this image contains text
sPsssssdSbsss s ssssss
s P ssss sss s sss
d sssSbaa aasss purg pak 10 s
s P dP, y s P dSSb dSSb dSSP, dPbss s d y y y y y Sbs,,sdS 4 dSSbsaasdy sd sssssss ! l o g o s i n f o r m a t i o n 9ssss4 sss sssssss ssssssssdSy s ssss sssss ss
9SP ssss sss
sd P
teeares section
1. general shit... well, release 9 went ok, until panacea claimed that i
ripped him.. funny thing is.. the pic that was claimed to be a rip was
really drawn by ironghost! ahahhah, piss on you panacea! the work was a
nice quality and there seemed to be alot of people picking it up... so it
turned out to be an overall good release.
1. contrary to popular belief... purg has had 94 members since it first was
born in october 1995, almost half of which have gone on to join top 10
groups in the scene! if nothing else, purg will remain a great starting
point for artsceners...
2. file formats... as you may have noticed in release 8, file formats were
changed... they are as follows :
xx-ans.col - init-ansi-ofpak.colly
xx-asc.col - init-ascii-ofpak.colly
plgo-.nfo - purg!logos-ofpak.infofile
added file formats consist of :
xx-gst.col - init-guest-ofpak.colly
xx-jnt.col - init-joint-ofpak.colly
files MUST be turned in with those file formats...
3. zip??? yes, purg will stick with the zip format! why? because ACiD is
wrong to force the whole scene into their lives... they are becoming
Microsoft! DOWN WITH SATAN ACiD, Microsoft! Which brings us to our
next point ----
l, .l
, ,sP4s, ,sP4s, ,s s, d
yyyyy y yyyyy yyyyy d
helping groups .. .. ..4s,.,sP .. ..
since 1997. ii ii ii ii ii ii
ll ll ll ll ll
. . .. . ....., 4s,.,sP 4bs,.,sP..... .. ... . .
rumish supports: operation:revolution
operation: revolution
4. group relations... purg!logos, in association with independent, has
formed an operation that we now call revolution... the point of operation:
revolution is to drop the attitude of the elite artist, to bring the
everyday artist to fame without changing his/her attitude or stylee...
also to move the scene away from the ACiD mentallity of ANSi being dead
and VGA being the only original art form left in the scene... what this
operation will consist of is the following :
guesting to help promote groups
placement of applicants... if a group is dying, applying
members are steered towards the dying group to
bring them back to life
internal group problems... if a group is having problems
with seniors, members, etc. they must converse
with other group seniors/members to keep morales up
the main point of operation:revolution is to keep the smaller groups
from dying after their first, second, or third paks... there have been
too many small groups, with alot of potential, die after their first few
paks... operation:revolution was created to put a stop to this... the
main inspiration for op:revolution was an interview in chrm9710.zip
between radmanACiD and bobafettchrome... this is what bobafett got
out of the interview :
All I have to say is while this was 100 expected, it is also annoying thatwhile ACiD continues to thrive in VGA they feel compelled to make everyone else
change for them. No one changes their sight Radman, they lose it for something
else. Exactly what ACiD did and from all I see me its for the best you have.
And when did the scene EVER have people with high IQs? What the hell does IQ
measure anyway? Its just a number, it means nothing just like ACiDs name. No
one respects it anymore. Wake up pal, the scene has always been largely im-
mature, thats the attraction to the whole underground bbs and computer art
big bob signing out!
then while browsing through the glue paks, i found this...
i made this font with no standards to fill. it was not made so you can pick
out the good and bad parts, nor was it made to be compared to. i dont draw
like tna, or massmurdurer, or eerie or hal or theknight or hennifer or oned
or noot or anyone else you like to choose to set the standards. i set my own
standards and i draw at them. the standards increase at the speed my arts
quality increases at. this sounds bitchy, and it was meant to. because
for the past week all ive heard is bitching on irc. bitching about whos
better than who, and who sucks, and who should be made fun of infront of the
scene, and all that CHILDISH bullshit. the scene was meant for fun, and if
you consider this fun, youre in the wrong scene. so compare. make fun, and
you will eventually see how stupid you sound. i am beyond your rehashed
excuses and your inability to absorb. i suggest you surpass this feat also.
and its not even a feat at all, it only requires common sense. somthing a lot
of *US* seem to be lacking.
