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the reaper founder jeremy@matabele.com
bossman founder bossman@jorsm.com
information personnel
the reaper release coordinator jeremy@matabele.com
narcolept release coordinator jjm@epix.net
drc release coordinator drc@patsi.pp.fi
spasm telecom coordinator no email
internet services
bossman bot/irc coordinator bossman@jorsm.com
dreclipz web coordinator dreclipz@onecom.com
schtroumpf ftp coordinator schtroumpf@ultranet.ca
cash irc groupie cash@uact.net
department leaders
narcolept ansi coordinator jjm@epix.net
r3ptile ascii coordinator jeff@pantek.com
sam i am emag coordinator maquis@prysm.net
digital overdose vga coordinator digiod@mindless.com
jandor modding coordinator jandor@auronline.com
quab coding coordinator accountrenwar@worldnet.att.ne
* creeping death cd- Creaping.Death@cyberbury.net
* elendil el- elendil@pla-net.net
* frizzle fz! prong@vero.com
* khrono ko! fatass@earth-le1.execpc.com
* internal in! internal@connix.com
* narcolept nc- jjm@epix.net
* propane pro no email available
* remenis rem no email available
* chang0 c0- toe@earthlink.com
* catastropic profit cp- ac378@freenet.hamilton.on.ca
* dark entity de- trahma@discover-net.net
* deadpool de- deadp@concentric.net
* hysteric hy- hysteric@industryone.net
* r3ptile r3- jeff@pantek.com
* the reaper tr! jeremy@matabele.com
-vgadivisiondigital overdose-head
* adya ad! no email available
* bossman bm! bossman@jorsm.com
* cytral skunk cs- cytral@alliance.net
* digital overdose do- digiod@mindless.com
* deathjdstn dj! thomas@packbell.net
* kriss kr! kriss@dal.net
* N Tegrity nt! ags@mainlink.net
* remenis rem no email available
* the warlord tw! rlukes@marsh.vinu.edu
* quab qb- accountrenwar@worldnet.att.net
* wuyang wu- lono1@sound.net
* death incarnate di! kutzko@sympatico.ca
* hellbeast hb! beast@pla-net.net
* neptun np- neptun@odyline.com
* khrono ko! fatass@earth-le1.execpc.com
* quab qb- accountrenwar@worldnet.att.net
* jandor jd- jandor@auronline.com
* hysteric hy- hysteric@industryone.net
-web team
dreclipz dre dreclipz@onecom.com
neptun np- neptun@odyline.com
bossman bm- bossman@jorsm.com
d2rNrOUJ d2-
tzeentch tn- locnar@ix.netcom.com
damonk dm yoda@epix.net
volatile vh-
napalm death nd- nd@ansi-art.org
viral vi-
tek tk-
nuclear dreamer nd! ndreamer@tyler.net
-legend * active * in-active * deceased
mailing list subscribe purg listserver@punkrock.uact.net
web site http://www.matabele.com/purg
ftp site lart part ftp.matabele.com/artpacks/ansi/purg
information email jeremy@matabele.com
/ / /n
the reaper founder jeremy@matabele.com
bossman founder bossman@jorsm.com
information personnel
the reaper release coordinator jeremy@matabele.com
narcolept release coordinator jjm@epix.net
drc release coordinator drc@patsi.pp.fi
spasm telecom coordinator no email
internet services
bossman bot/irc coordinator bossman@jorsm.com
dreclipz web coordinator dreclipz@onecom.com
schtroumpf ftp coordinator schtroumpf@ultranet.ca
cash irc groupie cash@uact.net
department leaders
narcolept ansi coordinator jjm@epix.net
r3ptile ascii coordinator jeff@pantek.com
sam i am emag coordinator maquis@prysm.net
digital overdose vga coordinator digiod@mindless.com
jandor modding coordinator jandor@auronline.com
quab coding coordinator accountrenwar@worldnet.att.ne
* creeping death cd- Creaping.Death@cyberbury.net
* elendil el- elendil@pla-net.net
* frizzle fz! prong@vero.com
* khrono ko! fatass@earth-le1.execpc.com
* internal in! internal@connix.com
* narcolept nc- jjm@epix.net
* propane pro no email available
* remenis rem no email available
* chang0 c0- toe@earthlink.com
* catastropic profit cp- ac378@freenet.hamilton.on.ca
* dark entity de- trahma@discover-net.net
* deadpool de- deadp@concentric.net
* hysteric hy- hysteric@industryone.net
* r3ptile r3- jeff@pantek.com
* the reaper tr! jeremy@matabele.com
-vgadivisiondigital overdose-head
* adya ad! no email available
* bossman bm! bossman@jorsm.com
* cytral skunk cs- cytral@alliance.net
* digital overdose do- digiod@mindless.com
* deathjdstn dj! thomas@packbell.net
* kriss kr! kriss@dal.net
* N Tegrity nt! ags@mainlink.net
* remenis rem no email available
* the warlord tw! rlukes@marsh.vinu.edu
* quab qb- accountrenwar@worldnet.att.net
* wuyang wu- lono1@sound.net
* death incarnate di! kutzko@sympatico.ca
* hellbeast hb! beast@pla-net.net
* neptun np- neptun@odyline.com
* khrono ko! fatass@earth-le1.execpc.com
* quab qb- accountrenwar@worldnet.att.net
* jandor jd- jandor@auronline.com
* hysteric hy- hysteric@industryone.net
-web team
dreclipz dre dreclipz@onecom.com
neptun np- neptun@odyline.com
bossman bm- bossman@jorsm.com
d2rNrOUJ d2-
tzeentch tn- locnar@ix.netcom.com
damonk dm yoda@epix.net
volatile vh-
napalm death nd- nd@ansi-art.org
viral vi-
tek tk-
nuclear dreamer nd! ndreamer@tyler.net
-legend * active * in-active * deceased
mailing list subscribe purg listserver@punkrock.uact.net
web site http://www.matabele.com/purg
ftp site lart part ftp.matabele.com/artpacks/ansi/purg
information email jeremy@matabele.com
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