this image contains text
.. ..in their 11th year of glory Quad-P released.. ..
Archive: QDP-DEAD.ZIP Release Date: May 07, 1998
Content: Artwork Text Packager: WindRider
QUOTE: Once considered the most pretentious BBS in the history of
the world, now simply the best. - SigueSigue Sputnick
-:-------------------------- News Information --------------------------:-
Our top story:
: This pretty much officially puts the final nails in the :
coffin for Quad-P Productions. I could spend the extra time trying
to pretty up the pack, but I think this gives a better feel of
the kind of people we really were: not caught up in looking pretty,
but interested in getting the job done. Even a year later, this
feels like a rush, but it had to be done. Cant we all just get
While the group wont be releasing AS a group anymore, I
would like to think that we will still carry the label on to us
with other ventures. I dislike thinking that were simply stealing
: Tinyzs idea, but I really would like to think that we can continue :
to do independent releases under the qdp label.
Quad-P has been my cozy little home for more years than I
can remember. Hiro gave me a shot, as he is prone to do, and I
have never forgotten about that. Even in the days of Revolt, and
now with Remorse, PiPE, and Codine, I still look upon Quad-P as
my focus. Its because of this wacky-assed crew that I got to the
: places I have, and for that I will be forever thankful. No matter :
where I end up in the future, I will always be wrqdp first and
We had originally hoped to send Quad-P out with a bang, but
with 11 months passing since the last release, most people already
have assumed that the group is dead. So lets view this as a wake
for the dearly departed. Sit back, grab something to drink, and
: reminisce about the P. We have managed to get some of our favorite :
boys from around the world to give us some final thoughts. You will
find them spread throughout the pack, either as stand-alone textfiles
or hidden in pieces somewhere. To those of you that have supported
us over the years, we thank you. To those of you that havent, maybe
its time you took a closer look at what the P has stood for. Lots
of groups have come out in the past years that attempted to copy our
: philosophies, but they just havent captured the essence of what made :
us who we are.
The simple fact is, we were always better than you. We didnt
rely on the internet or stealing members from well known groups in
order to improve our positions. The vast majority of our members came
from a population base of under 5million. At times we have been
solely based in an areacode that holds less than 1million people. At
: no time did we feel it was time to be something we werent. What :
are we? Pound-for-pound, were the best damned thing to come along
in the past 12 years.
Thats enough of a rant from me for now. Youll find another
discussion by me elsewhere in the pack. For now, amuse yourself by
checking out all the old member lists that have been included in here.
: Im about to step back from the spotlight and let the other boys take :
a turn around the dancefloor.
Never forget to keep the faith and fight for what you want.
- WindRider qdp/rmrs
May 07 1998
Hiros Comments on Quad-P can be found in the file HP-QUADP.TXT
From Mithrandir:
Im sure whatever I write wont be half as good as what hiro puts out.
Hes always been the eloquent one. Ive got no comments on the scene,
or where all the boards have gone. I dont really care about the what
: happens to the underground anymore, now that the P is gone for good :
is it? . So ild just like to say its been a pleasure working with
you all. We had a time going there for awhile, that will never again
be repeated quite so stylishly. Ill miss chillin with you all so much,
keep in touch.
: Mithrandir - 98 :
Current membership:
NOTE: I have likely left a lot of people out. Im sorry about
that, but for the sake of record-keeping, if you didnt
submit, then you belong in the alumni section below.
: Alias Position Email :
Hiro Protagonist Founder hiro@remorse.org
Mithrandir Senior Staff tcennon@sk.sympatico.ca
: WindRider Senior Staff windrider@shaw.wave.ca :
Ohseven/Shichi-do Hiros secretary ohseven@spectra.net
Assassin - Bigfoot - Bull - Cowman - Cain - Charlatan - Crazy Diamond
CyberDemon - Darkling - Deus Irae - DiMP - Ebony - El Greco - Evilive
Falcon - Fiend - Illusionizer - Jaz - Jeeves - Kargus - Lector
LeSTaT - LisanIlm - Maelstrom - M.A.N - Modal - Morphius - Narcolept
Neurotripsick - Nightfall - Nosferatu - Peter Piper - Phreak Klass
: Powder Bombs - Quran - Rebelord - RedMist - Reptile - Rheostatic :
Sagramore - Sebastian - ShadowSorcerer - Shamen - Shao-Khan - Sparr
Stygian - The Abstract Poet - The Furiant - The High Cog - Trickster
WiteShado - Woj - Zerohour - Zircon
Archive: QDP-DEAD.ZIP Release Date: May 07, 1998
Content: Artwork Text Packager: WindRider
QUOTE: Once considered the most pretentious BBS in the history of
the world, now simply the best. - SigueSigue Sputnick
-:-------------------------- News Information --------------------------:-
Our top story:
: This pretty much officially puts the final nails in the :
coffin for Quad-P Productions. I could spend the extra time trying
to pretty up the pack, but I think this gives a better feel of
the kind of people we really were: not caught up in looking pretty,
but interested in getting the job done. Even a year later, this
feels like a rush, but it had to be done. Cant we all just get
While the group wont be releasing AS a group anymore, I
would like to think that we will still carry the label on to us
with other ventures. I dislike thinking that were simply stealing
: Tinyzs idea, but I really would like to think that we can continue :
to do independent releases under the qdp label.