- this message has been preached by catch22 the ART scene
* 2 weeks later.. whooOOO was i in a pissy mood when i wrote that or what?@!
its all true tho so F U stupid pants!
basically, as you can see, people are getting fed up with all of the
bastards on irc being too elite for everyone else... figure it out
people... that is the whole reason that you dont see half the people
hanging in irc as you used to... deal is.. confuscious say, if you
cant say anything nice, then shut up...
peace out
a f f i l i a t e d r e v o l u t i o n g r o u p s
purg!logos ansi/ascii logos the reaper
independent!ascii ascii rumish
jandors section
1 As you can see Im back in action with purg again. Cant ever get
enough of it. But as of my new join of purg I must decied on a group
to leave. I dont see how I would be able to keep with all three.
I hope you all like 8. We know it was small but what do you want for
for a quick release.
2 Well, like tR said im a new coordinator. Well, its my first time as
one for getting members and stuff like that. It should be intresting.
Purg was one of my first groups I joined when I hit the internet in 1996.
I figured, hey if purg is back I wouldnt want to disban it now. So I
thank tR for letting me back in and giving me this responsability. I
just wish the bbs scene was like the way it used to so I could start that
back up in purg. But it isnt gonna happen. But hey, if ya want to apply
email me at jandor@nni.com.
3 new members this month, midknight, he joins as part of the ascii devision.
this guy is pretty good too. I hope he sticks around for quite some time.
i will add more as we get more
3-continued jandor got a new job so he couldnt finish adding in new members. xOr joined shortly after midknight to dewdle some nasty old-skewl
ascii, while dabulldOg came out from the warez scene to throw
together his first 2 ansis and first ascii ever... nice job!
daman bossman started up again with his hirez shitz that should
be either in next pak or on the website.. jack phlash liked his
diz for last pak so much that he joined with his ereet newskewl
1. hierarchy... the hierarchy of purg will be as follows :
pak coordinator
member coordinator
artists will submit their work to the pak coordinator in the zip format
example : tr-pak08.zip
any work that is recieved in any form other than the zip format will not be
released. after the coordinator recieves this zipfile they will examine
the items and send them to the quality control coordinator. qc will then
determine whether the item can be included in the release. once they have
done so, they will send all items to the pak coordinator who is to zip up
the pak and distribute it. artists will be notified, via email, when the
pak is going to be released. only logo artwork of 25-lines and under will
qualify for pak releases, excluding greets, joint inclusions, etc.
2. applicants... to apply to purg!logos simply create a text file with the
following items included :
Full Name : John Doe
Handle : The Reaper
Abbreviation : tr
Irc Nick : teeare
Email Address : teeare@hotmail.com
Position Applying For : ascii
Other Affiliations : Cia
along with at least 3 samples of work, use zip format to create a file such
as :
and send to jandor@nni.com you will have a response via email within 48
3. finding purg...
irc purg
web www.freeyellow.com/members2/purg
email purg@freeyellow.com or purg@geocities.com
4. distros... dont even ask... we are not accepting any distros or hqs...
the only associated boards we will have are member boards...
5. other shit... purg!logos is an always expanding group... we are always
open minded and looking for input with new ways of doing things.. if you
have any ideas, dont be afraid to submit them...
