this image contains text
infofilezerostar . ...::... .
purg productions99 :ll:
.y. .yyyyyyyyyyya**y. .y**y.
*. :77 .g@@g :T i .@S@, L
ll lby: sSb : l7 l 7
:: ., : *. :l : l l7 l
ll ,i: S@- ,lSg. l l ll :
l ll .yy. li l l Sg. .
, * ll :: i :::ii::: : ll l
.y. dl :: l,. . l ll
:: li ll l .d ** l ,l
, ,l l. .7.yy. :. .l
.. S y,,di:ii:ii:: :::::i:i::::::
. .db. :
*** l7***y purg!logos 1 9 9 9 .dP
, ggggg@Sl il S@gg@SS@g * . . -*
S@*7* :i S@g,,. g .g,g, l:
.yy. . : ::::: : S* .. . l :. ..
:ii:: : :: .: S7 .y.. . Sl .: :.
:.. .:::: : y. d l: .y.** :: .:
:.:::/.:::: : .yy. L : l i:i: :: : :
::ll7..: :::::::: : * ::: . ::::.::
:.:l :: .+.*.s7 .d .. :ii:
: :::: ::::: :. .y *.7: ::: .:: ::l :: : :ii: 7b. *.by* ll :ii: : :
b... :: :: *- . * :: :.
l :. :. : :
:. lll : .: .: ::
::: yy ll ::: . purg info file, purg pack 21, january 1999. . .
::: ll ..
:: :: :::::::::: ::: : info shiznitz jandor :: : :: :.::: :..::: ::
::: l :::
.. ::. Alright boyz and girlz. This pak we celebrate our 3 year
:: .:: aniversary. We got alot of work this pak of good quality.
.. ... We are always accepting new members that our good at what
. . they do. We want people with their own stylez and stuff.
This month also. The Reapers Realm has gone back online
at telnet://trr.nws.net .. so why dont ya all go check
it out! its a pretty spiffy board. Ok, we also gained some
new members this...
: .:.:::::::::: ::: : god@purg.com teeare :: : :: :.::: :..::
:l:::: :::: ::
.ll. :i: basically, nigs, what we are going for is quality upgrade!
:i: ili up to now purg has let in all the little newbies allowing
. ll.db.... . them a way into the scene. well guess what, fuck that.
.: :: CIi:: ::: it seems that it gets you nowhere. so anyways. on to
::: i the important shit.
:.: : .db.:::
::: :::ii::::::: :.::: ::.:.: : new members : :..:::. .:..:: :::..::: :.....
:::::: I innies:
:::l Il
:. l l: coriiolus deefive dorm dumbass karma klumzee
::. .: :. kraven lord keerus prozzak rage sort8 squibby
.:::::l .
:.:::l . outties:
:: :l aeternam dax didjital mideel
:: .: minding age prosthesis starks
::.:.: ::: :::: dehydrating quickly teeare :: :::::..::::: :::::::::iSi:: ::: .. ::::::iIS
fluid has officially fucked themselves. several .:: l: :: ::ilI .members have quit purg and flown over to fluid. owell, :.: l ilII :what can we say, so long, farewell. the key here is quality :. i lIISSb. and that is what purg now consists of. we were like a training :: l ::
ground for newbies, no more, thanks starky boy. you have made l: :i l
us see the light. no, we dont plan on crushing you. we could :l. il ::honestly give two shits what you do. our goal is to draw and .:: l release quality packs. filled with fun loving art! so, dig it! .:.
: .ii. : ::i ll
::.:.: ::: :::: end of info file here :.:::: :.:: :: :..:::::.:::.::::::.::
purg productions99 :ll:
.y. .yyyyyyyyyyya**y. .y**y.
*. :77 .g@@g :T i .@S@, L
ll lby: sSb : l7 l 7
:: ., : *. :l : l l7 l
ll ,i: S@- ,lSg. l l ll :
l ll .yy. li l l Sg. .
, * ll :: i :::ii::: : ll l
.y. dl :: l,. . l ll
:: li ll l .d ** l ,l
, ,l l. .7.yy. :. .l
.. S y,,di:ii:ii:: :::::i:i::::::
. .db. :
*** l7***y purg!logos 1 9 9 9 .dP
, ggggg@Sl il S@gg@SS@g * . . -*
S@*7* :i S@g,,. g .g,g, l:
.yy. . : ::::: : S* .. . l :. ..
:ii:: : :: .: S7 .y.. . Sl .: :.
:.. .:::: : y. d l: .y.** :: .:
:.:::/.:::: : .yy. L : l i:i: :: : :
::ll7..: :::::::: : * ::: . ::::.::
:.:l :: .+.*.s7 .d .. :ii:
: :::: ::::: :. .y *.7: ::: .:: ::l :: : :ii: 7b. *.by* ll :ii: : :
b... :: :: *- . * :: :.
l :. :. : :
:. lll : .: .: ::
::: yy ll ::: . purg info file, purg pack 21, january 1999. . .
::: ll ..
:: :: :::::::::: ::: : info shiznitz jandor :: : :: :.::: :..::: ::
::: l :::
.. ::. Alright boyz and girlz. This pak we celebrate our 3 year
:: .:: aniversary. We got alot of work this pak of good quality.
.. ... We are always accepting new members that our good at what
. . they do. We want people with their own stylez and stuff.
This month also. The Reapers Realm has gone back online
at telnet://trr.nws.net .. so why dont ya all go check
it out! its a pretty spiffy board. Ok, we also gained some
new members this...
: .:.:::::::::: ::: : god@purg.com teeare :: : :: :.::: :..::
:l:::: :::: ::
.ll. :i: basically, nigs, what we are going for is quality upgrade!
:i: ili up to now purg has let in all the little newbies allowing
. ll.db.... . them a way into the scene. well guess what, fuck that.
.: :: CIi:: ::: it seems that it gets you nowhere. so anyways. on to
::: i the important shit.
:.: : .db.:::
::: :::ii::::::: :.::: ::.:.: : new members : :..:::. .:..:: :::..::: :.....
:::::: I innies:
:::l Il
:. l l: coriiolus deefive dorm dumbass karma klumzee
::. .: :. kraven lord keerus prozzak rage sort8 squibby
.:::::l .
:.:::l . outties:
:: :l aeternam dax didjital mideel
:: .: minding age prosthesis starks
::.:.: ::: :::: dehydrating quickly teeare :: :::::..::::: :::::::::iSi:: ::: .. ::::::iIS
fluid has officially fucked themselves. several .:: l: :: ::ilI .members have quit purg and flown over to fluid. owell, :.: l ilII :what can we say, so long, farewell. the key here is quality :. i lIISSb. and that is what purg now consists of. we were like a training :: l ::
ground for newbies, no more, thanks starky boy. you have made l: :i l
us see the light. no, we dont plan on crushing you. we could :l. il ::honestly give two shits what you do. our goal is to draw and .:: l release quality packs. filled with fun loving art! so, dig it! .:.
: .ii. : ::i ll
::.:.: ::: :::: end of info file here :.:::: :.:: :: :..:::::.:::.::::::.::
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