this image contains text
/ .----------------------------------------. .- made for -.
.-- oO - my ei bitch ... .--------------------------.
---/---------------------------------- me not you!
- -- title - - requested: yeh - -----------------------------
good girls get into heaven, bad girls get anywhere
.lSs. .sSSs
:ss.s. .l
.s sss. :b .
.s: .ls.sssSb.b sss
i .dSs.: sSs. s.
.s.s bss.s ss
d .l. . l.:
s s ssSssS l
ssssb ..l ds.
.sb.s. .sS.d.
ss b.s.d.iss
s.b. ss ss :ls.sSs.
,s il .l
.sl. .l ls.sd
.ss.,.s.b. .iss.
.s.l.s d s.sl
d ... .. Ss.
ss....... dl
sss :.db....
i.db. .sb.: .s
l.sb.l ss
.s d
:7 ..d s.
l,s. b.ssl.s .s.
.sb.b...db ds.
b.s .s s.
ss.l d.ss..s.
s. .s ,sl .l
:.b. .
.s .i.
b.ssszb!l :
l s.l
: lssss :l
l :.ssssssss :l
.sssssSSs. l
mess with the best, get shagged like the rest
:.i .,sSb.i.7.sSs.:
l lis,..,+.7.li.l
-- e u p h 0 r i c i l l u s i o n --.
::: notes :::
uNf!, well as you might have guessed .. the woman was originally an ansi
piece made by riddlerblend, and ive converted her to asKii .. yeh
::: greetinx :::
acid brain, alkanine, tee are, injektilo, phos, xzip, produkt, emok, iph,
dalton, dyingsoul, antibody, jandor, slackzor, pogue, arlequin, mapherick,
abnormal, spi7fire, smurf, zylone, didjital, mr. d, arc, circe, df2, impure,
and purg of coz ..
::: apologies :::
riddlerblend ..
.-- Oo - cut this fucker right here! .--------------------------.
---/------------------------------------- zubfatal@purg.com
.-- oO - my ei bitch ... .--------------------------.
---/---------------------------------- me not you!
- -- title - - requested: yeh - -----------------------------
good girls get into heaven, bad girls get anywhere
.lSs. .sSSs
:ss.s. .l
.s sss. :b .
.s: .ls.sssSb.b sss
i .dSs.: sSs. s.
.s.s bss.s ss
d .l. . l.:
s s ssSssS l
ssssb ..l ds.
.sb.s. .sS.d.
ss b.s.d.iss
s.b. ss ss :ls.sSs.
,s il .l
.sl. .l ls.sd
.ss.,.s.b. .iss.
.s.l.s d s.sl
d ... .. Ss.
ss....... dl
sss :.db....
i.db. .sb.: .s
l.sb.l ss
.s d
:7 ..d s.
l,s. b.ssl.s .s.
.sb.b...db ds.
b.s .s s.
ss.l d.ss..s.
s. .s ,sl .l
:.b. .
.s .i.
b.ssszb!l :
l s.l
: lssss :l
l :.ssssssss :l
.sssssSSs. l
mess with the best, get shagged like the rest
:.i .,sSb.i.7.sSs.:
l lis,..,+.7.li.l
-- e u p h 0 r i c i l l u s i o n --.
::: notes :::
uNf!, well as you might have guessed .. the woman was originally an ansi
piece made by riddlerblend, and ive converted her to asKii .. yeh
::: greetinx :::
acid brain, alkanine, tee are, injektilo, phos, xzip, produkt, emok, iph,
dalton, dyingsoul, antibody, jandor, slackzor, pogue, arlequin, mapherick,
abnormal, spi7fire, smurf, zylone, didjital, mr. d, arc, circe, df2, impure,
and purg of coz ..
::: apologies :::
riddlerblend ..
.-- Oo - cut this fucker right here! .--------------------------.
---/------------------------------------- zubfatal@purg.com
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