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Private Discussion of Art
Well, this is basically an art net... I would like to keep it to no
more than 5 boardz per ac, but I will make some exceptions... When you call
TRR 2i9 864.7845 all I will need is your board , where it is located, the
approximate number of users you have, with how long youve been up, etc...
You MUST be an art board to receive this net... Everything you need should
be in the pak, but in case you need anything else, you can login to the board
as GUEST, pword GUEST phone 0000 and email me leaving your handle, what
board you are from, and what you need... I expect you to poll at least twice
a week... If would be nice if you could poll 3 or 4 times a week, but I
understand the phone bill getz kinda high when the messages do...
pdanet is the official net of PuRG...
Private Discussion of Art
Well, this is basically an art net... I would like to keep it to no
more than 5 boardz per ac, but I will make some exceptions... When you call
TRR 2i9 864.7845 all I will need is your board , where it is located, the
approximate number of users you have, with how long youve been up, etc...
You MUST be an art board to receive this net... Everything you need should
be in the pak, but in case you need anything else, you can login to the board
as GUEST, pword GUEST phone 0000 and email me leaving your handle, what
board you are from, and what you need... I expect you to poll at least twice
a week... If would be nice if you could poll 3 or 4 times a week, but I
understand the phone bill getz kinda high when the messages do...
pdanet is the official net of PuRG...
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