this image contains text
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - alphaforce logo .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
l a l p h a f 0 r c e l
. Vb.Vb.b. .
sdb 4b..sdb 4b : i dP ii
..s .si : .dS. .
.sS SS 4 .s.
ii db i. il d7 i. ii i.
:ssb: b.:ssb.
. b...,. .
: b ! db : db . ! db : db d :
l ----- : ------------------ : ----- . ---- -ZB!-- l
ok, i admit it looks a bit weird, but it says ARC
orig. f0nt idea by iph
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - the happy devil that dances ... .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
.sSb dSs. .s
d.s s.b .s .s
d. lSSl .b .s .s .s
bsssSSsssd .s .s
s . s. d . .ss .s
.. l . ss
.sssss.. ZB! ..sssssss.sss.sss..sss.
.d..s..s.SsssssS..S ,..b.b.
.d.d .s.ss..sS..sSSs..b.
d.db lsSs Ss .sSsdSSs.d.s ..b
...s, s.s.s..d
Ss.ss.d ..s..
.b..d ..S.
..db....s d.
..sSSs... d..
the happy devil dances within all of us
.s@SSSb dSSS@s.
yep, anSi 2 asKii convertion, orig. ansi by rawlockopium
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - the mighty microsux.dk duck! .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ team microsux.dk
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
w w w . m i c r o s u x . d k
.s lss..
.S7 .sSSs..
b. Ss.
- yeah!, im a duck!, so i guess ... kwack! kwacK!! -
converted phr0m an5ee 2 asKii, orig. ansi by senileblend
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - logoff pic fer euphoric illusion .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ myself
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
l :ssSSss
.s.sSSs.sSSs. l
..sS sb. .sSSs.
.bd.s .s.
7 l l l .
. . b. l . : s .s
.sSSs. . , .s. .d .s
l , .s .Ss. . .d.SSS .sS
SSb , b .Ss..sS.Ss..sS.d
ssSd s.SS.db.ss
Sss dSSS.d
db.SS.ssssss Ss.ss
ss.dSsss sssssssssS
l :sS Sl :
ssS.ssssssSs .dSssssssss.Sss
s. ..sSZB!Ss.b .s
s.. l
ss ., .d l l :
.b .s .s. .d ss
.b d l . : .s. d.ss
b. .d : l b ..
.S.s.l . ,
b. SSs. Ss. .s. .db. Ss. , lSSS,S.d
db db ! db b .sSs. db
b *.+
: . ! : 7 ZB! :
. : . b .
l . !
! llllb ! dbdbdllbdbdSb.
l : ! :.. : : : : : .s@@s. :.. .s@@s. .ss. l
! . : l: . . l..l . :. ll :
: . : . i i. S SS i i. SS . : ! : .
. l..i...,sl. ,... ,i : il
again .. anseee tew askeee convertion, orig. ansi by m0!phat studios
i do ascii requests fer 1000, or maybe its phr33, cant remember
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - screamin bastard? .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
b. : .s .sS
b. . .s. s
.ssd.. .ss. b
. s .. b.
b.s. s s
bs. sssss s
b ssssss ssss s
sss@ sss s
yet another ansi 2 ascii convertion, orig. ansi by Grateful DeadLegend
maybe ill touch it up later ..
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - santa clause .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
.sSSs... ho ho ho ... l
.s.sSSs.Sb. l the euphoric illusion .
. .sSSss..ss...l staff, wishes you a
ss, l . .s. merry christmas! :
b.d...SssS ...ss.b. l
,..b.SS.sSS..d..db.s. , .d
sss.ssss. .S d.d .dSssssssssS
s..sZB! s.SSs..sll
,S SSs S: s a n t a :
.s l .sss .s@@s. lsssssssl
ss. Ss. .sssss.. Sll
Ss.sss. .sSSsS.s.sdb..SS .s@@s. : c l a u s e :
Ss.sss.SS.sss.d. . , sslsssssssssl
santa has been ansee 2 askeed, orig. ansi by rawlockopium
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - user spy v1.0 c ZubFataLf00d .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
.sSSsl s b.
handle: ZUBFATAL .sZB!s ss
location: .:tHE g0D:. :sSS
security: 255 . dS.sSSs.Sss
times on: 1560 lsS.sSSs.s.
last on: 21/07/1999 - 23:22 .sS
messages: 152 sb. .SsSssSsssSs.,
bytes up: 5419732877 s.ss.
files up: 9358 s..d
- u s e r lb ------ lb ---------- s.s.d
. ..s d
user to spy on Ss.S
. .s zubfatal.................
ssssss dssssSsd .s.---------------------------
s. l . .db.
