this image contains text
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggg ggggmmmmmmmmmmmm l mmmmmmmmmmm gggg mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgggg l
teeare il ,,. l i
ggggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,gg mmmggggggg l ,7 ii
l , i 4b,. i , gggg mm l mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmmmm . il il l l mml l i il gggggggmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm l mmmm i mgggg li l mmmg ,gg il l l immmmm . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi 4 i i , , mmmmmmmmmggggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml i 7 l ,l ,g ,gg l . i ,di ,. l .i , i , i. mmmmmmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm l ,l li l i i l 4 i. immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,l mmmmmmmmmm l ,s i teeare purg!logos cuntinfo vol .1 purg!logos pack 14
Back in October of 1995, Purg Productions the definitive vision of
The Reaper and Bossman was started in NorthWestern Indiana. Originally a
BBS Modifications group for Renegade, Oblivion2 and Iniquity. Purg transformed
to more of an art-based group. From February, they skipped April due to lack
of art. Aprils pack was a touch better, but Purg really started to fly when
June rolled around. Tang, a logo group run by Mighty Mouse and Tribute, a group
ran by Prince of Darkness, merged with Purg. The release was their best yet.
About that time, we took a break from the art scene. 5 release was not
bad comeback, 6 was even better, then with 7, new quality members really
flew in! The High-resoultion department really kicked in!
In November of 1997, Purg Productions moved on to more of a logo based
group with Release 8! Starting over with new members, and a new idea
purg!logos has chosen to stick with short graphics.
This month teeare has taken his place as fulltime coordinator, ascii
artist and all around group relations. Jandor has rejoined us for some of his
ascii and has also released some vga. New member have joined up as well.
Some ideas went out about the death of Purg!logos under drunkeness. Thishowever, will not be happening after the monsterous release of this pack. One
of our largest releases since rejoining the scene.
Releases are now scheduled to be shipped out by the 1st of each month.
This means work must be in by the 27th. Any work handed in after the 27thor any
month, will not be submitted! unless it really kicks ass
Pee-mag has one again been released in ansi based format. We are still
looking for a dedicated coder to code pee-mag for us.
The coding team we DO have available is working on a special project for
a new viewer for purg!logos. Stay tuned for upcoming information.
member updates
destr0yer - joining from woe as VGA. Nice work in this pack.
frantic - in the process of coding a bbs software, he has joined to work on the
project of a new viewer.
psycological warfare - joins to help with the ansi department.
rumish - rejoins for some nice logos in the pack.
square - also with rare!ascii has an excellent talent with newschool.
trance - comes to us for some all around ascii and vga stylees.
complete history
It began in a small town in Northwest Indiana. The Reapers Realm went
online in July 1995 and thus began the local scene jumping. There were several
other scene related boards, Exodus Avalon, The Devils Pawn with The Under-
ground, along with 2 or 3 others. Somewhere around August 1995 TDP The DevilsPawn brought the art scene into the 219 area code and thus began the beginingof a group known as Purg Productions.
In late August 1995, The Reaper, now known as teeare, and Bossman,
currently known as Iceman, decided that the BBS Modification area of the scenewas where they wanted to start out. After a long month of modding out trr The
Reapers Realm and The Voyager, they began to think about getting a group of
people together from the local ac to come up with new mods along with art to
coincide these mods. In October 1995 PuRG Phukt up ReneGade was started.
After several months of collecting local members and getting some LD
callers, PuRG released in January of 1996 and a saga was born. Time moved on
and PuRG started to grow. The group lost members, and gained members.
PuRG became Purg and started releasing more art than mods in the packs.
February 1996, PuRG released pack 2. People were asking for packs at this timebut no one was turning out work. March passed due to lack of work, and April
was here. Few members released in April, but the members who did released quitea bit. At this time there was enough for a quality sized release. May was
skipped due to a large merger and June was put out in a large way! Tang a
small group with a great reputation and Tribute a very small group that just
began merged into what was now known as Purg no acronym envolved and Purg
grew into a mass for the June 1996 and the hybernation began. Purg rested untilsomewhere around November/December 1996. After the large merger the group
seemed to calm down quite a bit and Purg released another fine release numbered
purg-05. The work was amazing! This was the best Purg release ever and Purg
was back in business and better than ever. Packs started to be numbered insteadof dated, and shortly after came the one year release of Purg! Even more amaz-
ing work was released, more guest work and time rolled on. 1997 was a difficultyear for Purg, which shortly after became known as Purg Productions. The One
Year Anniversary pack was released, and purg-07 was also released before March
1997, then things started going downhill. Not with Purg Productions, but in
teeares life. After a very long summer, from about March to October, Pack 8
was released. Teeare started drawing once more, and found Jandor on iRC.
Jandor and teeare conjoured up enough work to put together a comeback
release for Purg. Along with starting over with new members, they renamed Purg
Productions to purg!logos, for short graphics, such as ansi/ascii, and began
the teadious task of recruiting members for purg-09. Release of purg-09 went
well with only a few members, and then came 10 and 11. Once the Two Year Ann-
iversary hit, purg!logos was back up to 22 members and holds still to this day
with over 20 members, 15 of which are constantly active artists.
