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Quad-P 08-96 Period!
the we wish we were a warez group again infofile
Welcome to the Quad-P 08-96 Period! Its been another two months since our
last release but summer is always a busy time for most of our members. Im
happy to see more big leaps in quality and quantity with this release, and
my hat goes off to everybody who was able to contribute for this middle of
summer periodical.
After no contact from Modal in quite a while Ive decided to remove him as
Group Founder. The group has been running under my direction and focus for
quite a while now, and weve always had a policy of no dead weight. And it
is only fair that this policy apply to everyone in the group..
Shouts out to our new affiliate boards -- Disembodied Voices and Nocturnal
Trip. And a big shout to RedMist for courriering this all over New York.
That is supposed to be the eye in the pyramid in this months fileid.diz,
but then we all know my ansi has never been phenomenal. Fnord!
Stygian got ripped! Check out THERIP!.ANS for a look at that.
The Abstract Poet coded up a little art request utility to help you annoy
your favorite Quad-P artists, check it out REQUEST!.EXE.
And yeah, I sold my soul and did some ansi this month.. blah, no more..
I still have no ISP, so if you want to get ahold of me youll have to call
ModemLand 3O6-652-4359, no nup, or you can shout out to my voicemail box
8OO-925-9999, box 294 - just be sure to leave me a number if you want
to hear back from me hint hint 4O3 nigs.. and since I have no cards, you
might be in for a bit of a wait.
- Hiro Protagonist
Member List
Group Leader: Hiro Protagonist
Members: Assassin - Cowman - Cain - El Greco - Evilive - Rattfink
RedMist - Mithrandir - Morphius - Rebelord - Rheostatic
Stygian - The Abstract Poet - Windrider
Alumni: Deus Irae - Bigfoot - Ebony - Modal - Trickster
Illusionizer - Fiend
Site List
ModemLand 3O6-652-4359 World HQ Hiro Protagonist
Corleone 3O6-978-3865 Canada Member The Abstract Poet
Sanitarium 3O6-652-2794 Canada Member Morphius
The Inmost Sanctum 3O6-477-3380 Canada Member Stygian
Vasoline 4O3-XXX-XXXX Canada Member Rheostatic
Black Opium 7O1-523-59O9 US Member Evilive
Terminal Countdown 8O3-236-4274 US Member Rebelord
Nocturnal Trip +41-01-8402162 Swiss Affiliate Coroner
Alien Workshop 36O-653-7278 US Affiliate Enigmatic
Diet Cola 6O7-844-4661 US Affiliate Spear
Disembodied Voices 718-279-2766 US Affiliate Fatal Sacrilege
Enygma 503-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Fahrenheit
Harvest Moon 216-951-7O59 US Affiliate Quran
Whodinis Magik 614-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Whodini
* Please note that QDP is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. Were *
* in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *
Quad-P 08-96 Period!
the we wish we were a warez group again infofile
Welcome to the Quad-P 08-96 Period! Its been another two months since our
last release but summer is always a busy time for most of our members. Im
happy to see more big leaps in quality and quantity with this release, and
my hat goes off to everybody who was able to contribute for this middle of
summer periodical.
After no contact from Modal in quite a while Ive decided to remove him as
Group Founder. The group has been running under my direction and focus for
quite a while now, and weve always had a policy of no dead weight. And it
is only fair that this policy apply to everyone in the group..
Shouts out to our new affiliate boards -- Disembodied Voices and Nocturnal
Trip. And a big shout to RedMist for courriering this all over New York.
That is supposed to be the eye in the pyramid in this months fileid.diz,
but then we all know my ansi has never been phenomenal. Fnord!
Stygian got ripped! Check out THERIP!.ANS for a look at that.
The Abstract Poet coded up a little art request utility to help you annoy
your favorite Quad-P artists, check it out REQUEST!.EXE.
And yeah, I sold my soul and did some ansi this month.. blah, no more..
I still have no ISP, so if you want to get ahold of me youll have to call
ModemLand 3O6-652-4359, no nup, or you can shout out to my voicemail box
8OO-925-9999, box 294 - just be sure to leave me a number if you want
to hear back from me hint hint 4O3 nigs.. and since I have no cards, you
might be in for a bit of a wait.
- Hiro Protagonist
Member List
Group Leader: Hiro Protagonist
Members: Assassin - Cowman - Cain - El Greco - Evilive - Rattfink
RedMist - Mithrandir - Morphius - Rebelord - Rheostatic
Stygian - The Abstract Poet - Windrider
Alumni: Deus Irae - Bigfoot - Ebony - Modal - Trickster
Illusionizer - Fiend
Site List
ModemLand 3O6-652-4359 World HQ Hiro Protagonist
Corleone 3O6-978-3865 Canada Member The Abstract Poet
Sanitarium 3O6-652-2794 Canada Member Morphius
The Inmost Sanctum 3O6-477-3380 Canada Member Stygian
Vasoline 4O3-XXX-XXXX Canada Member Rheostatic
Black Opium 7O1-523-59O9 US Member Evilive
Terminal Countdown 8O3-236-4274 US Member Rebelord
Nocturnal Trip +41-01-8402162 Swiss Affiliate Coroner
Alien Workshop 36O-653-7278 US Affiliate Enigmatic
Diet Cola 6O7-844-4661 US Affiliate Spear
Disembodied Voices 718-279-2766 US Affiliate Fatal Sacrilege
Enygma 503-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Fahrenheit
Harvest Moon 216-951-7O59 US Affiliate Quran
Whodinis Magik 614-XXX-XXXX US Affiliate Whodini
* Please note that QDP is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. Were *
* in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *
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