dabulld0g ansi/ascii dbd
iceman vga dm
jack phlash ascii jp
jandor ascii/member ceo jd
lint telecom ceo lt
lord pee-mag ceo ld
midknight ascii/webmaster mid
sameyeam idle ceo sam
sudiphed ascii sp
the reaper ascii/pak-ceo tr
xOr ascii xOr
wu36 vga wu
p u r g ! l o g o s b u l l i t e n b o a r d l i s t
c u r r e n t
-bbs name----------------number-------------soft------------------------status-
the reapers realm vivid whq
p u r g ! l o g o s m e m b e r l i s t i n g
c o m p l e t e
sa still associated/still releasing ia inactive but associated
na no longer associated nr never released/not associated
-nick--------------------------------------since pak----------------left after
The Reaper ------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- sa
Bossmandaman 1 ia
The Devils Pawn ------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- na
Exodus 1 na
Vapor ----------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Hellbeast 1 ia
Funky Buckles --------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Dark Leader 1 nr
The Green Trenchcoat -------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Demon Bane 1 nr
The Warlord ----------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- ia
Cold Fusion 2 nr
ZigZag ---------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Trebor 2 ia
Guido ----------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- ia
Jester 2 na
Creator --------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- nr
Headsoft 2 ia
Malevolent Terror ----------------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Static ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Deranged Fan 3 na
Jaguar ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- na
Ploffer 3 nr
Pothead --------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- nr
Mannequinn 3 nr
Spraggles ------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Mighty Mouse ---------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Prince of Darkness 4 ia
Inquisitor ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Darkheart 4 ia
Satanic Sly ----------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Seige 4 nr
Whispering Death ------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Phylus 4 nr
Dark Force ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Anilog 4 ia
Messiah --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Jandor 4 sa
Hornet ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Cryptic 4 nr
Blizzard -------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Creeping Death 4 na
Trans Fighter --------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Tre Cool 4 nr
Raw Toxic ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Night Train 4 nr
Tech ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Bug 4 nr
Jinx ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Fatal Error 4 nr
Kindred --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Hotdeath 4 na
Dr Eclipz ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Quab 4 nr
Neptun ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Cassius 5 ia
Terrato --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Drc 5 ia
Elendil -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach 5 na
Catastropic Profit ---------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Dark Entity 5 ia
Ripper ---------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Dark Saint 5 ia
Bludwulf -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Kitiara 5 na
Starlord -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Wizy 5 nr
Spasm ----------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Sameyeam -------------------------------------- 6 ------------------------- ia
N Tegrity 6 ia
Death Jdstn ----------------------------------- 6 ------------------------- ia
Kriss 6 ia
Napalm Death ---------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Wuyang 7 ia
Narcolept ------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- nr
Chang0 7 ia
Digital Overdose ------------------------------ 7 ------------------------- nr
Internal 7 nr
Propane --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Schtroumpf 7 ia
R3ptile --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ nr
Frizzle 7 ia
Deadpool -------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Hysteric 7 ia
Adya ------------------------------------------ 7 ------------------------ ia
Cytral Skunk 7 na
Remenis --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Death Incarnate 7 nr
midknight ------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- sa
xOr 9 sa
dabulld0g-------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- sa
jack phlash 9 sa
wu36 ------------------------------------------ 10 ------------------------ sa
* as you can see.. many of the scenes top artists either started out, or have
been through purg... tell me it sucks?
sPsssssdSbsss s ssssss
s P ssss sss s sss
d sssSbaa aasss purg pak 10 s
s P dP, y s P dSSb dSSb dSSP, dPbss s d y y y y y Sbs,,sdS 4 dSSbsaasdy sd sssssss ! l o g o s i n f o r m a t i o n 9ssss4 sss sssssss ssssssssdSy s ssss sssss ss
9SP ssss sss
sd P
teeares section
1. general shit... well, release 9 went ok, until panacea claimed that i
ripped him.. funny thing is.. the pic that was claimed to be a rip was
really drawn by ironghost! ahahhah, piss on you panacea! the work was a
nice quality and there seemed to be alot of people picking it up... so it
turned out to be an overall good release.
1. contrary to popular belief... purg has had 94 members since it first was
born in october 1995, almost half of which have gone on to join top 10
groups in the scene! if nothing else, purg will remain a great starting
point for artsceners...
2. file formats... as you may have noticed in release 8, file formats were
changed... they are as follows :
xx-ans.col - init-ansi-ofpak.colly
xx-asc.col - init-ascii-ofpak.colly
plgo-.nfo - purg!logos-ofpak.infofile
added file formats consist of :
xx-gst.col - init-guest-ofpak.colly
xx-jnt.col - init-joint-ofpak.colly
files MUST be turned in with those file formats...
3. zip??? yes, purg will stick with the zip format! why? because ACiD is
wrong to force the whole scene into their lives... they are becoming
Microsoft! DOWN WITH SATAN ACiD, Microsoft! Which brings us to our
next point ----
l, .l
, ,sP4s, ,sP4s, ,s s, d
yyyyy y yyyyy yyyyy d
helping groups .. .. ..4s,.,sP .. ..
since 1997. ii ii ii ii ii ii
ll ll ll ll ll
. . .. . ....., 4s,.,sP 4bs,.,sP..... .. ... . .
rumish supports: operation:revolution
operation: revolution
4. group relations... purg!logos, in association with independent, has
formed an operation that we now call revolution... the point of operation:
revolution is to drop the attitude of the elite artist, to bring the
everyday artist to fame without changing his/her attitude or stylee...