------------- s.l --------------------------------------------------------
dood converted from ansi to askii, orig ansi by riddlerblend
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - step .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ birdie
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
l l ssss ldl l.
: l l l ssss l l
. l l l l ssl l l
! l l l lsssss l
: l lssssssssl lssssssl l l .ssss
. ! .sss. l l .ss. !l l ZB!
: ! : l ! :
its a bird .. its a plane .. no!, its ... stEp!?
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - mystery of the missing twinkie?! .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
Ss. s Ss. db Ss. . .sSSs.Ss. s.SsS .s .sS.s .
.s. b .. ss
b.. .. b. ..sss ss
.. ..s.ss .sS.ssb
b . .s... ..sS ss
s.s. b.s.s. . . .ss
b. . l. .s.. .s ss
, b.s.b b . .s s.s. .ss...
s. s.. s.b dsb. b. s. .s..d
Ss. s.s. s.Sss. sb. . . s..d,
SSs. Ss. l Ss. l l... .sl
Ss.Ss. SSs. s. .b. .d . ....
SSs.SSs. Ss.s. . . . . .ds
SSs.Ss. s.b. S . .. d.s
Sss. .... .Sss.sl
s. s , . b..sSSss
s. b , ss.
... .s l.sSs.
l ssssS
. Sssssss .dssSS .s
s. Ss. SsSs.dS .ss
. s. SS .dsss
. s.sb..d
s ss.sSSZB!
b.SS.d .d
b s. .d .s
s l Sb . b , s
s.s b s. .sSSs. .s. .
.s b.Ss..sS d. :
sss. .sl b.SS.. l
.db Ssssss..ssss l
allright!, who took my twinkie!?
tell me ... tell me n00W!!
hey guess what?, yeah this pic has been ansee 2 askeed ..
original ansi by burpsbleach
.-- Oo - cut this fucker right here! .--------------------------.
---/------------------------------------- email: zubfatal@purg.com
-- -- - takin it in the arse in 99 -----------------------------
.-- oO - alphaforce logo .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
l a l p h a f 0 r c e l
. Vb.Vb.b. .
sdb 4b..sdb 4b : i dP ii
..s .si : .dS. .
.sS SS 4 .s.
ii db i. il d7 i. ii i.
:ssb: b.:ssb.
. b...,. .
: b ! db : db . ! db : db d :
l ----- : ------------------ : ----- . ---- -ZB!-- l
ok, i admit it looks a bit weird, but it says ARC
orig. f0nt idea by iph
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - the happy devil that dances ... .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
.sSb dSs. .s
d.s s.b .s .s
d. lSSl .b .s .s .s
bsssSSsssd .s .s
s . s. d . .ss .s
.. l . ss
.sssss.. ZB! ..sssssss.sss.sss..sss.
.d..s..s.SsssssS..S ,..b.b.
.d.d .s.ss..sS..sSSs..b.
d.db lsSs Ss .sSsdSSs.d.s ..b
...s, s.s.s..d
Ss.ss.d ..s..
.b..d ..S.
..db....s d.
..sSSs... d..
the happy devil dances within all of us
.s@SSSb dSSS@s.
yep, anSi 2 asKii convertion, orig. ansi by rawlockopium
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - the mighty microsux.dk duck! .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ team microsux.dk
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
w w w . m i c r o s u x . d k
.s lss..
.S7 .sSSs..
b. Ss.
- yeah!, im a duck!, so i guess ... kwack! kwacK!! -
converted phr0m an5ee 2 asKii, orig. ansi by senileblend
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - logoff pic fer euphoric illusion .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ myself
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
l :ssSSss
.s.sSSs.sSSs. l
..sS sb. .sSSs.
.bd.s .s.
7 l l l .
. . b. l . : s .s
.sSSs. . , .s. .d .s
l , .s .Ss. . .d.SSS .sS
SSb , b .Ss..sS.Ss..sS.d
ssSd s.SS.db.ss
Sss dSSS.d
db.SS.ssssss Ss.ss
ss.dSsss sssssssssS
l :sS Sl :
ssS.ssssssSs .dSssssssss.Sss
s. ..sSZB!Ss.b .s
s.. l
ss ., .d l l :
.b .s .s. .d ss
.b d l . : .s. d.ss
b. .d : l b ..
