this image contains text
And heres my FIRST EVER menu colly,
woohoo! Yippee!
- weeping killer -
of pyro 96
-------------------------- Arena Menu Template 1 --------------------------
wk- -96 M E N U N A M E
- --- -- -- yeah, whatever goes ere - -- - ----- Time Left KB Left ----- ----- Overall Time Overall KB ----- - ---- -- -- - -
------------------------- Incubus Menu Template 1 -------------------------
? the original incubus bbs ??
? the new ?????????? demo board ??
NB: The demo board can be used by normal users, but do not have axs to the
mailnets or files, only donating members have axs to this board..
signed wk 25/o1/96
-------------------------- Arena Menu Template 2 --------------------------
ARENA . User Statistics
Users Name . A
Axis Level . O DOB . 8
First Call . 7
Last Call . F - Time . G
Daily Time . Q Daily KB . T
Uped KB .R Uped Files . Q
Leeched KB . T Leeced Files . S
Msgs Posted . M
Time Banked . 3 KB Banked . 4
Subscrip. ends . 9
Sysop Comment . U
------------------------- Incubus Menu Template 2 -------------------------
m quit back to main ! download pyro
q quit back to extra app. form - other menus -- -- -wk!--- -------- misc - P Y R O A R T
title of piccie ans asc author a ................................... .. ...................... b ................................... . . ......................
c ................................... .. ......................
d ................................... . . ......................
e ................................... . . ......................
f ................................... .. ......................
g ................................... . . ......................
h ................................... .. ......................
i ................................... .. ......................
j ................................... .. ......................
k ................................... . . ......................
l ................................... . . ......................
woohoo! Yippee!
- weeping killer -
of pyro 96
-------------------------- Arena Menu Template 1 --------------------------
wk- -96 M E N U N A M E
- --- -- -- yeah, whatever goes ere - -- - ----- Time Left KB Left ----- ----- Overall Time Overall KB ----- - ---- -- -- - -
------------------------- Incubus Menu Template 1 -------------------------
? the original incubus bbs ??
? the new ?????????? demo board ??
NB: The demo board can be used by normal users, but do not have axs to the
mailnets or files, only donating members have axs to this board..
signed wk 25/o1/96
-------------------------- Arena Menu Template 2 --------------------------
ARENA . User Statistics
Users Name . A
Axis Level . O DOB . 8
First Call . 7
Last Call . F - Time . G
Daily Time . Q Daily KB . T
Uped KB .R Uped Files . Q
Leeched KB . T Leeced Files . S
Msgs Posted . M
Time Banked . 3 KB Banked . 4
Subscrip. ends . 9
Sysop Comment . U
------------------------- Incubus Menu Template 2 -------------------------
m quit back to main ! download pyro
q quit back to extra app. form - other menus -- -- -wk!--- -------- misc - P Y R O A R T
title of piccie ans asc author a ................................... .. ...................... b ................................... . . ......................
c ................................... .. ......................
d ................................... . . ......................
e ................................... . . ......................
f ................................... .. ......................
g ................................... . . ......................
h ................................... .. ......................
i ................................... .. ......................
j ................................... .. ......................
k ................................... . . ......................
l ................................... . . ......................
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