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d k
n e w s l e t t e r f o r 1 2 / 9 5
howdy and stuff.. danke for downloading the seventh punc productions release.
ive havent much to say to as usual. this month was kinda slow this month..
but watcha gonna do.. if you wanna join the punc productions family send mail tobschopp@pluto.njcc.com, call the vmb, or call the whq.. some of the punc inet
sites are http://pluto.njcc.com/bschopp, ftp.cdrom.com /.21/demos/incoming/ansiand wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOSUPLOADS/punc. i really dont know what else
to say.. um.. thanks again for d/l this.. wow this is really short.. too short
but i dont think you care..
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boy...a december pack...our seventh pack to be
exact..pretty fuckin nifty...anyway...if you have read luptins ramblings
i dont know why you would, hes a boring guy ..and if you have looked at
the bottom of this newsletter...you know about underdogs second promotion in
as many months....my personal congratulations to him...umm...other shit...not
much else here...if ya need to talk to me..call my board at 609.584.9772...or
email me at robinson@pluto.njcc.com or robinsog@trenton.edu...or call the vmb
at 1-800-256-6269 box 3370.......OR..find me on irc as dkfire on fire and
any of the art channels..see you all later and enjoy the pack....
whoa... never thought Id be writing one of these. This is pretty cool
actually... heh... Ive been with punc since the group officially started
releasing stuff... and, well... its getting pretty damn good... I looked at
the first pack, and then the last november and the growth in the group is
awesome, not to mention quality... Im just gushing. hmm... most people
said punc would be one of those other groups...the kind that release 3 packs
and then die off because the staff got bored of running it. Its so nice to
prove people wrong. Im rambling, so Ill like, finish up and stuff... news
for the coding section? basically, well release whatever we pull out in a
month or two. Ive been saying this since the first pack, possibly a
viewer? I dunno. Im hoping to release some bbs mods. Everyone else is doing it... why not punc? Music, Ive no clue... I havent had any ideas as of late
but Im thinking of taking some christmas carols from an old Wee Sing for
Christmas song book and transposing and modifying them... if I did, then
theyre in here... if not, shrug, maybe next month. If you need to contact
me for any coding or music type things... or just to annoy the piss out of me
then call my board whoa, just realized all senior staff have boards... at
609.936.1179 and email me... or if youre a coder in need of source code,
the bbs has a shitload, or email me on looptins or DKs board or email me
at mpeabody@nerc1.nerc.com. I dont have a cool VMB like DK but then again,
Ive no need yet... and Im just lame... hmm.. this is getting too damn long,
I promise that next months will be short... very short...
newsletter by dragoon kain of punc/fire productions 1995. if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints..call the vmb at 18002566269
box 3370..if you just wanna ramble on for no apparent reason, hey.. call
the vmb anyway..if you want phone sex, call luptins house, ask for bill.
n e w s l e t t e r f o r 1 2 / 9 5
howdy and stuff.. danke for downloading the seventh punc productions release.
ive havent much to say to as usual. this month was kinda slow this month..
but watcha gonna do.. if you wanna join the punc productions family send mail tobschopp@pluto.njcc.com, call the vmb, or call the whq.. some of the punc inet
sites are http://pluto.njcc.com/bschopp, ftp.cdrom.com /.21/demos/incoming/ansiand wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOSUPLOADS/punc. i really dont know what else
to say.. um.. thanks again for d/l this.. wow this is really short.. too short
but i dont think you care..
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boy...a december pack...our seventh pack to be
exact..pretty fuckin nifty...anyway...if you have read luptins ramblings
i dont know why you would, hes a boring guy ..and if you have looked at
the bottom of this newsletter...you know about underdogs second promotion in
as many months....my personal congratulations to him...umm...other shit...not
much else here...if ya need to talk to me..call my board at 609.584.9772...or
email me at robinson@pluto.njcc.com or robinsog@trenton.edu...or call the vmb
at 1-800-256-6269 box 3370.......OR..find me on irc as dkfire on fire and
any of the art channels..see you all later and enjoy the pack....
whoa... never thought Id be writing one of these. This is pretty cool
actually... heh... Ive been with punc since the group officially started
releasing stuff... and, well... its getting pretty damn good... I looked at
the first pack, and then the last november and the growth in the group is
awesome, not to mention quality... Im just gushing. hmm... most people
said punc would be one of those other groups...the kind that release 3 packs
and then die off because the staff got bored of running it. Its so nice to
prove people wrong. Im rambling, so Ill like, finish up and stuff... news
for the coding section? basically, well release whatever we pull out in a
month or two. Ive been saying this since the first pack, possibly a
viewer? I dunno. Im hoping to release some bbs mods. Everyone else is doing it... why not punc? Music, Ive no clue... I havent had any ideas as of late
but Im thinking of taking some christmas carols from an old Wee Sing for
Christmas song book and transposing and modifying them... if I did, then
theyre in here... if not, shrug, maybe next month. If you need to contact
me for any coding or music type things... or just to annoy the piss out of me
then call my board whoa, just realized all senior staff have boards... at
609.936.1179 and email me... or if youre a coder in need of source code,
the bbs has a shitload, or email me on looptins or DKs board or email me
at mpeabody@nerc1.nerc.com. I dont have a cool VMB like DK but then again,
Ive no need yet... and Im just lame... hmm.. this is getting too damn long,
I promise that next months will be short... very short...
newsletter by dragoon kain of punc/fire productions 1995. if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints..call the vmb at 18002566269
box 3370..if you just wanna ramble on for no apparent reason, hey.. call
the vmb anyway..if you want phone sex, call luptins house, ask for bill.
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