also to move the scene away from the ACiD mentallity of ANSi being dead
and VGA being the only original art form left in the scene... what this
operation will consist of is the following :
guesting to help promote groups
placement of applicants... if a group is dying, applying
members are steered towards the dying group to
bring them back to life
internal group problems... if a group is having problems
with seniors, members, etc. they must converse
with other group seniors/members to keep morales up
the main point of operation:revolution is to keep the smaller groups
from dying after their first, second, or third paks... there have been
too many small groups, with alot of potential, die after their first few
paks... operation:revolution was created to put a stop to this... the
main inspiration for op:revolution was an interview in chrm9710.zip
between radmanACiD and bobafettchrome... this is what bobafett got
out of the interview :
All I have to say is while this was 100 expected, it is also annoying thatwhile ACiD continues to thrive in VGA they feel compelled to make everyone else
change for them. No one changes their sight Radman, they lose it for something
else. Exactly what ACiD did and from all I see me its for the best you have.
And when did the scene EVER have people with high IQs? What the hell does IQ
measure anyway? Its just a number, it means nothing just like ACiDs name. No
one respects it anymore. Wake up pal, the scene has always been largely im-
mature, thats the attraction to the whole underground bbs and computer art
big bob signing out!
then while browsing through the glue paks, i found this...
i made this font with no standards to fill. it was not made so you can pick
out the good and bad parts, nor was it made to be compared to. i dont draw
like tna, or massmurdurer, or eerie or hal or theknight or hennifer or oned
or noot or anyone else you like to choose to set the standards. i set my own
standards and i draw at them. the standards increase at the speed my arts
quality increases at. this sounds bitchy, and it was meant to. because
for the past week all ive heard is bitching on irc. bitching about whos
better than who, and who sucks, and who should be made fun of infront of the
scene, and all that CHILDISH bullshit. the scene was meant for fun, and if
you consider this fun, youre in the wrong scene. so compare. make fun, and
you will eventually see how stupid you sound. i am beyond your rehashed
excuses and your inability to absorb. i suggest you surpass this feat also.
and its not even a feat at all, it only requires common sense. somthing a lot
of *US* seem to be lacking.
- this message has been preached by catch22 the ART scene
* 2 weeks later.. whooOOO was i in a pissy mood when i wrote that or what?@!
its all true tho so F U stupid pants!
basically, as you can see, people are getting fed up with all of the
bastards on irc being too elite for everyone else... figure it out
people... that is the whole reason that you dont see half the people
hanging in irc as you used to... deal is.. confuscious say, if you
cant say anything nice, then shut up...
peace out
a f f i l i a t e d r e v o l u t i o n g r o u p s
purg!logos ansi/ascii logos the reaper
independent!ascii ascii rumish
jandors section
1 As you can see Im back in action with purg again. Cant ever get
enough of it. But as of my new join of purg I must decied on a group
to leave. I dont see how I would be able to keep with all three.
I hope you all like 8. We know it was small but what do you want for
for a quick release.
2 Well, like tR said im a new coordinator. Well, its my first time as
one for getting members and stuff like that. It should be intresting.
Purg was one of my first groups I joined when I hit the internet in 1996.
I figured, hey if purg is back I wouldnt want to disban it now. So I
thank tR for letting me back in and giving me this responsability. I
just wish the bbs scene was like the way it used to so I could start that
back up in purg. But it isnt gonna happen. But hey, if ya want to apply
email me at jandor@nni.com.
3 new members this month, midknight, he joins as part of the ascii devision.
this guy is pretty good too. I hope he sticks around for quite some time.
i will add more as we get more
3-continued jandor got a new job so he couldnt finish adding in new members. xOr joined shortly after midknight to dewdle some nasty old-skewl
ascii, while dabulldOg came out from the warez scene to throw
together his first 2 ansis and first ascii ever... nice job!
daman bossman started up again with his hirez shitz that should
be either in next pak or on the website.. jack phlash liked his
diz for last pak so much that he joined with his ereet newskewl
1. hierarchy... the hierarchy of purg will be as follows :
pak coordinator
member coordinator
artists will submit their work to the pak coordinator in the zip format
example : tr-pak08.zip
any work that is recieved in any form other than the zip format will not be
released. after the coordinator recieves this zipfile they will examine
the items and send them to the quality control coordinator. qc will then
determine whether the item can be included in the release. once they have
done so, they will send all items to the pak coordinator who is to zip up
the pak and distribute it. artists will be notified, via email, when the
pak is going to be released. only logo artwork of 25-lines and under will
qualify for pak releases, excluding greets, joint inclusions, etc.
