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/ .:: i1. /iii / Quad-P 01-96 - 1 year d00dle an
niversary! wD/tK
Another year in the overall history of the Quad-P has come and gone.. and a celebration of our survival is due. As a few people realize, weve been around in the 306 si
nce 1989, but this is a special anniversary for me. A year ago we set out to make our mark on the ansi scene.. to let the world know there was talent out here in the frozen praries its -40 as I write this btw. We made a
few friends, and a few enemies hi TIC. We merged with SKAViD, and found a few americans along the way. But none of it, none of it, has really changed the face of the doodle scene. That bothered me for a while, the fact
that you could make an impact but in
the end all anybody remembers is ACiD or iCE.
The I sat back and smoked a doobie and came to realize that we had done
something of measure, something of value. Even if it was just for our
members, we had changed the face of the doodle scene for them. And for
the locals trapped by the blizzards we have shown them there is more to
do with their machine besides leeching warez and telcom.
With all that in mind, I think weve had a hell of a good year. And we
will continue our path in the future as long as there is someone besides
myself who wishes to share their creations under our banner. Quad-P in
96, pimpin and pullin mad trix.
Our memberlist is unchanged from our last pack 11-96 for all intense
purposes, but a major shakeup is happening with the group and my board.
Ill be switching to PCBoard sometime this month, and after that is delt
with I plan to focus on the group roster. If I cant get ahold of you
before our next pack, youre gone. Late breaking news on this one..
we have a new member, El Greco. Hes got some mad skills, and I hope to
se more of his stuff next month..
In terms of member news, Togo changed his alias to Rheostatic, LeSTaTs
board MoDe-7 is temporarily down, and Modal may or may not have
finially put our packs on harmony.wit.com:/ansi/groups/quad-p ..peace.
Hiro Protagonist - Email: quadp@peace.wit.com
Quad-P Senior / tRANK!aSCII Colly Leader / kATHARSIS!aSCII / Revival Lit
niversary! wD/tK
Another year in the overall history of the Quad-P has come and gone.. and a celebration of our survival is due. As a few people realize, weve been around in the 306 si
nce 1989, but this is a special anniversary for me. A year ago we set out to make our mark on the ansi scene.. to let the world know there was talent out here in the frozen praries its -40 as I write this btw. We made a
few friends, and a few enemies hi TIC. We merged with SKAViD, and found a few americans along the way. But none of it, none of it, has really changed the face of the doodle scene. That bothered me for a while, the fact
that you could make an impact but in
the end all anybody remembers is ACiD or iCE.
The I sat back and smoked a doobie and came to realize that we had done
something of measure, something of value. Even if it was just for our
members, we had changed the face of the doodle scene for them. And for
the locals trapped by the blizzards we have shown them there is more to
do with their machine besides leeching warez and telcom.
With all that in mind, I think weve had a hell of a good year. And we
will continue our path in the future as long as there is someone besides
myself who wishes to share their creations under our banner. Quad-P in
96, pimpin and pullin mad trix.
Our memberlist is unchanged from our last pack 11-96 for all intense
purposes, but a major shakeup is happening with the group and my board.
Ill be switching to PCBoard sometime this month, and after that is delt
with I plan to focus on the group roster. If I cant get ahold of you
before our next pack, youre gone. Late breaking news on this one..
we have a new member, El Greco. Hes got some mad skills, and I hope to
se more of his stuff next month..
In terms of member news, Togo changed his alias to Rheostatic, LeSTaTs
board MoDe-7 is temporarily down, and Modal may or may not have
finially put our packs on harmony.wit.com:/ansi/groups/quad-p ..peace.
Hiro Protagonist - Email: quadp@peace.wit.com
Quad-P Senior / tRANK!aSCII Colly Leader / kATHARSIS!aSCII / Revival Lit
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