this image contains text
tR!............................................... ..........................tR! : :...: :.....: :
......:. . @ . . . .: ..:......
: l: : : : : @ :l : : :
...:.... Sl l l l lS : : :
:..... ,ssssslsssss. @ bsss. s., .......:
: : bssssdproductsisolnsssdin9s7ssd : :
tR!.:....:..........................................................:....:...tR! :
:.purg productions presents pack 6..............
members ansi/ascii U
ansi.. :
:ct- contempt lifetime@enter.net P
:cd- creeping death ..Creaping.Death@cyberbury.net R
:in- infector : infector@pop.bhnet.com.br O
:ko! khrono : : D
......:.........................:.....: U
:ascii: : C
:.....:bz- bizzach : T
cp- catastropic profit : ac378@freenet.hamilton.on.ca I
de- dark entity : trahma@discover-net.net O
...... tr! the reaper : jeremy@matabele.com N
vga : : : 1
: bw- bludwulf :..........: :
... : bm! bossman bossman@jorsm.com Y
: : : dj! deathjdstn thomas@packbell.net E
: : : ds- darksaint A
: : : kr! kriss kriss@dal.net R
: : : nt! N Tegrity ags@mainlink.net !
: : : tr! the reaper jeremy@matabele.com :
: : : tw! the warlord rlukes@marsh.vinu.edu A
:.:..:..................... N
rip : : N
: : kit kitiara : starlord@ns1.teleplex.net I
: : sl- starlord : starlord@ns1.teleplex.net V
:. :....................: E
: R
music S
...:...sp- spraggles jonesk@caribnet.net A
: : : R
: :..: Y
coders :
: hb! hellbeast beast@pla-net.net P
: np- neptun neptun@odyline.com A
: ko! khrono C
: K
modders I
: jd- jandor jandor@auronline.com N
: 9
guests 7
: bv- black viper bviper@total.net :
:..... m! mice mice@fan.net : ...
: : wc! wildcat wildcat@ns1.teleplex.net ....:......:.:
: tR!
the reapers realm WHQ the reaper 219.pri.vate ::apocolypse ushq napalm 201.934.5613 :gates of doom ehq sportz 516.859.3116 :testament whq ripper 619.738.9918 :: :mozka brazilian hq satanic sly + :impure canadian hq jeepee 514.441.5540 :the missing link swedish hq sensei +46.491.62234 :gehenna australian hq fruitcake +61.2.894.5093 :ironyx european hq radical +31.715.896391 :hazard finland hq mice +358.9.8754104 :: :the private club member bossman 219.pri.vate :the sixth sense member dark entity 715.pri.vate :higher force member creeping death 860.567.1763 :solace member dreclipz 330.638.0117 :digital blob member cassius 403.pri.vate :shatter zone member starlord 864.pri.vate :liquid amber member neptun 916.4te.lnet :misc. debris member contempt 610.285.6623 :
internet or inet ansi/ascii
iRC - purg or officially on server matabele.com in purg
wWW - http://www.purg.com not yet available
fTP - ftp.matabele.com login:purg password:purg
eMAIL - jeremy@matabele.com
......:. . @ . . . .: ..:......
: l: : : : : @ :l : : :
...:.... Sl l l l lS : : :
:..... ,ssssslsssss. @ bsss. s., .......:
: : bssssdproductsisolnsssdin9s7ssd : :
tR!.:....:..........................................................:....:...tR! :
:.purg productions presents pack 6..............
members ansi/ascii U
ansi.. :
:ct- contempt lifetime@enter.net P
:cd- creeping death ..Creaping.Death@cyberbury.net R
:in- infector : infector@pop.bhnet.com.br O
:ko! khrono : : D
......:.........................:.....: U
:ascii: : C
:.....:bz- bizzach : T
cp- catastropic profit : ac378@freenet.hamilton.on.ca I
de- dark entity : trahma@discover-net.net O
...... tr! the reaper : jeremy@matabele.com N
vga : : : 1
: bw- bludwulf :..........: :
... : bm! bossman bossman@jorsm.com Y
: : : dj! deathjdstn thomas@packbell.net E
: : : ds- darksaint A
: : : kr! kriss kriss@dal.net R
: : : nt! N Tegrity ags@mainlink.net !
: : : tr! the reaper jeremy@matabele.com :
: : : tw! the warlord rlukes@marsh.vinu.edu A
:.:..:..................... N
rip : : N
: : kit kitiara : starlord@ns1.teleplex.net I
: : sl- starlord : starlord@ns1.teleplex.net V
:. :....................: E
: R
music S
...:...sp- spraggles jonesk@caribnet.net A
: : : R
: :..: Y
coders :
: hb! hellbeast beast@pla-net.net P
: np- neptun neptun@odyline.com A
: ko! khrono C
: K
modders I
: jd- jandor jandor@auronline.com N
: 9
guests 7
: bv- black viper bviper@total.net :
:..... m! mice mice@fan.net : ...
: : wc! wildcat wildcat@ns1.teleplex.net ....:......:.:
: tR!
the reapers realm WHQ the reaper 219.pri.vate ::apocolypse ushq napalm 201.934.5613 :gates of doom ehq sportz 516.859.3116 :testament whq ripper 619.738.9918 :: :mozka brazilian hq satanic sly + :impure canadian hq jeepee 514.441.5540 :the missing link swedish hq sensei +46.491.62234 :gehenna australian hq fruitcake +61.2.894.5093 :ironyx european hq radical +31.715.896391 :hazard finland hq mice +358.9.8754104 :: :the private club member bossman 219.pri.vate :the sixth sense member dark entity 715.pri.vate :higher force member creeping death 860.567.1763 :solace member dreclipz 330.638.0117 :digital blob member cassius 403.pri.vate :shatter zone member starlord 864.pri.vate :liquid amber member neptun 916.4te.lnet :misc. debris member contempt 610.285.6623 :
internet or inet ansi/ascii
iRC - purg or officially on server matabele.com in purg
wWW - http://www.purg.com not yet available
fTP - ftp.matabele.com login:purg password:purg
eMAIL - jeremy@matabele.com
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