2. applicants... to apply to purg!logos simply create a text file with the
following items included :
Full Name : John Doe
Handle : The Reaper
Abbreviation : tr
Irc Nick : teeare
Email Address : teeare@hotmail.com
Position Applying For : ascii
Other Affiliations : Cia
along with at least 3 samples of work, use zip format to create a file such
as :
and send to jandor@nni.com you will have a response via email within 48
3. finding purg...
irc purg
web www.freeyellow.com/members2/purg
email purg@freeyellow.com or purg@geocities.com
4. distros... dont even ask... we are not accepting any distros or hqs...
the only associated boards we will have are member boards...
5. other shit... purg!logos is an always expanding group... we are always
open minded and looking for input with new ways of doing things.. if you
have any ideas, dont be afraid to submit them...
dabulld0g ansi/ascii dbd
iceman vga dm
jack phlash ascii jp
jandor ascii/member ceo jd
lint telecom ceo lt
lord pee-mag ceo ld
midknight ascii/webmaster mid
sameyeam idle ceo sam
sudiphed ascii sp
the reaper ascii/pak-ceo tr
xOr ascii xOr
wu36 vga wu
p u r g ! l o g o s b u l l i t e n b o a r d l i s t
c u r r e n t
-bbs name----------------number-------------soft------------------------status-
the reapers realm vivid whq
p u r g ! l o g o s m e m b e r l i s t i n g
c o m p l e t e
sa still associated/still releasing ia inactive but associated
na no longer associated nr never released/not associated
-nick--------------------------------------since pak----------------left after
The Reaper ------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- sa
Bossmandaman 1 ia
The Devils Pawn ------------------------------ 1 ------------------------- na
Exodus 1 na
Vapor ----------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Hellbeast 1 ia
Funky Buckles --------------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Dark Leader 1 nr
The Green Trenchcoat -------------------------- 1 ------------------------- na
Demon Bane 1 nr
The Warlord ----------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- ia
Cold Fusion 2 nr
ZigZag ---------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Trebor 2 ia
Guido ----------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- ia
Jester 2 na
Creator --------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------- nr
Headsoft 2 ia
Malevolent Terror ----------------------------- 2 ------------------------- na
Static ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Deranged Fan 3 na
Jaguar ---------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- na
Ploffer 3 nr
Pothead --------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- nr
Mannequinn 3 nr
Spraggles ------------------------------------- 3 ------------------------- ia
Mighty Mouse ---------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Prince of Darkness 4 ia
Inquisitor ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Darkheart 4 ia
Satanic Sly ----------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Seige 4 nr
Whispering Death ------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Phylus 4 nr
Dark Force ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- ia
Anilog 4 ia
Messiah --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Jandor 4 sa
Hornet ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Cryptic 4 nr
Blizzard -------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Creeping Death 4 na
Trans Fighter --------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Tre Cool 4 nr
Raw Toxic ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Night Train 4 nr
Tech ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Bug 4 nr
Jinx ------------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------- nr
Fatal Error 4 nr
Kindred --------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- nr
Hotdeath 4 na
Dr Eclipz ------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- na
Quab 4 nr
Neptun ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Cassius 5 ia
Terrato --------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Drc 5 ia
Elendil -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Bizzach 5 na
Catastropic Profit ---------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Dark Entity 5 ia
Ripper ---------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Dark Saint 5 ia
Bludwulf -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Kitiara 5 na
Starlord -------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- na
Wizy 5 nr
Spasm ----------------------------------------- 5 ------------------------- ia
Sameyeam -------------------------------------- 6 ------------------------- ia
N Tegrity 6 ia
Death Jdstn ----------------------------------- 6 ------------------------- ia
Kriss 6 ia
Napalm Death ---------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Wuyang 7 ia
Narcolept ------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- nr
Chang0 7 ia
Digital Overdose ------------------------------ 7 ------------------------- nr
Internal 7 nr
Propane --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- ia
Schtroumpf 7 ia
R3ptile --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ nr
Frizzle 7 ia
Deadpool -------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Hysteric 7 ia
Adya ------------------------------------------ 7 ------------------------ ia
Cytral Skunk 7 na
Remenis --------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------ ia
Death Incarnate 7 nr
midknight ------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- sa
xOr 9 sa
dabulld0g-------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------- sa
jack phlash 9 sa
wu36 ------------------------------------------ 10 ------------------------ sa
* as you can see.. many of the scenes top artists either started out, or have
been through purg... tell me it sucks?
log in to add a comment.