996 - june 1997 /
hiro p, mithrandir, windrider, jaz, ,s ::.
ohseven, bubblegum mask, shamen, . .::
.sagramore, zerohour, enigmatic, cain,: .::
.:phreak klass, the abstract poet. .:: .::
:::. b.db.db.db.db.d
:: ::. Q u a d - P !wr!
.:: ::. .Productions
::. .:8 years and
::. .::still going
::. b.d:::S T R O N G b.d
- - - - oo - ,zz
,zz. @z@z z@z. ,z@@,@@zzz
,@ ,, ,x z.,z ,
, ,,z zz zz ,z,
sh . @z@ z. z z ,z ,
zz . .z.z. ,zz z .. z.. .. . .
Well, judging by the small sampling youve just seen, its been a
productive year. During that time ive had the opportunity to talk
with some of the most fun and intelligent people you could ever hope
to know. And heres a personal word to just some of them.
hiro: simply put, you ARE the man. Its been a hell of a fun time
the past few years here in the Middlanowhere. youre gonna
be missed by all the krew here in the 306. And either you
keep in touch or were all going on a road trip to Vancouver
in order to kick your ass all the way to Eniggys house.
necromancer: thanks for being one of the first guys i knew on irc.
you saw a guy that couldnt draw his way out of a wet paper
bag and yet still gave me encouragement. keep it up and one
of these days i might bullshit you enough to get into remorse.
tinyz: the man from pollackaville. i always have a blast hanging out
with you on irc, just waiting for a little gem to come forth,
like that time we took over vcompo 30 minutes before it was
supposed to start. We have to do that more often.
omi: if you dont send me quake, how the hell am i supposed to play
against you? Ive reaally got to get my anus down to omizona
one of these days.
fah: you wacky-assed fudgemonkey. Do something to get shot in the
other leg so that you can get your PimpCane back.
ohseven: i still cant beleive you did a logo for this bitch of a
colly. What were you thinking man?!!@!!!
nlw122: no one who sees this will have any idea who you are, but youve
been a great source of inspiration, fun, innocence and happiness
since the day i first talked with you. heres hoping theres
more of the same in the future.
and even more.... :
: ./ / / hP!
: -----l l -l -l -l //:
: l SK:OD :---- :---- :---- :---- :
now for the people who are also a big part of the past year, but who
i apparently didnt give enough of a damn about to say something
personal. h0h0h0h0 hey, stop throwing things!!
mithrandir, acidjack, empty, ack, nitro, wise-kid, the ascii klan
from across the pond, the Quad-P krew who have kept me going,
miasma, erupt, black jack, cain and the noname/kwest boyz,
whodini, kent and angie, brynt and laurie, the weisner ill
squeezner, mry0y0, paine, enigmatic, argon im still waiting
for the revival of Revolt, the junkies of efnets ascii and
remorse, mhz/bugsy/the man with the 20 word nick, and a special
shout out to everyone that has the guts to try something new,
because whether its good or bad it has expanded our horizons
beyond the current limitations we give ourselves. you guys are
my heroes. keep it up.
if you want to know what its like to be me, talk to the following
thanks to tinyz for the windrider logo.
thanks to acidjack for the credits logo.
thanks to shamen for the greets logo.
thanks to hiro for the greets logo.
thanks to o7 for the end logo you cant miss it
thanks to hiro for being hiro.
thanks to me for not going insane.
thanks to nlw122 for being nlw122 h0h0h0
thanks to the ascii krew for being there 24/7.
thanks to meatloaf for the inpsirational music.
thanks to metallica for a kickass concert
thanks to KISS for an even better kickass concert.
thanks to dad for selling me the PimpMobile.
did i thank hiro yet? hehehehe
thanks to tinyz for being tinyz.
thanks to necromancer for being an assmonkey.
thanks to remorse ascii for being too elite for my ass.
thanks to the weisner for being there-ish.
thanks to you whoever the hell you are for getting this
far and not killing yourself or me.
look for my next colly sometime between now and dec 31 1999.
-WindRider June 15 1997
. WindRider of Quad-P and ONLY Quad-P .
is proud to pRESENT a cOLLy nAMED: :
: The Uranus Mining Corporation, in
conjunction with the Free Zimbabwe :
: Coalition, proudly presents friends and
lovers discussing how the wonders of :
: poo gas could be used to help defeat the
Eskimo Mafioso. June 15 1997 1981 lines :
--- one last logo ---
l / l
T /
/ -- 1 / /
/ : / : / T / : / /
-- -- 1 / / /
Corporation, /
/ l / /
with the
/ / T / /
-- 1 /
/ : / T / / : / /
1 / / /
Coalition, /
/ / / / l /
T /
1 / /
/ / l / /
l /
How The
/ : / : / / / T
/ - 1 /
Poo Gas
/ l / / / / /
Could Help
/ / T /
1 / /
/ / T : / : /
--- 1 / /
c Ohseven/Grey
-------- end of file ------------------ line 1981
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