.S.s.l . ,
b. SSs. Ss. .s. .db. Ss. , lSSS,S.d
db db ! db b .sSs. db
b *.+
: . ! : 7 ZB! :
. : . b .
l . !
! llllb ! dbdbdllbdbdSb.
l : ! :.. : : : : : .s@@s. :.. .s@@s. .ss. l
! . : l: . . l..l . :. ll :
: . : . i i. S SS i i. SS . : ! : .
. l..i...,sl. ,... ,i : il
again .. anseee tew askeee convertion, orig. ansi by m0!phat studios
i do ascii requests fer 1000, or maybe its phr33, cant remember
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - screamin bastard? .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
b. : .s .sS
b. . .s. s
.ssd.. .ss. b
. s .. b.
b.s. s s
bs. sssss s
b ssssss ssss s
sss@ sss s
yet another ansi 2 ascii convertion, orig. ansi by Grateful DeadLegend
maybe ill touch it up later ..
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - santa clause .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
.sSSs... ho ho ho ... l
.s.sSSs.Sb. l the euphoric illusion .
. .sSSss..ss...l staff, wishes you a
ss, l . .s. merry christmas! :
b.d...SssS ...ss.b. l
,..b.SS.sSS..d..db.s. , .d
sss.ssss. .S d.d .dSssssssssS
s..sZB! s.SSs..sll
,S SSs S: s a n t a :
.s l .sss .s@@s. lsssssssl
ss. Ss. .sssss.. Sll
Ss.sss. .sSSsS.s.sdb..SS .s@@s. : c l a u s e :
Ss.sss.SS.sss.d. . , sslsssssssssl
santa has been ansee 2 askeed, orig. ansi by rawlockopium
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - user spy v1.0 c ZubFataLf00d .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
.sSSsl s b.
handle: ZUBFATAL .sZB!s ss
location: .:tHE g0D:. :sSS
security: 255 . dS.sSSs.Sss
times on: 1560 lsS.sSSs.s.
last on: 21/07/1999 - 23:22 .sS
messages: 152 sb. .SsSssSsssSs.,
bytes up: 5419732877 s.ss.
files up: 9358 s..d
- u s e r lb ------ lb ---------- s.s.d
. ..s d
user to spy on Ss.S
. .s zubfatal.................
ssssss dssssSsd .s.---------------------------
s. l . .db.
------------- s.l --------------------------------------------------------
dood converted from ansi to askii, orig ansi by riddlerblend
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - step .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ birdie
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
l l ssss ldl l.
: l l l ssss l l
. l l l l ssl l l
! l l l lsssss l
: l lssssssssl lssssssl l l .ssss
. ! .sss. l l .ss. !l l ZB!
: ! : l ! :
its a bird .. its a plane .. no!, its ... stEp!?
/ .----------------------------------------. .--- rEQUESTOr -
.-- oO - mystery of the missing twinkie?! .---------------------------
---/------------------------------------ nobody
- -- tiTLe --- -----------------------------
Ss. s Ss. db Ss. . .sSSs.Ss. s.SsS .s .sS.s .
.s. b .. ss
b.. .. b. ..sss ss
.. ..s.ss .sS.ssb
b . .s... ..sS ss
s.s. b.s.s. . . .ss
b. . l. .s.. .s ss
, b.s.b b . .s s.s. .ss...
s. s.. s.b dsb. b. s. .s..d
Ss. s.s. s.Sss. sb. . . s..d,
SSs. Ss. l Ss. l l... .sl
Ss.Ss. SSs. s. .b. .d . ....
SSs.SSs. Ss.s. . . . . .ds
SSs.Ss. s.b. S . .. d.s
Sss. .... .Sss.sl
s. s , . b..sSSss
s. b , ss.
... .s l.sSs.
l ssssS
. Sssssss .dssSS .s
s. Ss. SsSs.dS .ss
. s. SS .dsss
. s.sb..d
s ss.sSSZB!
b.SS.d .d
b s. .d .s
s l Sb . b , s
s.s b s. .sSSs. .s. .
.s b.Ss..sS d. :
sss. .sl b.SS.. l
.db Ssssss..ssss l
allright!, who took my twinkie!?
tell me ... tell me n00W!!
hey guess what?, yeah this pic has been ansee 2 askeed ..
original ansi by burpsbleach
.-- Oo - cut this fucker right here! .--------------------------.
---/------------------------------------- email: zubfatal@purg.com
-- -- - takin it in the arse in 99 -----------------------------
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