Quad-P has been my cozy little home for more years than I
can remember. Hiro gave me a shot, as he is prone to do, and I
have never forgotten about that. Even in the days of Revolt, and
now with Remorse, PiPE, and Codine, I still look upon Quad-P as
my focus. Its because of this wacky-assed crew that I got to the
: places I have, and for that I will be forever thankful. No matter :
where I end up in the future, I will always be wrqdp first and
We had originally hoped to send Quad-P out with a bang, but
with 11 months passing since the last release, most people already
have assumed that the group is dead. So lets view this as a wake
for the dearly departed. Sit back, grab something to drink, and
: reminisce about the P. We have managed to get some of our favorite :
boys from around the world to give us some final thoughts. You will
find them spread throughout the pack, either as stand-alone textfiles
or hidden in pieces somewhere. To those of you that have supported
us over the years, we thank you. To those of you that havent, maybe
its time you took a closer look at what the P has stood for. Lots
of groups have come out in the past years that attempted to copy our
: philosophies, but they just havent captured the essence of what made :
us who we are.
The simple fact is, we were always better than you. We didnt
rely on the internet or stealing members from well known groups in
order to improve our positions. The vast majority of our members came
from a population base of under 5million. At times we have been
solely based in an areacode that holds less than 1million people. At
: no time did we feel it was time to be something we werent. What :
are we? Pound-for-pound, were the best damned thing to come along
in the past 12 years.
Thats enough of a rant from me for now. Youll find another
discussion by me elsewhere in the pack. For now, amuse yourself by
checking out all the old member lists that have been included in here.
: Im about to step back from the spotlight and let the other boys take :
a turn around the dancefloor.
Never forget to keep the faith and fight for what you want.
- WindRider qdp/rmrs
May 07 1998
Hiros Comments on Quad-P can be found in the file HP-QUADP.TXT
From Mithrandir:
Im sure whatever I write wont be half as good as what hiro puts out.
Hes always been the eloquent one. Ive got no comments on the scene,
or where all the boards have gone. I dont really care about the what
: happens to the underground anymore, now that the P is gone for good :
is it? . So ild just like to say its been a pleasure working with
you all. We had a time going there for awhile, that will never again
be repeated quite so stylishly. Ill miss chillin with you all so much,
keep in touch.
: Mithrandir - 98 :
Current membership:
NOTE: I have likely left a lot of people out. Im sorry about
that, but for the sake of record-keeping, if you didnt
submit, then you belong in the alumni section below.
: Alias Position Email :
Hiro Protagonist Founder hiro@remorse.org
Mithrandir Senior Staff tcennon@sk.sympatico.ca
: WindRider Senior Staff windrider@shaw.wave.ca :
Ohseven/Shichi-do Hiros secretary ohseven@spectra.net
Assassin - Bigfoot - Bull - Cowman - Cain - Charlatan - Crazy Diamond
CyberDemon - Darkling - Deus Irae - DiMP - Ebony - El Greco - Evilive
Falcon - Fiend - Illusionizer - Jaz - Jeeves - Kargus - Lector
LeSTaT - LisanIlm - Maelstrom - M.A.N - Modal - Morphius - Narcolept
Neurotripsick - Nightfall - Nosferatu - Peter Piper - Phreak Klass
: Powder Bombs - Quran - Rebelord - RedMist - Reptile - Rheostatic :
Sagramore - Sebastian - ShadowSorcerer - Shamen - Shao-Khan - Sparr
Stygian - The Abstract Poet - The Furiant - The High Cog - Trickster
WiteShado - Woj - Zerohour - Zircon
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