this image contains text
8 0 x 5 0
A F S . C O M
o / / o
............................ /o / / / .............................
P U R G P R O D U C T I O N S 1 9 9 9 P R E S E N T S
::::::::: ::: --// . // o/ . -- ::: // // :::::::::
/ o /
// I N
M O N O //
:::::::::: / // .. title: pointless info requested: no
::::::::: / .. // for: no fucking one completed: 10/29/99
// this is my first oldschool ascii colly of importance
/ i tried os before, but didnt have the patience to
/ work on a style... now here it is... hardcore funk
for all you bitches out there that havent recognized /
in the past four years... its here... its for-fuck / / // /
--- / / o- / / / ing real... its hardcore... you cant mimic this
:..... // / //.:::::: style... its more true than fate... feel the fuckin::::: / ..:::::::
:::: / - .::::::::: strength and power of mother fuckin hardcore...
/ U R G
----------------------------------------------------- // / / --------- / .. // .......... T H E R E A P E R / .::./ / ::::::::: P U R G P R O D U C T I O N S / .. .::::::::: 1 9 9 9 .::. / :::::::::: / ::::/ .. .. ../
:::::::::: / // .. title: true requested: no
::::::::: / .. // for: true!ascii completed: 10/29/99
T R U E : :
/ you . . . . // //
/ dont need : :: : / /
/ anything : . . : /
/ more... : .. :
:::::::::: / // .. title: mimic requested: no
::::::::: / .. // for: mimic!ascii completed: 10/29/99
A F S . C O M
o / / o
............................ /o / / / .............................
P U R G P R O D U C T I O N S 1 9 9 9 P R E S E N T S
::::::::: ::: --// . // o/ . -- ::: // // :::::::::
/ o /
// I N
M O N O //
:::::::::: / // .. title: pointless info requested: no
::::::::: / .. // for: no fucking one completed: 10/29/99
// this is my first oldschool ascii colly of importance
/ i tried os before, but didnt have the patience to
/ work on a style... now here it is... hardcore funk
for all you bitches out there that havent recognized /
in the past four years... its here... its for-fuck / / // /
--- / / o- / / / ing real... its hardcore... you cant mimic this
:..... // / //.:::::: style... its more true than fate... feel the fuckin::::: / ..:::::::
:::: / - .::::::::: strength and power of mother fuckin hardcore...
/ U R G
----------------------------------------------------- // / / --------- / .. // .......... T H E R E A P E R / .::./ / ::::::::: P U R G P R O D U C T I O N S / .. .::::::::: 1 9 9 9 .::. / :::::::::: / ::::/ .. .. ../
:::::::::: / // .. title: true requested: no
::::::::: / .. // for: true!ascii completed: 10/29/99
T R U E : :
/ you . . . . // //
/ dont need : :: : / /
/ anything : . . : /
/ more... : .. :
:::::::::: / // .. title: mimic requested: no
::::::::: / .. // for: mimic!ascii completed: 10/29/99
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