this image contains text
WK SD originally drawn in 80x25
100 orig. by weeping killer of PYRO 96
Im gonna go on about the basic history
of pyro, so dont get too bored.. Hmm,
lemme see.. This will be a short and
sweet account, as weve only been to-
gether since around Nov/Dec 1 9 9 5,
so were still learning.. Okies, basically the group was the brainchild of SHADDOW
DWELLER Myselfwho started off drawing
crappy fonts for TheDraw..I offered a long
time friend, Weeping Killer to join,
and he happily agreed...Lucky . And
then a few friends. New members were hard
to come by at first, as most
of the good artists
were either
in iCE, ACiD, or some aussie group
like AV.. So we decided to launch adverts
on Bloodnet, and our WHQ, Incubus.. People
sure enough replied, and Adolf, Buster,
Genocide, Riptide, Sparticus and Pesticide
all joined soon afterwards..I should add
that a few of our members are still
learning there trade eg. Me. Well all
Groups must start somewhere right Smart-
arse remark No Well this is only our
first pack, and Im sure youll agree, the
work we are producing is
Well quite decent.. We arent trying to
imitate other groups. And keepin our work
fairly original, Were still lookin for
quality members, so if therez any out there
fill out the Application Now! 8
If you would like an ansi or ascii done by
any of our members then by all means contact
us on our WHQ:
Incubus +61 07 3256 0758 ..
Greets go out to all Ozie Groups and these special few Terd, Mr.Schizophrenia, SQ-2
Hehe.. Did you believe any of that crap..
hehehehehehe :
!End of Shit!
100 orig. by weeping killer of PYRO 96
Im gonna go on about the basic history
of pyro, so dont get too bored.. Hmm,
lemme see.. This will be a short and
sweet account, as weve only been to-
gether since around Nov/Dec 1 9 9 5,
so were still learning.. Okies, basically the group was the brainchild of SHADDOW
DWELLER Myselfwho started off drawing
crappy fonts for TheDraw..I offered a long
time friend, Weeping Killer to join,
and he happily agreed...Lucky . And
then a few friends. New members were hard
to come by at first, as most
of the good artists
were either
in iCE, ACiD, or some aussie group
like AV.. So we decided to launch adverts
on Bloodnet, and our WHQ, Incubus.. People
sure enough replied, and Adolf, Buster,
Genocide, Riptide, Sparticus and Pesticide
all joined soon afterwards..I should add
that a few of our members are still
learning there trade eg. Me. Well all
Groups must start somewhere right Smart-
arse remark No Well this is only our
first pack, and Im sure youll agree, the
work we are producing is
Well quite decent.. We arent trying to
imitate other groups. And keepin our work
fairly original, Were still lookin for
quality members, so if therez any out there
fill out the Application Now! 8
If you would like an ansi or ascii done by
any of our members then by all means contact
us on our WHQ:
Incubus +61 07 3256 0758 ..
Greets go out to all Ozie Groups and these special few Terd, Mr.Schizophrenia, SQ-2
Hehe.. Did you believe any of that crap..
hehehehehehe :
!End of Shit!
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