Approximately 113 members have either passed through or are still a partof The Purg Productions Saga today. Now as we celebrate over Two and a half
years of Purg Productions and purg!logos, we release yet another fine product
of the purg line. Ladies and Gentlemen! Purg Productions presents, purg!logos
release 13.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purg!logos ahh...purg now comes in a can. c pURG!logos 1998
.cuntinfo volume 2.0 mthpurg
teeare il ,,. l i
ggggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,gg mmmggggggg l ,7 ii
l , i 4b,. i , gggg mm l mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmmmm . il il l l mml l i il gggggggmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm l mmmm i mgggg li l mmmg ,gg il l l immmmm . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi 4 i i , , mmmmmmmmmggggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml i 7 l ,l ,g ,gg l . i ,di ,. l .i , i , i. mmmmmmmmmm i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm l ,l li l i i l 4 i. immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,l mmmmmmmmmm l ,s i teeare purg!logos cuntinfo vol .1 purg!logos pack 14
Back in October of 1995, Purg Productions the definitive vision of
The Reaper and Bossman was started in NorthWestern Indiana. Originally a
BBS Modifications group for Renegade, Oblivion2 and Iniquity. Purg transformed
to more of an art-based group. From February, they skipped April due to lack
of art. Aprils pack was a touch better, but Purg really started to fly when
June rolled around. Tang, a logo group run by Mighty Mouse and Tribute, a group
ran by Prince of Darkness, merged with Purg. The release was their best yet.
About that time, we took a break from the art scene. 5 release was not
bad comeback, 6 was even better, then with 7, new quality members really
flew in! The High-resoultion department really kicked in!
In November of 1997, Purg Productions moved on to more of a logo based
group with Release 8! Starting over with new members, and a new idea
purg!logos has chosen to stick with short graphics.
This month teeare has taken his place as fulltime coordinator, ascii
artist and all around group relations. Jandor has rejoined us for some of his
ascii and has also released some vga. New member have joined up as well.
Some ideas went out about the death of Purg!logos under drunkeness. Thishowever, will not be happening after the monsterous release of this pack. One
of our largest releases since rejoining the scene.
Releases are now scheduled to be shipped out by the 1st of each month.
This means work must be in by the 27th. Any work handed in after the 27thor any
month, will not be submitted! unless it really kicks ass
Pee-mag has one again been released in ansi based format. We are still
looking for a dedicated coder to code pee-mag for us.
The coding team we DO have available is working on a special project for
a new viewer for purg!logos. Stay tuned for upcoming information.
member updates
destr0yer - joining from woe as VGA. Nice work in this pack.
frantic - in the process of coding a bbs software, he has joined to work on the
project of a new viewer.
psycological warfare - joins to help with the ansi department.
rumish - rejoins for some nice logos in the pack.
square - also with rare!ascii has an excellent talent with newschool.
trance - comes to us for some all around ascii and vga stylees.
complete history
It began in a small town in Northwest Indiana. The Reapers Realm went
online in July 1995 and thus began the local scene jumping. There were several
other scene related boards, Exodus Avalon, The Devils Pawn with The Under-
ground, along with 2 or 3 others. Somewhere around August 1995 TDP The DevilsPawn brought the art scene into the 219 area code and thus began the beginingof a group known as Purg Productions.
In late August 1995, The Reaper, now known as teeare, and Bossman,
currently known as Iceman, decided that the BBS Modification area of the scenewas where they wanted to start out. After a long month of modding out trr The
Reapers Realm and The Voyager, they began to think about getting a group of
people together from the local ac to come up with new mods along with art to
coincide these mods. In October 1995 PuRG Phukt up ReneGade was started.
After several months of collecting local members and getting some LD
callers, PuRG released in January of 1996 and a saga was born. Time moved on
and PuRG started to grow. The group lost members, and gained members.
PuRG became Purg and started releasing more art than mods in the packs.
February 1996, PuRG released pack 2. People were asking for packs at this timebut no one was turning out work. March passed due to lack of work, and April
was here. Few members released in April, but the members who did released quitea bit. At this time there was enough for a quality sized release. May was
skipped due to a large merger and June was put out in a large way! Tang a
small group with a great reputation and Tribute a very small group that just
began merged into what was now known as Purg no acronym envolved and Purg
grew into a mass for the June 1996 and the hybernation began. Purg rested untilsomewhere around November/December 1996. After the large merger the group
seemed to calm down quite a bit and Purg released another fine release numbered
purg-05. The work was amazing! This was the best Purg release ever and Purg
was back in business and better than ever. Packs started to be numbered insteadof dated, and shortly after came the one year release of Purg! Even more amaz-
ing work was released, more guest work and time rolled on. 1997 was a difficultyear for Purg, which shortly after became known as Purg Productions. The One
Year Anniversary pack was released, and purg-07 was also released before March
1997, then things started going downhill. Not with Purg Productions, but in
teeares life. After a very long summer, from about March to October, Pack 8
was released. Teeare started drawing once more, and found Jandor on iRC.
Jandor and teeare conjoured up enough work to put together a comeback
release for Purg. Along with starting over with new members, they renamed Purg
Productions to purg!logos, for short graphics, such as ansi/ascii, and began
the teadious task of recruiting members for purg-09. Release of purg-09 went
well with only a few members, and then came 10 and 11. Once the Two Year Ann-
iversary hit, purg!logos was back up to 22 members and holds still to this day
with over 20 members, 15 of which are constantly active artists.
Approximately 113 members have either passed through or are still a partof The Purg Productions Saga today. Now as we celebrate over Two and a half
years of Purg Productions and purg!logos, we release yet another fine product
of the purg line. Ladies and Gentlemen! Purg Productions presents, purg!logos
release 13.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purg!logos ahh...purg now comes in a can. c pURG!logos 1998
.cuntinfo volume 2.0 mthpurg
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