this image contains text
-2m *W*I*C*K*E*D***M*I*S*F*I*T*S*
whuts up peoplez!!@
I havent done an ansi in months, due to my busy schedule. But, tonight I felt
the urge to put one together. I really went out on a limb with this one, and
I know that Im breaking a lot of rules, but what the heck. I think normally Idsay that this sux, but I think Ill say that Im making a statement instead.
I just let my fingers go, so to speak.
If you can figure it out, it does say WM. This is to fill Smokes request for a
logo that says WM.
Greets to Filth. Ive been away from the scene for so long that I wasnt around
when Gutter came to its last issue. I just read it this evening and was quite
moved. You have my respect Filth.
whuts up peoplez!!@
I havent done an ansi in months, due to my busy schedule. But, tonight I felt
the urge to put one together. I really went out on a limb with this one, and
I know that Im breaking a lot of rules, but what the heck. I think normally Idsay that this sux, but I think Ill say that Im making a statement instead.
I just let my fingers go, so to speak.
If you can figure it out, it does say WM. This is to fill Smokes request for a
logo that says WM.
Greets to Filth. Ive been away from the scene for so long that I wasnt around
when Gutter came to its last issue. I just read it this evening and was quite
moved. You have my respect Filth.
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